~Chapter 1: Childhood~

*Isabella's POV*
I was walking through school as I usually did, minding my own business as usual. I wasn't a very social child and I didn't have any friends, which I didn't mind.

Well, it was more like no one wanted to be my friend, actually. I didn't particularly care though. It was their choices, right? I'm only a child in third grade so it's not gonna bother me any.

I was in third grade with my brother, Brandon and my sister, Elizabeth was in fourth grade while my older brother, Michael, was in fifth grade. I'm originally a year younger than Brandon, but he ended up getting held back a year.

I felt myself get shoved against the wall and my backpack was forced off my back. I looked up to see it was a bully in the school, Andrew. He had brown perfectly combed hair and piercing brown eyes. It never intimidated me though.

"Well, well. If it ain't the little scaredy-cat Afton's little sister. Man, I'm sure it be a lot more fun to tease you than your brother." I started to give a small warning growl for him to go away.

"What'cha got in here anyways?" One of the bully's friends, Daniel asked, opening my bag.

"Man, all of that stuff is just lame." Another one, Travis commented. The fourth was Drew and the last one was Trevor. They both just laughed.

"Man, dude. We should take that. Her drawings are way better than ours. We'd pass art class in a swipe." Travis suggested and I growled, before trying to retrieve my backpack but I was pushed back down by Drew.

"Take a chill pill, mutt. We'll bring it back...eventually." Drew said, laughing. The others laughed as well and they walked away with my sketchbook that Elizabeth gave me last year.

They left my bag open with a lot of my stuff on the ground. I stopped my growling and I stood up walking towards a small stack of papers that were supposed to be homework but they were torn to shreds.

I didn't know when the homework got torn but it must've been when I was focused on Drew taking out my notebook or something. Trevor was always silent when it came to his actions so I never notice what he's doing till it's too late.

The small pieces of paper just sat on the ground and I got on my hands and knees and started picking up the paper shreds. I saw a small stack of my papers being held in front of me.

My eyes widened and I looked up to see a boy with red messy hair and a gold eye with the other covered with an eye patch. He wore a red and white striped shirt and brown shorts.

"These are yours, right?" He asked, smiling and I blushed a bit realizing I was staring longer than I was comfortable with and looked away, taking the papers from him.

"Y-Yeah. Thanks." I said and he laughed a bit.

"Easy, I don't bite." He joked and I smirked a bit, glancing at him.

"And how would you know if I won't?" I asked and he jumped back slightly with wide eyes.

"H-Hey! I gave you a few of your papers so be happy about that!" He said and I laughed a bit.

"I was kidding, you know. Though I could've just bit those bullies." I muttered the last sentence and he stared down at me for a second.

"You get bullied too?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah, you could say that I guess. I mean, why else would I be on my hands and knees cleaning up my things off the floor?" I asked and he smiled, wearily.

"Guess you have a point there. Anyways, name's Felix. What about you?"

"Isabella. My friends usually just call me 'Bella', though." I said and Felix smiled a bit more.

"That's a pretty name." He said, making me blush a bit.

"Haven't heard anyone outside of my family make that kind of comment about my name." I muttered to myself and Felix got a slight smirk and he put his hands behind his head.

"You mutter a lot." I tensed and puffed out my cheeks slightly.

"Well, sorry for muttering but I'm not used to being very social, you know!" I yelled at him, before looking away. "Meanie." I muttered. His smirk grew some more.

"What about with your 'friends'?" I tensed up a bit more at the word than relaxed a bit. His eyes widened slightly.

"They're just not around often, that's all." I said, standing up and putting my things in my bag and zipping up my backpack and I put it on my back. I looked at Felix with a smile. "Thanks for the help, by the way, Felix." I left him alone and he was standing there while staring at me as I left.

*Felix's POV*
I was walking in the hall and I saw a girl with blonde hair that almost looked white and her eyes seemed to be a combination of blue and green in both eyes.

She was picking up small shredded pieces of paper I assumed was her homework and I saw a small stack of three papers next to her bag. I walked over and picked up the papers. I saw they were sheets of homework.

'This is Ms. Grey's homework.' I thought, before I held it to the the girl.

"These are yours, right?" I asked, smiling and she stared at me for a bit before she blushed and looked away taking the papers from my hand, quickly.

"Y-Yeah. Thanks." She said, like staring at me for ten seconds was uncomfortable. I laughed a bit out of amusement.

"Easy, I don't bite." I joked and she smirked a bit, glancing at me.

"And how would you know if I won't?" She asked and I jumped back a bit with wide eyes.

"H-Hey! I gave you a few of your papers so be happy about that!" I said and she laughed a bit.

"I was kidding, you know. Though I could've just bit those bullies." She muttered the last sentence and I stared down at her for a second.

