Birdie Beat-Elite edition!
((DISCLAIMER-I have nothing against you guys or your OC's, I just think this is what a gossip webmazine/magazine would say about our Selected. Also, above is the magazine cover for Birdie Beat! Kinda proud of it lol))
Here is an edition of Birdie Beat, Illéa's biggest teen magazine, created by Jennifer Birdie. It's an Elite edition, so look out for your name!
Table of Contents
The Elite———2
The Favorites poll———4
Romeo and Juliet?———6
The Elite lineup———8
Yay or Nay: Iris Kim———10
Wedding Bells!———12
The Elite Headshots———14
French Findings: Romance for our Adri?———19
Royal News: Brigette's big secret———21
Editor's Note———23
Bonus for subscribers: Interview with Prince Noah!———24
The Elite
By Jennifer Birdie
(Blah blah blah this is just a filler hehehe....)
The Favorites Poll
By Jennifer Birdie
In the last edition, we asked you, the readers, who your favorites were in the Selection. Who did you guys want to win Prince Noah's heart? Well, the results are in and...
Apparently you readers want Iris to win! Maybe it's time to get into the people's heart for the others? If you're wondering why the lovely miss Fredrica isn't on here, it's because she's been eliminated. Sorry, people who voted for Freddie!
What do you think of the poll? Who do you think should have won? My favorite was Miss Cyra, but what about you? Tell us, at @birdiebeatofficial. Your opinion could be in the next issue!
Romeo and Juliet?
By Karen Frost
This Selection has been filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, but all for Noah and the girls he loves. Well, Illéa, it's time you knew the truth. Not all of that drama was for the Crown Prince. There's been a secret romance going on!
Prince Rudy, a handsome prince, was seen at the Welcoming ball, dancing with the now Ex-Selected, Fredrica Seraz. 'So what?' You might think. 'He's only dancing with her-that's what you do at balls!' Well, Illéa, that's not all.
Rudy and Fredrica have been hanging out throughout the whole Selection, and from what we at Birdie Beat know, Prince Rudy has had a sort-of-secret crush on the girl. Sorry, girls! It seems as if he's fallen for someone else.
When the Elite were announced (Fredrica being one), Freddie went over to Rudy and confessed her feelings. Rudy shared his as well, and they began to date in secret, committing treason, something we haven't seen since Prince Maxon's Selection.
So what will happen to the lovebirds now that Freddie has been eliminated? Well, it seems as if Fredrica is staying for the holidays, so I guess we'll have to wait and see!
What do you think about this romance? Is it another Romeo & Juliet? Or is it treasonous, and must be stopped? Tell us at @birdiebeatofficial. We'd love to hear from you!
The Elite lineup
By Jennifer Birdie
We all know the Elite. They're the lucky few that have managed to snag a part of Prince Noah's heart in The Selection. We know their names, where they live, and other details. But has anyone ever decided to line them up, from best to worst? (In their opinion)
Well that's what we're doing today!* You can only find something like this here!
5. Lady Sarafina Elton of Calgary
The only reason that Lady Sarafina is last in this, is because we simply don't know that much about her. She's a mystery to us. Sure, we may know where she came from, or that she went to the Stage for a date with Prince Noah, but other than that, there's nothing.
4. Lady Jenna Weatherly of St. George
We don't know much about Lady Jenna, which is one of the reasons she's second-to-last in this. But we know some things about her, which is what slides Jenna above Sarafina. We know that she's a ballroom dancer, and made Noah happy when they went on their date. Both of those traits are Queenly things to do, in our opinion. We can only hope that she would be a good Queen!
3. Lady Cyra Braxton of Waverly
I know what you're thinking. 'But you said that Cyra was your favorite before!'. That's true, I did. But I also have good reasoning for this. So when I met Miss Braxton, my first impression was that she was a leader. She is a leader, which is what makes her third on the list. Though Cyra has many great qualities, she isn't meant to be a Queen. She's meant to lead people with her good judgement and slightly stern but fair ruling. So while she would be a great Queen, I don't think it's meant to be.
2. Julianna Whites of Kent
Lady Julianna is a favorite of the people. She has a bubbly, fun personality, and from what we know, she makes Noah happy. That's all we want in a Queen! So why is she second place? Well, that's because there's still one girl that seems to make our Prince very happy..
1. Iris Kim of Columbia
Iris Kim. Where to begin? She was Noah's first date, and from the poll results, most of you hope she'll be his last as well. From what I know about this girl, she's a good-natured girl who makes friends with almost everyone. For more on Iris Kim, check out Iris Kim: Yay or Nay? On page 10.
*this lineup of the Elite is not meant to offend or hurt any of them in any way. it is simply the authors personal opinion. any and all members of the Elite are great people.
Iris Kim: Yay or Nay?
By Jennifer Birdie
Iris Kim. The first date. The 'favorite'. From their first musical date, Iris has worked her way into Noah's heart. Most of Illéa likes her at least, and can see her as a Queen. But today on Birdie Beat, we're going to list the pros and cons of Lady Iris Kim becoming Queen.
-Lady Iris has some good ties with people in the press
-From what we have seen, she is friendly and kind towards other Selected and staff
-If she wins Noah's heart, then there won't be a disagreement between Noah and his parents, for they seem to like her as well. Parental approval is always good!
-Her enthusiasm for mostly everything could definitely help & encourage Illéa to finally fully transform into a Constitutional Monarchy. The Royal Council is not cutting it with the promised change. We need a Prime Minister.
-She makes Noah happy. What other reasons do we need, Illéa? As long as Princey is happy, we're happy.
-We do not know much about her past. Of course, this is also the case with many of the Elite.
-She does not seem to have much interest in politics.
