Chapter 4: Snape's Best Day

"So, you're telling me that the only way to get out of here is to be expelled?" Ethan groans as he asks his question.

"I think so." Dylan, the kid from last night who tried to comfort Ethan, carries eight huge books in his arms, having to peek his eyes over the top one to see where he's going. "Why would you want to leave anyway?"

"It's a... long story. I'll tell you during lunch or something." Ethan sighs in dismay. At least he has this kid with him. Maybe he should try to get to know him, make a friend, try to have a normal first year. The two Ravenclaws walk into Charms class and pick a table right in the center of the room. "So... do you have any other siblings here?"

"No, I'm the oldest kid. My parents are both magical and used to live in Mexico, but they moved here after I was accepted into Hogwarts. Could have gone to the local magic school, but they were convinced that Hogwarts would be the best opportunity for me," Dylan explains, his tone relieved that he is able to put his books down.

Looking closer at Dylan, Ethan can see more of his ethnicity. He has black, crazy hair and dark eyes with very tan skin and bushy eyebrows. He's also really tall and skinny, not to mention his slight accent should have given him away. If he was paying more attention to Dylan last night, he might have noticed. Before he can ask anything else about him, Professor Flitwick walks into the classroom. "Good morning, everyone. My name is Professor Flitwick, but some of you may know that already." Ethan swears his eyes gloss over him for a moment. "Now, I want to start off with trying some spells today. Everyone, wands up!"

This is not at all what Julia described her first Charms class to be! Ethan soon realizes he takes this class with the Gryffindors, so after scanning the classroom he eventually finds Leah. He is content on seeing she is also confused as to why they are starting off with the charm, Arresto Momentum.

Dylan looks at Ethan nervously as the latter tosses his wand between his fingers, anxious to cast the spell. This is supposed to be second year material! It's what he learned last year with the other second years. Regardless, when Dylan jumps off the desk, Ethan shouts, "Arresto Momentum!" with his wand pointed at his new friend. Everyone pauses as Dylan stops his descent right before he hits the ground.

Professor Flitwick doesn't seem surprised in the slightest. "Interesting. Now, class, this is a good demonstration of the spell in front of you. As long as Mr. Copper keeps his focus," Ethan swears he hears Flitwick's voice draw out his last name, "the spell will continue to go on. I am very impressed with all of your attempts, but return to your seats. We are going to learn the last lesson of the day: Lumos."

Ethan cancels the spell over Dylan, dropping him to the floor. As everyone returns to their seats, Dylan leans over and whispers to Ethan, "What the bloody hell was that all about?"

"I told you, I'll explain at lunch. If I survive that long." Ethan picks up his quill and attempts to blend in for the rest of the class.

Defense Against the Dark Arts is the best class Ethan has ever attended, and he knows it's the best one he will attend this year due to the professor being new. He wasn't around for the whole "Kevin Turner" debacle. Sadly, that class flies by in a blink and Ethan finds himself at lunch with his third year friends. Julia gives her brother a side hug and giggles. "How was your first real class, bro?!"

"Not so great." Ethan talks about his Charms class, Dylan asking questions about what was happening throughout the entire explanation. He leaves off with the note that Professor McLaughlin has no idea who he is, so it felt like a real class. For that, he's very grateful.

"Can someone please explain why Ethan seems to be the talk of the school amongst the professors?!" At Dylan's question, everyone finally divulges the explanation. After they say how Ethan got home by broomstick last year, Dylan is left in shock. "Okay... now can someone give me the real explanation?"

Before someone can say they are telling the truth, Katie enters the Great Hall, her prefect badge shining on her robes, and she runs up to the group. "Have you guys seen Leah anywhere?"

"No, she hasn't come in here for lunch or anything. We've been here since class ended," Hannah informs her sister, making Katie groan.

"I told David to keep an eye out for her! If only she was put in Ravenclaw..." Katie brushes her thin brown hair back behind her ears in distress before running off.

"You and me both, cousin," Ethan mutters to himself. Wishing to change the subject, Ethan turns to the older girls. "How were your first classes?"

"They were alright. Nothing much really happened. Barely even got homework," Lauren shrugs nonchalantly while finishing her sandwich.

Maria groans dramatically and drops her head on the table. "I had Herbology with Lauren for first period. Why did it have to be my first class?!"

"Great, I have that next." Ethan is once again reminded of the fact that the teachers recognize him, including the one who teaches Herbology, Professor Sprout.

"You said that Defense class was good. How was the new professor?" Agnes asks, eager to hear just how boring or strict this new guy is bound to be.

To her and everyone else's surprise, Ethan lights up at the question. "Oh, Professor McLaughlin seems really cool. He knows what he's talking about, and even said we are going to learn a few spells by the end of the year."

This peaks everyone's interest. Julia states the comment on their minds, "If first years are going to learn a few spells, then I wonder what we are going to be doing!"

Before they can speculate further, Maria's cousin Claudia skips up to the group and taps her fellow Hufflepuff's shoulder. "Ria, wanna walk to Potions together?"

