Chapter 14: The Imperius Curse

Needless to say, Maria became very worried. Her partner for the day disappeared to get her book that wasn't missing in the first place, and she didn't come back. Arguably the most hardworking student in her year, besides Hannah Miller, skipped a class! Maria went straight to the Gryffindor common room.

She only gets a couple of weird glances, but the Gryffindors don't seem to mind since she's a Hufflepuff. If she were a Slytherin, that'd be a different matter altogether. The common room is so big, Maria starts to get anxious that it will take forever to find her three Gryffindor friends. Luckily, Julia and Agnes are sprinting down the stairs from their dorm room and spot Maria's yellow and black tie.

"Julia, Agnes!" Maria runs up to the two other first years and starts scrambling her words. "Potions and Lauren left her book but she didn't and can't find but-"

"Maria," Julia stops her friend's rant with a scared and worried face. Maria immediately stops talking and Julia finishes, "Hannah is gone too."

"Come on, guys. We need to find a safe place to talk." Agnes mumbles while eyeing all the curious Gryffindors. She takes one of Julia's hands and one of Maria's before fast walking out of the portrait hole.

Not a word is said until they exit the school. They walk down a slope and sit down on the grass by the edge of the lake. Maria pulls her knees up to her chest and looks at the calm water. "What do you think happened?"

"Someone's on campus who's not supposed to be." Agnes says darkly. "The Quidditch matches, the secret tunnel. What if they were taken?"

"Taken? In the middle of the day while classrooms are filled with teachers, and Dumbledore is present in his study?" Maria looks at Agnes with a dumbfounded expression. "Besides, Lauren was acting weird before she left. Whatever happened, I think she did it willingly."

"What do you mean she was acting weird?" Julia has a funny feeling that Lauren and Hannah left for the same reason.

"Well..." Maria gathers her rushing thoughts to try and remember what happened when Lauren started acting strange. "Snape was explaining the potion competition to us, and it seemed like Lauren realized something. Then, she excused herself to go and get her potions book that she 'forgot'. She left and I saw that in her bag was her potions book, which means Lauren lied. Then she never came back to class."

Julia and Agnes exchange glances nervously before Agnes explains, "That's sort of what happened to Hannah."

There is a creepy moment of silence that sets over the trio. Maria groans, not being able to take the quietness anymore. "Where do you think they went?"

"Not sure. They're the smart ones." Julia sighs and rubs her thumb over her bag. The flap opens and she stares at the mysterious potion book that was translated by Katie. "I wish we had that lucky potion."

"Huh?" Agnes looks at Julia from the corner of her eye. "Lucky potion?"

"Yeah it's in my book. It's called Liquid Luck I think." Julia glumly takes out the book and flips through it before stopping at the right page. "Yeah, here it is. It grants the drinker amazing luck for 24 hours."

"I bet everyone would want that, huh?" Maria lies down on the grass and sighs, trying to get rid of the stress. "Why don't people make it more?"

"The ingredients are extremely rare." Julia points at the words as she reads to decipher Katie's handwriting. "It would take years to find everything. I mean, could you imagine what we could do with a cauldron filled with this stuff?"

Distantly, there is a group of voices that can be heard in the direction of the slope the girls climbed down to get to the lake. At first, Maria, Julia, and Agnes think it's Lauren and Hannah, but there's too many people in the group for it to be them. The three girls look at each other nervously before sneakily climbing the slope and peeking over the top. On the other side stands a bunch of Slytherins huddled together in a circle, whispering quite loudly. Among the group is Olivia, her friends, and a couple other people the girls recognize as Austin Hail, Talon Xanders, and Maxwell Schriener. Maybe they just don't think anyone is out here late in the evening because they are talking fairly loudly.

"Where did you say he went?!" Talon says as he waddles up behind the group. He finally catches up to the others and regains his breath, adjusting his small glasses.

"I told you!" Olivia hisses and clenches her fists like she wants to hit Talon upside the head. "I don't know! He just saw that half-blood Gryffindor girl leave class and snuck out himself! See, she's close friends with that Ravenclaw he has a crush on."

"So, he was following that Miller girl out of class. Why, though? Following the best friend of my crush doesn't sound like it'll make my crush fall for me." Austin swipes his hair to the side so it has a swoosh to it.

"Maybe he'll ask Hannah what Lauren likes so that he can buy her stuff later!" Maxwell bats his eyes and folds his hands up to his shoulder.

"How do you know their first names, Max?" Olivia asks with a bit of surprise and curiosity.

Max shrugs, but his expression says that he's been doing something he shouldn't. "I've been... observing them. That group of five always seem to be up to something."

"Anyway," Austin seems a bit peeved at Maxwell for some reason. "We still can't find Alex anywhere. Where do you think he followed that Hannah girl?"

"I'm not sure, but one thing is certain." Olivia pauses, making the three girls who are spying on them look at each other nervously. "They aren't in the castle."

Olivia walks away and the group of Slytherins follow. Julia puts her hand on her chest, her heart beating uncontrollably. Maria turns around and lies on the hill they were hiding behind, looking up at the sky. "What the heck were they talking about?"

