Chapter 18: La bohème
This special chapter is dedicated to an awesome author, and fan. I can't say enough about you TeamNextGeneration! You are awesome! Current picture of "Her Majesty's Theatre" compliments of this fabulous friend!
First Draft
The theatre was thick with excitement, and the overwhelming smells of sweat, with the mixture of ladies perfume, permeating the air. The exuberance of the people filling "The King's Theatre" overrode the obnoxious odors, as people from all backgrounds mingled, before finding their seats.
The aristocrats, and upper class of society headed to their private boxes, to avoid the ruckus from below. The theatre was filling to capacity, in anticipation of the "La bohème" performance.
Pinching her upturned nose, in disgust, Miriam turned her head into Lord Anson's chest. The act, making it difficult for William to escort her properly, through the throng of lively people.
"Miriam, please compose yourself!" Lord Anson barked, and immediately regretted his hostile remark, but his patience was wearing thin, where she was concerned.
Biting her tongue, to control the vicious retort, she was ready to hurl, Miriam removed her chin from his chest. "Forgive me, my lord, but I detest being in such close proximity, to these repulsive creatures. I cannot understand, why they are allowed here, in the first place."
"Your arrogance is astounding, and I find it most unbecoming, in a lady! You must excuse my bluntness, but I do not care for your attitude tonight," Lord Anson whispered as he quickened his pace. He was more than ready to deposit Miriam in her seat, as her haughtiness, had raised his hackles. Being roped into escorting her tonight, had caused his black mood.
"Well, I have never!" Miriam exclaimed as she gave him a shocked, and confused look. Realizing, he was most displeased, and quite peeved at her, she silently vowed to be on her best behavior, for the rest of the night. Although fury filled every fiber of her being, Miriam knew how to control it. "How dare him to speak to me in such a manner! I must let it go for tonight, but someone will pay!"
Knowing Jade was somehow responsible for Lord Anson's deplorable manner, she knew it was time to put an end to Jade's obvious meddling. She is most definitely dreaming if she thinks she can outwit me, and win William's affections! Miriam seethed to herself, as she thanked Lord Anson, and took her seat. Her insides were filled with hot rage, but she took a few deep breaths to calm herself, as she thought about the end result. Once she was the Countess of Lichfield, she would look back on this night and laugh.
William was seated in the last chair of the private box, with the duke and duchess, and Miriam to his left. He longed to cast his eyes upon Jade, as her beauty had taken his breath. He yearned to tell her how beautiful she looked tonight but was caught unawares, by the Duke's sly, and underhanded matchmaking. Anger consumed him again, hitting him like a brick to the chest.
A noise interrupted his dark thoughts, and he turned to his right, to find the object of his desire, smiling sympathetically at him. Jade had pulled back the burgundy velvet curtain of the adjoining boxes, and he immediately felt a glimmer of hope, lift his dark spirits.
Jade was seated to the left of Lord Darnley, and Bella with Abagail to Bella's right, seated beside Lord Freeman. William suddenly felt left out and longed to join them. He was grateful that he could at least see Jade, as she was almost, close enough to touch. Hell, he could smell Jade's distinct and exotic aroma, which was always the same. A mixture, of fresh orchids, and what reminded him of dark rum. Hers was a sweet, yet warm woodsy smell, that tantalized his senses.
"You look completely captivating tonight," Lord Anson whispered to Jade, not caring who heard him. It was worth it when she smiled, piercing him with her bright green eyes, and a little sound escaping her throat, like a purr.
"Thank you, my lord, you look rather captivating yourself," Jade retorted in a low husky voice. Shocked at her bold words, she licked her suddenly dry lips and quickly turned away.
The little vixen will be the death of me! Not able to turn away from her, he studied her perfect profile, until he heard someone clear their throat.
"I have your program, my lord." Miriam gave him her most seductive smile as she reached for his hand, holding it in hers, while placing the paper program in it, with her other hand. Reluctantly, Miriam let go, only to place her hand on the seat, next to his warm thigh.
Normally, this type of blatant act, from the fairer sex would entice William, but he felt only agitation, along with repulsion. Shifting right in his seat, he settled in for the curtain call, feeling relief at the cold spot forming on his thigh, as Miriam's hand fell, into the now empty crack between their seats.
After following the group in the rented hackney, Alexander watched them enter the theatre, for the production of "La bohème." He had decided to rent a carriage, and return, as the carriage would offer protection from his identity. Knowing the opera would be excessively long, and grueling, he paid the driver handsomely and showed him a small likeness of Jade.
