Chapter 7: A Quidditch Surprise and the Dark Fabric

Friday came and went, the only fun thing happening was Alana's first Divination class. Everyone is surprised to hear how much she enjoyed it. Alana is also excited to see her first Hogwarts Quidditch game. Ethan is ecstatic and grateful that his detention isn't until after the game. Maria and Lauren are practically bouncing with energy and happiness to see Julia and Agnes fly. Hannah is a bit nervous because she hasn't had the best history with Quidditch games. Julia and Agnes feel like they're going to be sick themselves while they wait for the game.

Despite their different emotions, everyone is gathered by the Gryffindor Quidditch tent. The game is going to start in a few minutes, so Julia and Agnes both have their Quidditch robes on and broomsticks in hand.

"You're going to do great! We'll get the best seats so that we can see perfectly!" Lauren gives Julia and Agnes one last hug before leaving the tent to go get said seats.

"Go Gryffindor! Beat those Slytherins!" Ethan yells and runs after Lauren. Alana rushes after him to make sure he stays safe and doesn't draw attention to himself.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just do what you did at tryouts!" Maria gives a thumbs up to the duo and pats Julia's shoulder before leaving.

"I can only imagine how you're feeling. I'm nervous just about being in the audience." Hannah laughs to try and lighten the mood, but Julia and Agnes only chuckle once. "Remember, my brother David is on your team. He won't let that Bludger touch either of you. Just do your thing."

Julia and Agnes nod as Hannah leaves to join the group of friends. Jeff and Kyle enter the tent and walk up to the chalkboard, Jeff looking really nervous. The rest of the team sits down and Jeff begins, "I know we haven't had a lot of time to study Slytherin's new strategy, but that doesn't mean we should panic! Stick to your strengths. I know we can beat these snakes!"

The team pumps their fists in the air and all give a resounding "Yeah!" response to Jeff's little speech. Julia sits next to her fellow Chasers, two brothers named Tyler and Joel Miles. She can tell that Jeff, being the Keeper and team captain, he is trying his best to act confident. Kyle and David, the two Beaters of the team, hype themselves up. They both dislike Slytherin with every fiber of their being, so they are more than ready to start this match. Agnes sits next to them and fiddles with the twigs on her broomstick, more scared now than before. What if she messes up and can't find the Snitch before Peeps does?

Madam Hooch enters the tent and announces that the match is going to start. Agnes feels like a zombie as she walks onto the field, the bright sun happily watching from behind some slightly grey clouds. Agnes sure hopes it doesn't rain. When they get to the center of the field and meet with the Slytherin team, Jeff shakes hands with their captain. Madam Hooch hands the Quaffle to Julia because Gryffindor is ahead in points. "I want a fair, clean game! On my whistle, you may kick off!"

Agnes watches as Madam Hooch opens a box and releases the Golden Snitch. Amy Parks, now in her seventh year of Hufflepuff, stands at the announcing podium and says, "There goes the Snitch! We have two new Seekers, Nick Peeps for Slytherin and Agnes Higgins for Gryffindor! Now is their chance to prove who is the better Seeker."

Agnes and Nick stare back at each other, unblinking, until Madam Hooch blows her whistle and Agnes kicks off the ground. Agnes hovers above the game and watches, making sure to keep her attention focused on finding the Snitch. Julia darts straight up and quickly makes a left to dodge both Slytherin Beaters. She punches the Quaffle to pass it to Tyler, who quickly kicks it and Joel catches it. Joel fakes a shot to the hoop, making the Slytherin Keeper swerve. Instead, Joel passes the ball to Julia. She catches it with one hand, and chucks it at the opposite hoop. Agnes smiles and whispers a 'yes' under her breath as Amy yells into the microphone, "Ten points for Gryffindor!"

Maria cheers and looks up at Hagrid to see him lower his binoculars and clap. Hagrid came up to watch Julia and Agnes play their first game as well, and he was thrilled to sit next to the group of friends. Lauren puts her hands over her mouth in surprise. "I can't believe Julia scored their first points! I thought the first time she ever rode a broomstick was last year!"

"Runs in the family. Her dad was on the team as a Chaser, an' was the best player by his fifth year." Hagrid explains, but then does a double take with his binoculars when he sees someone in the adult Quidditch stands. "Blimey, why is he here?"

"Who?" Alana asks, looking across the stadium to see where Hagrid is staring.

"Codswollop... That there is Lucius Malfoy." Hagrid does his best to refrain from pointing at him, but Alana spots him quickly.

He has long, light blonde hair that's almost white in appearance. He's wearing black and green to represent his Slytherin pride, and he has a staff with something silver on the head. His light eyes watch the game with a weird sense of interest. Ethan holds Hannah's hand, now suddenly feeling a chill go down his spine. "Why would he be here? He doesn't have a kid on the team."

