The Shadow...(B2ST) part 6
Hyun Seung POV (before and after Hyun Seung disappeared)
"This is didn't knew a thing about your home even though you have lived in here for years?" I asked. "This is insane."
Unbelievable, she didn't knew a thing about her home? This is impossible. Something is fishy here. Suddenly, I felt an unwelcomed presence just outside the room. I turned to the direction of the door, making the 'too concentrated' Jun Hyung looked at me. He nodded to signal me that I could go out and look for clues. As for I, I saluted with a smirk and walked out of the room, casually.
The unwelcomed presence disappeared as soon as I got out of the room.
'Might have been the maids,' I thought.
I walked all the way to the living room where the paintings are and decided to do some research there. I began to inspect the painting that Yoseop pointed a while ago. It surely looked like the Shadow Princess. But what's more suspicious was the dresser behind the princess. I've seen it when I was still in the 'Shadow' world.
Carefully, I touched the painting. The texture of the painting seemed like it was painted using watercolours. Especially the texture of the paper, it felt nostalgic.
Suddenly, the unwelcomed presence appeared once again. Quickly, I turned around and get myself into the fighting stance.
"Omo, what are you doing?! You scared me!" Sharon, the maid, replied while holding a box with her bare hands.
"Opps...mianhe, Sharon-ah. I was trying to swat away an insect," I lied.
"An insect?! Where?" Sharon asked, looking petrified.
"'s gone. Anyway, where's the toilet?" I said playfully, so that she would not suspect me anything.
"Oh, follow me," Sharon replied while heading for the stairs, "I hope you don't mind the stairs because they are somehow...old."
"I won't mind," I replied while tagging along from behind.
While walking on the endless looking stairs, I found barriers fixed on some of the steps which was quite fishy. Only the steps that were fixed with barriers, were newer than the others.
"Here we are," Sharon said, "just don't wander into milady's room."
Just to prevent suspicions, I entered the toilet and decided to eavesdrop at the door just to make sure if she went away.
As soon as she went away, immediately, I walked out of the toilet and to the corridors(can't think of the word) where the bedrooms are situated. There's only one bedroom in sight as the barriers are fixed onto some other rooms, making the rooms invisible. Yuri wasn't suppose to be living alone here, there should be more than one room.
Something caught my attention. Immediately, I turned to the end of the corridor, I saw something like a structure of a fireplace. This must be where the chimney resides. But it was totally covered with barrier, making the whole thing not insight.
"So this is the cause for the Shadow members from not being able to escape from the portal to the shadow world."
After knowing all these discoveries, I quickly turned to the direction of the stairs. Suddenly, a girl in maid outfit appeared out of nowhere. My immediate reaction is, did she stalk me from the beginning of the raid?
"Uhm...excuse me, maid...I kinda got lost after using the toilet so could you lead me to the study room?" I asked as casually as possible.
Is she going to talk or not? To tell you the truth, I can't stand awkward silence.
"...follow me..." is all the girl said.
I followed her from behind quietly. She never said a word even while walking. Strange, I felt like we've seen each other before...but where?
Until we finally reached the entrance to the study room, she turned face-to-face at me.
"Um...I hope that you could break the barrier in this mansion...and do you still remember m-" the girl said.
"Oy, don't waste your time while spacing out with your usual stoic face!" Sharon yelled as soon as she got out from a kitchen door(I saw the inside of the room, so yeah...the kitchen)
"Mianhe, Sharon-unnie...I shall go for now..." the girl said and scurried away into the kitchen.
I haven't even ask her name yet. Sheesh...she really is familiar, just like a dream that can't be grabbed easily. And what's more, she just spoken to me until that Sharon arrive, interrupting our conversation. I can't quite catch her remaining words after that. The thing is, she told me to break the barriers in this house. Weird.
I walked back to the living room and inspect another painting, which is just beside the painting that I had inspected earlier. This painting looked like a room, filled with books and shelves. It somehow reminded me of Yuri's study room.
I stared at the painting, while focusing the wall inside the painting. A painting was embed onto the wall. Strange, I never did recall a thing about having a painting on the wall of the study room....
I studied closely the painting on the wall inside the current painting(quite confusing here, so try to understand the current situation). From what I think it is,these paintings are not for decorations! They are for indicating the family members of the house who's quite forgetful.
I was so shocked about the discovery that I just made. I had to go back to the study room and tell the others! Before I did, I heard someone said:
"Welcome back, master!"
"Sharon-ah, I want to see Yuri. Where is sh-"
My eyes widened in horror as I turned to his direction. He was actually a member of the Wodahs, an opposing of the existence of Shadow members. Why is he here?! And what's more, we actually entered his territory without knowing a thing about it!