"Remember that guy, Alex, that keeps following Lauren?" Agnes stands up and starts pacing in front of Julia and Maria. Maria nods and Agnes continues, "He left right after Hannah did from Defense Against the Dark Arts. I didn't think much of it at the time, but..."

"You think he was following Hannah to get some information about Lauren?" Julia clarifies. Agnes doesn't say anything, but that just confirms Julia's question. "But, Agnes, why does that matter anyway?"

"Because Hannah and Lauren aren't on campus anymore. That last thing Olivia said, I thought she was nuts until I remembered what you two did in the mirror room." Agnes is pacing more frantically now.

"Woah, wait a second." Maria sits up and waves her hands in a stopping motion. "You think Hannah and Lauren figured out the trick to open the tunnel, and then went through the tunnel with Alex secretly following them?!"

"That's exactly what I'm thinking!" Agnes suddenly stops walking and looks at her friends with wide, worried eyes.

"What should we do, then? Go through the tunnel and try to find them? Remember, the tunnel leads to Hogsmeade, so it would take all night to find them." Julia remembers how long it took to explore the town, and they didn't even get to see all of it when Maria and her went through.

"But, I don't want to just wait." Agnes says. It's clear that she's worried and restless. "Hannah was targeted twice at Quidditch matches. I don't think she should be wandering off campus, even if she is with Lauren."

Maria sighs, understanding both points of view. "I think we should compromise. If they're not back by dark, then we will go look for them. It's almost sunset, so we have about an hour."

Julia and Agnes eventually agree, knowing it might be the smartest thing to do. They're glad that one of their best friends is a Hufflepuff, so she can reason through situations and make compromises like that. The three head back inside the castle to have dinner, and by the time they're done eating they will head up to the tunnel.

Lauren had put her blue and bronze tie in the inner pocket of her robes so that no one would know she was a student. She doesn't know why she felt so compelled to go through the tunnel instead of telling her friends it's secret right away. Maybe something is supposed to happen that made her walk into the tunnel in the first place.

The Ravenclaw walks through the town with interest, the inhabitants not giving her a second glance. She keeps an eye on the sun, knowing that if it starts to set then she should head back to the school. For now, it's time to explore.

Julia and Maria had done a great job of explaining the town to her. There are shops everywhere and the snow is finishing melting off the rooftops. Lauren passes a couple of housing units before she reaches the shop Honeydukes. The Ravenclaw peeks through the window and sees a bunch of little kids with their parents trying to snag a couple of treats from the shelves. Compelled at the sight of the licorice wands and chocolate frogs, Lauren heads inside.

From behind the wall of the sweets shop, a first year Slytherin boy with slick black hair and dark blue eyes watches the blonde enter the store. Alex smiles as he watches Lauren through the window, seeing her pick out some treats. He makes a mental note of all the things she picks out, thinking that he can use the information later to get her to love him.

Inside the shop, Lauren pays for her things. Right when she turns around, she bumps into a girl who is only a bit taller than she is. "Urg!"

Lauren regains her stance and opens her eyes to apologize to the girl, but words don't form in her mind when she realizes she just bumped into Hannah.

"L-Lauren!" Hannah's light brown eyes widen and her mouth is agape. "How did you... the tunnel... class!"

"I should be asking you the same questions!" Lauren chuckles and hands her a chocolate frog. "Here I bought some candy for everyone. Let's take a walk and talk."

The two students exit the store and start walking down the street. The Slytherin stowaway steps up to follow them, but a large hand grips his shoulder and pulls him backward forcefully.

Alex is turned around and shoved up against the side of the building. His attacker seems to be a male with messy, dark brown hair. His face is hidden by his beige hat. His same color trench coat reaches down past his knees, and he has black gloves and boots covering the rest of his skin. He is very tall, and looms over Alex.

The man lets go of Alex and says in a forcefully calm voice, "There are so many students sneaking around where they shouldn't these days, huh kid?"

Alex doesn't respond, his only thoughts being of anger that this man made him lose sight of Lauren. However, the exit thing that the man says makes him change his state of mind. "You like that blonde girl, don't you?" When Alex's facial expression changes to embarrassed, the man smiles. "Let me guess, different house than you, she looks to be very smart, but she doesn't give you any attention."

Alex sighs in defeat and combs one hand through the front of his hair. "We were together before, but she broke up with me."

The man hums and says in delight, "I can give you the opportunity to impress her. All you have to do is take out her friend."

"Hannah Miller?" Alex asks in confusion. The man has a hard time not smiling as Alex reveals the girl's name. The Slytherin continues, "Why do you want me to hurt Hannah?"

"Well, you see," the man puts a hand in Alex's shoulder and tries to act genuine. He takes out his wand and whispers, "Imperio."

Alex's eyes glaze over before turning back to normal. The man kneels down to his height and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Be calm and still, child. My name is Cade. I can't attack the girl head on because I have a reputation as an Auror to keep up. On the night of the April Ball, I want you to lure Hannah out to the Forbidden Woods. Until then, act natural."

