time to show my true self

time to show my true self

Back at prison both Kurumi and karuta were destroyed at the fact that their children were taken away by force by the guards.

Kurumi was in tears as her own son was yank and she got punched trying to prevent them taking him.

karuta was starting to have a panic attack as the thoughts of what to happen to his daughter was scaring him.

Everyone try to help calm him down but being in this tight space it wasn't helping.

Kurumi had remember what happened before all this mess begin, back when they were in the village everything seemed to be fine until the big fog came around their house.

It was odd but they had no idea until they noticed all the black puddles appearing and shadow arms trying to grab them.

Minato and kushina were able to fight them off as there were few but it was proven to be too strong as it turns out it was just toying with them first.

She and her brother would have help but they heard their own children screaming and they ran into the rooms to find their kids were being pulled right in.

They try to stop it but another pair of Shadow arms grab them both and pull them in as they try to get to their children but there was no use.

To their horror both siblings have saw the three-headed demon once again staring them down and roar at them before being sent to this place with their children in their arms.

Even though it was terrifying and scary it was at least a brief of relief that their children were fine but not for long as soon when Naruto came he ordered the guards to take them all away.

Kurumi and karuta had done nothing to Naruto to deserve this and it was heartbreaking that their brother that they never got the chance to know before had done this to them.

Did he really hate them that much? Was he really willing to do something like this to them and to everyone else here.

They could have just feel all the hatred he had right there then especially what karuta heard what his wife said and how naruto reply to it.

"The flames will do good for your icy heart!"

Those words completely caught him surprise and along with everyone else not cell for Naruto to make a comeback like that.

Sakura herself was actually in shock as Naruto had never dare spoke back to her like that before.

They heard someone came over and it was kurama kitsune, "so for Hokage and of course you... Kushina we meet once again."

"What the hell do you want?" Minato ask as he was in the mood for this.

"Oh forgive me, it was just I was surprised none of you remember who I was," kurama said as still no one was interested.

"Why the hell would we care about who you are?" Kushina ask as none of them were in these games he was playing.

"Well I wasn't allowed to do this because I couldn't cause any trouble, but now that you all are behind bars, I can finally do this, what is orange and has nine tails?" Kurama ask them.

"I don't care about that!" Kushina said as she was fuming as she just wanted to forget that demon Fox ever existed from her mind.

Kurama now look bored as this game was not really fun, "okay I do get bored quick," he snapped his fingers and his fox ears and long fluffy orange tails appeared.

Everyone was in shock as kurama rubbish cheeks removing the makeup to show his whisker marks.

"The answer is me, I'm the kyuubi kitsune but truth be told kurama kitsune was my real name since I was born but none of you cared to even ask back when I was still locked up inside of you and the one before you kushina," kurama explain as everyone gasped and were in shock.

"No... Oh this can't be!?" Kushina said.

"Why are you here? You should have been? taken away with that demon who took all the chakra!?" Minato ask but it was more of a demand as this did not make no sense.

Everyone else in konoha heard and had their eyes on the fox, kurama smiled hearing all the words they were throwing at him.




The list kept going on and on as a lot of the names were the same kinds of awful names Naruto got but now they were saying it to him.

Kurama started laughing, "I'm sorry everyone but you got the wrong person it was Naruto who attacked the village 30 years ago, I mean no one really did came after me."

Minato was fuming along with kushina, despite what Naruto had done to them they felt disgusted what the demon Fox was saying about their son.

"Oh don't look at me like that, so many people here had blame and said so many awful things to Naruto who is now my brother in arms as he had accept me and forgive me for my past doings," kurama told them.

"What...!? Why would Naruto do that!?" Hinata ask as her and everyone else wanted to know.

"Well he had no reason to hate me really... Unlike what you all had done to him and now you have common attack his own children... That is really unforgivable you know... You really should have just left him alone, believe me," kurama said as everyone was still shouting at him.

Kurama allow them to say what they wanted as their words did not phase him, eventually everyone finally stopped when the sound of hard metal bats hit the bars.

Kurama was surprised and it was all the guards as two came over to him.

"Mr kitsune, step aside Mr Kimera as requested two of the prisoners in the cell to be brought to him," the guard said as kurama did what he was told and took a step away.

