Chapter 12: The Professors' New Rules

Two months ago, the seven students had very little to worry about. Two months ago, the Persequi Potion was easy to hide. Now that two months have passed and it's the last day of February, the friends are going nuts.

The potion is on everyone's mind so much, that even Lauren's grades are taking a dive. Ian is starting to get concerned for her, but Lauren waves it off as a bad Potions or Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz. Every day they visit the mirror room to wipe the sides of the cauldron with a towel because it's starting to spill over. They've tried everything from reading every book they cross to actually paying attention to Snape in class. However, nothing is working.

It's a Tuesday and the Gryffindors were all late to Professor Knisely's class, so they were locked out. They head up to the mirror room to try and see if there is anything they can do with the potion. When the four get up there, they see their other three friends hunched over books and leaned up against the walls. Hannah is surprised to see that and says, "Don't you guys have Potions right now?"

"What do you think we've been doing?" Maria's attempt at a joke turns out to be a dry tone as she continues to flip through pages.

"For once I agree with Hannah on this one. We can't keep skipping class or we will have to repeat this year! We still have exams in May." Hannah is surprised that Agnes agrees with her on the subject of education. "Besides, it's Potions class you're missing. It might help."

"Fine, but I'm taking this with me." Alana grabs a handful of books as do Lauren and Maria, and they walk down to Potions.

They get to the classroom and take their seats, immediately opening their books again to keep reading. Professor Snape watches them sit down and says sternly, "It has come to my attention that some of you clearly aren't resourceful enough to show up on time. Let alone paying attention."

Snape is very surprised to see the three girls he called out indirectly still buried in their books. He turns around and continues with his lecture. Lauren finishes three books by the time class is over and still finds nothing that can help. Maria and Alana are halfway through their second book and are starting to get exhausted. The words on the pages all seem to blend together. Alana closes her book firmly and stands up from her desk. "I think we all need to take a break. We've been reading all day."

"I never thought I would ever hate learning this much. Why is it so hard?! We've read through at least half of the advanced potion making books in the library by now." Lauren looks at the covers of the three books she read, thinking she missed something. "I'll read through again. There has to be something!"

"Lauren, take a nap! Wait... when was the last time we ate?" Maria puts her head in her hands and leans her elbows on her desk. It's even hard to think about food and times of the day without getting a migraine.

"Um... yesterday breakfast?" Alana takes one of Lauren's books and sits back down, starting to read once again. "What day is it?"

Right as Lauren says, "Thursday," Maria says, "Monday." The two look at each other and Maria shakes her head. "No, it's Monday. Remember, we had Transfiguration in the second block?"

"No, I thought we had Defense Against the Dark Arts second block today. Is that why you weren't there? You thought it was Monday?" Lauren smiles slightly at the confusion, but then gets worried that she might have the wrong day.

"You guys have it all wrong! It's Friday because I had Divination." Alana knows for sure she has the correct day.

Professor Snape walks up to the three friends from behind with his eyebrows raised. "For your information, today is Tuesday. The three of you don't have Potions class at all today."

Alana, Maria, and Lauren stare at Professor Snape in shock, their noses finally out of their books. Lauren blinks and speaks first, "You have to be joking. What class did we walk into?"

"Fifth year Potions with an introduction to Alchemy." Snape takes out his wand and taps it on the table. Plates of food and big goblets of water fill up every corner of the desk, enough for the three of them. "You aren't allowed to leave until you eat it all. From now on, I suggest you keep a calendar and double check your schedule before you walk randomly into a classroom."

The three girls look at each other for a moment before setting down their books and digging into their food. Snape turns and sits at his desk to work on some things while also making sure they eat. In all honesty, he didn't have to worry. It feels so good to finally relax and stop thinking about potion spells, seals, and ingredients. That's all they've been thinking about non stop for two months and some change. After realizing they walked into the wrong classroom, they don't even want to know how many times they did that to other teachers recently.

