8. Two Dragons

Seonghwa started his day with urgency.

He had to meet San today and discuss their plans for the upcoming art and crafts market one town over. Apart from his online store, the frequent markets the two of them visited were Seonghwa's main source of income, and he couldn't miss out on one even if a short demon wreaked havoc in his house.

A long list of tasks awaited Seonghwa, and he didn't have the time to stay around and reprimand Hongjoong for drinking milk straight out of the carton. Instead, he hurried to get Wooyoung ready and dressed for preschool. He would have to ask Yunho to take care of Wooyoung when he spent his day working. Wooyoung was still a bit too young to keep him company during the whole time and not get impatient. Hongjoong was a whole other topic, and Seonghwa had to figure out where to put him still. The combination of the two at home would be horrific. Later, once he came back from San's, Seonghwa would ask the demon about it.

Wooyoung was in his room, struggling to get dressed, when Seonghwa came searching for him. The boy couldn't decide what he wanted to wear, and all of his options weren't fit for the weather. By the time he finally gave a satisfied squeal after rummaging through all of his drawers, Seonghwa already glanced impatiently at his watch.

"Dad! Can I be Toothless today?"

"Is today a Toothless day?"

Wooyoung nodded gravely at him, so Seonghwa rolled with it. He helped his son into his big sweater that had a tail attached to it and a hood meant to resemble his favourite show character. It even had little wings. If he crouched, he looked just like a little dragon on the hunt for unsuspecting food. Once Wooyoung had pulled his hood over his head and taken his rucksack, they were ready to go.

Hongjoong sat in the kitchen and counted his eggs when they passed him.

"Bye-bye, Joongie!" Cheerful, Wooyoung waved at the man. Hongjoong grinned in response.

"I'll visit a friend, so I won't be back as soon. It would be great if you could do the dishes, but if you don't want to, I can do it later."

Seonghwa snatched his keys from the hook and slid them into his pocket. He had to spend an excruciatingly long moment fiddling the laces back into his shoes because somebody had taken them out.

"Alright!" Hongjoong chirped from the kitchen. Then, Seonghwa and Wooyoung were off.

Seonghwa dropped Wooyoung off at the kindergarten. Today, he didn't go in to greet Yunho, but Wooyoung promised him in his grave tiny voice to say hi to him for Seonghwa. As soon as his black dragon of a son had disappeared inside, Seonghwa took off to annoy San. When he called on the way to announce his arrival, the man's voice sounded groggy over the phone.

"At least brush your hair until I'm there," Seonghwa chuckled at his yawning friend. San had grumbled.

"I think my teeth are in more dire need of cleaning. See you in ten."

Seonghwa was kind enough to pick up some coffee for the two of them. While he waited for the barista to finish his order, he set a reminder on his phone to get Yunho some chocolates as thanks if he was willing to keep Wooyoung over the weekend.

The door to San's flat was already open and just leaned against the frame when Seonghwa stepped out of the elevator. He let himself in and kicked his boots off before he shuffled inside.

"I got your drink. Hey, Byeol." Seonghwa nodded at San's cat in passing. His friend had already spread out on the sofa, his hair still a mess and wrapped in a pale yellow blanket. His laptop was set up in front of him, but he still looked half asleep. Once Seonghwa had handed him his drink, he gently ruffled the man's hair. San yawned in response.

"I called the market office yesterday and talked business with them. They had several places free for us since we are so early, and I wanted to show them to you first before I decided." San snatched his drink to take a long sip. Satisfied, he cradled the warm cup to his chest. Seonghwa glanced at the scarf he had taken without looking this morning. Yunho's particular scarf basically spent more time of its existence in Seonghwa's home rather than where it belonged. Seonghwa kept giving it back, and every time, it returned after two days once Yunho viewed it as necessary to bundle up Wooyoung with it. It smelled slightly of the man's soothing scent.

"There, under the old oak, are still two places. I know you love these, so I put them as a priority. But if you would rather be protected by the wind, then near the buildings would make sense, too. Or should we aim for the middle since more people will pass?"

Seonghwa studied the map. The free spaces they could book were marked as green squares. Despite the syrup in his drink, it was still nearly too bitter for him.

"Hmm, I think I like the oak most. It always looks great in autumn. If we set up nicely, then the aesthetic alone might reel people in. And since it's such a landmark on the fairground, everybody gets drawn to it anyway."

San typed something out and then reached for his phone.

"Good decision. I hoped you would say that. We can collect leaves from the floor and decorate all we want. Also, since when did you start wearing mismatched socks? Is this the midlife crisis kicking in?"

With an amused chuckle, San immersed himself in his call. After a glare at the black sock paired with a dark blue one he wore, Seonghwa slurped his drink and waited for him to get it done.

Once the formalities were taken care of, the two men figured out how to transport their things. San's pictures needed utmost gentleness in their handling, and while Seonghwa's work usually could be squeezed into a few bags and didn't take damage, Seonghwa's car might be too small to transport everything. San also couldn't lend his mom's car this time as he usually did.

"Should be book a van? Or drive twice? Which is cheaper?"

The afternoon passed with the two of them trying to figure out how to get everything in order. Market day was two weeks from now, and they would spend two days there, but cleaning up and coming back the day after proved to be difficult with their car situation. Once they had settled on the most affordable possible option of a van, it was already past 2, and Seonghwa's stomach grumbled with hunger. They were just about to order some pizza and watch a movie until it was time for Seonghwa to return to the odd zoo that his home had become when his phone rang. Seonghwa barely even glanced at Yunho's caller ID backed up by his profile photo where he cuddled two dogs and smiled like the sun at the camera.

