The Shadow...(B2ST) part 5

Anyeong! Finally, a whole completed chapter which was being updated in one go! And I'm so sorry for the wait, my fellow readers!

Third person POV

"Um...oppas, are you guys gonna go to my home?" Yuri asked slightly unsure of what their plans are.

"That's your house? Jinjja?!" Hyun Seung asked with big eyes.

Yuri nodded in reply making the oppas eyes stare in space.

"So you must know about the chimney and know, like those purified demons which might lurk around in the big garden and all," Yoseop asked for confirmation.

"Well, I didn't see a chimney there or a big garden and all... All I knew is the home I lived for years was an old mansion filled with ancient stuffs," Yuri stated.

Yoseop shrugged while Du Jun looked very serious while thinking hard.

"So, doesn't that means Yuri wasn't from the Shadow?" Dong Woon asked out of the blue.

"I am 100% sure that she is one of the Shadows, my inuition would never deceive me!" Hyun Seung argued, making all of them looked at Hyun Seung.

Quickly, he slumped back to his original position with his face red in embarrassment. Soon, they arrived at th mansion that they all had been talking about, Yuri's home. Just like what Yuri had told them, no chimney or the purified beings insight.

"Are you sure about it? I mean the mansion in the picture had additional features compared to the one in real life," Yoseop commented.

"We'll find out after we enter the house," Du Jun said while looking at Jun Hyung.

Yuri got off from the car and ran towards the entrance of the mansion. Immediately, the door creaked open slowly, revealing a face.

"Hi, I'm back, Sharon!" Yuri greeted happily, "I brought company!"

"Company?" the girl known as Sharon asked while poking her spectacles, "I gotta go and inform the head of maids, so please come in...with your 'company'."

Yuri gestured the six guys, who were standing outside to come in. They walked in but was being blocked by some sort of barrier. This alerted Sharon.

Quickly, Yuri pushed Sharon gently and told her that she will help her companies so that Sharon won't be too busy with her current work. Sharon had no choice but to agree.

"Sorry, oppas. I actually put some sort of barrier to prevent people who are not of our family members, from entering," Yuri said while began to chant something.

Soon the barrier was lifted and the six guys were able to enter the mansion. This made them all suspect something.

Hyun Seung POV

"Jun Hyung-hyung, this little purified being was more energetic than before!" Yoseop said while trying to calm the little being.

"It might have been the surrounding of the mansion...but, we can't see any of the beings here nor it felt familar," Jun Hyung replied.

"This is strange...we didn't walk into the wrong place, right?" Gi Kwang asked while looking around in confusion.

"Oppas, feel free to check out the mansion and-" Yuri began but was being cut off by someone.

"Who are these, milady?" a hoarse yet womanly voice asked.

"Oh, these are my new friends. They're here to do some...research," Yuri said as casually as possible.

"Oh really? Ahem, my name is Maya, the head of maids," Maya introduced while eyeing onto us.

She began to walk near to us while staring onto our clothes. She's weird. As soon as she reached in front of me, her eyes began to narrow at me.

"The skull's necklace...a Shadow user..." I heard her soft mumble.

"Excuse me?" I asked gently with respect.

"Oh, nothing...I was just talking to myself," Maya replied suspiciously and walked away.

"Jun Hyung-ah, use your power to-" I said.

"I can't, there's some sort of barrier blocking my power usage," Jun Hyung said softly, "I think those were the barrier that caused the creatures to disappear."

"This is one big problem. Someone might have caused this...might have been that princess!" Du Jun said angrily.

"Chill, Du Jun-hyung, she won't be up to this menace, besides, she wanna go home afterall," Dong Woon said softly while looking at Du Jun's direction.

"Ahem...milady, you may let them venture the mansion but just don't let them go to places that they weren't allowed to," Maya whispered onto Yuri's ear.

"Okay, I promise!" Yuri said energetically.

After that, the two maids left for their tasks. Yuri began to lead us to the living room. It looked so big and luxurious. The couches are made with fur of some might have been a tiger's. I felt pity for that tiger if that's true.

Not just that, the lamps, resembling a moon, carved out of glass, were dimly lit with blue flame. This is abnormal. The walls of the living room are filled with strange paintings which strut us familar.

"Look, that girl in the painting...she looked like the Princess of Shadows," Yoseop pointed out while hugging the purified being.

"That's true...what's behind the girl in the drawing?" Dong woon asked curiously.

"Hmm...a dresser maybe...wait, there's another painting beside the dresser!" Yoseop exclaimed. "Should we find more about the painting? It might lead us to the Shadow's portal!"

"Hmm...we should. Okay, here's the strategy," Jun Hyung began. "Du Jun-hyung, will go with me because you could do the offensive and sense things which we can't, while I'm looking for clues. Hyun Seung-hyung will go with Yuri since Hyun Seung-hyung was able to do offensive and defensive. Dong Woon and Gi Kwang will go with Yoseop since Yoseop could help with healing and all."

