The Shadow...(B2ST) part 8
Third person POV
"My hid the necklace from them?" the electromaster said as En Crest hugged him.
"I'm a good girl after all" En Crest said as she stuck something onto the elctromaster's clothes without being noticed.
"You did? Awww...what a liar! You think that I would be tricked by your stupid tricks up in your sleeves?" the electromaster said as he break off the hug. "Especially after your memories returned..." and balled his hand into a fist, surrounded by electricity.
"Not this time, mister!" En Crest said as she walked a few steps behind. "Seal!"
"What?!" the electromaster exclaimed in surprise a his electrified fist began to turn back to normal. "Damn you, b*tch! What did you do to me?!"
En Crest ignored him and began to chant something again.
"Surpress his power till the truth spills, or else he shall die in bloody fills*!"
*(it means die in a sea of blood)
"This must be En Crest's power!" Du Jun said.
"Well it is her, her poem was actually an offensive magic...or should I say, a Shadow magic," Jun Hyung stated as he was anticipating the situation.
"Damn it! It fishing hurts! What did you do to me!? You used your stupid powers to stupid fishing surpress me!" the electromaster said as he was breathing heavily due to the surpression. (he said it hurts which means that surpressing his powers will cause his whole body to feel the stabbing and piercing pain)
"Until you tell me what are the lord whatever's motives, I'll let you go," En Crest demanded with a smirk.
Suddenly, shadows approached to the electromaster and bind him with its might until he was totally incapacitated(temporarily).
"I'll strengthen this if you don't answer her in 5 seconds," Du Jun demanded. "5....4...."
The countdown goes on until...
"Fine, I'll tell you itty bitty freaks about it. Lord Skull demanded me to kill the princess and the Beast,which means all of you here. I didn't liked the idea of that so I protested since I was only an underling of his. But he threatened me that if I don't follow his orders, he will change my current life into nothing but curses," the electromaster began. "I had no choice but to obey him. Thus, Wodhas was formed and the people, who rebelled due to the rumors created by Lord Skull about the bad side of the kingdom, began to join forces as a Wodhas user. It happened so quickly until I was asked to become Lord Skull's royal right man(as in the future Lord-to-be of a certain politic)."
"What do you mean by the bad side of the kingdom?" En Crest asked. "And that no good uncle Skull was actually plannig his little dark schemes behind our backs, eh? I'll make sure to pay him for good!"
"I can't tell you any of his plans...because I never knew anything about his plans ever since then," the electromaster said. "that is if you dare to..." and smirked evilly.
"Tch...bind!" En Crest ordered because of being pissed by the electromaster's words. "Now you wouldn't be able to speak."
"En Crest, what are you doing? We still need some information about the portal..." Du Jun asked.
"That won't be necessary, I can take the lead from here...right now, I will need to make him sleep," En Crest said as she was about to chant again.
Suddenly, Hyun Seung leapt from his current position and punched the electromaster on the stomach, to make him sleep.
"How's that?" Hyun Seung asked.
"Um...fine?" En Crest replied with a shocked face.
"At least he's unconcious for a while...or maybe forever with your 'powerful' punch" Jun Hyung stated, a little bit unpleased.
"You made me looked like an uneeded fool here," Hyun Seung commented, unsatisfied.
"Anyway, let's carry him back to the Shadows to let him receive a brutal punishment for helping under the orders of Lord Skull," Jun Hyung suggested while ignoring Hyun Seung. "Um..where is the portal by the way?"
"It was at the Study room. Hidden behind of the book racks," Du Jun said while dragging the electromaster's arm.
All of them agreed and began to walk into the study room. When they arrive to the study room, En Crest halted them and said:
"Let me open the passage here."
"You should have done it when you have the chance to do so just now," Hyun Seung said, feeling worn out.
"I don't remember a thing about that during that time I lost my memories. If I still remember I would have open the passage already," En Crest replied. "Please let me concentrate for now." and chants something.
"And Du Jun-hyung should have told us about it before we even get here!" Yoseop said with a pout.
"Miahe, Yoseop-ah. I can't tell you all just yet until we all got acquainted with the princess," Du Jun replied with a weak smile. "Plus, if I were to tell you all without meeting the princess, we would have been dead by then."
"So, meeting the shadow princess must be fated then?" Dong Woon asked.
"Nope. I gave permission for her enrollement here secretly, without letting the Electromaster know," Du Jun replied.
"Oh...and the necklace that I found a while ago was...fake?" Dong Woon asked again.
"That was real, the princess was only trying to trick the electromaster so she took that as a strategy instead," Du Jun replied.
"What?! So I was tricked into the strategy?! Seriously..." Hyun Seung said.
"Serves you right for acting all out on your own," Yoseop scolded.
"Please keep quiet or else you'll disrupt Princess En Crest's concentration," JunHyung scolded.