"Hey, Hwa. Wooyoung told me you are meeting San today, but could you maybe come to pick Woo up? He wants to go home early today."

Seonghwa nodded at San that he had to leave. With a smirk painting his lips, his best friend mouthed Yunho's name and tilted his head questioningly. When Seonghwa nodded with a faint blush dusting his cheeks, the man grinned like a Cheshire cat. Seonghwa kicked his leg.

"Sure, give me ten minutes. Is something the matter?"

"He was getting bullied by the other kids, and now he doesn't feel like being here anymore." Guilt laced Yunho's voice as if he had wanted to avoid that. Seonghwa sighed. Wooyoung was a social butterfly and tried hard to get along with everybody. In return, he felt all the worse when one of the kids was mean to him, though. Especially on Toothless days. Those were his happy days.

"I hope Changbin didn't make any trouble?" Seonghwa wrapped Yunho's scarf around his neck and pulled on his boots. Without a word, San handed him his bag and gave him the 'call me' signal before he showed him out. With hurried steps, Seonghwa returned to his car.

"Changbin's mom called earlier this morning saying that he's sick. I'm pretty sure it was the only reason the kids started to bully Woo. They knew Changbin would lash out if they tried on normal days."

Changbin was fiercely protective of Wooyoung. Albeit still being a small kid, his loyalty to his few friends was similar to a knight. His way to defend his loved ones with fists got him into trouble sometimes, but Seonghwa couldn't help but be thankful for him being a true friend to Wooyoung.

"I see. I'm getting into my car right now; I'll be there soon."

"Alright, see you." Yunho responsibly ended the call so that Seonghwa wouldn't have to concentrate on his phone while he drove through their peaceful little town with a speed limit of 30 everywhere. Seonghwa was well aware of the risk himself and never had his phone out while driving, but Yunho's ministrations always warmed his heart.

Seonghwa pulled up on his favourite parking spot and spotted Yunho instantly. The man had chosen to wait outside with Wooyoung on his arm so they could meet more privately. By the looks of it, Wooyoung was sniffing and sobbing into Yunho's neck, and the man rubbed his back soothingly. When he spotted Seonghwa getting out of his car, Yunho's face lit up. On the other hand, Seonghwa's heart sank when he noticed that the tail that should have been dangling down Yunho's arm had been ripped off of Wooyoung's favourite sweater.

"Thanks for taking care of him." With long steps, Seonghwa caught up with the pair. Wooyoung clutched the dirtied tail of his costume tightly against his chest. His tears had long since soaked the collar of Yunho's shirt, but the man didn't mind as he gently rocked the boy in his arms to calm him down. Not even Seonghwa's voice could convince Wooyoung to lift his hooded head, so he remained as a dragon curled against Yunho's shoulder.

"I already called the parents of the kid responsible. Wooyoungie, show your dad your face, hm? It's fine."

With a muffled sob, Wooyoung shook his head against Yunho's chest. Saddened, Seonghwa patted his head.

"It's fine, Youngiebear. We can go home, alright?"

"C-Can Joongie take care of me today?" Wooyoung wiped his snot and tears on Yunho's shirt without remorse. Seonghwa winced, but Yunho simply took a piece of his shirt to help Wooyoung. The simple gesture alone had Seonghwa swoon for him all over again.

"Yeah, of course. We can go home, and you two can play while I make you some hot cocoa; how's that?"

Finally, Wooyoung risked a peek at Seonghwa. His eyes and cheeks were reddened from his upset and some bodily fluids still stuck to his face. Seonghwa also detected clogged blood at one of his nostrils. Immediately, he cooed and opened his arms. Yunho handed his son over finally but continued to spend comfort by sticking close wordlessly. His body heat seeped into Seonghwa's side as he caressed Wooyoung's cheeks tenderly.

"I can also fix your Toothless, no worries. That's what dads are for," Seonghwa reassured him. Wooyoung trembled against his body pitifully, but he managed a faint nod.

Once he had settled down mostly, Seonghwa turned to look at Yunho. The man's face looked stricken with guilt, but his eyes had softened at the sight of the two of them together.

"Thanks again. I'll make you some food one of these days as a token of my appreciation."

Yunho brushed it off.

"Don't worry about it; I like doing this. Take care, you two, and call me if you need help with anything." It was the same line he kept repeating over and over again, and every time Seonghwa heard it, his appreciation for the man multiplied. He gave a smile.

"I will, thank you. See you soon."

Seonghwa strapped Wooyoung into his seat and waved at Yunho before they left. Yunho looked after them until they were out of sight and went in only then.

Their drive home was silent. Wooyoung's sniffles ebbed down gradually, but he didn't return to his cheerful self yet. His moping had Seonghwa's heart ache in his chest for him. He hated to see Wooyoung sad.

As soon as they closed the door behind them, Wooyoung kicked his shoes off and ran towards the living room. Hongjoong got no warning when the boy already plummeted into his lap and held on to him with his tiny hands. Hongjoong picked up on his distress right away and rose his curious eyes to Seonghwa.

"The other kids were mean to him. Come on, Woo, give me the tail and the sweater, then I will fix it for you right away."

Seonghwa helped Wooyoung out of his protective cloak and wrapped him in a blanket instead. Then, he left the two of them to their devices as Seonghwa got rid of his jacket and set up some milk on the stove to make for Wooyoung.

As he viewed the clothing hanger after putting his clothes on there, he hit his forehead.

He had forgotten to give Yunho's scarf back once more.

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