Vlyad panted as his legs ached. He ran his hand through his hair, he needed food and he needed it badly. He had reached the city, and my lord he'd never been so shocked in his entire life. Some buildings were massive compared to Nana's castle. People walked down the streets, talking and holding odd things in their hands. Vlyad gulped, trying to think of what to do.

To his left was a small park, people flooding around. Vlyad walked into the park, trying to find someone his age.

Old lady...


A group of teenagers...

Vlyad stopped in his tracks, looking at the group. They were in three of them, one a girl while the other two were men. The young lady had pure white hair, just like Lust's. Her eyes were a shimmering purple, which matched her black hoodie and sweatpants. The man to his left had black hair, with blue eyes and a tiny scar across the bulb of his nose. His skinny jeans were a dark blue, with a black top, a skull stamp in the front. The final man had red eyes and hazel hair, the same as Vlyad's. A small stick of white was hanging from his mouth, a tiny cloud of smoke arising from the tiny end.

Vlyad narrowed his eyes, scowling a bit. Be cautious, I may be armed but they still could be a formidable​ enemy.

Vlyad sucked it in and begun to walk towards them, his stomach twisting and turning. The three looked up as he neared, making sweat soak up his new clothing.

"What do you want, kid?" The latter with blue eyes spat, narrowing his baby blue eyes at Vlyad.

Vlyad blinked, biting his lip. "I was hoping for directions..."

The white haired girl raised an eyebrow, smiling a bit. "Oh, where do you wanna go?"

They seem, friendly-ish... Vlyad thought to himself, "Phoenix drop high..."

The red eyed boy scoffed, pulling the white thing from his mouth, letting lose a tint puff of smoke. "We'll tell you-"

"Oh why thank-" Before Vlyad could completely finish Gene smirked, cutting him off.

"If, you share a smoke with us." Gene smirked.

Vlyad blinked, his gaze looking to a ground. "A w-what?" He doesn't mean fire does he? Actually that could be kinda fun... Vlyad pondered before the white haired girl spoke up.

"You know, a cigarette?" She pointed to the thing hanging from the brunette's mouth.


A cigarette hung from Vlyad's mouth as he walked down the streets, now aware of where he was headed. Smoke flooded through his lungs each time he breathed. He did as he was asked and even earned a whole pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the three who he'd found out were dubbed as the Shadow Knights.

Weirdos... He thought back to himself as he remember their odd conversations. Nonetheless he'd received his information and headed on his way.

Vlyad's mouth hung open as he finally found the schoolhouse; his mouth formed a small 'O' as his forset green eyes peered over the yards. It was massive, a foutain was in front of the school, sputing out water into the air. There was a neat path of gravel beneath the sin, the gray and grass blending in perfect harmony.

Cherry trees were lined outside the path, making Vlyad look from side to side as he took in the wonderful pink leaves. He got to the main entrace looking up at the glass plane window that was already above the large entrace. The window was in a circule shape, the metal of the frame looking golden. A beatiful, orange phenixo was placed in the center of the round shape, a peach tear drop looking shape right belpw it's talon's. "Woah..." Vlyad whispered.

Before Vlyad could even enter, a shoulder nugde him, making him stumble to the side a bit. Vlyad looked to his left, seeing a girl. She had coal black hair, falling down to her shoulders. She wore a uniform, which made Vlyad realize all the students were, even himself. The uniform was white, going down to her wrist, a baby blue bow over her breasts. She had a skirt, falling to her knees. She had black flats, white socks curled up at her ankle. "Oh i'm so sorry!"

Vlyad looked at her, confused. Most people would have stabbed me, she's weird. Vlyad pondered.

"O-Oh it's no p-problem..." Vlyad sputtered. He's never really talked to people other than sins; and if he did they were always threatening, like those three in the park. He didn't know how to be 'nice.'.

The ravenette gasped, looking Vlyad from up to down with her orange eyes. "Are you new too?"

Vlyad blinked for a moment. "Y-Yeah, I am..."

"Where are you from?" She titled her head, fluttering her eyelashes.


"Oh, u-uh-" Come on, think! "O-Ok-"

"Okias?" She asked, her eyes rounded.

That's a place?

"Yeah..." Vlyad tapped his foot against the stone pavement, twirling a shred of bark brown hair bewteen his fingers.

"Oh, I was born here, but I was homeschooled until today!" She giggled, cupping her cotton candy scented mouth.

"Homeschooled? I've read about that, when parents want to teach their children without taking them to a school house, to put it in simple terms." Vlyad muttered, rubbing his chin.

The girl chuckled. "A know it all, huh?"

"A what-?" Vlyad questioned, he'd never heard of a term like that before.

"I can tell we'll be great friends! My name is Aphmau, what's yours?" 'Aphmau' stuck out her hand, wanting Vlyad to shake the limb. He heastied for a moment before slowly wrapping his hand around the ravenette's and shaking it.

"I'm Gl- Vlyad..." He corrected himself mid sentence.

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