Old Reunion (12/1)
Red's eyes flicked up towards the living room, straining to hear what his mom was saying on the phone. She was talking quietly, probably trying not to let him overhear.
"Great, it's probably that damn lawyer again". He muttered under his breath, sighing and focusing back on his meal. He knew the lawyer was probably calling, and he'd just have to endure another round of whispers and hushed tones.
As he chewed slowly, memories of the lawyer's son flashed through his mind unbidden. The boy that was like a nightmare to him, a relentless bully who made Red's life at school a living hell. Victim was just so... evil. And he had absolutely no idea what to do to stop him. Red's chest tightened and felt that familiar suffocating sensation rising in his throat, his eyes start to sting, the urge to cry welling up.
No, no, he couldn't let it get to him again. Not now, when he was finally feeling a bit better.
Determined not to cry this time, he shook his head so violently it made the room spin, then slapping his cheeks sharply. Twice.
And to ignore the anxiety, he pushed even more food into his mouth, swallowing with difficulty, but not even tasting it anymore. He just wanted to finish this meal, go back to his room, and bury himself in his studies for the rest of the day, maybe then he could lose himself in them.
However, Red's eyes widened as he managed to overhear his mom's sudden giggles from the living room. He paused mid-chew, his fork hovering over his plate as his eyes flickered up to the living room. What the hell? His mom never laughed when talking to their lawyer, especially not like that. It sounded so carefree and light, a stark contrast to her usual hushed, serious tone.
What could possibly be so funny? Part of him wanted to get up and ask, but he didn't want to risk interrupting her rare moment of happiness. So, Red stayed put, focusing intently on his plate. Maybe if he just kept his head down and his ears closed, he could avoid whatever drama was brewing.
He'd dealt with enough shit lately!
"Oh, honey!". His mom's voice, now clear and bubbly, startled him. She had hung up the phone and was practically running towards Red, beaming at him with her eyes shining with excitement.
"Guess who was just on the phone?". She exclaimed, her hand clutching her chest playfully.
Red struggled to swallow the large mouthful of food, his brows furrowing in confusion as he managing to shrug his shoulders. He had no clue. He hadn't heard a single word of the conversation! His mom's gaze flicked to his half-eaten meal, ensuring he had at least eaten most of it before she grabbed his wrist and gently dragged him upstairs to his room.
Red dropped his fork and followed his mom upstairs, more confusion swirling in his head. He couldn't fathom why they were rushing. He watching as she flung open the door to his room with a bare foot, staring utterly perplexing, as she started rummaging through his closet, revealing the clothes he treasured, the ones she'd bought him for last Christmas. He'd been afraid to wear them, afraid they'd get ruined.
"Who was on the phone, Mom?". Red finally managed to ask, his voice muffled as he tried to process the situation. His mom giggled again, holding up another one of Red's nice shirts and jeans.
"It was your friend Blue!". She announced, her eyes shining with pure happiness.
At the mention of Blue, Red's eyes widened as he tried to piece together what it might mean. They didn't have any projects or homework, right? So why would Blue call him? Maybe he needed something? However, Red's mom wasn't done yet,
"And guess what? Blue and his dad invited us over for dinner!". She finished, now searching for Red's cute yellow bandana.
Red's jaw dropped and let out a muffled squeaking sound, his mind racing. Blue wanted to have dinner with him and his mom? Red never thought he'd be able to go to one of his friends' houses, whether it was for school or just to hang out. But who was he to complain about this? Red was absolutely going to Blue's!! Blue was the sweetest, calmest person he knew, and his dad was simply wonderful.
"Really?". Red whisperly asked, his voice filled with hope and his face split into a big, painful smile.
Without further ado, he quickly snatched the clothes from his mom and ran to the mirror, checking if they still fit. He was so excited, he was practically bouncing. His mom laughed softly under her breath and took out the yellow bandana. She gave Red a soft kiss on the head before looking at their reflections in the mirror togather.
As Red busied himself with the clothes, bringing them close to his chest and letting his sleeves slide down his arm a bit to reveal his skin, his mom's eyes landed on his full-of-scars arm, making her freeze. Her hand in Red's hair trembled slightly as she bit her lower lip, trying not to widen her eyes at the sight of the painful memories that flooded back, the horrible nights that had left her precious Red marked in more ways than one. She then looked away from the mirror and walked out of the room, not looking back at Red as she told him in a fake happy and bubbly voice,
"I'll be in my room changing, you should get ready too".
But Red was too focused on putting his bandana around his forehead and making his bangs swoop up slightly like a fiery crimson waterfall to even notice his mom's brief moment of distress. He nodded, humming a tune, unaware of the turmoil swirling within his mother's heart.
He couldn't wait to see Blue and his dad, and to finally have dinner at a friend's house. This was the best day ever!
As the car pulled up to the curb, Red gazed out at the charming house before them. His short ponytail bounced behind him as he looked up at the sky, admiring the evening sky with its deep charcoal grey, studded with glittering stars that seemed to wink down at them.
His mom climbed out of the driver's side and slammed the door shut, not bothering to lock it. Red followed suit, grabbing his jacket and slipping it on over his white shirt. He tried to hide the shirt with the jacket, suddenly feeling underdressed.
A chill ran through his body and he pulled his red jacket tighter, wishing he had worn a warmer shirt underneath, but the sleeveless one he had on was all he could find in his hurry to get ready. His eyes then landed on his mom, who was dressed to impress in a stunning black dress that hugged her curves. He couldn't help but stare, his jaw nearly dropping at how beautiful she looked as she stared at her phone one last time, double-checking the address.