"You get bullied too?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Yeah, you could say that I guess. I mean, why else would I be on my hands and knees cleaning up my things off the floor?" She asked and I smiled, wearily.

"Guess you have a point there. Anyways, name's Felix. What about you?"

"Isabella. My friends usually just call me 'Bella', though." She said and I smiled a bit more than before.

"That's a pretty name." I said, making her blush a bit.

"Haven't heard anyone outside of my family make that kind of comment about my name." She muttered to herself and I got a slight smirk and I put my hands behind my head.

"You mutter a lot." She tensed and puffed out he cheeks slightly, as if having a small tantrum.

"Well, sorry for muttering but I'm not used to being very social, you know!" She yelled at me, before looking away. "Meanie." She muttered. My smirk grew some more.

"What about with your 'friends'?" She tensed up a bit more at the word than relaxed a bit. She had a sad look in them but I don't think she realized it. My eyes widened slightly.

"They're just not around often, that's all." She said, standing up and putting her things in her bag and zipping up the backpack and she put it on her back. She looked at me with a smile. "Thanks for the help, by the way, Felix." She left me alone and I was standing there while staring at her as she left.

'Is there probably something wrong with her? She seemed really sad when I mentioned friends. Hm...maybe I could help her out a bit? Maybe Fredrick and the others can help out.' I thought to myself before I headed to meet with the others before school started.

It usually started at 10 o'clock for third graders here. It was only 9:15 right now so I had time on my side to meet with the others.

*Isabella's POV*
During the third part of our day with Ms. Grey, which was science, it was lunch time. Our teacher had everyone line up in a single file line even though there was a couple points in the line where it was double filed.

Either way, everyone was lined up with me in the back of the line. I just hoped that throughout the year, we would never have to go by the attendance.

Then at that point, I'd either be in the middle of the line or in the very front. I was uncomfortable with both spots in the line because I was always a self-concious type.

Who could blame me when you've been pretty anti-social most of your life? I wouldn't have to worry about it when I'm in the back of the line, at least right? Although, I started to think about Felix as we walked to the cafeteria.

I mean, why did he wear the eye patch? Was it a birth defect or whatever like my raven-shaped birthmark on my shoulder? Yeah, that's another reason why I kept chasing off friends like always.

I show them my birthmark or they accidentally find out on their own and all of a sudden they think I'm some sort of supernatural being that has mystical powers that could put them in danger. So since then, I kept it hidden and I refused to mention or show it.

I sat away from the students since I was never one for crowds. I secretly pulled out my 3DS and started playing one of my games I always played at home with my forehead on the table to make most people think I was trying to sleep. Then again, how can anyone sleep through millions of conversations going on at once? That's my main question.

"Enjoying your time alone?" A familiar voice said and I looked up to see Felix.

"Well, I guess so. It could've been better if the bullies from earlier hadn't taken my sketchbook just cause they wanted to pass art class with flying colors." I said and Felix sat down across from me.

"Who was it?" He asked and I smiled slightly to try to reassure him.

"It's fine. There's not much in that book anyways. Just ten pages of drawings. They're not that good either." I said and Felix stared at me for a second.

"You sure?" I nodded a bit.

"Yeah. Despite it being a present from my sister anyways. Besides, it was mostly only my art assignments in that book. They won't get the credit for it no matter how hard they tried." I said with a small smile.

"You're acting like this is all part of a plan of yours." Felix said suspiciously and I laughed.

"Only if you think that way, Felix." I said, with a smile until my sketchbook was slammed next to me, startling me.

"Keep the stupid, crummy book." I heard Andrew say and I could hear and see the mischievous smirk. I didn't trust that look for a second. Then again, I didn't trust him at all or any of his gang partners.

"Gladly." I muttered before checking my art and there were extra scribbles on the drawings like demon horns and things that weren't there before. Luckily, it was tilted at an angle where Felix couldn't see. I closed the book and sighed remembering the words they slipped in the book.

'Demon-born, freak, death's-apprentice, weirdo, etc.' I sighed and put my head down.

"You okay?" Felix asked and I slowly nodded, without making eye contact with him.

"Y-Yeah." I said, trying to hide my slightly cracking voice. Those words just reminded me of every time people made fun of me and everything. I couldn't bring myself to actually cry though.

Even adults considered me cursed. Everyone except my family since they knew it was just a birthmark. The only one in my class I could trust was myself.

I heard everyone start to get up in my class. "You better get going now." Felix said and I nodded, getting up. I was actually feeling tired since I hardly slept last night and a tear fell down the side of my face without me realizing it.

"You're crying." Felix pointed out and I looked at him confused before wiping the tear and smiling a bit.

"Oh, I'm not crying Felix. That happens usually when I'm tired. I didn't get much rest last night. I'll see you later, okay?" He nodded with a smile and I smiled back before heading to catch up with my class.