"She is indeed hard to miss, with hair like fire, and I want to know immediately if you see her exit the building. There will be extra coin involved for you. Do you understand?" Alexander handed the driver a flask of whiskey to sweeten the pot.
Clutching the flask, and the small likeness of Jade, he smiled and replied, "Aye, you can count on me." The driver jumped back on his perch, smiling as he swigged from the flask
Anxious, and needing to stretch her legs, Jade longed for fresh air. It seemed to her, that part one of the performance was lasting forever, and she prayed for the intermission. She'd never been one to be able to sit still for very long. She had tried to concentrate on the actors filling the stage, but her curious nature had other ideas. She couldn't help from stealing glances of Lord Anson, and she wondered what was going on with Abagail, and Lord Freeman.
Craning her neck, every few minutes, to asses the situation, was all for naught, for it was near impossible to see anything. She also longed to catch a glimpse of Suzanna, she had searched for her in the mass of bodies down below, to no avail. She prayed all had gone as planned, and that Suzanna was amongst the crowd, enjoying herself.
Sensing her daughter's anxiousness, Bella whispered into Lord Darnley's ear, and then into Abagail's. Lord Darnley in return, whispered in Jade's ear, "Lady Fulton, would you care to accompany me, outside? I could do with some fresh air, and Abagail wishes to join us also."
Knowing her mother was behind this reprieve, she felt a small twinge of guilt. She hated to pull the duke away from the performance, as he seemed enthralled by the production, and Abagail was most likely enthralled by the Marquess. Jade chuckled to herself, thinking about disturbing her sweet Abby, but that's what pesky friends often did.
"I would adore some fresh air if you're sure it isn't too much trouble, milord!" Jade whispered, a bit too enthusiastically, as she quickly began to stand.
"'Tis no trouble at all, shall we?" Lord Darnley, offered each girl an arm and escorted Abagail, and Jade out of the private box. They quietly made their way downstairs, trying not to disturb anyone or make a spectacle of themselves.
"Oh, how I wish I could catch a glimpse of Suzanna!" Jade whispered, looking around the large crowd below, as the duke urged them towards the entrance of the theatre.
"I am quite positive, she is enjoying herself like I was!" Abagail fussed, making her displeasure, at being interrupted clear. "Besides, there will be an intermission soon, and I'm sure we will be able to find her then and see for ourselves."
"I am so sorry Abby, but you know of my restlessness. I was feeling rather stuffy, and my poor feet were taking turns going to sleep. I just feel wretched for interrupting, the both of you!" Jade cried.
"You are forgetting, that I asked you to accompany me, Miss Fulton." Lord Darnley spoke kindly and gave Jade's hand a small squeeze. "I have something of importance, to speak with you about. Come, let us find a safe place to sit."
Jade stiffened and was immediately on guard. She had a sinking feeling, that her uncle longed for a match between herself and Lord Darnley. Instantly, Lord Anson's words reverberated in her mind, as she recalled their first secret meeting with clarity. "He only wants to see you make a good match, but I fear he already has, a husband in mind for you." Jade's pulse began to quicken, as she replayed the words over again.
"If you don't mind, would it be asking too much for us to walk around for a bit before we take a seat? Jade asked, trying to stall the duke. She could swear, he held his affections for her mother, and while that bothered her, she prayed she was right. She rather liked Lord Darnley, he was warm, funny and kind, but she would never marry him. She would do her best to make that clear to him, without wounding his pride.
"Of course milady, 'tis a beautiful night for a stroll, with two beautiful girls!" He laughed, a rich baritone sound, pleasing to her ears.
After strolling up, and down the street a few times, Lord Windsor escorted them to a nearby bench. Once they were seated, he cleared his throat to speak.
"Please don't let this be awkward." Jade silently prayed as she looked heavenward, towards the stars in the sky.
"As I mentioned before, there is something of utmost importance I would like to discuss with you, Jade. I had thought to do so in private, but I have heard that you and Lady Abagail are as close as sisters."
"Please proceed, milord, anything you need to speak of to me, you may do so freely, in front of Abby," Jade spoke with more confidence, then she felt.
Standing from the bench, Lord Windsor started to pace in front of the girls. Worry lines creasing his brow, as he rubbed his chin. "I am not sure how to begin, as this is of a delicate matter. Pray forgive my hesitation, as it has been quite some time since I have spoken of such things."
