Under The Stars (6)
Blue was leaning against the school's rusted fence, his heart still heavy from the day's events.
Even though he knew that nothing happened was his fault, he felt that he was the one who caused this complicated problem. Why did he have to show his sadness? Victim was just joking, wasn't he? Did he really ruin it for Second and Red? Ugh, he's such a bad friend!!
While Blue was immersed in a bubble of thoughts, he got suddenly jolted out of his thoughts by the familiar sound of his father's car pulling up. His gaze shifted away from the concrete ground to spot the comforting sight of his dad's vehicle.
"There he is". Blue thought, a small smile forming on his face to finally emerge from this pit of hell and return to his dear home. But it quickly dissolved when he saw his friend, Red, walking away with a frown on his face as he looked down.
Normally, Red would wait by his side, and the two would share stories about their day or some secrets until their parents arrived. However, today was different. Red's mom wasn't home, and Red was left to endure the blistering heat for the walk home. In a moment of righteous inspiration, Blue had an idea that wouldn't only spare his friend the toll of the sizzling sun but also bring some joy to his day, since both of them felt miserable. The moment he spotted Red, Blue took off like a bolt of lightning, sprinting across the school grounds, his arms outstretched, ready for a hug. Red, caught by surprise by his friend's sudden enthusiasm, felt confused and somewhat alarmed but returned the embrace nonetheless.
"Hey, Blue. What's going on?". Red asked, a mix of concern and curiosity in his voice. A grin took over Blue's face, the mischievous sparkle in his eyes was a clear sign that he had a brilliant idea.
"Well, I was thinking... why don't you come with me today?". He began, his voice brimming with excitement.
"What?". Was the only thing Red could say right now, not expecting Blue to say something like this. But still, Blue didn't give up and continued,
"I can ask my dad to pick us both up and drop you at your place. I can't just let my friend make that long trek home under the blazing sun!".
"You sure about that, Blue? I don't want to cause any inconvenience".
"Well, I'll feel terrible sending you on foot while I leave with my comfortable ride. And by the way, it's not a ride until you're in it! So what do you say, partner in crime?". Red laughed, feeling the warmth of Blue's words. The thought of spending time in Blue's company cheered him up, but thinking about it sent chills running through his body about meeting Blue's dad, but he didn't have to worry that much. In the end, not all dads were like the one Red had.
"Alright then, just for today". Blue whooped with joy, celebrating their small adventure together. Just then, they heard a familiar honk of a car, it was Blue's dad, as Blue laughed under his breath for the fact that he forgot about his dad. Pulling Red along with him, Blue led the way to the car where his father was inpatiently waiting. His dad's eyes followed them as they approached, a warm smile playing on his lips. Catching sight of a new face, Blue's dad looked at his son inquisitively, his voice gentle and kind.
"Blue, who do we have here?". Blue beamed with pride as he introduced his new friend
"Dad, this is Red. He's my friend, and I was wondering if you could give him a ride home. His mom's not around today". Red, sitting in the back seat with his bag places on his lap, waved timidly at Blue's dad, nervously engaging in conversation. To Blue's delight, his dad's face brightened, his expressive eyes sparkling with genuine interest.
"Absolutely! It's always a pleasure to meet one of Blue's friends!". He said, his words filled with warmth and sincerity that instantly put Red at ease. Good, he seemed to be a calm person.
"T-Thank you, sir".
"Oh please, you can call me Uncle. So, young Red, where's home?".
Throughout the journey, Blue's dad engaged the boys in lighthearted conversation, sharing hilarious tales from his youth that had both Blue and Red roaring with laughter. And to tell the truth, Red was having a good time with Blue's dad other than what he expected it to be a deadly silent ride in the car. Red looked ahead at Blue and his dad laughing together and how Blue's dad would mess with his son's hair from time to time, which made Red's heart tighten when he realized how much he'd lost with his own father.
Did all the other kids have a great dad like Blue's? This was definitely unfair! While everyone was spending a good time with their fathers and sharing hugs, kisses and talking with them with all freedom, Red was and still hiding from his father or avoiding talking to him for fear that he would suffer from unbearable pain in his body at night. That's not fair... Not fair!!
Suddenly, when the car turned, and because Red was distracted and didn't stabilize his body well, this caused him to lose his balance and fall to the side with a gasp, which made Blue break out laughing while his father took care to ask Red if he was okay. Red just scratched his head and assured them that he was fine and just lost his balance.
As they approached Red's house, the mood in the car was light and joyful, a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere that often enveloped his home.