*Time Skip*
After school was over, I took the bus home and I went to my room to be alone for a bit. I buried my face in my pillow and yelled out of my anger. Mostly for what I saw in my sketchbook from the bullies.

They were easily aggravating right now and I didn't want to deal with them in my thoughts right now. I flipped myself over onto my back and spread out like a starfish and stared at my ceiling.

I heard the door open and I looked to see Dad. "Hey. What's wrong? How was school?"

"Mostly normal." I sat up and looked at Dad.

"What changed?" The asked and I stared at the bed.

"Well, I kinda met someone." I said, smiling slightly.

"Who'd you meet?"

"His name was Felix. I didn't catch his last name though." I said, simply and Dad smiled.

"It's nice to find that you met someone new." He said and I smiled slightly.

"I guess so." I said and Dad chuckled a bit.

"Well, dinners done so you want to go ahead and get your siblings downstairs?" Dad asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. I'll go get them." I said and Dad nodded before leaving. I sighed and left my room and went to Brandon's room.

"Brandon," I opened the door to see Elizabeth and Brandon were playing together. "Dad says it's time for dinner." I said and they both grinned.

"Okay, we'll be down in a few minutes." I nodded and went to Michael's room and knocked on the door.

"Michael? Are you in here?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" He asked and I sighed.

"Dinners done." I said, before leaving.

After dinner, I went back up to my room and looked through my sketchbook again and erased the extra parts that the bullies put in. I was getting tired of this, honestly.

I sighed and closed my notebook when I finished. It was actually about twenty pages of drawings, most of them being wolves. I put my sketch book on the nightstand and I put my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling.

My mind wandered towards Felix for some reason, again. I don't know why I keep thinking about him a lot of the time since I met with him. Then again, I think it's just the fact that I kinda wanna know why he wears the eye patch.

Yeah, I think that's why. I wouldn't exactly care about wearing the eye patch, but it's just a thing of curiosity. That's it, right?

I mean, now that I think about it, it was like he was dressing as a pirate. I found it kinda silly but, with the eye patch, I think he'd make a pretty great pirate.

Wait, why am I thinking like that? We're in third grade here! Not high school! I sighed and turned onto my side to look at my stuffed animals. I had a bear, rabbit, red fox, a masked doll, and a chicken.

They were toys Dad had gotten for me and Brandon but mine had my name written on each of their feet while Brandon kept his clean. The only one Brandon didn't have was the masked doll.

I ended up falling asleep from how tired I was. I didn't really even realize I was falling asleep this time, which happens with me.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm and I punched the snooze button. I sat up and groaned a bit, looking at the clock. 8:00 am. I sighed and stood up as I started to get ready.

*Felix's POV*
I woke up the next day and I started to get ready myself. My parents met our neighbor who lived right next to us. They said he was a bit on the intimidating and scary side. Almost like someone who could pull off being a villain in a horror movie.

That was their description of him at least. I didn't meet the guy yet but it sounded like he was really scary.

That was yesterday though while I was at school. Our family had just finished moving in about a month ago and the family was a bit too busy to interact with anyone much.

My parents said his name was Vincent Afton and he had four kids. I didn't know who they were, but I'm fine with it. I mean, I kinda hoped that I'd be able to talk to Isabella again today, hopefully.

I had four friends right now and I was hoping to make it six, with Isabella being the sixth. There was Fredrick(or just Fred or Freddy), Kate, Daniel, and William. They were okay people to be around a lot of the time.

I sighed and walked to the bus stop to see familiar white-ish blonde hair and I smiled a bit. She wore a black jacket as well that could cover around her neck.

"Hey, Bella." The girl looked at me and had a startled look before it turned into a scowl.

"Did you have to startle me like that?" She asked and I chuckled a bit.

"Well, I wasn't exactly expecting to meet with you here." I said, sitting next to her.

*Isabella's POV*
I smiled as Felix sat next to me. "Well, I only live next door to you, I guess. I don't have to really walk that far from the house to the bus stop." I said and he smiled a bit.

"Yeah, like right in front of my house." I froze for a second.

"That's your house?" I asked, pointing to the house behind us and he smirked.

"Yeah, not much but it'll do." Felix said and I blinked a couple times before just shrugging it off.

"Okay. By the way, I was meaning to ask you something for a bit." He looked at me.

"What is it?"

"Well, I was wondering why you wear the eye patch." I said a bit hesitantly. He smiled before laughing a bit.

"I was born with a blind eye and my mom decided I should wear an eye patch to hide it." He said and I nodded in understanding. "I was also wondering why you're alone a lot of the time." Felix asked and I sighed.

'If I tell Felix, he'll probably just start doing what the others are doing against me. I'll definitely be alone then. I can't tell him yet.'