"Is it time already?" Maria sighs and looks at the huge clock above the doors. Sadly, it's time to leave the Great Hall and go to class with Professor Snape, someone she has strong mixed feelings about.

"Come on, everyone. Let's head off to our next classes without being late on the first day for once." Hannah's comment makes a few of them chuckle, and they pick up their things and head off to their third classes of the day.

Julia watches sadly as Ethan and Dylan break off from the group, heading off to the greenhouses. Lauren excitedly runs down the hall so she can have Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the three Gryffindors and two Hufflepuffs walk down to the dungeons for Potions class. Maria and Claudia are very excited to have this class with their Gryffindor friends this year, spicing things up from the previous two years.

When they enter the classroom, Hannah instantly finds Adam, her partner from last year, and sits with him. Maria and Claudia find a table together, and Julia slips into a seat next to Agnes. Right as she sits down, Julia feels a tap on her shoulder. It's that annoying Gryffindor, Raymond, she had to partner up with her first year. What the heck? She thought she made it clear last year that she found a new partner! "Uh, can I help you?"

"There's an odd number in class this year. Mind if I partner up with you two?" Raymond pulls a chair over to the desk as he asks his question, not bothering to wait for her answer.

"Actually, only two people are-"

Agnes cuts Julia off and nudges the girl out of her seat. "Julia, you go work with Raymond. I'll be fine on my own."

"What? But-"

"I've been reading over the summer and I'm pretty sure I know exactly how to do today's potion. Plus, we might just be taking notes today." Agnes's reasoning makes Julia confused, but she doesn't argue as she is pulled out of her chair and to another desk by Raymond wrapping his hands around her arm. As she leaves, Agnes pulls out her map and begins looking at it, trying to decipher Alana's crazy writings.

Maria, concerned, tries to peek over and see what Agnes is doing, but Professor Snape storms into the room, black robes flying behind him as always. He hurries to the front of the class and starts writing on the chalkboard. "We are learning about a very serious topic today, so I require everyone to pay attention." Snape turns back to the class and stares at the students for a long moment before tapping on his book with his wand, which opens it to the beginning of a chapter. "Beginning your third year, we will be taking a look at the potion inventing method."

This makes even Agnes look up from what she's doing, her face turning pale. She looks over at Maria out of instinct and the Hufflepuff looks back with the same expression on her face. Claudia remains confused, Adam just as much when Hannah looks like she's about to pass out. Julia leans her head back and looks at the ceiling, asking herself why they couldn't have learned this last year.

"Now, the act of deciding to brew a complex potion usually requires more than one person, and therefore to invent a complex potion more than one person is preferred." Snape's lecture practically mirrors the actions they took last year in order to invent a potion in secret. Even when they learn about the part where wizards get stuck, their daily lives become unimportant to them. Gee, this would have been nice to know last February! Maria, Hannah, Agnes, and Julia barely even need to take notes on the subject.

When class is over, Julia stomps out of the room. "He did that on purpose! Professor Snape knows we invented a potion last year."

"Dumbledore must have snitched on us. He's the only other person who knew about it." Agnes completely agrees with Julia. She paid attention during the whole class to see if Snape would single the girls out, but didn't catch any sort of thing. He must be really good at hiding his knowledge of their guidance potion.

"I don't know guys. I'm sure it's just in the curriculum to learn this at the beginning of year three." Hannah rolls her eyes at her friend's accusing Snape.

"I wish we could tell him about it, though. We would get so many extra points! Maybe even skip a year of potions class." Maria longs to turn around and tell Professor Snape all about their triumph last year.

"You kidding? You all could get into real trouble for that. You're lucky none of the teachers found out at all besides Dumbledore!" Claudia pushes her orange hair behind her shoulder. "Besides, you should have invited me."

The four friends laugh at Claudia's statement and rush over to their last class of the day, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Excited for what Ethan told them, they snag seats at the front of the class. It takes a few minutes, but eventually the room fills up and the professor walks in.

The girls were expecting him to look... not like this on their first day. Although they got a glimpse of him last night at dinner, they were expecting him to dress up more menacingly for class. However, he wears dark purple robes with a matching hat and a light brown wand in his hand. His glasses fall halfway down his nose as if they were too big of a fit for him, and his robes brush the floor in the same manner. He carries two books, the text for the class and a small pocket book. Placing them both on the desk, he looks up at the students and seems that he's about to say something when the assistant walks in. Or, rather, stumbles in.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Professor McLaughlin and I am picking up the position of your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. This man next to me," Professor McLaughlin steps to the side as the assistant catches his footing and turns to face the class, bowing, "is Mr. Harlowe. He wishes to be a professor at another school, and so is going to be shadowing me for this year."

