Chapter 38

"You're stopping to get Brandon on the way, right?" Druvidia asked.

"You're such a nag," Fabian said. "If we see him, we'll grab him, okay?"

"That herd might start heading this way," Druvidia said.

"Yeah, and a swarm of dragons might suddenly pour out of the sky and start laying waste to everything. What's your point? The world's a dangerous place. The kid's got to learn that some time or another."

"I see him!" she shouted. "He's lying on the ground over there. I think he might be unconscious."

"Oh, well we'd better not move him then," Fabian said. "He might have a concussion. Best to just leave him there."

"My magic is weak in this place, but maybe I can heal him a little bit." She hovered over him and began waving her hands as she chanted quietly. A soft glowing light appeared around him and a large bump on his head shrank away within a matter of seconds. A moment later he blinked his eyes and sat up slowly.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"We're still in that lame kingdom. What's it called? Dingleberry?"

"Danvory," Druvidia said as she finished her incantation. "You are looking well, young Brandon."

"Thanks, uh, how did I get here? What happened?"

"Oh no, do you have amnesia? Do you know who I am?"

"Um, I think so. You're.... Druvidia. And you're Master Fabian."

"That's right," Fabian said. "And you were just telling me about how you were going to surrender all of your share of the reward money to me since I did all the hard work when a meteor came out of nowhere and conked you on the head. Weirdest thing I ever saw."

"I said that?" Brandon said. "Well, okay. If you say so."

"No you did not say any such thing," Druvidia said. "Don't let this loser cheat you out of your just reward."

"Damn it, lady. Why do you have to go ruining everything? Come on. That grove is just up ahead. Let's get the damn cat so we can be finished with this thing."

They walked into the grove of trees and saw an old man with a huge white flowing beard, He was dressed in bright purple robes with moons and stars on them and he wore a long pointy hat with a similar pattern. "Here kitty kitty," he called to Oogums as he approached the cat slowly.

"Hey, you there!" Fabian shouted. "Get away from that cat immediately! What do you think you're doing?"

"I was out gathering ingredients for my latest spell," the old man replied. "There is a special clover leaf with magical properties known to me that grows only in this grove. I came to gather it and saw the cat here. It must be my lucky day because it just so happens I also need the fur of a pure white feline to complete my spell. At last the princess will stop complaining and my pet dragon will be much less cranky. Then I can return my attentions to my real passion. Turning water into tar! That blasted king of Wooglebury thinks he can stop me? I've got his daughter and next I'll make his water supply undrinkable!" The old man burst out in a bout of evil laughter.

"That's great and all, but I honestly don't care about any of it," Fabian said. "If you want to take a tuft of cat hair for your spell, go ahead, but I'm going to need you to give me that cat."

"No, I'm afraid I'm going to need a rather large quantity of cat hair. That princess complains a lot. So... ALAKAZAM!" The old man grabbed the cat, threw a handful of powder on the ground, and disappeared in a burst of smoke.

"Son of a bitch!" Fabian shouted. "Did anyone else get the impression that guy was a wizard? Stupid wizards! Why's it got to be a lousy wizard ruining my day? It couldn't be another thief at the very least? I could respect that, but a stupid wizard? For the love of Balthazaar! Well, I guess there's nothing left to do but give up. Come on, Scrote. I'll take you home."

"With all due respect, sir. We've come this far on our quest. I, for one, refuse to quit this easily. We can track that wizard down and rescue the cat. And maybe that princess he mentioned, while we're at it."

"And I will aid young Brandon for as long as I am able to," Druvidia said. "If you wish to abandon the quest, by all means go ahead."

"Like I'm going to let you two punks swoop in and claim the reward money without me. What was the name of that kingdom that stupid wizard was talking about? WubbaDubba or something?"

"Wooglebury. It lies about four days journey to the north of here, just beyond the kingdom of Syrenia," Druvidia said.

"Well, then what the hell are we waiting for?" Fabian said. "Let's go kick some wizard ass. Stupid wizards."

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