"This is it, sweetie". She said, turning to him with a smile. Red nodded, taking in her radiant appearance. He only saw his mom dolled up like this a couple times a year.
Stepping out into the crisp night air, Red couldn't help but admire the beautiful garden surrounding the house. The windows were already lit up, casting a warm glow over the porch and yard. Lush greenery and colorful blooms caught the moonlight, creating an inviting ambiance. He made a mental note to maybe spruce up their own yard, which currently resembled a vampire's lair.
"Isn't it lovely? Maybe we can do something similar with our house one day". She smiled wistfully, looking down at him and seeing how he nodded slowly before answering.
She seems to be thinking the same thing as him.
"Maybe". Red agreed, although he knew it was a long shot. Money was always tight, and his mom worked herself to the bone just to keep them afloat. But a boy could dream, right?
"It's kinda cold here". Red continued quietly, teeth chattering while rubbing his arms. He wanted to slap himself for his foolishness, knowing full well that this area always had a cold wind at night. Something he discovered from his daily walks with Green, AKA, his best friend.
"I'm a little chilly myself in this dress. It's so tight it's cutting off my circulation!". She agreed as they shared a laugh at their mutual foolishness.
Then, arm in arm, they made their way up the walk to the front door, ready to be welcomed into the warm glow of friendship and fun. As they walked up to the door, Red's mom smoothed down her black dress, feeling a bit self-conscious.
"Do I look okay? I-I hope I'm not overdressed or anything...".
"You look great, Mom! Really pretty, actually. That dress is great on you!". Red reassured her while grinning, which made her eyes widened and she blushed, covering her mouth with one hand.
"Thanks sweetie, that's so sweet of you to say!". She laughed, patting his cheek affectionately,
"You're such a charmer. Come on, let's go ring the doorbell before we freeze out here". Red nodded, falling into step beside her as they made their way up the walkway. They reached the front door, Red's mom smoothed down her dress one last time before raising a hand to rang the doorbell and smiled sweetly.
And what followed, was the sound of hurried footsteps coming towards the door echoed outside as Red and his mom stood there waiting for someone to open the door. Red's heart was beating fast and he could feel the nervousness building up inside of him as he thought about what they would do. It was just dinner, but he wasn't sure if he should bring something for them or maybe some games for him and Blue to enjoy. Red's mom nudged him forward with a smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Jeez mom, don't push!". Red hissed, making her giggle. The sound of approaching footsteps made them both go still, hearts pounding. Red knew his mom was just as excited and nervous as he was. They never got invited anywhere. In fact, she had rarely gotten to leave their house when they lived with his father. Red squeezed her hand back, giving her a sparkling smile.
Just then, the door swung open and there stood Blue, beaming at them, eyes sparkling with joy at the sight of his friend.
"Red! Oh my god, it's so great to see you". Blue exclaimed, bowing his head in that classic respectful gesture as he glanced at Red's mom. Red giggled and immediately pulled him into a tight hug, causing Blue to let out an 'Oof!' of surprise before wrapping his arms around him in return.
"Come on, stop being so formal!".
Blue just laughed and shook his head, but let Red pull him into a proper hug, the two boys laughing together like they hadn't seen each other in years. When they finally broke apart, Red turned to his mother, who was standing off to the side, her hands pressed to her cheeks as she tried to contain her own delighted squeal at the adorable scene. Red finally pulled back, reaching for his mother's hand.
"Mom, this is Blue! And Blue, this is my mom, Rose". He said by way of introduction. Blue immediately turned to her with a bright smile, offering his hand.
"It's a true pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I've heard so much about you". He said sincerely. Red's mom found herself rendered momentarily speechless, her heart fluttering at the sight of her little boy and his... Best friend? No, no, Green was her son's best friend. Then, boyfriend? Lover? Significant other? Whatever their title, she couldn't deny the obvious love and affection between them.
"Oh my goodness, aren't you just precious!". She cooed, before turning bright red and hurriedly clearing her throat, shaking Blue's offered hand and giving him a warm smile of her own.
"I mean, it's very nice to meet you too, Blue. Red has told me so much about you!". She said and patted Blue's head ever so gently, making Blue's face burn under her careful touch. Just then, an interested voice called from the interior of the house, making them all turn to look inside the house.
"Ah, Blue! Who was at the door?". Blue's eyes widened and he slapped a hand to his forehead, shooting Red and his mom an apologetic look before hollering back,
"It's our guests, Dad, remember?! I'm bringing them inside now!". Red and his mother exchanged an amused glance, barely managing to muffle their chuckles, not wanting to hurt Blue's father's feelings.
"Sorry. He can be a bit dense sometimes. Please, come inside?".
He stepped back, holding the door open for them. Red nodded, slipping past with a grateful smile. As he stepped over the threshold into the opulent foyer, his eyes went wide, drinking in every detail. The high ceilings, the gleaming hardwood, the stunning chandelier... It was like walking into a palace. He felt Blue slide past him to close the door, his heart hammering a bit with nerves. He was really here. In Blue's house.
(Hi, guys! It feels so good to be back again, with a little boring chapter, if I might add. I was supposed to add something sooo insane! Like, you'd never guessed it, but I've already reached 2000 words so I had to stop.
And a week ago, I think, I posted something about my entry into an English language competition, and how you guys had supported me. Love you so very much.
Unfortunately, I didn't win, sadly, because I got nine out of ten. My teachers says that I did a really great job and I don't have to be sad or anything, though I'm a little upset along with this other girl in my class, she got seven out of ten.
The funny thing is, there's two teachers who loves us so much that they're so heartbroken when they saw me and this other girl sad and they're trying to cheer us up, promising to bring us special and big gifts. They're the best♡
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed reading this and see you next week).
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