Chapter 16: The Celestial Ball
The music in the Great Hall seems to resonate throughout all of the hallways of the castle. Every single second to seventh year student is gathered in the Great Hall with most of the teachers. Professor Sinistra, the Astronomy professor, and Professor Laney are the only two teachers absent. Professor Laney is up in the hospital wing for accidentally performing a hex onto himself while practicing the Accio charm. As for Professor Sinistra, she also had different plans for the first years similarly to what Professor Snape did.
"A perfect night to observe the stars! You should consider yourselves lucky, first years. All of the other students are wasting their time stepping on each other's toes and listening to that dreadful music." Professor Sinistra scrunches up her nose when she thinks of the dance going on in the center of the castle.
Normally Hannah, Julia, Maria, Agnes, and Lauren wouldn't mind Astronomy class at all, especially compared to Potions. But, tonight is different. Tonight, they have an objective.
Lauren stands up slowly and clutches a book she borrowed from the library in her arms. She made sure to take a seat near the door when she first came in, and swiftly walks up to the professor. "U-uh, Professor Sinistra?"
"Yes, Ms. Johnson?" Every student who isn't half asleep glances at Lauren and the professor chatting.
Lauren shows the professor her book and hands her a slip of paper. "Sorry I was late, I was renting a book from the library."
Professor Sinistra takes the note and holds it up to the light of the moon to make sure it's authentic. While she's distracted, Julia, Maria, Agnes, and Hannah all slip out of the room. Not many of the students themselves notice, and those who do don't really care. The professor smiles and folds up the note, placing it in her robe pocket. "Thank you for being responsible and honest, Ms. Johnson. Alright, class! Let's get started."
Hannah turns to Maria and Julia and opens her schoolbag. Carefully, she takes out the silver Occamy Eggshell and hands it off to Julia. The blue eyed girl holds it close to her so she doesn't drop it. "Alright, got it. Meet you both and Lauren by the Astronomy Tower."
Agnes and Hannah nod and run to the entrance of the castle while Julia and Maria turn and run in the opposite direction. The Hufflepuff and Gryffindor girls sprint through the hallways, hoping beyond all hope that they don't run into Peeves or Filch. The music from the ball gets louder and louder as they get closer to the Great Hall. Unfortunately, they have to pass the Great Hall to get to the Gryffindor common room.
As Julia and Maria approach the doors to the ballroom, they slow down their steps to a tiptoe so no one hears them. Slowly and sneakily, they pass the doors. They are almost in the clear when suddenly, "Ms. Brown! What are you doing out of bed with your friend!?"
Both girls jump and turn around and are surprised to see the Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff house's ghost. Maria quickly looks from Julia to the eggshell to the ghost before explaining, "U-uh, so we actually have Astronomy tonight. P-Professor Sinistra told us to go to the uh..."
"Her office! Because she forgot this eggshell that's used to enhance the telescope's lens." Julia holds out the eggshell so the Fat Friar can get a better look at it.
Instead of calling them out and giving them detention, the Fat Friar laughs and smiles at Maria. "Yes, I have forgotten that Aurora Sinistra likes to show the first years the night sky on the Celestial Ball day."
"Huh, didn't know the dance had a name." Julia says mostly to herself, but Maria hears her and agrees.
"You two best run off back to class! I must return to my game of Ghost Chess with the Bloody Baron." Without even making sure that Maria and Julia head back to class, the Fat Friar flies through the wall and disappears back into the Great Hall.
Julia and Maria look at each other in shock before sprinting back through the hallway. They run up four flights of stairs and Julia tells the Fat Lady the Gryffindor password. Maria follows her friend into the Gryffindor common room. Thankfully, no one is there because of the ball and Astronomy class.
"I've got the ingredients. Can you get your cauldron?" Maria asks. Julia nods and runs up the stairs to grab her potions cauldron. Maria opens her school bag and dumps out all her potion ingredients. While she waits for Julia, she organizes the ingredients based on class and importance.
Julia runs back down the stairs with her cauldron in hand. She places it on the floor and opens up the translated book she got from Snape's classroom so long ago. "Alright, Maria, you have your Draught of Peace?"
"Right here." Maria takes the small vial out of her pocket. "Are you sure this is going to work?"
"We have to keep our faith in Hannah. But, even so, I do think this is going to work." Julia smiles reassuringly and flips her torn book to the Draught of Peace page. "We need to add the potion first because that will be the base. After that, we add in the eggshell and stir it for fifty seconds. The rest of the steps are simple enough for two people to handle."
"Okay, then let's get started." Maria unscrews the top of her prized potion, a bit nervous about what her and Julia are about to attempt.
Hannah and Agnes reach the big entrance doors to the castle and open them just enough so they can squeeze through. The night is very windy, but there are no clouds in the sky. Hannah and Agnes have to be extra careful that they don't go anywhere that the Astronomy Tower's telescopes can see them. However, if Lauren manages to do her part, then everything will be fine. They just have to be careful for about twenty minutes.