"He wouldn' go out of his way and visit for nothin'. Somethin' funny is goin' on." Hagrid strokes his beard and goes back to watching the game.

"Well, he did buy the Slytherin Seeker's broomstick. Maybe he just wants to see how it'll perform." Maria suggests, but doesn't think the explanation is likely.

Agnes continues to watch the game and is starting to get a bit nervous. She hasn't seen the Snitch yet, and Gryffindor was able to score sixty points already. Slytherin is starting to play dirtier, and have managed to scrape fifty points past Jeff. At least Peeps hasn't spotted the Snitch yet either. He is hovering a good distance away from Agnes, and is probably waiting until she finds it for him.

Just when she thinks she should just give up or call a timeout, Agnes sees a flurry of gold fly by a Slytherin Beater's head. It zips around his bat, but he doesn't notice it at all. Agnes smirks and dives toward the player. The Beater sees her coming and dodges, thinking she was aiming to attack him. However, once he moves, the Snitch is free for the taking. Agnes easily follows it and reaches out her hand, scooching up on her broomstick so she can catch it. Before her fingers even graze the metal, Peeps zooms down and body slams Agnes in the side.

Agnes falls off her broom from the force, but manages to hold on with one hand. She hears Jeff yelling at Madam Hooch for a penalty, but she doesn't hear a whistle. Agnes turns her broomstick while hanging off it so she doesn't run into the stands, and uses the momentum of the turn to spin in the air and hop back on.

"Nice try, but it'll take more than that to get rid of me!" Agnes says as she flies up next to her fellow Seeker.

"Try not to speak so soon. Have a nice fall!" Peeps grabs Agnes's broom with one hand and pushes her with the other, making her fall off once again. She hangs on with both hands, but Peeps smashes her fingers with his fist, forcing her to release them. Agnes falls into the sand, and her broom lands next to her.

This time, Madam Hooch blows her whistle and the crowd goes nuts with boos from the Gryffindors and cheers from the Slytherins. Madam Hooch flies to the middle of the field and allows Gryffindor a two shot penalty. Joel takes the first one and scores on the hoop furthest to the right, and Julia scores in the middle hoop. The score is now one hundred to seventy with Gryffindor in the lead.

Kyle lands on the ground next to Agnes and helps her up. "Amazing flying, but I don't think you'll get anywhere with the Seeker on your tail. Might need to try a different approach."

"Like what, losing the game? We went over this strategy a million times at practice, but he knows exactly what I can do!" Agnes gets frustrated and brushes sand off her broomstick.

"Then try something special, something unique. Use some of that Agnes Magic!" Kyle winks and hops back on his broom. "Well, don't actually use magic. You know what I mean!"

Agnes watches as Kyle goes back into the game. She climbs back on her broom and thinks to herself. "Something unique, huh?"

The game starts back up again, and Agnes immediately finds the Snitch. She goes in for it, but Peeps is right beside her once again. "You know, I'll just keep pushing you off until your arm is broken and can't get back up! We aren't afraid of penalties, so you can never win!"

"Oh yeah? Well, you talk too much!" Agnes quickly jumps and stands on her broomstick. Before she loses balance and falls off, she jumps forward and closes her fingers around the Golden Snitch. Once again, she lands in the sand, but this time she holds up the Snitch high in the air.

Everyone cheers and goes ballistic. Kyle helps Agnes stand again and gives her a hug and Julia hops on her back. Alana, Ethan, Maria, Hannah, and Lauren run down the stairs and yell congratulations at their friends. Agnes notices the Slytherin captain scolding Peeps for not flying just a smidge faster to catch the Snitch before Agnes could.

The group heads out of the field once Julia and Agnes change back into their school robes. Most of the students and teachers are gone now, so the field is quite empty when they leave. Once they exit the stadium to start on the path back to the castle, a tall man with long, blonde hair turns from behind the wall and blocks their path. Lucius Malfoy. "My my, that was quite a thrilling game, wasn't it?"

The friends blink, too shocked to say anything. Thankfully, Lauren has a cool enough head to think of something first. "It was. Now, if you don't mind, we have to get back to the school. Is there something you need?"

Lucius smiles at Lauren, making her shudder visibly. He looks at each of the kids, his eyes lingering over Hannah for a bit. Does he know about what happened to her last year? He doesn't mention anything, but his smile widens when he looks down at Ethan. Alana takes a step toward Ethan to try and protect him for Lucius's sight. She takes the wrath of his gaze instead.

Lucius finally blinks and says, "I am here because I have been informed that there has been a certain group of Hogwarts troublemakers who can't seem to keep their curious noses out of other people's business. And, to my understanding, since one of you isn't supposed to even be here," Lucius watches Ethan hide behind Alana, "it would be wise for you all to, shall we say, stay ignorant."

