Chapter 13: A Tournament of Potions
The weekend flew by just like how Christmas Break had. Once Monday started, all of the older students have begun to get really excited. The five girls hadn't figured out what the excitement was all about until Ian told them.
Apparently, there is a school ball in mid April every other year. The sad thing is, first years can not attend because it has to be fair for everyone. This makes it so that every student, no matter which year you come in, gets to go to the ball three times during your Hogwarts years. But, this also means that Julia, Lauren, Agnes, Maria, and Hannah have to wait until their third year to attend the ball.
"It's so lame." Maria sighs as she looks out the window to the courtyard. A bunch of older girls are grouped together, whispering and gossiping about if their crushes are going to ask them to the ball.
"Yeah, I wish we got to go to the ball." Hannah understands the rule, but that doesn't mean she likes it. "I want to know what people here are like when they party."
"Maybe we can sneak in?" Agnes suggests, knowing she's not going to get any support from her friends on the matter.
"Nah, most of the professors will be there as well. We'd get caught before we made it to the dance floor." Julia says, knowing for sure that most of the teachers are going. "Besides, I don't really want to go."
"Me neither." Lauren shyly looks down. She's not one to normally hang out in a very public place. She'd rather stay in her dorm and do her homework. "Anyway, we should be getting to class."
Thursdays have undoubtedly been the worst day of the week for two big reasons. Double Potions and double Defense Against the Dark Arts. Even though the latter class has gotten significantly better, it's still very long and tiring. The Gryffindors have Potions first on Thursdays, and then they switch with the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws.
"See you two for lunch, then." Julia leads Hannah and Agnes away from the Great Hall and into the dungeons. She opens Snape's classroom door and the three enter before taking their seats.
Professor Snape is just on time as always. He hurriedly walks to the front of the room, carrying an armful of parchments and ingredients. This peaks everyone's interests because Snape barely brings things to class.
Snape sets his things on his desk and dramatically looks up at his students. "As most of you may know, the April Ball is coming in around a month and a half. You will be using that time until the ball competing against every first year who can't attend in a potion making competition."
Agnes and Hannah look at each other, grateful that they have themselves as partners. They glance back at Julia and see her with that Raymond Gryffindor first year, and immediately feel bad. Snape continues, "Yes, you will also be competing against your fellow first year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. This is an individual competition, so no partners allowed."
Julia has a hard time not smiling. She knew she never stood a chance with Raymond as her partner, but now she just might win. Snape turns and starts writing instructions on the board. Suddenly, Avery, one of the twins of Gryffindor, raises her hand. "Yes, Ms. Ringe?"
"What's the prize?" Avery sits up straight to act more confident than she feels. Julia and the others have only spent so much time around Avery and Graesyn, but they know enough to understand that Avery will only compete if the prize is worth her struggle.
Snape's smile curls upward, a bit surprised a Gryffindor asked that question instead of a Slytherin. "A very good question. The prize for winning the tournament is this." Snape lifts something off his desk. It looks like a vial of a light silver colored potion. "Enough in here for one person to take. The Draught of Peace."
The whole class starts mumbling things, turning toward each other and asking questions on what the potion does. Julia remembers making the potion in her detention with Snape. She learned that it relieves anxiety, and is best suitable for drinking before exams. It's a pretty good prize for first years having to face their first ever exams at Hogwarts.
"The competition will start next class, so I implore you all to study up and get ready." Professor Snape puts the small vial of the Draught of Peace back into his case. "Along with the first place prize, the top ten students from each of the four houses will receive an extra ten percent of extra credit on the final exam."
Another hand raises out of the group of students. Snape's cold eyes rest on the hand and gives a slight nod to the first year in the front row. "Yes, Ms. Monic?"
Olivia tilts her head slightly to the side, making her brown hair sway in its ponytail. She smiles and asks, "Professor, how can we study for the competition if we don't know what the potion we are making is going to be?"
"Ms. Monic, I'd like to see you after class." Snape says with a strangely annoyed tone in his voice. "As for the answer to your question, the potion you will all be making will be revealed when you all come to class next week. Over the weekend, I expect every one of you to study different complex potions and be prepared for anything in class Monday. Now, we will get started with today's lesson."
Mostly everyone lost their interest for the rest of the class. Hannah, Julia, and Agnes can't get over their shock. Did Snape actually scold Olivia? Over the past few months, Olivia seemed to grow on Snape. She'd always be the first one done with her potions, mostly because Snape would give her pointers, and she would constantly brag about him being the best teacher they have at Hogwarts.