Those are the pros and cons of Lady Iris becoming Queen. Trust us, we looked and looked for legitimate reasons against Lady Iris becoming Queen, to even out the arguments, and we couldn't find any more than those two.
So what is the decision for Iris Kim? Yay or Nay? In our opinion, it's a Yay for her. Illéa could definitely prosper under Iris and Noah, and we can't wait to see if that will become a reality.
What do you think of Iris? Is she a Yay or Nay for you? Please tell us your opinion at @birdiebeatofficial.
Wedding Bells!
By Karen Frost
All of Illéa has been holding their breath to see who will capture Prince Noah's heart this Selection. We are all anticipating the day that the future Queen walks down the aisle, and vows love to our Beloved Prince. Well, that day may come sooner than expected!
It has been known that on December 12th, Prince Noah went to the royal jewelers and bought an engagement ring! After some asking, we at Birdie Beat have found out what this engagement ring looks like!
Now, we don't know who will end up wearing this GORGEOUS ring, but what we do know is that we wouldn't mind having that ring on our finger! Boys, you better take it up a notch!
The Elite Headshots
By Jennifer Birdie
Lady Julianna Whites of Kent
Lady Jenna Weatherly of St.George
((Yes I know she technically has no face claim but I have to put something here))
Lady Sarafina Elton of Calgary
Lady Iris Kim of Columbia
Lady Cyra Braxton of Waverly
French Findings: Romance for our Adri?
By Jennifer Birdie
Adrianna Daphne Schreave is one of the sassiest and most beloved Princesses of our time. She is known for rejecting many failed attempts to 'woo' her by suitors. This, of course, only makes the suitors pursue her more, and that's when they become a nuisance.
But could our Adrianna have finally found a refuge from those suitors? During the Selection, she has been seen repeatedly in the company of a certain Head Guard Jason Leger. They went to the carnival together, and may have even kissed! Has Adrianna finally let down her walls, and allowed someone into her personal life? We don't know, but we sure hope that Jadrianna becomes real!
What do you think of Jadrianna? Do you ship it? Or do you think that it'll sink in the water? Tell us at @birdiebeatofficial. Help us improve our magazine!
Royal News: Brigette's big secret
By Karen Frost
It's the night of the Welcoming Ball. Princess Brigette is over by the concessions stand, eating some food when suddenly a guard runs up to her and begins dancing with the girl. Fast forward a few months, and Brigette is kissing the very same guard in the garden, hugging her stomach as if to protect it.
How did this come to be? Well, on the night of the Welcoming Ball, Brigette and the guard sneak out into the gardens and share a forbidden kiss. Their relationship keeps going on, getting faster and faster until it comes to a halt altogether with a pregnancy test.
You heard right and heard it from Birdie Beat first. Princess Brigette is pregnant!! The father is a guard in the palace named Oliver. The two seem very in love, which is good, because they're going to need that love when the world starts questioning them. What do you think will happen? Tell us at @birdiebeatofficial
Editors Note
By Jennifer Birdie
((This is just a filler hehehehehe))
Interview with Prince Noah!
By Jennifer Birdie
Birdie: Hello Prince Noah! It's nice meeting you.
Noah: It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Birdie. I take it the webmazine is going well?
Birdie: Yes, it is. Speaking of my webmazine, would you mind doing an interview for it? Our fans are dying to know your side of the story.
Noah: Oh, um, of course! I would love to! Should we sit down for this?
*laughter and rustling noises*
Birdie: So, now that we're comfortable, I'll start the interview. We know that your mother's Selection ended with the announcement of Illéa becoming a Constitutional Monarchy. Has this changed anything in your Selection?
Noah: Yes, but not very much. The Selection is an age-old tradition for Illéa, and my parents knew that they couldn't change too much of it, otherwise it wouldn't be the Selection. They took out the Convicting and made a new rule that any girl or man could leave at any time during the Selection. That's all I can think of right now that they changed, but I'm sure there's more.
Birdie: Okay. And before the Selection, did you have any doubts or particular feelings towards this tradition?
Noah: Um, well, it's kind of complicated. So, I've grown up knowing that I'd have a Selection, so I never really pursued any girls growing up. Because when you grow up knowing you'll get all the chances in the world to date, why waste time doing it earlier? *laughter*
Birdie: That makes sense. Next question: We all know about the giant rebel attack on my first visit to the palace. What was the aftermath of that like?
Noah: *nervous chuckling* Very stressful, as you can imagine. Having to check for all the damage to the castle, tighten security, and take care of the wounded is very stressful to do, as one can imagine. I do like to think that that crisis strengthened the palace community, and perhaps the country as a whole. It just put things into perspective for many people, myself included.
Birdie: *nodding* I understand that. Now, over to the shallow end of the pool! *laughter* If you had to choose, which Elite would you want to be stuck with on an abandoned island with for a week?
Noah: Um....I'd have to say Lady Cyra. She's very smart, and was even training to be a nurse before coming here, I believe. No doubt we would both survive, plus we would both enjoy ourselves, because I think that our relationship is like a brother-sister one, and you can never get bored when you're with siblings, right? *laughter*
Birdie: Alright then! To wrap up our interview, here's the last question: What do you think of the Selection you've participated in?
Noah: *letting out a sigh, thinking* My Selection was amazing. There were hard decisions, hard times, and some bad things that happened, (*cough cough* my kidnapping *cough cough*) but I've just had so much fun hanging out with everyone, and simply enjoying company.
Birdie: Alrighty then, that's a wrap! It was nice interviewing you, Prince Noah.
Noah: It's no problem, ma'am.
A/N: *banging head against wall in between every word*
I hope you enjoyed it! If your character read or bought this magazine during the Christmas Shopping, then you can react to it if you want. But if not, that's fine!
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