The Shadow...(B2ST) part 13

Third person POV

The Beast's Gi Kwang, Jun Hyung and Yoseop isolated their second oldest member in the dark cold room, together with Du Jun and Dong Woon. Silence filled the air. Hyun Seung didn't know what should he do and what to trust. He sat there on the cold floor, hugging his knees while thinking what he did wrong. He just couldn't find the answer.

"Hyung...if you just sit there and sulk the whole day, nothing will change," Dong Woon advised.

"Dong Woon's right, Hyun Seung. You still have us, we will still plan some strategy for the battle. Afterall, we can't afford to lose," Du Jun said as he approached to Hyun Seung and patted his head.

"Hyung...mianhe, if I disappoint you..." Hyun Seung said as he looked at his hyung with his usual cold eyes but somehow, warm.

Back to where Jun Hyung they all were...

"Yuri-ah, do you think that'll work?" Jun Hyung asked, slightly unsure.

"I hope so because I just have to...I mean, it's always him who had to be the one to help me in times when I'm in a pinch," Yuri said as she looked at the floor.

"Hm...I doubt it'll work because..." Jun Hyung said but chuckled instead, "...nevermind." and walked away.

'Somehow...he seemed a little bit off today...' Yuri thought.

"Yuri-ah! Let's go get permission for Yoon Ki to battle!" Yoseop declared as he was about to walk off.

"Wait wait!! Aunt Kan allowed him to do so and we didn't have any rights to stop him when he had the will to fight in order to get back his sister," Yuri said as he pulled Yoseop's shirt.

"It's getting cold all of a sudden..." Gi Kwang said as he shivered a little.

"Cold? I guess winter season arrived! Hyun Seung-hyung's favourite season!" Yoseop said cheerfully.

" the time here flows a bit slower than on earth huh?" Yuri asked as she looked through the window.

"Well...too bad we couldn't enjoy the events this year...because of the Core," Jun Hyung said as he touched the window's glass. "Such a pity..."

"Pity...?" Yuri asked as she looked at Jun Hyung.

"Hyun Seung-hyung never had the chance to experience the event himself as he was very busy with helping the villagers...same goes with Du Jun, Dong Woon and maybe, you?" Jun Hyung said with a warm smile while gazing the skies, in hopes of waiting for snow to fall.

Yuri didn't say a word after what Jun Hyung had but instead, she looked out of the window and saw snow, piling up the roads outside.

"It really is snowing!" Yuri exclaimed happily.

"It's getting colder by the minute...stay close to me," Jun Hyung said as he hovered his arm onto Yuri's shoulder with a white furry scarf and accidentally made Yuri, bump onto Jun Hyung's shoulder.

Yuri was shocked by the sudden actions by Jun Hyung. Immediately, Yuri blushed without her knowing it. There was a long silence around them as Yoseop and Gi Kwang went to look for Yoon Ki. The two remained still as they watched the snow, gently dropping down from the skies.

"I know that we all only meet you like less than a month ...but the journey looked like it lasted for weeks...and...I have this feeling that I might not be able to see you all anymore...after this" Jun Hyun began as he slowly moved closer towards Yuri's face.

Yuri's eyes widened as she tried to think of what Jun Hyung was planning to do to her. Before she could fully complete thinking, Jun Hyung gave her a hug and a peck on her cheek. Yuri blushed alot harder!

"I guess this will be my first and the last kiss for the girl I liked...may you live in happiness," Jun Hyung said as he broke the hug and walked away, clutching onto his chest. "you better let her won't be good to fall for her now..."

Yuri spaced out after what had happened to her. It was unexpected for Jun Hyung to do that...

It was warm...

Like Summer

this overflowing feeling

makes a person's heart

skip a beat...

What is this feeling?

Inspiration of poems kept on strking out of her mind like thousands of fireworks, trying to explode, unconstrainable. Yuri quickly looked for her notebook but she left it in the study room... Just in time, Yoseop arrived with two mugs of hot malted choco drink.

"Yuri-ah...this will warm you up in a flash!" Yoseop began happily. "...wae...? Why are you worried?"

"I left my poem book on the Study Room of that mansion..." Yuri said, sadly. "when all those inspirations just popped out of my head..."

"Oh, that you mentioned it..." Yoseop said as he settled the cup of malted choco and reached for his pocket and pulled out a small book and a pen. It was Yuri's poem book! "I'd knew that you would forget to take I brought it along."

"Oh my god!!!! Kamsahamnida, Yoseop-oppa! I'm really glad that you brought it back!" Yuri thanked Yoseop happily and took the book from Yoseop's palms.

Immediately, Yoseop grabbed both of her hands to stop her from going away. He just had let it go but he just couldn't...his breath hitched all of a sudden. What's happening?!?!

"Oppa...why are you holding me like that?" Yuri asked as she was trying to withdraw both of her hands.

Yoseop remained silent but his face was actually showing some sort of affection towards Yuri, which was unexpected. Yoseop pulled Yuri's hands and forced an embrace, which was when both of their bodies touched. Yoaeop's warmth was spreading like wild fire, which made Yuri felt a lot more warmer than usual.

"Mianhe...Yuri-ah...I just can't seem to let you go know that I can understand demon languages right? Buddy told me that after the battle...we'll be separated for a painful way.... So, please let me treat you like my younger sister...just for now," Yoseop said as he tightened the embrace, making Yuri shocked at the same time.

"Younger sister?" Yuri questioned, breath slightly hitched.