Hannah and Agnes constantly look at each other with confused faces throughout the class. Something's definitely off about Snape yelling at Olivia. However, they aren't going to be able to stay behind and listen in the conversation to know what it is.
"What on Earth do you think he could have talked to her about?" Maria asks with a surprised expression. The three Gryffindors decided to meet up with their two friends at the Great Hall for lunch as always.
"I'm not thinking about that. Aren't you wondering what the potion is that he's gonna have us make?" Lauren closes her eyes and thinks hard, putting a hand on her chin. "It's gotta be something we can make, but difficult enough for it to take until mid April to finish."
"Maybe it can be something powerful enough to take down that guy with. You know, the one who keeps attacking the stands at the Quidditch games?" Agnes suggests.
"Hopefully." Julia says, not looking up from her book. Her four friends look at her curiously, never having seen her this interested in a book before.
"Oh, isn't that the strange potion book you had Katie translate?" Hannah asks, recognizing the cover of the worn down book.
Julia nods and finally lifts her head to look at her friends. "I was thinking that Snape would use one of these potions for the competition, but all of these are way too complicated. Even for seventh years."
"Woah. You serious?" Agnes looks over Julia's shoulder to see the book more clearly.
"Yeah, listen to this." Julia places the open book on the table so that everyone can see the titles of the pages. "Veritaserum, Wolfsbane, Felix Felicis, Amortentia? All of these are very difficult and can only be properly brewed by a potion master."
"That's insane. Snape wouldn't have us do those, right?" Before anyone can answer Maria's question, the doors to the Great Hall open. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but the girl who opened the doors makes the five friends on edge.
Olivia struts into the dining hall, wearing a big smile on her face as if she just won the lottery. Her two friends look just as smug as their leader. Unfortunately, Olivia walks right on over to where the five friends are sitting.
That smile does not suit Olivia's face. It makes her nostrils scrunch up, making three wrinkles emerge on the bridge of her nose. Her pearly white teeth enhance the look of her overbite jaw. Olivia crosses her arms and says in a cocky voice, "You five better step down, because I've got a leg up in this competition. There's no way you're beating me."
"Sorry, but I don't think you're going to be able to cheat your way out of this one." Lauren says smartly.
"Look here, Ravenclaw." Olivia turns to Lauren, her smile turning into a scowl. "I know you think you're smart, but Professor Snape thinks I'm the best there is. I'm obviously the favorite, so there's no way you're going to win."
"Don't be too sure about that!" Maria clenches her fists. She longs to blast Olivia away with any spell she's learned over the past couple months. "If I'm not mistaking my memory, you still can't turn a match into a threading needle."
Olivia's face turns beat red out of anger and embarrassment. She looks like she's about to explode, but she just turns on her heel and marches out of the room. "You'll pay for that. You better watch your back."
Once Olivia leaves, Julia lets go of the breath she was holding. "Why can't we just say she's the one blowing up the stands at Quidditch matches? We know she has it out for us, who's to say she's not the one who sent the rogue Bludger at Hannah?"
"Because we have no proof." Lauren says simply just as the first bell rings. "We will see you guys after class. We can meet by the lake."
The three Gryffindors nod and head off to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Lauren and Maria make their way to Potions class, where they are expecting to be notified about the potion competition.
Just as they thought, the first thing Snape tells his class is that there will be a potion competition starting next week and ending the day of the ball. Professor Snape eyes everyone in class as he explains. "You are correct, Ms. Chrome. The top ten people from each house, which means the top forty people, ten from each house, will be awarded the ten percent extra credit." Snape answers Claudia's, Maria's cousin, question. "And this time I'm not giving you a heads up on what potion you will be making."
Snape's voice drones on and on about how they will have to study practically everything in order to be fully prepared for the competition. Lauren internally groans. It's not fair that Snape isn't telling them what potion they're going to be making this time. Not that he's ever fair, but they're first years! He should cut them some slack-
Wait. Lauren's eyes widen and her blood runs cold. Her face becomes visibly paler and her heart almost stops at the realization. Shaking, Lauren raises her hand. Professor Snape sighs in slight annoyance before saying, "Ms. Johns-"
"I left my book in my dorm room." Lauren quickly says, her hand still shaking in the air. Maria looks at her confused, and then looks down at Lauren's bag. Sure enough, her Potions book is safely there, tucked away. Lauren kicks the flap of her bag closed and says, "Can I go get it?"
Professor Snape rolls his eyes, making no effort to hide the rude gesture. "Fine, Ms. Johnson. However, I'm taking five points from Ravenclaw for interrupting me and leaving your book behind."