"Ugh we should head back." Hannah groans and looks at the setting sun. She doesn't want to leave, but she also understands that her and Lauren aren't supposed to be here in the first place.

"Yeah..." Lauren frowns and starts leading the way back to the Three Broomsticks where the secret tunnel is hidden. "At least we were able to get some sweets! Agnes, Julia, and Maria will be so happy."

"You're right. Let's head back." Hannah perks up at the mention of her other friends. Her and Lauren reach the Three Broomsticks and sneakily enter the back closet. Like a ghost, they disappear under the floorboard and walk through the tunnel. Unbeknownst to them, a small distance away is a brainwashed Alex following them, and the mystery man smirking just outside the restaurant.

"It's sundown, come on!" Agnes starts sprinting through the halls and up the stairs. Julia and Maira try to keep up with her, but Agnes is much faster than the other two. She whips the door to the mirror room open and brushes the curtain back. "The tunnel is here, let's go!"

Right when Julia and Maria enter the room, Hannah and Lauren appear from behind the curtain. "AHH!" Agnes screams when she sees Hannah and Lauren in the corner of her eye.

The two stowaways laugh and jump onto the floor. Hannah looks at her watch. "Just in time."

As if it were waiting for Hannah to say something, the curtain hardens and becomes a solid wall. Julia, Maria, and Agnes freeze when they see this, and Julia stares hard at her two friends. "Explain."

And so, Hannah and Lauren tell them all about how they found out that the tunnel changed according to what time it is. Only on the even hours does the tunnel appear. It has just turned 7:00, which is why the tunnel hardened and vanished.

"Why did you leave?! You had us worried!" Maria can't stay mad at her friends. Instead of crossing her arms, she embraces them in a hug.

"We're sorry!" Lauren feels a huge weight of guilt pull at her stomach. "I was curious. I know it was reckless of me, but I wanted to know what a wizarding village looked like..."

"Lauren got us all treats from Honeydukes, though!" Hannah tries to make everyone look on the bright side and lifts the flap of her bag to reveal the many sweets. Just when they are all getting settled down, the door to the room creaks open.

The five girls jump at the noise and all turn to the doorway. Standing there in the light is their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Laney.

The professor looks shocked and confused as to why five first years are in this abandoned room all alone. "Is everything alright in here? I heard screaming."

All five girls exchange glances with one another, all having arguments inside their minds. After a couple seconds, they finally all agree on something. Julia steps up and takes a deep breath. "Professor, there's something we want to tell you."

The first years go on a rant, each of the girls trying to explain at the same time what's happening. Professor Laney listens very carefully to every detail that leaves the girl's brains. Lauren finishes telling him about how they figured out the tunnel ran on a time schedule when Professor Laney asks his first question. "Is there anyone else who knows about this?"

"There were these fishy people in the Three Broomsticks when we were trying to come back," Maria says slowly, gesturing to herself and Julia. "We think they're the ones who keep attacking Hannah at the Quidditch matches."

"I didn't see anyone like that when I went through." Hannah quickly reassures everyone that nothing happened to her in Hogsmeade. "Other than them, no one else knows about the tunnel. I don't even know if it's me they want."

"But, Hannah, if they were able to get through twice and they attack you both times, doesn't that set off a billion red flags?" Agnes says, a bit irritated.

"I guess, but I've never even met them before. Why would they target me in the first place?" Hannah is starting to get annoyed with Agnes' tone. Why can't it just be a coincidence?

Professor Laney senses the hostility, so he decides to dial back the topic. "I'll let all the teachers know about this potential threat, but I can't convict without any proof. I won't give detentions on one condition: I don't want to see any of you near this room again. If you're right, then they have a way to get into this school."

The five girls slump in defeat. They wanted to tell Professor Laney about the tunnel, but they didn't think this would happen. They were hoping he would lead them through the tunnel himself and arrest the creepy people who are attacking Hannah. Instead, Professor Laney leads them into the hallway, in the opposite direction of the tunnel.

"I'll also let you keep your candy." Professor Laney says smugly. Lauren and Hannah turn beat red, forgetting that they told him about they adventure they just had. He basically just caught them red handed. "What's that in your bag, Ms. Miller?"

Hannah notices her bag flap is still open and looks inside to see something silver. "Oh, it's just my Occamy Eggshell that Hagrid gave to me at the beginning of the school year."

"That's amazing. I've never actually seen one before." Professor Laney scratches his chin and starts to walk back to his office. He seems to be struggling with an idea, but he shakes his head and keeps on smiling. "You know, a lot of people would kill for that."

The professor's words are like ice rolling down the girls' backs, but they don't get to ask what he means because he turns the corner and disappears into the hallway.

Alex sits and waits for time to pass, a misty smile covering his face. All he has to do is wait for 8:00, and then he can get back into the school. Cade makes his way out of Hogsmeade, taking off his hat to reveal dark brown eyes. He laughs darkly as he apparates away, now being able to see through a first year Slytherin's eyes.

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