Chapter 24

"Natsu!" Laxus shouted at the handyman as he was working on repairing a window. 

"Yes Mr. Dreyar?" Natsu said.

"The ceiling to my room has a draft. I want you to fix it."

"Yes sir."

"And afterwards I want you to fix my car. There's something wrong with the motor."

"Sorry sir I'm a carpenter not a mechanic."


"So I can't really fix it."

"It can't be that different from fixing things around the house."

"Actually sir there is a huge difference. Why don't you just call a mechanic?"

"Do you have any idea how much a professional mechanic charges for these days? You're cheaper."

"But I can't-"

"Now you listen to me if you can repair an old house that's on it's last legs then you can certainly fix my car and if you do anything to mess it up you're out of here!" 

"With all due respect that's not your decision to make.  That's Miss Scarlet's and Mr. Fullbuster's decision. They're the ones who hired me."

"They're both relatives of mine so that gives me every right to fire you if I wish!" He said menacingly. "Now do as I say or you'll find yourself right back where you started, a dirty cretin living in a box and eating garbage!"

Natsu gulped and nodded to show that he understood Laxus's threat. Even though he didn't know the first thing about fixing cars, it was obvious that he had to at least try. When Laxus took a taxi to work Natsu grabbed his tools and approached the vehicle. He popped the hood of the car and took look at everything inside.

"Aww man." He said when he realized that he didn't know where to start. "He can't really expect me to fix this."

"Hello Natsu." A voice said greeted. It was Lucy.

"Hi Lucy. What are you doing here?"

"Just walking around, getting some fresh air. What are you doing?"

"I'm trying fix Laxus's car."

"I didn't know you could work with mechanics."

"I can't. I can do wood work and glass but not mechanics."

"Then why are you fixing his car?"

"He told me to and he says if I don't do it right he'll have me fired."

"Oh he's always so awful to you."

"It's okay I'm used to it."

"You shouldn't have to be used to it. He's being completely unreasonable not to mention stupid. Doesn't he know the difference between a carpenter and mechanic?"

"Apparently not."

"You know I don't think you should do anything for him. He's never once showed you an ounce of respect or decency."

"True as that may be you know he can fire me."

"That's just talk. Erza is the only one who can terminate your employment here. You should tell her how Laxus treats you, I know she wouldn't stand for it."

"I don't wanna bother her. She already has a lot more major problems to deal with. My concerns aren't really important."

"Natsu you're so nice and considerate. How anyone can be so mean to someone like you is beyond me. But it seems to me that you suffer from a low self image. Why don't you go out and do something nice for yourself by buying so new clothes? With what Gray has been paying you should be able to afford them."

"I'm a very bad shopper Lucy. I have horrible tastes."

"Well I could help you pick things out."

"You could?"


"You'd go shopping with me?" 


"You'd be seen in public with me?"

"Of course. How about this Friday? We can go to the department store, pick out some nice new clothes, and maybe get some dinner if it gets late."

"I'd like that. Very much."

"Then it's a date."

"A date?" He said with hope in his voice.

"A friend date I mean."

"Oh right. Duh. Silly me." He chuckled nervously.

"Well good luck on trying to fix Laxus's car. If you end up disappointing him then that'll be his fault not yours and I'll make sure that Erza doesn't fire you."


She walked back to the house, leaving Natsu alone to work on the car.

"Well that was an interesting form of courting." Gray said appearing out of no where suddenly.

"Ahh! What is it with you just popping in and out of places? you could kill somebody by doing that you know?"

"Believe me it's not my intention to scare anyone to death."

"What are you doing out here anyway? It's the middle of the day."

"Did you forget? Dr. Alberona's injections allow me to stay out in the sun."

"But only for a limited amount of time."

"I haven't been out here that long. I'll be inside before the sun can do me any real harm."

"Alright just don't push yourself."

 "So tell me what are you doing to this contraption?"

"I'm trying to fix it but to tell you the truth I have no idea how I'm supposed to do that."

"I'll admit there are some things in this period that I don't understand but isn't there a person who's profession is to fix machines like this?"


"Why not have one of them preform this service?"

