party part 2
I hope everyone had enjoyed the last chapter as we are now here and I hope you enjoy it for what comes next.
Party part 2
With everything and everyone now that I've arrive it was time to start the party.
All the children were hanging around together and talking as
Karuta and Kurumi still can't believe it even though they had already known about the formal jinchurikis I've been alive this whole time by Naruto, it was still a surprise to see they were all alive still and most had started families of their own.
Everyone was talking as Karuta and Kurumi look around as they did not know what to talk about to anyone but they were happy to see their kids were making friends as Luna and Lizzy took them to introduce them to all the others.
Kurumi was getting a drink, as she was pouring into herself a drink, she heard a familiar voice, "enjoying the party?"
Kurumi look up to see Hannah and Her mother.
"Mom? What are you doing all your room? I thought you were under arrest still?" Kurumi ask as Hannah started to explain.
Hannah had one upstairs how she forgot something but as she did she saw kushina was out of her room.
"Excuse me Mrs namikaze but why are you not in your room?" Hannah ask as she sounded a bit mad in her voice.
"The servants never came and gave me the meal the whole entire day, I'm sorry but I..." Hannah stop her right there.
"Oh that explains it, forgive them but we had them all busy with getting everything for the party, come with me, we'll get you something to eat," Hannah said as they went back downstairs.
Flashback ends
"Wait a severance forgot to feed mom today?" Kurumi ask as that actually surprised her.
"I'm guessing whoever was the person to do that forgot to remember they had someone to feed up on house arrest, since he hadn't eaten I had told my husband what happened and we allow her to stay and eat," Hannah explain.
"So she's welcome to stay?" Kurumi ask as Hannah smiled.
"Of course she is," Hannah said as she knew Naruto really was unhappy about this but was not going to let the woman starve tonight.
"You know while we're all here I want to know something from you Hannah, I never got the chance to know how did you in and Naruto meet?" Kurumi ask wanting to know as she never got the chance to ask before.
"Well that's actually a hard story to kind of explain... It was actually depressing at first but at the end everything got better for me and him," Hannah told them.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't..." Kurumi was stopped by Hannah.
"No it's all right you didn't know... But since you are family I suppose I can tell you, come with me," Hannah said as all three ladies went to the dining room so they could talk alone.
"Why did you bring us here?" Kurumi ask as she was a bit confused ask for why they cannot speak in public with everyone else.
"Truth I told this party is more of a special forgetting problems, we have these once every few years and honestly when we do we try not to bring up bad things, my husband especially does not like hearing it," Hannah explain.
"But how bad could have been for you two to meet?" Kurumi ask as Hannah took a seat at the long table and started to explain.
"Well you see, before I even knew Naruto I was nothing more but a poor girl who was an orphan as well, I was that type of girl that had such big dreams but living in a such poor village, I was mostly treated being horrible for dreaming that something that may never come true, people made fun of my looks because I did not look like them, until the very night The demon King Muzan kibutsuji had came and started feasting on the villagers as I beg him not to kill me," Hannah started as both was surprised.
"Wait you two are a demon?" Kushina ask as during our time under house arrest she had learned the truth about her son becoming a demon along with everything else.
"Yes quite indeed, I didn't meet Naruto for quite a long time but during my time as a demon I grew strong demon and tame three wolf demons, an alpha, beta and Omega, they became my triplet servants, I live in a lonely ghostly like Temple back then and during all that time I quite honestly grew bored as I question my own existence, most demons who were under Muzan curse would have kept going wanting to live but I had actually grew bored as I lost the taste for human blood and I had nothing to keep me going in life, I started question my own existence as I was considering ending it all," Hannah explain as both were shocked to learn.
"Well that is until Naruto found me," Hannah said.
Hannah wear purple leather armor.
Hannah and her three servants where in the manor until shadows appeared and burst the windows and doors.
"What the!? Triplets attack!" Hannah order them as her three servants grew wolf ears and tails and merge together into a three-headed wolf demon.
The shadows grab the wolf and separate them back into they're separate selves and restrain them.
Hannah open her mouth wide pulling out a blue sword and was right a fight back but the shadows move quicker than her.
They restrain her and kept her down to her knees as the shadows in front of her took the form of a man wearing gold and black kimono.
"So you are Hannah? I have to say it is nice to meet you," he told her.
"What is it that you want? Why have you come here?" Hannah demanded to know.
"I am here to free you from the curse and give you a better life," he said as he injected her with the medicine that he had in his hands.