Lauren nods, grabs her bag, and rushes out of the room. Maria is left even more confused than when she found out she was a witch.
It's hard for Lauren to not act suspicious as she speed walks through the hallways. However, mostly everyone is in class so the halls are basically empty. She just has to watch out for the ghosts, Peeves, and Filch.
Time. Why haven't I thought of it before? Lauren mentally curses herself and tries to steady her shaking hands. She rounds one more corner, reaching the staircases that move. She starts climbing, clutching her bag to her hip, and then Peeves literally drops from the sky.
"Agh!" Lauren yells and falls backward. The blonde's hair goes wild as she falls down to the base of the stairs. "Ow... Peeves... why'd you do that?"
Lauren slowly sits up and rubs her eyes. Her head starts to hurt a bit once she sees the blinding light, but it settles down after a second. Peeves' face shows a wicked grin as he jumps down the stairs, landing in front of Lauren. "Wittle firstie is skipping class! Wouldn't think it was a smart Ravenclaw!"
"No, I was going to get the book I left behind." Lauren says matter-of-factly. She stands up and brushes herself off, a bit sore in some places where her body hit the stairs.
"LIIIIIAR! YELLOW-HEAD SKIPPING CLASS! YELLOW-HEAD SKIPPING-" Lauren grabs Peeves and puts a hand over his mouth. She's desperate, she doesn't have time for this!
"Listen!" Lauren's voice is quiet but menacing. In truth, she's had enough of not knowing anything about the evil people who are after her and her friends. "I'm looking for something! It's something very important that I think you'll know about too. Here, you like making mischief, right?" Peeves slowly nods in confusion at her question. "Yes, I'm sort of breaking the rules, but that's your specialty." Footsteps can be heard coming down the hallway. Lauren speeds up her talking. "I need your help to find what I'm looking for, Peeves."
The footsteps are getting louder and quicker. Lauren lets go of Peeves and starts rushing up the stairs. Peeves lies there, a bit stunned for a moment, and then runs into the hallway. "OI THERE! Professor Minerva, how honored I am for you to walk in my hallway."
Lauren tries her best to keep her footsteps quiet as she creeps up the stairs. She hears Peeves and Professor McGonagall talking, and it seems like Peeves is able to convince the professor that he was making the noise all along. Lauren makes it to the fourth floor and stands in front of the door.
With sweaty, shaky hands, Lauren reaches toward the handle of the door. Right when she grabs it, Peeves flies up next to her. "What's in there? That broken mirror?"
"It's a secret tunnel that my friends and I found over Christmas break." Lauren explains, making sure to keep her voice down. She opens the door, letting Peeves and her step inside before closing it. "The mirror was covering up the tunnel, but when I came to check on it with my friends, it seemed to have sealed itself."
"Well, I don't see any tunnel." Peeves doesn't bother keeping his voice quiet. Lauren doesn't think he has the option to do that anyway.
Lauren shakes her head and walks up to the golden mirror frame. "I don't either, but if it's the correct time, then..." Lauren reaches her hand out. Instead of feeling a solid brick wall, her hand grazes against some sort of thick curtain. She moves the curtain back so that her and Peeves can see the dark tunnel leading to Hogsmeade.
"OHHHHHHH!" Peeves falls on the floor backward and slaps his hand on his head. "I remember this! No one ever used this tunnel because there are other ones people can access easier. No one's used this one in yeeeears."
"This is important, Peeves. When does the tunnel appear?" Peeves sits up at Lauren's question and thinks really hard. He scrunches up his face so much that steam starts bursting out of his ears.
Finally, he lifts up a finger and confidently says, "Every even hour!"
Lauren looks at the lonely clock on the far wall. After deciphering the Roman Numerals, Lauren reads the clock as 2:03. Every even hour the tunnel appears. It must have been at least two in the morning when Julia and Maria came back from Hogsmeade that night. Then, when they showed her, Agnes, and Hannah the tunnel, it must have been an odd hour, meaning the tunnel wasn't there.
"Thanks, Peeves." Lauren smiles at the Poltergeist and Peeves bounces out of the room. Wand in hand, Lauren mutters, "Lumos," making a white light shine at the tip of her wand. She looks down the tunnel with the extra light, but still sees only darkness ahead. Lauren looks back, but the doors are still shut.
Instead of running back to get help, instead of going back to Potions class like a responsible student, Lauren turns back toward the tunnel and walks inside, making sure to close the curtain behind her.
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