"And then I accidentally set off the fire alarm on my first day of high school!!". Blue's dad said while stopping the car as he saw his son and Red trying to catch their breath from all that laughter. As the car came to a stop, Blue and his dad said heartfelt goodbyes to Red, waving and wishing him well. As he finally stepped out of the car and waved cheerfully at Blue and his dad, who marveled at his son's good friend. Red's demeanor, despite the slight downturn in his expression, still shone brightly, just like his vibrant red sweater. Blue's father turned to Blue, his eyes full of fondness.
"You know, Blue, I think Red is quite the young man. It was really nice to meet him". His father began, his tone light and full of admiration. Blue nodded enthusiastically, his own blue eyes sparkling.
"Yeah! Thanks for giving him a lift home. We've all been through a tough day, especially him". Blue's dad's face fell a bit as he caught the undercurrent of sadness in his son's words. He knew how much his son cared for his friends, all of them.
"You're right about that. I could see Red was a little down. Any idea why he is like this?". He said, his tone turning sympathetic. Blue shook his dark blue tresses, sadness etched on his face as he answered him.
"No dad, not really. None of us do. He's been upset for a while now, and I don't know why. He just won't talk about it. I wish I could help him".
"It's tough when friends hide what's bothering them. Maybe he just needs a little more time?". His said thoughtfully, but Blue didn't seem to agree with what he said.
"But what if he needs someone to reach out to him? I really want to be there for him! And... I just want him to know he can trust us...". A sense of determination flooded through Blue, deep blue eyes glistening with determination. He was the type of friend who was willing to go above and beyond for others, just as he always knew Red would do for them. His father, noticing the grave expression on Blue's face, tried to lighten the mood because the ride home was starting to get uncomfortably silent.
"How about this? We invite Red and his parents over for dinner? It could be a nice way to get to know each other better". Blue's eyes widened in surprise, an unexpected joy illuminating his face.
"Really?! We could do that?". His father smiled warmly, genuinely pleased to see his son so eager.
"Sure! Why not? I had a great time talking with him". He said reassuringly, ruffling Blue's hair affectionately, who would've jumped from joy but he was still in the car.
"This is going to be amazing! I can't wait to tell Red tomorrow!".
"Just remember, we have to make sure it's comfortable for him. It's not about forcing him to talk but just letting him know we care".
The car continues down the road as Blue's enthusiasm fills the air, hopeful for a brighter day for Red. Feeling immensely grateful, Blue clapped his hands together in excitement, already planning the perfect dinner to make Red and his family's night the best it could be, while also hoping to his and Red's dad to get closer and be friends! This would be so exciting!!
Red had spent a long, lonely day at home, anxiously waiting for the outcome of a court decision that would determine his future. His mother, tied up in finding another lawyer that could help her win, couldn't be home for dinner, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Red shuffled into his empty house, feeling a mix of emotions.
"I'm alone again...". He sighed, his stomach grumbling but his appetite gone. He sat there on his bed, trying hard to focus till his pencil dropped to the floor with a clatter, echoing his frustration. Unable to sleep, unwilling to eat, and thoroughly frustrated by his inability to focus, Red decided to reach out to Green, who was certainly not a bookworm. Swiping at his phone at around 9 PM, Green picked up almost immediately.
"Hey, Red! Thought you'd be ensnared in a pile of books by now, buddy!". His voice was bubbly as ever, bringing a small chuckle out of Red.
"Nah, I'm not in the mood for studying today. I'm at home all by myself and was wondering... are you busy right now?".
"Not at all, just taking my nightly stroll. Why?". Green eagerly responded, seeming as calm as ever and Red took it as an opportunity to get out of the house.
"W-Well, I was thinking and... can I join you? If that's okay with you, of course".
"Are you seriously asking for my permission? Of course you can join me! Could use some company, actually". Green greated excitedly, making poor Red brightened at that. Beaming, he quickly stumbled out of bed and almost tripped on his way as he thanked Green multiple times with pure happiness before Green added,
"Just be sure to grab a coat. It's tad nippy out here tonight".
Red nodded even though he wouldn't see it, grabbed a warm, brown jacket and rushed out of the house. Red ventured out into the night, despite the chill, his breath hovering in the air, the stars twinkling above, casting a soft glow on the inky dark sky. Heading to the park, Red felt an exhilaration building up, as he was about to meet his friend, Green.