Maria and Alana part ways with Lauren to get some rest in the Hufflepuff common room. Their fourth roommate, Emmy, was brought back home after what happened Christmas Eve at Hogsmeade. Apparently her parents thought it would be more safe to transfer her to another school in Russia, since that's where they're originally from anyway. Now it's just them two and Claudia who share a dorm. When they get to their room, Claudia gasps and jumps out of her bed. "You two look awful! What happened?"

"Do we really look that bad?" Alana walks over to a mirror and her eyes widen when she sees her face. She has bags under her eyes, and the light color of her irises are starting to dull down. She doesn't even want to take a closer look at how bad her hair is. "Yep, I really look that bad."

"No wonder why my eyes itch. They're red!" Maria rolls her eyes around as she stares at herself in the mirror, not believing how tired she looks. "Come on, nap time."

Alana doesn't argue and she plops down into her bed. Claudia doesn't ask anymore questions and covers them up to make sure they're comfortable. In no time, they are sound asleep.

A similar event happens to Lauren when she reaches her dorm room. Her roommates, Aubrey and Jenna, fuss over her wrinkled robes and unbrushed hair. Lauren tries to make excuses for the way she looks, but her brain is so fried that she can't think of anything logical that they'd believe. "I'm just going to lie down for a bit. Wake me up in an hour or two, okay?"

Jenna and Aubrey reluctantly agree with Lauren so that she'd get some sleep. Once she's out, the two girls leave her alone and tell their other roommates to not wake Lauren until tomorrow morning, knowing she needs the most rest she can get.

Hannah, Agnes, Julia, and Ethan rest against the piles of books they rented from the library and continue to read. They have no idea how long they are there, but when they exit the room the sun is almost starting to set. Julia stuffs her bag with books and stands up. "Can this situation get any worse?"

"Yeah. The teachers can find the potion, they could find out that I'm not supposed to be here, the potion could explode right now, we could be expelled-" Ethan is cut off by Agnes.

"Thank you for that, Ethan." Agnes forgot her own bag, so she carries five books in her arms. "Let's go to the Great Hall."

The Gryffindors all agree and they carry library books with them to the Great Hall so they can eat while they read. However, once they sit down, they seem to forget all about the eating part of the plan. Food is summoned on the golden trays in the middle of the table, but no one goes to grab anything to put on their plate. The four just sit there, reading their books, the only thing different than before is the environment around them.

"Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish, maybe something in Alchemy?" Ethan suggests.

Hannah looks at him from the top of her book and shakes her head sadly. "That's way too different than potion making. Trust me, my older sister is in love with that subject, so I would know."

"Here's a thought: baking the ingredients before you put them into the potion." Agnes points to the words as she reads, thinking she might have found something.

"No, that taints the potion and makes it impure. The ingredients need to be fresh in order to produce the best results." Ethan waves off the idea instantly.

Agnes becomes angered and wants to rip the pages out of her book. "Then why did it talk about it in here? If it's so bad, then what the heck?!"

Before Julia can say something, she turns her head and sees Jeff and Kyle speed walking up to them. Kyle crosses his arms and stares down at Agnes and Julia. "You missed another practice again."

"Pfft, no we didn't. It's Monday, sillies." Julia chuckles, but then stops herself when she sees the two older Gryffindors aren't laughing.

"Funny joke. It's Tuesday. One more missed practice and you can't play this weekend." Agnes can tell it hurt Jeff to say it, but it was something he was required as captain to do.

Agnes sighs and holds back tears as she opens her book again. "Maybe not playing this weekend would be a good thing. It'll give us more time to study this potion."

"Ahem." The four Gryffindors turn around to see Professor McGonagall looking down at them, her arms crossed and her expression is hard. Since it doesn't look like the students are going to say anything, McGonagall speaks up, "I am very disappointed in the four of you. I received a report last week that all four of your grades are dwindling drastically, and now I hear that you two are giving up on Quidditch as well?"