"Yea...we were separated since young as I am abandoned by my parents becauee I'm actually a...," Yoseop said but his voice trailled away as he moved closer,"...purified being who understands demon language..."

Yuri's eyes widened in realisation. No wonder he looked a little bit different from the rest of Beast members. Yuri could feel that Yoseop was trembling in fear and sorrow. All this time, he's been keeping all the pain inside him, without letting anyone penentrate into his past.

Yuri ruffled his hair gently and whispered that one day, he will be able to met his sister...eventhough it may be something that may happen afterlife as they are running out of time currently.

"I hope that I can meet my family once more...that's one of my wish that I wished during every Christmas day. Alright, you better drink the choco drink before it gets cold," Yoseop said as he broke the hug and gave her the mug of choco.

"What's your other wish...oppa? I hope you wouldn't mind if I ask," Yuri asked before Yoseop walked away.

"My other wish is we will not be separated even if the most dangerous obstacle tries to penentrate our bonds," Yoseop said with a dazzling smile. "Gomawoyo, Yuri-ah, for hearing me out."

Yuri smiled back at him as she's grateful for being able to help him. Yuri quickly drank the malted choco as she watched the snow falling gently onto the ground.


"Princess, you may use the room upstairs for it hasn't been used for a long time," Aunt Kan suggested as she led Yuri infront of a door, with 'Yuri' in the nameplate. Yuri thanked aunt Kan for letting them all stay in the house eventhough it may small.

As for the boys, they had to use the room downstairs but the thing is...

"I'm not gonna stay with these people here who didn't obey what Yuri had said!" Yoseop argued.

"Well, we are conquering this room, not you guys," Dong Woon argued back, somewhat unconvincing.

"But we're here first! We should be the one who own this room!" Gi Kwang reasoned.

"Boys, can't you pipe down? I can't sleep a wink if thid goes on.... Why not sleep in the same room as Yuri since you guys don't wanna reconcile?" Jillane suggested as he scratched his head.

The boys went surprised. They never did thought of it before but still, they are a little bit...

"Ah...I guess we shall sleep upstairs then, since Yuri will be sleeping alone," Jun Hyung said.

" are weird... What made you behaved likethat?" Dong Woon asked, making an annoyed face.

"We will sleep upstairs then, since Yuri needs some protection from us!" Hyun Seung finally said as he walked towards the stairs, but failed.

"Does she need you when she was already mad at you now?" Yoseop questioned with a real serious look while tugging the sleeve of Hyun Seung's trousers.

This fact shot right into Hyun Seung, which left him silent as he lost. Henceforth, Hyun Seung and the other two(Dong Woon and Du Jun) had to use the room in the first floor while the remaining will share rooms with Yuri.

Back to where Yuri was...

She was stunned by the room that she was allowed to use currently. It was alot more distinct compared to her own room. To her, it seemed like the real Yuri was showered with real affection and love from her family. Yuri never did have any real love from her real birth parents. All she had was fake love from dolls and a fake father who never did have any blood relation to her at all.

What she saw, which made her felt really envious was the picture in a blue colored framw, showing Aunt Kan, Jillane, Yoon Ki and the real Yuri. Tears suddenly rolled down her pale cheeks as she remembered about her sad past. Yuri rubbed those tears from her wet eyes and took her poem book and approached to the old mattress.

Yuri sat alone on the old mattress, flipping through her poem book to look for her incomplete poem. As soon as she did, she quickly took her pen(which was fixed onto the book) and continued it.

shadow o shadow

it needs the light to be seen

without it, it cannot be seen...

The shadow is the darkness

smeared in black

The background is the light

painted in white.

Light and dark, are fated to be friends

non obstacles can break its bonds

Bonds that remained sealed tight

by strings of fate

entwined as one...

Shadow o shadow

you need the light, I need the dark

we shall combine and fight

even if we were to fade away

even if we were to be gone forever


I will stay by your side

to ease the pain

to heal your wounds.

The reason that we are one....

Just before she could finish her poem, there's a knock on the door. The door creaked open and revealed that it was Gi Kwang. Yuri quickly hid the poem book of hers under one of the pillows.

"Uh...hi, Yuri-ah...did I distrubed you?"

"Oh, of course not...I'm just...trying to get myself familarised with this place. Why are you here?" Yuri asked as she looked startled.

"Um...I just had to check up on you...I mean, we, as in Yoseop, Jun Hyung and me will be sharing rooms with you. I hope that you wouldn't mind," Gi Kwang replied, while scratching his neck. He's nervous.

Yuri was surprised that she will be sharing rooms with three of her classmates...well more like people whom had helped her, for a night or two? Gi Kwang closed the door gently and decided to approach to where Yuri was. Gi Kwang decided to have a small chat but as he walked towards her, his legs felt heavier and heavier. He was damn scared of going near a girl.

As soon as he reached for the last step, immediately, he tripped and landed onto Yuri, which caused the two of them to land onto each other...on the bed. They slowly came to realisation and immediately, they froze and remained in their position.

Gi Kwang, on top of Yuri. Yuri landed on the bed. Both pairs of eyes stared at each others. The both didn't move at all.

"Mianhe!!! I didn't intended to do that!!! It was an accident!!" Gi Kwang apologised as his face was flushed in red.

Yuri remained silent as she was somewhat confused. All she can manage to say was:

"Is there something wrong? Isn't this just an accident?"

Gi Kwang was relieved to hear that. Guess Yuri was slow on those things... But all those relieve feels that Gi Kwang finally had were ruined when Jun Hyung and Yoseop AND aunt Kan, arrived to the scene.

See you in the next chapter :)

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