"Would it work out? I mean our way of grouping seemed a little off plus we don't even know much about this place," Dong Woon asked, slightly surprised by the arrangement.

"It will work out, I'm 99.9% sure," Jun Hyung beamed proudly. "Afterall, I'm a strategist of The Beast!"

After the discussion was over, Yuri was being asked to explain the whole thing about her house.

Yuri POV

This is bad. If this goes on, the places that appa doesn't allow people to go in, would be known by them as it is our family's secret. No one was allowed to see or enter that room as said by the late head of the family. I was the one who put all the barriers just to ensure that no one was allowed to enter places that they shouldn't have.

"Yuri-ah, why are you looking so worried?" Du Jun asked.

"Me? Um...nothing...I'm just thinking of something..." I replied as casually as possible.

"If only we could use our powers here..." I heard Du Jun said.

"You guys can't use your powers? What happened?" I asked.

"It might have been something that deals with your home...don't worry,"Jun Hyung said, "We'll find out soon."

Soon after that, I led them to a study room where all those thick unused books are, just to explain the places that they might want to look for clues.

"And so, this is my study room where all books containing useful informations are in," I began, "and that's the map, showing the structure of the house." while pointing at te wall.

Yoseop and Gi Kwang began to inspect the map while Dong Woon decided to look at the books in the shelves.

"Just to ask, do you have the blueprint of your house?" Jun Hyung asked in a serious yet suspecting tone.

"Hm...I think it should be over there...I'll search for it while you oppas could look for clues there," I suggested and immediately, they began their search.

That's strange...the blueprints for the house and the basement are gone.... What should I do?! I'll be scolded by the current head of the house(that is Yuri's appa) if this really did happened! I mean it DID happened!

"Um...oppas, I couldn't find the blueprint of my house...I think I might have put it somewhere forgotten..." I told them.

"This is gonna be hard. Hyungs, what should we do?" Dong Woon asked.

"Hmm...if that's so...let's change the strategy," Jun Hyung suggested, "first, we must know more about the house, we will set out using the formation as discussed just now."

All of them agreed and began to seek for informations on the study room. It took quite a long time by doing research using each of those thick books.

"Hey, Gi kwang-ah, look! These are informations about the demons and the purified ones," Yoseop said out loud which scared Hyun Seung, who was climbing on the ladder which leads to the shelves.

"Lower down your voice, Yoseop-ah!" Hyun Seung scolded.

"Sorry~ Hyun Seung oppa!" Yoseop said cutely while doing aegyo.

"That won't work at me, mister Y," Hyun Seung said with narrow eyes.

Suddenly, Jun Hyung yelled or should I say, shrieked, making all of us turn to his direction.

"Jun Hyung-ah, what happened?" Du Jun asked.

"I just found out that there's a book written by Turquoise Eyes known as Guides to become full fledged-strategist!!!" he replied happily.

"Turquoise Eyes?? You mean the shadow user in the Shadow?" Dong Woon asked innocently, making all of us began to look at him. "What? I was just asking..."

"Why would a Shadow strategist book be here?" Jun Hyung asked, with his serious tone.

"A shadow user's book? How did it got here? I never knew about having a Shadow user's book," I implied which made them cast a 'seriously?' look.

"This is didn't knew a thing about your home even though you have lived in here for years?" Hyun Seung asked and I nodded in reply, "this is insane."

"So all these are actually the archives from the Shadow? Wait...Dong Woon-ah, the Shadow's Grand Library lost approximately 100,000 books since 20 years ago, right?" Du Jun asked.

"Hmm...I think so. It has been quite a while since the Royal family of the Shadows had been looking for the archives," Dong Woon replied.

"If that's so, let us all take them back!" Yoseop suggested, "If we really did, we'll be able to save the Grand Library from misery!" while approaching to one of the shelves.

"Ah...wait!" I said.

Yoseop tried to take one of the archives from the current shelves but was being zapped by some sort of current, injuring his hand. Just on time, the purified being leapt from Yoseop's arm before that happen.

"Yoseop-ah! Are you okay? What was that electric just now?" Du Jun asked, slightly jolted by the situation.

"My hurts!!!" Yoseop cried while gripping his electrocuted hand tightly.

"Heal it before it gets worse!" Gi Kwang said while trying to grab the purified being from running around the room.

This is really strange. I thought that the barrier I inserted wouldn't cause any harm to anyone even to strangers. How did this happened?!

I quickly looked at the position of my barriers placed.

'Hear my thoughts, and my soul. Only secure this holy place if there are strangers lurking but not to people that have lived in this house,' I read in my mind.

All the barriers that I had inserted are written like this all except for the fireplace, the main entrance and the garden.

"Appa! You said that this mansion woulf be safely secured if I was able to master my skill on poem making, right?" the ten year old me asked.

"Yes, my dear. So, how was your training on your skill?" my appa asked while making something on his workplace.

"I did my training the whole day and look! I even finished writing the whole book!" I said in a very cheerful way, "So, when can I do the mansion securing?"