Everyone watches as Lucius turns and leaves, heading to the castle. Once he is out of sight, the group starts breathing again and Hannah clutches her heart. "What in the bloody world was that all about?"

"Beats me. I can't think of anything we've done this year that he would threaten us about. We haven't run into anything besides what happened at Diagon Alley!" Maria tries, but can't think of another drastic event that happened.

"I know why. Come on, we have to find a place to talk in private!" Agnes starts running and leads the group inside.

Common rooms are out of the question, there are too many people in there who can overhear their conversations. Ethan isn't allowed in any girl's dorm, so that's a no go as well. There has to be a place, a secret place that only the group deems important. Agnes gets an idea and leads the group up the main stairs to reach the fourth floor. She makes a left turn and walks down a hallway until she reaches an old looking door, which is unsurprisingly open. "In here." Agnes opens the door and everyone follows her.

The room is recognizable to five of the friends. It's the room of the broken mirror, the one that houses a tunnel which leads to Hogsmeade. After the mirror broke last year, no one ever entered it except the five girls. They never thought they would have to use the room again.

"Okay, Agnes what's this all about? How do you know why Lucius would threaten us?" Alana asks with worry in her voice.

"Don't freak out, but I may have found something that day at Diagon Alley." Agnes reaches into her pocket and pulls out a black fabric. "This was at the scene after the fight. I'm not sure why it's important, but I think it's part of the cloak from the attacker."

"Why would Lucius threaten us because of a piece of a cloak? We can't do anything with it, can we?" Maria looks around at her friends, wondering what they'll say.

"There is something actually, but I doubt it'll work." Ethan scratches his head and looks curiously at the cloth. "There's an old potion that my mum mentioned once. It would be really useful to an Auror, but the potion was only half completed. No one was able to finish it and the potion was deemed-"

"Uncreatable. Yeah, I remember her mentioning that." Julia smiles and recalls the time she heard about the potion. "It's a potion that's supposed to give the drinker a path to the person they're trying to find. But, it's just a legend. The potion was never able to be created. A group of wizards got halfway through and couldn't complete it. The potion wasn't even given a name because, well, it doesn't exist."

"So, what you're saying is, if we can somehow create this potion, we can locate the attacker from Diagon Alley! A piece of something he owns must be an ingredient. If Lucius knew Agnes had a piece of this person's cloak, then he must think we are up to something." Lauren is finding all of this fascinating.

"It still doesn't totally make sense." Hannah crosses her arms and shakes her head. "I mean, this potion isn't able to be brewed by the best wizards and witches. Why would Lucius think that a group of second years and a nine year old can figure it out?"

"That's kind of a stretch, but I believe it. Lucius is paranoid and insane. Plus, he knows who we are." Julia groans and looks at her brother. "He knew Ethan wasn't supposed to be here because he isn't old enough. Lucius isn't fond of our family, especially our mum because she was the one who raided his house to see if he had any dark magic artifacts. Since he knows our mum, he would believe that we'd do anything to find out who the attacker was. We were all there, after all."

"Well, except me. I was stuck at Gringotts during the fight." Alana giggles to lighten the mood, and gets serious again. "I guess there's no harm in trying. We can attempt to make the potion and see if it works."

"Someone has to get a copy of the first half of the potion so we can get started." Ethan adds, knowing they have to start somewhere.

"Right. I'll go to the library tomorrow and check out a few potion books. We can brew it here in the Mirror Room." Maria starts to get nervous, but she knows she can do it. All she has to do is check out a couple books.

"As much as it pains me to say it, we should all pay as much attention in Potions class as possible. We need to learn about how to make potions and how they were originally created." Agnes puts the cloth back in her pocket, knowing she has to keep it safe.

Everyone begrudgingly agrees and Agnes opens the door to leave the room. Once they step into the hallway, they all go toward the main stairwell. Agnes turns and starts heading down the stairs so they can all go get some lunch. She stops in her tracks and her eyes widen. Agnes smiles and yells, "MARY?!"

Sure enough, Mary stands there at the bottom of the steps and waves at her younger magical sister. Agnes sprints down the stairs and hugs her. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw your game! It was amazing. I tried to find you afterward, but you all disappeared. Thankfully, I ran into the Headmaster and he told me you were probably by the Gryffindor common room. I waited by the stairs." Mary ruffles Agnes's hair and chuckles. "Well, are you going to give me a tour or what?"

Everyone heads to the Great Hall for a bite to eat and spend the rest of the afternoon giving Mary a tour of the castle. They stop by all of their classrooms and even run into Peeves, who for some reason is very fond of Mary although he makes fun of the second years. Near the end of the tour, they reach the Potions room and they drop Ethan off for his detention. They wish him good luck before heading back and going outside to show Mary the lake. When the sun starts to dip, it's time for Mary to head back to the Muggle world. At least it was fun while it lasted.

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