"Because Mr. Dreyar is too cheap to hire one so he wants to do it and if I fail he'll have me fired."

"Then I'll hire one. I swear that man can be very unbearable. but I forgive him since he's family."

"He's really not so bad. He does love Erza and Romeo albeit in his own way. I just wish that he would give me a little respect."

"Then let him know that you should be respected."


"Well lucky for you there's a very simple technique."

"There is?"


"What is it?"

"Grow a spine!" Gray said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world but then again it kind of was. "Get some backbone! Speak up! Defend yourself! Be a man! Know the difference between doing your job and being mistreated!"

"It's not that simple."

"Sure it is. He's not your employer. I am and Erza is. He can't fire you especially if it's over something as ridiculous as this. If you ever want to be respected you'll have to be more confident. Also the ladies don't find cowardice all that attractive."

"What makes you think I want to attract any ladies?"

"In your case not any lady. One in particular."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's become very obvious to me that you are very interested in Lucy."

"Oh...Uh...Well I like her. She's a nice girl."

"That's not what I meant and if you want to win her over you'll have to be a bit more assertive."

"What's wrong with being myself?"

"Nothing. You should be yourself but we all have flaws and things about ourselves that we need to work on. You have many good qualities Natsu but you lack confidence and self esteem which is a problem. For you that is but I might be able to help you."

"Thanks but I don't really see the point. She has a boyfriend."

"So? A woman can have more than one suitor. And she's not engaged or married yet so she's fair game."

"But what if she doesn't want me?"

"Then you'll just have to be a gentleman, respect her wishes, and seek out another woman who could love you in a way she could not. But she hasn't rejected you yet. In fact if I'm not mistaken she's invited you to spend some time alone with her."

"We're just picking out clothes."

"Any activity could be used to your advantage."

"I guess. But I don't know. Maybe we're better off as friends."

"Suit yourself. As for me I need to get back inside and get some sleep. I've been out long enough and I have a lot to do."

"Like what?"

"I've noticed that things seem a little bleak around here. Bleak and depressing. I think we might need something liven things up a bit."

"What did you have in mind?"

"A party but a special one."

"What makes it so special?" 

"You'll find out tonight. I'm going to have everyone in the house meet in the living room to discuss it." Gray handed Natsu a fold of dollar bills. "Now go into town and find someone to fix Laxus's car."


Later that night...

"You want us to do what?" Laxus said when Gray pitched his idea to him

"Host an event to celebrate the revival of our family business." Gray explained.

"But isn't that a bit much?" Erza asked. "I mean what if things get a little out of control?"

"I'll see to it that doesn't happen and the party will have a very interesting theme to it."

"What's the theme?"

"Since this house was built in the 18th century and styled in the manner of the 18th century, I thought it would be fun if the guests came dressed in clothes relating to that time period. But it won't all be old fashioned, I do plan to add some modern things such as the music and food."

"I think that would be a wonderful idea." Juvia said.

"It does sound fun but where would we get the clothes for such an occasion?" Erza said.

"That won't be a problem. I found a trunk in the attic that contained plenty of dresses and suits that belonged to our ancestors and others who had lived back then. They're in perfect condition and everyone will be able to find something to wear."

"What kind of entertainment are you going for?" Lucy asked.

"I was hoping that you could help me with that Lucy. I'm know a lot of things but what's popular is not one of them. When it comes to live performances who's the most well received?"

"That would be Sabertooth."

"The most popular live entertainment of this century is the tooth of a pre-historic beast?"

"No Sabertooth is a band. The most popular band in Magnolia. If you can get them to perform for the party everyone in town will come. But they are crazy expensive."

"Cost is no obstacle. So what do you all think?"

"Will there be booze?" Cana asked.


"I'm in."

"I'll go along with it as long as I'm not paying for anything." Laxus said.

"It sounds so exciting." Juvia said.

"Alright we'll have a party here." Erza said. 

"Great. I'll have Natsu hand out the fliers for it tomorrow."

"You have fliers already made? You really prepare for things don't you?"

"It makes things easier for me."

"Meeting adjourned then." Laxus said.

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