After sometime, the large bookshelf was being moved automatically as the so called passage was being opened, revealing a flight of stairs, leading to somewhere else.
"Done! I'm really glad that I could open the pathway here after weakening that fake appa of mine. Guess that my instinct proven me right!" En Crest beamed happily.
"Hah? You were actually taking that risk to that extend?" Gi Kwang asked making En Crest smiled.
"And please don't address me as a princess just yet. Call me Yuri, to prevent all those misunderstandings for going all out," Yuri(En Crest) replied.
"As expected, Yuri-sshi is better to be called as Yuri afterall," Geu Rim said happily.
"Let's bring this electromaster to justice as soon as possible!" Gi Kwang said while carrying the electromaster on his own.(the others left the electromaster on the floor while Yuri was chanting her power)
The group quickly descend the flight of stairs carefully, led by Du Jun and Yuri as the two knew the place better than the others. After that, they found themselves in a dark chamber where the cells were.
"I hate this's so scary," Yoseop said with teary eyes as he hugged the purified being tightly. "it was calling for us to drown oursleves into sorrow and remain in the dark...."
"We just need to look for the portal thing...the dresser," Du Jun said as he looked around intendly.
"What's that sound?!" Yoseop warned as he was frightened. Poor Yoseop...
"Found that dresser,let's get in!" Yuri said as she was about to get in until...
"Over my dead body!"
"That sound...GET COVER GUYS!!!" Jun Hyung ordered.
All of them got out of where they were just a while ago and got into their hiding spot.
"God! Not at this time when we were so desperate for escaping here!" Gi Kwang yelled out loud.
"Gah...not another demon! We were really low on our powers now!!!" Du Jun said while carrying the electromaster.
"Ungh...what's that sound?" the electromaster said as he woke up from his binding spell casted by Yuri a while ago. "Oh...Lucifer, you finally got here." and smirked.
"Shut up!" Hyun Seung snapped angrily and gave an ol' thump onto his head and fainted in a flash. "Stop coming one after another, you unwanted enemies!" as he bare his fist up into an ice sword.
"Heh...the electromaster I know has already softened like a cotton bud. Well, he's of no use to me anymore...finally, I can rampage as much as I want with his body!" the so called Lucifer said.
"Not so fast! If it's a fight you want, settle that next time, we are busy here, Lucifer," Yuri ordered.
"As if I'd do that, plus you are only a daughter of that electromaster," Lucifer chuckled.
"Oh, well, you might think that she was the daughter of electromaster but..." Jun Hyung said calmly as he signalled Dong Woon to move to Yuri.
Dog Woon did as Jun Hyung told him. Dong Woon quickly helped Yuri to wear the En Crest.
"What are you doing?" Lucifer said. "She's not the real princess of Shadows so why help her wear that?"
"We'll see, Lucifer," Du Jun said.
Suddenly, the En Crest glowed, making Lucifer winced because of the light shone from within.
"Gah...the real princess!!! We'll be destroyed for good!!!! I hate the light!" Lucifer groaned as the light absorbed the darkness from within it.
As soon the light dimmed out, it is revealed that Lucifer had turned into a purified being without a fight. It turned out to be a white cat.
"Well, I guess we are in luck," Du Jun said. "We just got ourselves another purified being!"
"Isn't it good? You have another friend, buddy!" Yoseop cried with joy.
"May I have the honour to speak, Princess En Crest?" thw whitw cat asked.
"It spoke?!" Gi Kwang exclaimed.
"How rude of you. Mind your manners as I am the Holy Guardian of the portals, Lucy. Only I can open the path to where ever you seek," Lucy said.
"Nice to meet you, Lucy-sshi. I'm glad to meet you," Yuri replied. "And please address me as Yuri for now. Please lead us to the portal."
"With pleasure, Yuri," Lucy replied without hesitation.
Lucy quickly got up to the dresser and began to chant something. After that, the mirror glowed.
"Take care, my dear friends. I've opened the safest portal path that you can ever go," Lucy assured them.
"Come with us, Lucy-ah," Yoseop said as he lend his hand to the cat.
"I can't do that,I need to stay here to guard the portal from being intervened by someone else," Lucy replied. "I will always watch you all from afar."
"Owh...say bye to Lucy, buddy," Yoseop told the purified being.
"Bye, Buddy," Lucy replied with a smile.
With all those farewells, the group finally entered the portal. What events will unfold as soon as they reach to their destination? Will they be able to revenge for the kingdom and defeat Skull at the same time?
-To be continued
Sorry that it took me a long time to upload the chapter of this story. And I really appreciate the votes! Kamsahamnida!! And I just knew that all of these chapters regarding the fighting and all happened in one whole day!! I hope al of you will continue reading this book to find out more!
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