As quietly and swiftly as possible, Hannah and Agnes make their way over to the Quidditch field. On the side of the field is a small shed. Agnes takes something golden and small out of her pocket and approaches the door.
Agnes unlocks the door and sees about twenty old brooms and three shelves filled with Quidditch supplies. "Simple enough. If Cade can't reach you, then he can't catch you!"
Hannah chuckles and admires how confident Agnes is being. "I've never really flown before. My mother doesn't allow us to fly our Broomsticks at home, so the only practice I've had was in Flying Class."
"Then I recommend the Cleansweep Sevens. They're way easier to handle than the Comets, but they're slower too." Agnes goes into the shed and holds up the Cleansweep broom.
"Normally I'd agree with you, but tonight I need speed." Hannah walks in behind Agnes and takes a broom off the Comet rack. "And here are the glass disks. Perfect."
"My Lauren." Agnes and Hannah jump up what seems to be about ten feet before they turn around and back up against the wall. Right in the doorway, blocking their exit, is Alex. "You're keeping her from me."
Hannah sneakily takes a few glass disks off the shelf and slips them into her pocket. Slowly, she reaches for her wand. "A-Alex. Aren't you supposed to be in Astronomy?"
"Heh." Alex chuckles darkly and waves his wand threateningly in front of his face. "He said that if I bring you to him, Lauren will be mine. I know you struggle with defensive spells, Hannah, there is no way you can beat me. Stupef-"
"WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" Before Alex could stun Hannah, Agnes jumps in between the two, her wand already out of her pocket and pointed at Alex. The first year Slytherin loses his footing as he is lifted up into the air. He fumbles with his wand as he drops it. Alex tries to reach for it, but the ground is just out of his reach.
"Put me down you insignificant Mudblood freak!" Alex's face starts turning purple with rage. Hannah looks between Alex and Agnes as they both hold death stares at each other.
Finally, Agnes says, "Leave Hannah and Lauren alone, Slytherin scumbag!" Agnes pushes her wand forward and Alex is sent flying out of the shed. The two girls watch as the Slytherin soars through the sky, runs right into a tree, and falls on his face in the grass unconscious.
"Agnes," Hannah tries to breathe away her shock. "That was brilliant."
"Thanks. It was the same spell those Slytherins used on me after the Quidditch game. It felt good to get some revenge." Agnes smiles and slips her wand back into her pocket. "Come on, it's time to get Lauren and the others."
Agnes grabs her own Comet broomstick and hops on. Hannah gets one for herself and a third one for one of her friends by the tower. Together, Hannah and Agnes soar into the sky now equipped with glass disks and three broomsticks from the Quidditch shed.
Lauren carefully keeps track of time, trying not to look suspicious. Julia let Lauren borrow her wristwatch to make sure the timing was accurate. Lauren has to wait exactly twenty minutes before she can initiate her part of the plan.
Since her four friends have left to do their parts, Lauren is left to observe the night sky by herself. She easily finds the brightest constellations of the northern hemisphere April night: Chameleon, Antila, Hydra, and Leo the zodiac. Quickly putting them on her chart, Lauren checks Julia's watch again. Five more minutes.
Suddenly, one of her fellow Ravenclaw students yells, "Eh? What's that down there?!"
Lauren turns around and her heart stops when she realizes the other Ravenclaw is staring at the ground where the Quidditch shed is. Thinking quickly, Lauren runs over to the telescope and gasps loudly. "Oh my! Professor, I think I spotted a wizard crystal falling from the sky!"
Every single student stops what they're doing and all chaos breaks loose. Everyone starts looking at the sky, but they don't find anything. The professor tries to calm everyone down. "Wizard crystals are just another name for meteors, students! They usually come in groups. What Ms. Johnson must have seen was an asteroid!"
"An asteroid?!" Claudia Chrome shouts. "Are we in danger?! Wasn't it an asteroid that killed the dinosaurs?"
The students start going even more bonkers than before. The professor has no chance of calming them down. Lauren looks down at her watch and finally sees that twenty minutes have passed. Relieved, Lauren slowly takes out her wand and points it at Professor Sinistra. "Tarantellegra."
Professor Sinistra suddenly stops trying to control the chaos of the students because her legs start twitching and dancing. Having no control over her movements, the students all look over and start laughing. The professor isn't so pleased. "Whoever did this, stop the jinx right now!" No one says anything and Lauren joins in the laughter to make her look innocent. "A-alright, fine then! Class dismissed, and if I ever find out who did this-"
The professor doesn't get to finish her thought because she dances into a bookshelf, knocking over some books that were on the top of the cabinet. Still trying to contain order in the room, Professor Sinistra says, "Remember, I want two rolls of parchment on the story of Leo the Lion!"
However, not a single student listens to her last demand as they all start filing out of the classroom. Giving up, the professor dances her way out as well. Lauren waits until everyone is gone before closing the door and opening the window by the telescope. After a couple more minutes, Julia and Maria enter the room.