"May I ask who are they?" Kurama ask them.

"Karuta and Kurumi have been requested at once," lord said as they open up the cell and force the prisoners to stay in.

They move and found the two and grab them roughly and force them out and relock the cell.

"NO YOU CAN'T TAKE THEM!?" kushina yelled and beg as her two children were now being taken away as kurama watch her scream and yelled that not only her grandchildren but her own other children we're now being taken away.

Kurama would have loved to see her suffer in this kind of pain after all he had so much hatred towards her but decided it was best for him to leave as he had more important things to do.

Back in Naruto's office

When they had arrived the guard had their hands cough and allowed them to enter the room and lock the door.

The room was completely dark as the windows were completely black showing no light or anything.

"So you both have finally made it, I'm so glad that formal jinchuuriki allow me to speak with you to" the room let up and it was their the man facing the wall at the desk with his long golden veil and wearing his crown hat.

He was pouring a couple drinks, he turn around to face them, "you know Naruto did made the right choice asking me for help, when he told me what that village had done, I just couldn't stand and let him be trouble with the thoughts of what could be having to his poor son's."

Both we're looking at the man and it was definitely him, the same one who made their lives like this.

"Naruto ask you for help?" Kurumi ask as her and her brother were actually scared of this one as it was because of him their health and body became weak and broken down.

The man walk over to them holding drinks for them but realizing the handcuffs, he put the drinks down on the table and got the handcuffs off.

"Yes... Naruto and I we're quite good friends actually, ever since we met when he was only just 13 and made me realize the Shinobi world had failed," he told them as both were surprise.

"You knew him that long?" Karuta ask as both should be more angry at this demon for what he had done all those years but he just gave off a strange energy feel that kept them afraid to raise their voice at him.

"Quite, forgive me when the last time we have met it wasn't the best on terms but I had to do what I needed to do," he told them as he had over the drinks to them.

"Why are you here? No what I mean is why do you want to speak with us?" Kurumi ask as she didn't understand what was the reason why for this meeting.

"No reason... Besides the fact I will be taking custody of those two children of yours," the moment he said that both dropped the glasses on to the floor and the man did not look all that happy now that that was not going to wash out so easily.

"You can't do that!?" Kurumi start to raise his voice as his daughter Himari meant everything to him.

"You have no right!" Kurumi join in but was still afraid and scared but her son just as much her brother daughter meant to him, her son Fugaku meant everything to her.

"Well actually I can... After all Naruto can do it for me since he is the uncle and it's not like you two ever cared about him especially the awful things you said to him when you met him in that village when he was still 13," he explained but neither of them knew what he was talking about.

"Oh wait that's right... Tell me do you remember when you were both out looking for Naruto all those years ago did you came across a villager who claim to know where Naruto was but you didn't found him?" He asked them.

"That was so long ago, can't remember anything really and speaking of which what the heck are you talking about we would have known if it was our brother!" Both told him as neither of them believe he was telling the truth.

"Well I can always show you something to prove you wrong what demon art," a Giant Golden compass made out of shadows behind him appeared.

Two swords appeared in his hands and they pointed to north and west,  "show memories."

He raises swords at them and with a quick flash at them.


Naruto was on the street of a random small village as he was filthy and tired, he was wearing a hoodie to cover his face.

He was starving as ever since he was forced to leave he barely had anything.

Soon he spotted a bunch of Shinobi from konoha looking everywhere asking difference citizens if they have seen Naruto.

Naruto was completely surprised but then again they were probably trying to kill him.

He kept his head down as he found a mask to hide his face.

Eventually though he had found out the truth about why they were looking for him.

The truth broke his heart finding out that his parents were alive and abandoned him all those years ago and took his two siblings.

Faking their death leaving him as an orphan all alone in a girls apartment with a heart broke to him but now they want him back?

Do they really want them back? Naruto was thinking about it as he still couldn't believe that he was the son of the fourth Hokage and heir to namikaze clan.

And with all the luck his own siblings that he never knew he had were there.

He came up close them as both were joined into the search party.