Mr. Harlowe is taller than Professor McLaughlin, but is clearly more clumsy. He has bushy, black hair and dark eyes that remind Hannah too much of Cade Byrant. Mr. Harlowe looks around the class with a nervous smile, his hands folded behind his back as he gives the stage back to the main professor. McLaughlin opens his small pocket book to the middle and reads a few words before asking, "I was informed that you have not yet learned a spell, although in your previous years your professors promised to teach you some." He puts the book down and points his wand at everyone. "It looks like I have some catching up to do. Does anyone have any questions before we begin?"

A Gryffindor the girls remember as Daniel raises his hand and is called on. "Professor Laney said it was too dangerous to test spells in a classroom, so how are we going to learn spells in a safe environment?"

"Excellent question Mr..."


"Yes, Mr. Zhing. Can I ask: do you think in situations where you would need to defend yourselves, it would be so called safe?" Professor McLaughlin paces around the front of the class, glancing at individuals for an answer. After most of the students shake their heads, he continues, "No, they wouldn't. You all are quite right. However, since your safety is also very important to me, we will be practicing these spells on objects instead of each other for the start."

The professor sees that he has the class' undivided attention, and smiles while tapping the tip of his wand to his chin. He walks quickly behind his desk and opens his book to the first chapter. "Now, if we are ready, I would like to start today with the Jelly-Brain Jinx."

The class is the best they ever had. Ethan was seriously understating that fact when he told them his experience during lunch. The entire class is spent learning about different simple jinxes students see each other doing in hallways. It's easy, but way better than anything else they've learned during their days in Defense Against the Dark Arts. By the time class is over, they have mastered two jinxes and one hex.

Fourth period wasn't so great for Ethan. Professor Snape is already at his desk as he walks inside and chooses a seat. He sees the professor's smile slowly getting wider before he buries his face into the bend of his arms. Dylan pokes his new friend in the head a few times, but Ethan doesn't budge until Professor Snape starts speaking.

"Well, well. Quite the spread we have here." Professor Snape walks down the center aisle, each step taking a minute long to complete. "I don't normally start class off this way, but I feel the need to see what information you may have learned from your summer reading."

Ethan wishes beyond anything that he knew a vanishing spell. He knows there is a thing called an invisibility cloak, but he also knows there's only one and nobody knows where it is. If only he could melt through his stool and the floor to escape Snape's intense stare. "Let's start with you, Mr. Copper. When must fluxweed be picked in order to make a Polyjuice Potion?"

"Um..." Ethan lifts his head up, surprised that he actually doesn't know the answer to this question. He is sure it's not first year material. "Waxing crescent?"

His smirk growing, Snape asks another impossible question for a first year, "And what is the antidote to Veritaserum?"

"Just take a glass of water," Ethan responds in an actual statement this time. However, he is not confident in his answer, but his tone is more pointing out how stupid these questions are.

"Interesting answer, Mr. Copper, but incorrect once again." Professor Snape stands up straighter and looks around the room, making his voice louder so every student is sure to hear the answers he should have known. "For your information, fluxweed must be picked at the full moon in order to be effective and the only known antidote to Veritaserum is a method known as Occlumency. Five points from Ravenclaw for being so underprepared for my class."

Face burning, Ethan buries his face back into his arms as the professor makes his way back to the front of the classroom. The rest of the time is spent talking notes, but Ethan can barely concentrate. Dylan draws a quick sketch of a potion blowing up in Snape's face, which makes him feel better enough to sit back up and gaze emptily at the words written on the board. When the bell rings, Ethan springs to his feet before Snape can tell him to stay behind and have a chat. Dylan quickly shoves his things into his bag sloppily and bolts after his friend. Weirdly enough, they run right into Maria as she walks down the hallway. "Woah, guys! Slow down or you're going to knock someone over. Hey, what's wrong?"

At the sudden stop, Ethan's shoulders start shaking a bit and the ten year old pushes past Maria. "I don't want to talk right now."

As he walks away, Maria looks worriedly at him. Dylan sighs and explains in only a few words, "We had Potions."

"Oh no... Ethan, come back!" Maria and Dylan run after the first year, but after a few turns through hallways they lose sight of him. What's funny is that they end up in the main staircase hallway. Maria groans and rubs her head with worry while looking around. "He probably went to the Gryffindor common room to see his sister."

"What should I do? This is so crazy... if only I could erase all the professors' memories of him from last year." Dylan starts pacing around anxiously, upset that his first friend is having a rough start.

"Just... make sure he comes back to his room at night. He needs a good night's sleep through the stress." Maria puts a hand on Dylan's shoulder to make him feel better. It's good that Ethan has a friend who cares so much about him. "Julia will talk to him for now. We shouldn't crowd him. Here, I'll walk you back to Ravenclaw Tower. I want to meet up with my friend Lauren so we can compare Defense notes."

Maria and Dylan walk away from the staircase, heading to the other side of the school and hoping that Ethan is getting proper counseling from his sister. Unbeknownst to them, Ethan climbed an extra set of stairs and shut himself in the famous mirror room, sitting against the wall and allowing himself to express his emotions in the darkness. 

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