"No, we... hang on, how do you know about our grades?" Julia asks, hoping she doesn't have to come up with an excuse.

"Ms. Copper, I am your Transfiguration teacher, and I also happen to be the Gryffindor Head of House." Professor McGonagall takes a file from her bag and drops it on the table for the second years to look at. She waves her wand and food from the trays float, landing on each of their plates. "You ought to be taking better care of yourselves. No more renting books from the library unless strictly required by a teacher. I want all of the books you rented already to be returned by the end of the day, no exceptions. You will attend your classes on time, turn in your homework, and stop accidentally coming to seventh year Transfiguration classes. As for the evenings, no more heading straight to your friends in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I will have talks with Ms. Carth, Brown, and Johnson as well. I want to see you all down here eating dinner every evening, is that understood?"

Everyone pauses and Hannah becomes embarrassed when she realizes their behavior. She closes her books softly and looks up at Professor McGonagall. "Yes, Professor, but what about-"

"I said no exceptions," Professor McGonagall says sternly. She pockets her wand and walks to the front of the Great Hall to dine with the other professors.

"Blimey, did you see how miffed she was?!" Julia whispers once she's sure McGonagall is far enough away.

"This is insane. She can't keep us from going to the mirror room!" Agnes thinks about pushing her plate away as a sign of protest, but she suddenly realizes how hungry she is and starts eating anyway.

Wednesday was an emotional disaster. Maria, Lauren, Julia, and Agnes all try to talk to Professor McGonagall together, but are unable to convince her to let them keep their books. They went to their classes and spent the entire evening returning their piles of library books, needing to take multiple trips to the library from the mirror room. Professor Sprout told Maria and Alana their new rules for the rest of the year, and Professor Flitwick scolded Lauren for not using her brain and thinking to take care of herself. The Gryffindors also looked through the file McGonagall left for them that day, which outlined their bad grades and what they will have to do to pass the year. The two Hufflepuffs received one from Sprout, and Lauren got one from Flitwick as well. Once Thursday rolls around, everyone is in a bad mood.

"Even if we do manage to scrape by with passing grades, I still don't feel accomplished at all. We worked so hard on that potion only for it to fail." Lauren picks at her breakfast food, not feeling at all hungry. She glances over at the head table to see Flitwick staring back at her and nodding for her to continue eating.

"Let's just get through today and worry about it over the weekend. They might not be watching us as closely on the weekend anyway." Alana tries to make everyone feel better, but even she doesn't want to eat anything. She looks over at Agnes to see her staring at her food with her chin resting in her arms. "What are you thinking, Aggie?"

"Nothing. I'm going to go get ready for double Potions." Agnes stands up to leave and the others follow her, but everyone is forced back down into their seats. The seven students look up at the head table to see Snape sitting next to McGonagall with his wand out, pointed at them. Agnes bangs her forehead on the table. "Oh my God."

"Come on, everyone eat an egg and a piece of toast, and then make a break for it." Julia quickly loads scrambled eggs on everyone's plate and gives them each a toast slice.

"I'm gonna throw up if I eat." Lauren sighs, but starts shoveling the food into her mouth anyway.

"We will probably throw up if we don't eat, so it's a lose-lose situation anyway." Hannah folds up her toast twice in order to make it smaller so she can eat it faster. Now with her mouth full she asks, "And, how are we going to maintain the potion if we aren't allowed up there anymore?"

"One of us will have to go up and check it. We can make excuses or something, but we still have to make sure it doesn't burn the school down." Ethan is starting to regret even coming over to the school in the first place. He isn't even a student here yet and he's also getting this treatment.

"I'll do it. I want to go against some of these rules anyway. You can tell them I'm talking to Kyle or something about Quidditch." Agnes finishes the last of her eggs and stands up. Everyone follows her and runs out of the room, not giving their teachers a chance to make sure they ate enough.