When he arrived, Green was seated on the swing facing away from Red, lost in some music or podcast under his headphones. But Red obviously didn't know and excitedly called Green's name despite how the cold night made his throat dry. Green on the other hand didn't hear Red, who walked up behind him and gave him a light tap on the back. Green startled, a yelp foreshadowing a smile when he realized it was only Red.
"Oh it's you! God, Red, I didn't hear you there. Dang, you move like a ninja, invisible and quiet!". Green removed his headphones with a light chuckle. Red just sighed, sliding onto the neighboring swing.
The swings creaked gently as they swayed in comfortable silence. Above them, the night sky shimmered with a thousand tiny stars, their light twinkling like scattered diamonds. The cool breeze ruffled their hair, bringing with it the scent of damp grass. Red took a deep breath, the refreshing air filling his lungs and bringing a sense of calm that spread through him like a warm wave. He smiled, his gaze fixed on the stars.
"It's nice... having someone here, I mean". Green said suddenly, his voice quiet in the stillness of the night. Red turned his head, tilting it slightly in question.
"You come here often?". Red asked curiously and Green nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah, usually when I need... space. It's easier to breathe out here".
"Than at home?". Red asked, sensing a deeper meaning behind his friend's words. Green's smile faltered, replaced by a sad, distant look.
"Home's... complicated. I swear, sometimes I think I blend in with the furniture". He laughed, a hollow sound that did little to disguise the bitterness in his voice. His words were laced with a sadness that Red couldn't ignore.
"Why wouldn't you want to stay home? If... if you don't mind me asking".
"Worried about me, Red?". Green chuckled, a dry, humorless sound.
"Well, yeah. You seem... down". Red admitted sheepishly and Green sighed, his gaze distant.
"Well, my parents... Let's just say they aren't exactly the touchy-feely type. Honestly, I think they'd notice a missing lamp before a missing son. I don't think they'd even notice if I was there or not".
He finished, attempting a laugh that held no real humor. Red's smile faded, couldn't even manage a weak chuckle. He wished he could say something to make Green feel better, to take away the hurt in his eyes. He knew exactly how it felt to not be seen by the people who were supposed to love you most. He reached out, placing a hand on Green's arm in a gesture of silent comfort. He didn't have the words, but maybe, for now, just being there was enough.
"I'm... sorry about that, Green... I can't imagine what that's like". He definitely do, but he wasn't about to admit it or make this about him instead of helping his friend. Green, sensing Red's unspoken understanding, just shook his head. Suddenly, he jumped up and stood on the swing, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His expression shifting dramatically, placing a hand on his chest, striking a theatrical pose.
"But fear not, my friend! One day, I shall run away from home! I shall find my own place, my own family! I'll chase my dreams, become the best damn singer the world has ever seen!". Red stared, wide-eyed, then broke into a grin. He loved Green's fire, his refusal to let life dim his dreams.
"You can do it, Green! I'm sure you can!". Red exclaimed, clapping his hands as they both laughed together. A faint blush colored Green's cheeks, his smile widening into a grateful beam. Then, as suddenly as his outburst of dreams, he yelped, losing his balance on the swing and landing with a thud on the dirt. Red gasped, the concern vanishing as quickly as it came, replaced by a wave of uncontrollable laughter. Green sat up, groaning, and saw Red doubled over, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.
"Only you, Red! Only you would find that funny... glad you're amused". Green wheezed, a smile tugging at his lips despite the fall. Red's laughter intensified.
"S-sorry! I just... you...!". He choked out between gasps. Red could barely breathe, let alone apologize. Green's fall had been the most genuinely funny thing he'd seen in weeks. And for a moment, Red didn't look so closed off, so weighed down by whatever it was that haunted him. Green watched his friend, a thought forming in his mind. Maybe he should invite Red on these nightly walks more often.
Maybe, together, they could figure out how to chase away each other's shadows. But for now, Green was content to just bask in the warmth of shared laughter under the sparkling night sky.
(Hiii, everyone!! I gave you a chapter with lots of CUTENESS💕🥰 Omg, I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you guys enjoy reading it.
So, here's the thing. I'm kinda having some trouble focusing on writing and things at home aren't helping at all and I feel like shit🙃.
And don't worry, I'm not letting that stop me from writing for you my friends, you'll just notice that the way I usually write will be a bit different🥲.
It's hard to have PTSD and ADHD at the same freaking time so have faith in me for now❤️☺️. And you might wanna know this, but you guys are really making me smile whenever I read your lovely comments and I really appreciate it💕🥰.
Hope you guys enjoy and have a good day, see ya next week).
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