My appa remained silent as he looked through al the poems that I created. Immediately, his lips curved into a crooked smile.

"My dear, you are just so dedlicated! We can begin the securing now!" my appa said, making the innocent me smile.

He began to take out a box full of strange paper-like things. He also took out a strange looking pen which looked like a normal stick.

"Try and write the protection charm onto these. I'll give you helping words so that the barrier will be effective," appa said with a closed eye smile.

I nodded happily and started writing.

'Protection from the dark Shadows, preventing them from entering into this holy place.' - for the entrance.

'Hear me, my lord. I shall protect this holy place by hiding it into the skies, where no one could see or touch.' -for the garden.

'Thou should protect this pillar and prevent things from escaping the holy mansion.' -for the chimney.

"These will do!" appa complimented. "let's do the remaining protection charm must be tired."

Immediately, the ten year old me blacked out.

Yoseop POV

Ouch! That really did hurt! I tried to heal my hand with my healing power as said by the annoying Gi kwang. (Annoying as in Gi kwang's serious way of talking). But the thing is we all couldn't use our powers due to the barrier occupied in the mansion.

There was this awkward silence when everyone was doing their research, all except for Yuri. I glanced at Yuri, who was staring hard at something. I tried to find what was she staring at but failed. All I saw was nothing but shelves and archives.

"That must have been hurt, Yoseop-hyung," Dong Woon stated while looking at my current wound.

"This is really strange...this shelve was being protected by electricity while the rest aren't. Why is that?" Du Jun mumbled quietly. "Oy, Jun Hyung-ah. Figure out something please!"

As I expected, Jun Hyung-hyung was actually into Turquoise Eyes's work. He was so concentrative until none of Du Jun's words were heard.

Gi Kwang quickly approached to Jun Hyung and knocked Jun Hyung on the head, making the concentrative Jun Hyung wailed in pain.

"Ow...what was that for?"

"For your 'too concentrative' attitude," Gi kwang said sarcastically.

"Are you mocking me?!" Jun Hyung said as if he was about to scream.

"Jun Hyung-ah!! Help me think of something. You are a strategist here!" Du Jun exclaimed.

"Think of what?" comes the reply from the clueless Jun Hyung(after being all that concentrated on the book).

"Think of what have happened to Yoseop-ah!" Du Jun said while face palming.

The room went silent until the clueless Jun Hyung was able to register eerything that had happened into his head.

"Oh, Yoseop-sshi. How's your injury?"

"It's fine, I can still move my injured hand even without the healing," I assured Jun Hyung so that he won't get too worried.

"Really? Hmm...I don't think so. You should get Yuri to help. She's been dazed off after the incident just now," Jun Hyung said cooly all of  sudden.

Quickly, I called for Yuri's name. No response. I called her again but she didn't move an inch. So, I decided to approach to her and blow onto her ear so that she would react to stimuli. It worked!!!

"Huh? Wat's wrong?'s Yoseop-oppa," Yuri replied.

"Yuri-ah, could you heal me? I can't seem to use my powers here," I pled while doing aegyo, just to convince her.

"Oh...please wait here, I'm going to take some paper!" Yuri said and ran off to a table full of old looking books.

I remained in my current position until Yuri arrived with a piece of paper-looking thing and a pen-like object?

"Yuri-ah...what are you doing?" I asked slightly confused.

"Huh? Oh...I'm just writing a healing charm," Yuri replied while writing something onto the paper-like thing.

"That paper and the pen..." I heard Dong Woon mumbled under his breath.

Suddenly, I felt that something began to stick onto my injured hand and then it started to sound like the blowing wind. My pals began to stare at what Yuri was doing. This is amazing!

"All done, your injury was healed!" Yuri said happily.

"Thank you, Yuri-ah! You are my lifesaver!" I beamed happily. "Hyun Seung-hyung! Look, Yuri can heal while using-"

"Where did Hyun Seung-hyung went to?" I asked.

"That's strange, he was here a while ago..." Gi Kwang said while looking at Jun Hyung.

In return, Jun Hyung smirked and said:

"Electromaster...I can sense his arrival."

"Who electromaster??" I asked confusingly.

"You'll know who once we got out from the study room," Jun Hyung said in reply, "Du Jun, as the leader of Beast, you'll know what Hyun Seung is up to."

" that you mentioned it..." Du Jun said making Yuri looked at him intendly, "I, ShadowEye, will do something about this menace."

"ShadowEye...this name...sounds familiar," Yuri said in a spaced out voice.

Finally, Du Jun oppa's codename in Shadow has been revealed!!!! Btw, here's a sneak peek for the next chapter! In the next chapter, you'll know what Hyun Seung oppa has been up to while the others were in the study room. But what's more to find out, who is the electromaster?

Here's Du Jun oppa's codename and his powers:
ShadowEye- Shadow manuplation, brain washer and has the ability to alter other people's memories.
His attack known as 'Goal' was not an offensive attack. It is a surprise attack as he take advantage on the opponent's shadow.

See you in the next chapter!!!

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