The Gryffindors break off from their other three friends and get their stuff ready for double Potions. They manage to get there on time, and are even a bit early, so they open their Potions book and start reading through it. Even though they had to give all their library books back, they still have their Potions textbook to read through. However, they aren't able to get very far before the rest of the students come in and Professor Snape starts teaching.

Halfway through double Potions, everyone starts to get tired and doze off. They aren't making an actual potion today and are just taking notes on seemingly random topics. The four friends think this is just a punishment for them planned by Snape for ditching the Great Hall.

Julia, Ethan, Hannah, and Agnes listen as Professor Snape drones on and on about why you should finish the Fire Protection Potion with bursting mushrooms when suddenly, everyone stares in surprise as someone raises their hand. Professor Snape is surprised as well and he says, "Yes, Ms. Higgins?"

"Sir, I couldn't help but to wonder, because I've been reading and come across this predicament when making the Fire Protection Potion. Why is it that sometimes when wizards make the potion, it becomes unstable?" Agnes sits up straighter and asks her question.

The four friends all pay closer attention and look at Professor Snape with interest. Snape answers, "I believe unstable potions were mentioned last year, Ms. Higgins."

"Yes, but you only taught us they existed." Agnes is starting to lose her confidence.

Ethan senses Agnes struggling and helps her out, "I think what she's trying to say is: when a potion becomes unstable, how does one actually fix it? Is there a spell you use or an ingredient you add to help?"

"Interesting point, Mr. Turner." Professor Snape turns around and starts writing on the chalkboard. Agnes mutters a thanks to Ethan before Snape turns around again. "Depending on the type of potion, it will require a seal in order to stabilize and become safe for the drinker. Spells are required for elemental potions as well as some poisons, ingredients are used to stabilize jinx-like potions, and guidance and transforming potions need an action."

"An action, sir?" Hannah asks, gaining the courage to speak up in class.

"Yes. If an unstable potion is supposed to be able to guide you somewhere or change you into something, an action must be required so it knows you're the one that needs it," Professor Snape explains.

Julia raises her hand and asks, "Could you explain that a bit more? It doesn't really make sense. Why do you need an action and what type of action can be used?"

"Guidance and transformation potions are both unique because the drinker is the core of the potion itself. For example, if you drink a transformation potion, you appear to change. However, on the inside it's still you. It needs an action by the drinker or someone close to them in order to not only stabilize the potion itself, but the drinker as well." Professor Snape pauses to let that sink in and then answers Julia's second question. "As for what type of action, most Potioneers recommend singing."

No other questions are asked the rest of the class. Once it's over, Julia, Ethan, Agnes, and Hannah run out of the classroom and meet up with their friends in the Great Hall. They explain everything that happened in their Potions class, and when they're done, their three friends look relieved and excited. Lauren actually starts eating some fruit and says, "This is great! We can head up there before the second half of the day starts and finally get this over with!"

The friends make sure people see them eat before packing up and hurrying out of the Great Hall. They climb the stairs to the fourth floor, and at one point they have to hide from Professor Sprout who almost spotted them on the steps. When the hallway is clear, everyone runs into the mirror room and they slide the cauldron to the center. Maria and Hannah look at each other for a moment and then stare at the cauldron while they sing.

After a few verses of one of their choir songs, the potion still bubbles violently. Ethan wipes the side and suggests, "Maybe you have to sing by yourself?"

Maria lets Hannah do the honors, but after she sings, it still doesn't calm down. The seven friends take turns singing to the cauldron individually, but nothing happens. Agnes crosses her arms and stands up, getting ready to leave. "This was such a waste. I have to go get to class before Knisely locks me out again."

"Yeah, we all should be heading to class." Hannah sighs sadly, knowing they are so close to finishing this potion and yet so far.

The Gryffindors head off to double Defense Against the Dark Arts while the other three walk to double Potions. Ethan sneaks some extra potion books he didn't return yet into his bag so he can keep reading, unbeknownst to the girls. Whatever they have to do, they will find out, and they aren't giving up just yet.

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