"Huh? What's with this mutt here?!" he yelled.
"Master, he is Yuri's friend," Sharon said, making his nose began to fuming.
"What the fish?!(I don't do foul languages so bear with me)" he said angrily, "YOU ARE FROM THE SHADOWS! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE!"
"I shouldn't be here? You must be joking, it was YOU, who shouldn't even exist!" I argued, since I had no other options but to provoke a fight.
"Good job, Hyun Seung-hyung! You've discovered most of the barriers hidden in the mansion and now, we shall do what we're suppose to do!" Jun Hyung declared while walking out of the study room, followed by the remaining of my pals and Yuri, "I'm a mind reader afterall."
"It's been a while, electromaster," Du Jun greeted with a bow.
"You again, ShadowEye. After all those years of betrayal, you dare to show up in my mansion?!" the electromaster said while pulling Du Jun's collar, "and the barriers that my daughter have inserted are being dis-"
"I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!!!" Yuri shouted angrily, "How dare you ask DuJun oppa to wipe my memories away?!"
"What in the fishing world are you bickering about? I am your father and you are my daughter! I make things clear!" the electromaster said.
Yuri POV(before going out from the study room)
"ShadowEye...this name...sounds familiar," I said in a spaced out voice.
"Yuri-ah, this might be painful so please bear with me," Du Jun said while pulling my arm, leading me to a seat.
I was surprised by what he just said. But why did he mentioned painful?
I looked at Du Jun while studying at what he was about to do. He burried my face using his hand and immediately, his hand glowed. The room which was once filled with silence was now filled with 'swooshing' sound, rendering my ears deaf, not literaly as I had a feeling that I have experienced this before.
I blacked out all of a sudden and nostalgic hallucinations began to appear into my view.
"Skull, you...betrayed us. Why?" a guy wearing high-class cloak as if he was a king, in the scene said while looking at the mysterious man in black cloak.
"'Cos I don't see any good for me to let you guys live since you killed my brother!" Skull, the man in cloak said. "I've been living in this trecherous place for years as a weak, puny servant just to serve you! And now that this kingdom was falling into my hands, I can do anything I wanted!"
"Skull, this is not funny...if you were to do something like that, you'll be grounded in this palace dungeon, forever," the as if-king said.
"Try me, mister," Skull said while pulling the hand of a girl, "call your guards, it's bye bye to your precious daughter!"
"Papa! I'm scared...I don't wanna get killed by uncle Skull!" the little girl said shakily as she was petrified by the current situation.
"En Crest(the girl's name)! Don't you dare, Skull. After all those hard times that you have overcome, you should understand that revenge does no good to anybody. Even your brother wouldn't want that."
"Stop besmirching my brother, pabo!!!" Skull said while pulling out a dagger from his pocket and point it at En Crest's throat. "Or I'll take this 10 year old girl's little life and you shall suffer how I've suffered!"
"Do not resort violence, Skull-sshi!" a woman in a silk gown with hair tied up neatly said, "it won't do good!"
" again. Dare to stop me, you'll end up, that's just too easy...I shall make it harder," Skull said while narrowing his eyes evilly. "Electromaster, as a member of Wodhas, you shall lead the current portal of Shadow on earth just to prevent the Shadow members from venturing to Earth." as a person approach to his side.
"My pleasure, lord Skull. I'll take that child and raise as my own in Earth," the electromaster said as Skull handled him the ten year old girl. "I shall take my leave for now." and disappear through a portal which was just created by Skull together with the ten year old me.
Skull scoffed and said: "As for you two vermins, you shall die in my hands, plunged into a great sea of blood..."
With that, I was being transferred into another scene. In this scene, I saw the electromaster guy, which is my current appa, dragging the ten year old girl's arm to somewhere away from the dresser(where the mirror is).
"Sheesh...such a useless brat to be added into my luggage," he said while pulling the child as if she's a dead corpse.
"Let me go! I don't wanna be dragged by a stupid mean ol' giant!!!" the she yelled angrily. "And my name is En Crest of the Shadow Princess!"
"Shut the fudge up, useless brat! Oy, ShadowEye! Come here and do something about this child!" he yelled until the child winced.
Suddenly, a boy of around 14 years old arrived to the scene. He looked so familiar though but I can't remember where did I seen him before.
"What do you want, geezer?" the boy asked while looking at the situation.
"Stop calling me that and start erase her memories pronto!" the electromaster said while trying to grab the girl's arm.
"Haiz...whateves," the boy agreed and approaches to the girl.
His eyes widened as soon as he saw the girl. His look was just like as if he just saw someone that he didn't want to curse on.