"It's a long story." I said, before rubbing where my birthmark was. Felix smiled a bit.

"Okay. I guess I can wait a while before knowing. Oh, here comes the bus." Felix said and I looked to see the bus was coming. I stood up along with Felix.

The bus parked in front of us and we walked onto the bus. We sat near the back of the bus since I was hardly the social one.

After a few stops, Felix was talking with a few other kids on the bus. One was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a black shirt and denim shorts.

Another was another boy with blonde hair that looked gold in the sunlight and he had blue eyes. He wore a yellow shirt with blue jeans.

The third kid was a girl with short blonde hair and purple eyes. She wore a simple yellow dress and yellow shoes. The fourth was a boy with purple hair and I just figured it was dyed that way which I didn't judge, of course. Though, I was pretty sure Michael would make fun of it.

I stared at them for I don't know how long before Felix's words snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I even have a neighbor on this bus." Felix said and I blushed slightly before I looked in a different direction.

"Who?" One of Felix's friends asked and I Audrey heard my name.

"Isabella!" I looked to see Michael, who I didn't notice was on the bus. I was confused.

"What do you want?" I asked and he gave a small glare.

"Do you know that kid?" Michael asked, pointing at Felix. I sighed.

"Yes, he's our neighbor. You know, the one's that started moving in a month ago?" I said and he scoffed.

"Looks boring."

"Don't say that about him, Michael. You don't even know him." I said, crossing my arms. He looked at Felix for a second before looking back at me.

"What makes you think that, huh?" He asked and I sighed.

"Just...leave him alone. He didn't do anything to you so leave it alone." I said and he sighed.

"Fine, whatever." He said and I brought out my phone to see it was 7:00. Usually, the bus stopped at school around 7:10 and then breakfast would be given to all of the students. The elementary school and middle school were connected while the high school was back away for about two minutes and the college was four more minutes.

I didn't know the exact business schedule but I guess the school wanted some change in the school systems they have. I usually didn't eat breakfast but I kinda just stayed in the halls to keep away from the loud noises happening in the cafeteria.

Michael headed inside the cafeteria when we got to the school and I was heading down the halls to get to my usual alone spot. The Jackal Circle. It was towards the front of all of the schools and the Elemetary and Middle schools weren't exactly connected but were considered to be since they were right next to each other.

Michael was almost there with him being in fifth grade. I usually stayed at the circle with Elizabeth and Brandon but they were both out sick so I was alone. Michael always preferred being with his 'friends' than me or my siblings.

"Bella! Wait up!" I looked behind myself to see Felix, trying to catch up with me.

"What is it?" I asked and he caught up with me.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" He asked and I smiled a bit.

"I usually don't. I'm never really that hungry early in the mornings." I said and Felix chuckled a bit.

"Well, I guess you would probably have a point there. But I was um...kinda hoping that I could introduce you to my friends." I was a bit on the surprised side.

"Why?" I asked and he smiled more.

"They could become your friends too. Besides, they haven't met you." Felix said with a smile and I smiled back.

"Okay. Fine with me then!" I lied. I mean, what if when they saw me, they would realize who I am and run away yelling, 'Oh no! Run away! It's the Cursed Raven Girl!' I mean, most, or all, of the school just run away before they get to know me. I understood that the raven was a symbol of death along with the crow, but that's the only reason that they run away.

As most people would put it, I'm bad luck or there will soon be a death somewhere in this town. As soon as that rumor went around, I isolated myself from everyone. Every new person in school had tried to make friends with me, but always ended up either seeing the mark or hearing the rumor.

Four kids came out from around a corner and Felix looked at them before smiling and gesturing for them to come out. Thankfully, this was a hall that was always empty during breakfast.

They were the same kids that were talking to Felix on the bus. "Hi! It's nice to meet you, finally! Name's Kate! What about you?" She grabbed my hand and shook it very quickly. I blinked a couple times.

"Um...Isabella Afton." Felix chuckled a bit nervously.

"Um, Kate? You can uh, stop shaking her hand." Felix said and Kate stopped shaking my hand before chuckling a bit nervously.

"Sorry. I just get really excited to meet new people." The blonde girl, Kate said and I laughed a bit.

"It's okay. I understand."

'Liar. You're just saying that to her to make her think you understand the excitement in meeting someone new.' My inner voice told me and the brown haired male smiled.

"I'm Fredrick. You can just call me 'Freddy' or 'Fred' though." He said and I smiled.

"My name's Daniel and this would be William. He's not exactly social with many people." The purple haired one, Daniel introduced, pointing at the gold-blonde male. "And F.Y.I, he's also Fredrick's brother."

"That explains the similarities between you two." I said, smiling at them. Fredrick laughed a bit and William smiled a bit.

"They don't really mention it to many people though." Kate said and I laughed a bit.

"Seems so."

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