Hannah could no longer feel Muzan curse inside of her anymore as she felt like she was free.
Flashback ends
"So Naruto had free you," kurumi said as it was good to know but did not understand the story of why it was so depressing.
"Yes but Now the truth is after I was brought back to his base along with my servants, it didn't stopped what I had thought as Naruto was actually showing me kindness at first I thought it was all nothing more but some lying for his own wants.
Hannah and her sermons were laying down in separate beds as Naruto came in with some food for them.
"It's great to see that you're all doing well, I brought you some food for you all," Naruto said as he place it down and smiled.
"Why are you being so nice to us? You do know what I have done right?" Hannah ask as Naruto kept smiling.
"Of course I did I read your memories when I judge you in the triplets," naruto said as Hannah still didn't get it.
"Then why are you being so nice to me?" Hannah said as Naruto just told her.
"Because I saw who you once were as a human too and can understand how it felt being hated by your village," Naruto said as Hannah lightly gasp.
Flashback ends
"Now during that time, truth is at first I still believe it was all him trying to use me or want something out of me, really it was because that's how others have done before and I thought Naruto was no different, but during my time with him and the other demons I soon learn the truth about him, it did surprise me how happy he was despite all the pain he went through, I learn though that he was his way because he had all of his friends around him that truly were loyal to him and his dreams to make the world into our place for us all was something very great," Hannah told them as she started smiled remembering those times.
"So what eventually happened? How do you both got together?" Kurumi ask.
"Well truth is as we were soon getting closer of gathering up the last remaining bejuu me and Naruto had actually grew close as I was starting to form a bond with him and the day when I confess my feelings to him as he actually gave me a reason wanting to live and wanting me to be happy, on the night I confess my feelings to him, he accepted and with angels a couple years before we got the last remains of the bejuu we got married and soon started had children as we both wanted to have a big family," Hannah explain.
"I bet you guys also had a big wedding?" Kurumi said knowing how rich they were.
Hannah started laughing and then said, "no we actually got married in the woods, we didn't really want anything big, we just want our friends all there together as we had all celebrated and it was the best day to start our marriage."
"That's definitely amazing, me and my ex-husband actually had a big wedding along with my brother, the whole entire village to celebrated but our marriage life was definitely not great," kurumi explain.
"Hey do you know how much money we spend on each of your weddings?" Kushina said that she was pissed off by that because it was through the wedding was were very expensive.
"I guess being the children of the hokage definitely wanted everyone to be part of it," Hannah said as she didn't care about having a big wedding at all, she just wanted something small but something very remembering of her and her husband's wedding day and she got what she wanted.
"It may have been a lot of money but it really was not needed, it was all arranged marriage," kurumi said has she really did not enjoy the wedding day because she really did not Love Sasuke but the only difference was she tried compared to her husband who just want to have a bunch of children to rebuild his clan.
After all of that Naruto walk in with a wine glass smiling, "hello my vanilla."
Hannah smiled and got up to go and kiss him as she did felt very happy remembering the story she told to her sister-in-law.
"Is there anything you need?" Hannah ask as Naruto nodded his head.
"Yes I was definitely looking for you and fuu has something very special for you, " Naruto said as Hannah smiled and headed to go see her.
Naruto turn his head and look at kushina and then stop smiling for a moment before turning away and leaving the room.
"He really does hate me still does he?" Kushina ask as Kurumi try to cheer her up.
"Come on Mom, let's try to enjoy the night together," kurumi said as it was a partying and they really should not be feeling upset right now.
A hour later
Naruto and all the other bejuu jinchurikis went upstairs to his private office as everyone else remain downstairs.
Everyone did not know why as both of his siblings tried to go but the servants stopped them.
"Sorry but this is a private meeting."
The siblings, kushina, Hannah, the children and all the servants were to remain downstairs for the party still.
In the office
Naruto was sitting down in his desk as everyone had needed to talk to him.
"So now that we're all here it's time that we discuss this now," Naruto said as kurama stood right up next to him.
"He has indeed right we need to know about the information you all have gathered," kurama said as everyone was ready to start talking.
To be continued
Next part will be the last final part of the party but it's also going to be one of the most important parts.
This chapter was also basically to explain a little bit more of Hannah and along with the last chapter to get to know a little bit more of normal's family life with his kids.
I hope you all are enjoying this as we are getting so close but still a few more to go before this story comes to its reaches ending.
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