The boy reluctantly put his hand onto the girl's forehead and began to glow. The girl's eyes began to turn light blue out of a sudden. The boy who had the girl manuplated by his power began to say something out loud.
"You, the child of The Shadow princess have to be gone and to be replaced by the name, Kan Yuri, who will be the member of the Wodahs!"
Did he just mentioned my name? Doesn't that means that I am actually the princess of Shadows? I was so shocked by the truth until the boy named ShadowEye, stopped his talking. The girl, which I just knew who was the younger version of me, began to lie down on the floor.
Suddenly, the girl sat up slowly and began to look around her intendly. She looked like as if she was being brainwashed due to the manuplation just now.
"Who are you?" she began.
"I'm your appa, Yuri-ah," the man said as he beamed with joy. "ShadowEye, as the member of Wodahs, you shall be dismissed for now because I need to deal with this little toy here."
A sick look appeared onto the boy's face as he eyed the man while turning away from his current spot. Somehow, he seemed hurt by just looking at the girl whom just undergo a brainwash thing.
As soon as he left the scene, I was being transferred to another scene. In this scene, I saw a few cells(as in places for prisoners). One of them was being occupied by a girl, which was me. Just outside of the cell, my current appa was yelling at the boy whom I had came to know, ShadowEye.
"You son of a beach(I minded my language so bear with me for another time)! You betrayed me! You let the Shadow members and beings escape to their own homes!" the electromaster said while pushing the boy, ShadowEye onto the cell's poles.
Just behind the cells, the younger version of me was crying in fear. By just looking at the scene, I felt pained by it. Not just that, the younger version of me was covered by scars and dried scabs. She was also being covered by a few fresh wounds. That man I've been trusting was nothing but full of lies!
"Du Jun-oppa! You don't have to release me from the cell, I liked it here!" she cried out loud.
"No you don't! You are being tortured by that maniac so I'm getting you out of this place!" the boy replied while trying to avoid from being caught by the man.
"Stop your sweet talk, pabo! It's not like you could take her away from me plus you even told her your real name?!" my current appa said.
" what? I never was the opposing group of The Shadows. Well, I'm leaving this place for now!" Du Jun said as he struggled from the man's grasps. "I will come back and take her back from your evil clutches!" and ran away from the cells.
"Hmph...that is if you are able to do so," my current appa said while eyeing at Du Jun evily.
"Stay well, princess," Du Jun whispered as he turned back to the younger version of me.
Soon after that, I made it back to my consciousness.
" alright?" Du Jun asked while looking concerned. "You were crying in your slumber."
"I was?" I asked while touching my eyes. Surely, my eyes are all puffy. "Tell me, those are my real memories right? They are not erased by you right?"
"Well, to tell you the truth, you are the real princess of the Shadows that nobody all except for me knows because I had to keep it as a secret where Lord Skull was still alive. Plus, Lord Skull was the one who stole your home, your country and your position as the ruler of Shadows."
"So, after all these years of life, my current appa was actually not my real appa?" I asked Du Jun oppa and in return, he nodded. "He IS the one who ordered you to erase my memories, am I right?" he nodded once again.
"I didn't erased them. I only altered them so that you won't know a thing plus what you saw was real which had happened in the past," Du Jun said once again which made me realise about the situation.
"So Yuri was actually the real princess of Shadows?!" Yoseop asked making Du Jun nodded.
"Well, only Yuri would know what have happened before being taken to this mansion," Du Jun added. "Yuri-ah, I know it might be hard to believe but you are the only one we can rely on just to take back what was rightfully yours..."
"Speaking of the royal days before Lord Skull took over, he said that the princess of Shadows was alive even after the sudden assassination in the royal palace. And yet, Yuri was actually the real Shadow princess instead of the princess that we met just now...why is that?" Dong Woon asked innocently making me look at him.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked suspiciously.
"These will be answered next time.... Cos right now, we have business to deal with," JunHyung replied.
"Well, since this princess thing should be kept as a secret from everyone, we shall go and confront my fake ap-" I said but was being cut off by some yelling outside the room. "Good timing, let's go, oppas!"
We all walked outside of the room and the confrontation between my fake appa starts.
Phew...I nearly went out of ideas while writing this chapter. I really hoped that my readers would understand what was I writing in this chapter. Anw, big heaps and thanks for my readers whom had read until this chapter!
Oh and about the barriers which Hyun Seung oppa had discovered in this chapter, only Shadow and Wodahs members can see them. For an exception, Yoseop can't see the barrier in the Study Room is because that barrier was fixed with another barrier which only enables the user of the barriers to see.
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