Jade stood up and faced Lord Darnley, she inhaled a deep breath, and quickly stated, "I can not marry you, milord! I am sorry, I do not wish to offend, as I know you are a respectful gentleman, but I shall only marry for love. I know my uncle wishes for a match between us, no doubt to further my status and line your pockets with my vast wealth. I would rather be put on the shelf, and live a life of spinsterhood!" Jade's words were tinged with kindness, but her passion had come out, a bit louder than she had anticipated. Heat spread throughout her body, and her face felt aflame.
Lord Darnley being the kind, and considerate gentleman he was, tried hard to control his shock, and humor at Jade's ridiculous outburst. Failing, his head fell backward, as a deep roar of laughter escaped, it seemed to convulse through his whole body. "Lady Fulton, forgive me." He snickered, as he tried to compose himself.
Tiny giggles floated from the bench, as Abagail covered her mouth with both hands. The look on Jade's face caused Abagail to laugh all the harder.
Jade stood shocked, and unable to utter a word, in her mortification. The noise from their scene, caused the nearly foxed carriage driver to take notice. He looked at the red-haired chit, and down at the tiny portrait.
"'Tis the same gel indeed!" He spoke aloud to himself, as he quickly bounded himself down from his seat, nearly losing his balance, in his haste. Opening the carriage door, he alerted his passenger.
"Mister, the gel is outside, and it appears she's gotten herself in a right tizzy. Aye, 'tis a lover's quarrel, if'n I've ever seen one!" The driver smiled, as he appeared quite pleased with himself.
"Alexander came alive at this bit of news, and hastily placed some extra coin in the driver's outstretched grubby hand. "Wait for me here, and be ready to leave at a moment's notice." He commanded, as he purposely walked behind the carriage, and around the other side. Peering around the horses, he saw Jade immediately, and it appeared the old fool was correct in his assumption.
Almost shouting, and using her arms to express herself, Jade continued her tirade. He couldn't exactly hear what was being said, but she was with Abagail, and an aristocratic, from the looks of him. The same gentleman, she had entered the carriage with earlier. It looked as if the gentleman was laughing, at Jade's outburst, but before Alexander could further asses exactly what was going on, he noticed smoke rising from the back of the theatre. In mere moments calamity ensued, as he realized "The King's Theatre" was on fire.
Oh my!!!!! Please remember to vote and comment, as I love hearing from my readers. Should we let Miriam burn up in the fire???? LOL, Please read the interesting facts about the four theatres and the real fires!!!!
Much Love....💜💜💜💜
12/12/17 Her Majesty's Theatre!!!
Side note: Little bit of history on "Her Majesty's Theatre".
The theatre is a West End theatre situated on Haymarket in the City of Westminster, London. First established by architect and playwright John Vanbrugh, in 1705, as "The Queens Theatre". The name of the theatre changes with the sex of the monarch. It was first
"The King's Theatre" in 1714 on the accession of George l, and renamed "Her Majesty's Theatre" in 1837. The theatre burnt down on June 17, 1789, and the second theatre was built on the same site in 1791 and lasted until the night of December 6th, 1867. The theatre was destroyed by fire within an hour and was thought to be caused by an overheated stove. My story takes place in the regency era, but this is fiction. Only the bare walls of the theatre remained, and a lot of adjacent shops and the Clergy Club hotel in Charles Street suffered damage.
The third building was constructed within the shell of the old theatre, in 1868, and was designed to be less susceptible to fire, with brick firewalls, iron roof trusses, and cement floors. Although the theatre was rebuilt in 1868, it remained dark, until 1874. In the late 1880s, with advances in theatre technology, "Her Majesty's Theatre" declined, and "The Times" commented that the repertoire comprised "works that had long ceased to attract a large public, the singers were exclusively of second-rate quality, and the standard of performance was extremely low". Rigoletto, on May 25th, 1889, was the last operatic performance given in the house. The theatre quickly became outmoded, and the entire block on which the theatre stood, was rebuilt. The theatre and surrounding buildings were demolished in 1892, and plans for the theatre and a hotel were commissioned, and on July 16th, 1896 the foundation stone of the new theatre was laid. The fourth, and present theatre, also named "Her Majesty's Theatre" was built, and opened on April 28th, 1897. The rest of the previous theatre's site would later become The Carlton Hotel. "Bugsy Malone" opened at the theatre in 1983, and then, "The Phantom Of The Opera", opened on October 9th, 1986, and by October 2011 had clocked up 25 years at the theatre, and is still running today!!! Whew, now that we all know everything about "Her Majesty's Theatre", I feel we need a free tour... LOL.
Information gathered from the fabulous Wikipedia.
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