"It's about time." Lauren teases, making Julia and Maria laugh.
"Well, upgrading an expert level potion isn't exactly the easiest thing first years could accomplish." Julia closes the door behind her and high fives Maria. "But, we managed to do it in twenty minutes anyway."
Maria takes out a hard plastic container the size of her palm from her pocket. Inside is a silvery, thick liquid that glistens in the moonlight. "Everything's going according to plan! I'm just happy we didn't mess up the potion."
"Of course we didn't mess it up. I worked with you, the girl who won the Draught of Peace in the first place." Julia smiles and nudges Maria in the side. Maria turns red at the compliment, her blonde hair making her blush more potent.
Before Lauren could tease her friend about it, two witches fly up to their window. "Aww, did we miss class?" Agnes playfully asks, catching the others' attention.
"It was an early dismissal. The students were practically dancing with excitement." Lauren seems proud of herself for her little joke.
"That was terrible! Please, never become a comedian." Julia walks toward the window and takes the Comet broomstick from Hannah.
"No promises." Lauren hops on behind Julia and grips onto the brunette's waist. She forgot how scared she was of flying, and it's been scarier at nighttime. Lauren is very grateful that Julia is going to be the one who's driving the broomstick.
"Here, Hannah." Maria hands the bottle of potion to her friend and hops on the broomstick behind Agnes.
"Amazing, this is perfect!" Hannah slips the bottle into the inner pocket of her robes before taking a deep breath. "Everyone ready?"
The four other girls nod and Hannah leads the way through the sky. Lauren hugs Julia tightly from behind, wincing every time they have to make a turn. Julia tries to fly as smoothly as possible, knowing her friend's fear of heights. Agnes isn't so mindful. Maria has to keep herself from screaming as Agnes quickly weaves through the trees of the Forbidden Forest. She finds it's just best to close her eyes and let Agnes do her thing. Finally, they make it to where Cade was seen talking to Alex that one day in the woods.
Julia and Agnes stop their broomsticks at the top of the trees, making the leaves hide their presence. Hannah lowers herself to the ground and disembarks from her ride, leaving the broomstick itself on the ground.
Hannah slowly walks forward, keeping extremely aware of her surroundings. A dark figure leans on a tree. As Hannah approaches it, the figure turns into the tall and slender form of Cade. The girl's heart is racing, but she knows she just has to keep to the plan and everything will be fine.
Cade notices Hannah coming toward him and smiles widely, showing off his unusually white teeth. Hannah never saw this much of his teeth to catch how white they are. He must take extra good care of them, and the light of the moon illuminates them even further. "Ah, my dear, you came."
The sound of Cade's voice makes Hannah's insides turn to ice. It sounds like he is trying to sound as calm as possible, but Hannah knows better. Trying to keep her own voice from wavering, Hannah stops walking and takes a small breath. "I know what you're trying to do."
"You do?" Cade's hands start to twitch. He stands up straight and takes a step toward Hannah. "And what exactly, Miss Brave Gryffindor, is that?"
That's right, Hannah is in Gryffindor. Despite that, she doesn't feel brave one bit. Why'd she join this house again? "Y-you want to make Felix Felicis. The potion that grants you unmatchable luck."
If Cade's smile could get any wider, it did. "It's not just Ravenclaws that are the intelligent ones. Isn't that right, darling?"
"Yeah, but you're about to wish that Ravenclaws are the only smart ones." Hannah remarks and pulls out the potion from her robe pocket.
Cade pauses and becomes as frozen as a statue. Hannah can't tell if he's shocked, filled with rage, or just plain confused. Finally, Cade's twitchy hands seem to each out to her as if they want to grab and strangle her. "You... is that... that isn't-"
"My very own Liquid Luck!" Hannah holds it up right by her face and smiles confidently. "What do you think? Should I take a little bit and drink it myself?"
"You." Cade's expression changes to clearly express seething anger. "You're going to die like a good little girl, but first you're going to hand that to me."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Heads up!" Hannah tosses the bottle of silver potion straight upward and it doesn't come back down. Cade is confused for a second before Agnes and Julia swoop down on their broomsticks, their passengers hanging on behind them. Hannah quickly takes the glass disks out of her pockets and tosses them at Cade. "FINESTRA!"
The glass explodes and shatters in the direction of Cade. The wizard holds his arms out in front of his face to guard it. When the shockwave dies down Cade chuckles. "You're not the only one who brought friends, Hannah. Come on out!"
Out from the trees' shadows, another adult figure walks up and stands next to Cade. Hannah becomes relieved instead of scared. "Professor Laney! This is the man who tried to kill me! I'm so glad you're here."
The five girls' Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher looks at the one causing all this chaos in the first place. Cade points his wand at Professor Laney and says, "Kill them all."
"What?" Hannah voices her and her friends' confusion.
Instead of turning and attacking Cade or running up and protecting the five first years, Professor Laney takes out his wand and points it at Hannah. He smiles, and with his voice not wavering for a second, he says, "Avada Kedavra."
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