3. Gift Bag

Hongjoong was one grouchy demon. He was grouchier than Wooyoung on his bad days when Seonghwa forced him to eat his vegetables, and Wooyoung could be the grouchiest person Seonghwa knew. Especially once he ate his vegetables and ignored Seonghwa for two hours because he felt mistreated.

At least, Seonghwa could be glad that the two of them weren't grouchy at the same time. While Hongjoong moped in his seat with both of his legs thrown over one armrest and his back leaning over the other, Wooyoung's curiosity remained strong. Like a master in the field of worming his way out of tight spots, he twisted and turned his little body in directions so unexpected that Seonghwa worried that his son had never developed any bones. After one last glance at the pouting demon who had slumped into his chair and crossed his arms to announce his displeasure, Seonghwa let his little worm son go. He doubted that the demon could be dangerous to the person he was legally bound to. If they even had a bureaucracy, then Hongjoong was probably more constrained than Seonghwa had assumed initially.

Yeosang had been an odd fellow, but at least he had made it very clear to Seonghwa that Hongjoong followed a legal code just like he did and that this wasn't a bad horror movie Seonghwa had to work around. The whole idea of demons remained odd to him, but at least he could treat this one on human grounds, which helped him stomach the theory and push the harsh reality away.

As long as his local demon picked on his nails or grumbled beneath his invisible beard, Seonghwa would view him as just another boy.

With Wooyoung gone and curiously leaning over the demon's legs to ask him about demon stuff like a waterfall, Seonghwa focused on the documents in his hand. They were a lot to read and since Hongjoong protested everything right now like a bratty child, Seonghwa had to go through them himself. They stated a lot of legal jargon that the demon was bound to his contract by demon law and that he only had certain rights in claiming his price. Seonghwa was glad to read through the section that said 'no exchange of souls, years of life, demon offspring, frogs, the blood of the unborn, virginity or possessive bounds'. It eased his mind at least a bit that no precious things would be taken from Wooyoung. Hongjoong also had to get approval from Yeosang's department first before he got anything.

Indeed, the contract also stated that to nullify it, a specific clause that involved both parties of legal age was included. It didn't state any exceptions for Wooyoung's case, but Seonghwa hoped that Yeosang would be able to figure that out soon. He wasn't ready to either lose his son to a hungry demon with three rows of teeth or keep said demon in his home for thirteen years.

Concerning that, it seemed as if Seonghwa literally had to keep him in his home. The contract stated that as the promisee, Wooyoung - and by that Seonghwa - had to offer a place to sleep and food to their demon. In exchange, the demon was required to help them around the house and depending on the length of his stay also take on a job to pay the bills. Because of the agreement between the two parties that wasn't entirely based on human circumstances and the risk of a demon running wild, it was essential that both individuals kept together, with the human in question being the ruling party.

Seonghwa couldn't wait to see Wooyoung rule over Hongjoong. Judging from his prying questions about how heavy Hongjoong's horns were, he couldn't wait to do so.

The idea of a demon lodging under his very roof with only him and his child around displeased Seonghwa. He couldn't really argue against it since the contract stated for Hongjoong to do his part, too, but the guy reeked of problems. As calm as he had been, Seonghwa didn't want him here. Or anywhere Wooyoung for that matter.

But the only way to get rid of him was either he found out what it was that Wooyoung had mumbled, or Yeosang succeeded. Until then, Seonghwa had to figure out his sudden new housemate.

Wooyoung yawned, his head nearly falling over into Hongjoong's lap. The demon regarded him from his posture of power with a mix of contempt and curiosity.

Seonghwa put the contract aside and dug around the bag. He found a bottle of champagne, a game of ludo, pralines that included alcohol in them, and - to Seonghwa's biggest shock - a box of condoms. He hissed at the offending item and shoved it deep into the bag where Wooyoung wouldn't find it. Amused, Hongjoong's eyes followed him.

"What, you prude?"

Seonghwa glared at him over Wooyoung's head. At the lack of reactions, the kid was quickly losing interest in the man and instead pulled his toy box from underneath the coffee table to busy himself. Little car noises escaped him as he began to build a shaky tower with them.

"No, but I disapprove of such things near a child. What kind of welcoming gift is this even supposed to be?"

Hongjoong shrugged seemingly innocent. His eyes shone with mirth, though.

"You would be surprised how many humans see any sort of demon once and are ready to take anything they can get. And you read the part about offspring. It's a hassle."

It was impossible to tell from his voice alone if he enjoyed that kind of attention or was thankful that Wooyoung as a child was clearly not an option for something like that. Seonghwa figured if he were in Hongjoong's stead, he would be relieved to have his space for once. But he knew barely anything about demons.