Naruto twin sister that he never knew he had came up to him, "excuse me have you seen a boy with blonde hair blue eyes and whisker marks on his cheeks?"

"You mean... Naruto uzumaki right?" Naruto ask as he was keeping his identity a secret.

"Yes we are looking for him have you seen him?" kurumi ask.

"I have but can I ask you something do you think you would want to go back?" Naruto ask them.

"Of course why wouldn't he?" kurumi ask.

"Well it's what the villagers had done, they did a lot of bad things and he told me, do you think he would want to go back?" Naruto asked.

"Of course he would after all knowing he is the son of the fourth Hokage," karuta said as the two were looking at the boy not knowing it was their lost brother.

Naruto being the son of the hokage was a dream but you still want to know the truth.

"Do you think he will be willing to go back and forgive them? Naruto wanted me to ask one of you that," he told them and both laugh.

"Of course why wouldn't he? I mean after all it's not like he has anywhere else to go," karuta told him as his sister began to laugh.

"Yeah that is true I mean after all how much by a loser he was in the class everyone told us about he would definitely be going on his knees and start begging for training by our parents," kurumi told him.

"I mean no disrespect to him but he is a suck up, I mean after all what else is he supposed to do it's not like someone like him could do anything on his own, he'll just forgive everyone knowing he'll be grateful for what he'll be getting once he's back," karuta told him and that made Naruto upset.

A suck up? Is that what they really think he is, after everything those filters have done to him his own siblings are trying to say that he'll let it all go knowing who his parents are and would think she would just forgive them and come back after everything?

Naruto felt heartbroken is that what they think of him, Naruto honestly couldn't believe it, they could just do whatever they want to and he'll just forgive them... Naruto is tired of living like that.

"I don't know where he is but he went somewhere that way," Naruto lied not wanting to reveal himself as the two left.

Naruto then ran away as he couldn't stand being around me these types of people anymore.

Flashback ends

Both were on the ground completely unharm but couldn't believe it.

"There is no excuse for what you both had said, that was one of the most unforgettable things you had said to him," he told them as both looked down as they could remember that day now.

Yes they did they were in that village because they thought they could find their brother there and they look down and shame for remembering it.

"As much as I don't like you, sadly you're right," Kurumi said as she couldn't argue with the truth.

"Yes I do remember that day now, we didn't know it was him and in all honestly we should have realized and we should have never said those things to him," karuta said now both were looking up at him.

"Tell me something, when you found out the truth about Naruto of who he was when you came here what do you though of him and before you answer that I will know if you're lying so speak the truth and only the truth," he told them as both got up.

Kurumi started first, "The truth was I was jealous, when I look at them I was surprised by his looks as he looks so healthy and young and youthful, he respected his wife I could tell and I could tell even though I barely knew him was treating her great and their children were definitely happy strong and alive, because I was jealous that I couldn't give that to my children and my husband could never give me the same kind of treatment."

Karuta went on with his own explanation, "the truth was I felt the same way what she said, I didn't know who his wife was but I doubt his was anything like mine, I was forced into arranged marriage along with my sister because we were expected to continue on the clan lines but our children were born weak but that didn't stop us from loving them but the same couldn't have been said for our partners, Sasuke cared about rebuilding his clan and didn't even care about his son as I cared about him and for my own daughter, my wife I found out cheated on me because she blames me for everything and I did nothing more but try to be a respectful husband and a good father to my daughter as I did all the work but she never did the same for me or her."

He had listened to both of them and listen very good he uses blood demon art to see their past memories of the time after what he had done all those years ago.

He could truly see all the pain and struggle they went through together and how much they truly did care about their children, even how they felt about Naruto and all the regret and pain they had.

No he couldn't do this anymore.

The compass and the swords disappeared into shadows and vanish.

He removed his hat and look at them, "you two are not who I once mend all those years ago, you even we're worried about my son's safety."

Both were surprised what they were hearing and before they could say it the hat drop onto the ground and he gave them both a hug.

"Naruto... I... we... mean?" Both were struggling to say his new name but he stopped them.

"Please don't it's all right everyone calls me Naruto who is family, please sit down I have to explain to you and both everything," Naruto told them.

It was time for the real story to be revealed to them.

To be continued

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