"Weirdos," Seonghwa mumbled under his breath. Hongjoong giggled at him as he reached out to tun his hand through Wooyoung's hair. As Seonghwa watched like a hawk, he took notice of just how small the man's hands looked without his claws. He was tiny. Seonghwa forgot that he had ever found him intimidating. He was just a little demon with barely any powers who was bound by law. Clearly, Seonghwa had expected too much.

"Most of them summon us on purpose, and not few of those have just that thing in mind. It's part of our business."

Not that Seonghwa knew anything about demons and demon summoning in real life. But the thought of getting himself a literal creature from hell just to get laid sounded like a dramatic step to take for him. Not that anybody summoning demons in their free time wasn't overly dramatic, though.

With a shake of his head to get the odd ideas off his mind, Seonghwa stood to bring the bag somewhere safe where it was outside of Wooyoung's reach. He hit his shin on the coffee table and grumbled underneath his breath. His day kept getting better.

Once the bag was safely stored on the top shelf of the kitchen, Seonghwa returned. He told Wooyoung to clean up so they could go to bed soon.

"Write me a list of things you like to eat and use the fridge as you please today. I hope you don't mind to sleep in Wooyoung's bed for now. I will take him in my room, so you have space." Or rather, to make sure he was safe, but the demon didn't need to know that.

His two companions grimaced at the same time.

"Nooo, daddy, I hate your bed!"

"I hope it didn't hear that."

Seeking help, Wooyoung turned to Hongjoong as if the demon had any right to talk. Amused, he looked between the boy's pleading eyes and Seonghwa's stiff stare.

"There are monsters underneath my bed; they might eat you! You can't stay there!"

Seonghwa rose his brow at the feigned worry. Wooyoung disliked his bed because he had tumbled out of it once when he rolled around too much to test where it would end. Other than Wooyoung's loft bed with the desk underneath, it of course also had no protective railing that kept little boys from falling to the ground. Ever since that, his most hated piece of furniture was Seonghwa's bed.

"I think Hongjoong will be able to deal with monsters just fine. Aren't you?" Challenging, Seonghwa stared the man down as he bent to pick up his flailing son. He was hyper from the action he had gotten today and wouldn't calm anytime soon despite his tired eyes.

"I will take what I can get, be it monsters or not. Better than sleeping in the basement." His smile seemed distorted. Seonghwa frowned, but he nodded him to follow anyways.

"Here is the bathroom, opposite is Wooyoung's room. My room is the left one at the back, just knock if you need anything. I don't know how demons live, but make yourself at home. I would appreciate it if you didn't mess up things."

Hongjoong grumbled.

"I'm not a kid, and neither am I a criminal, you know? Don't treat me as if you had to keep a murderer around your home. Damn human stereotypes." With a huff, he disappeared into Wooyoung's room. No other sound came from him.

With a sigh, Seonghwa looked at his son. Big eyes stared back at him reproachfully.

"So, what is your opinion on him?"

Seonghwa carried Wooyoung over to the bathroom and put him down there. Immediately, the boy ran to get his toothbrush in a routine they had developed together. Wooyoung hated to brush his teeth, but he slacked even more if Seonghwa didn't do it at the same time. By now, he even challenged himself always to brush ten seconds longer than his dad. It worked in Seonghwa's favour.

He also knew that Wooyoung was too old to be carried around much. But whenever Wooyoung was entirely too stubborn to move, Seonghwa gave in. At heart, he still grieved how fast Wooyoung's years as a toddler had passed. Soon, he would have to enrol him in school. Time passed too quickly.

"I think he's funny. And he looked like Toothless with his wings!"

If there was one thing Wooyoung adored, then it was Toothless, the dragon from his favourite show. Seonghwa had long lost count of the amount of merchandise he had to buy with a friendly black dragon printed on it. He hoped that Wooyoung wouldn't notice he'd have to sleep without his favourite blanket with the said dragon on it tonight. Seonghwa didn't want to bother the demon.

"Yeah, I suppose he did." The memory of the demon's first appearance already seemed to be a glitch in his head. While he vividly pictured those teeth still, he had trouble concentrating his poor human brain on the full image. Since it wasn't used to those sights, it was somewhat satisfying to entirely push them out of his memory. Not that he would complain.

While he brushed his teeth, Seonghwa checked his cupboards for a spare toothbrush. He always had one around in case of an emergency, so he put it out in its packaging for Hongjoong to find. The man seemed to know enough about humans that he wouldn't have any weird questions, hopefully.

Seonghwa's mind had been in overdrive the whole day since he had so much to think about and learn. Now that sleep was near, he could feel his tiredness crashing down on him tenfold. He barely was ready to start a new day tomorrow and bring Wooyoung to kindergarten in time. For now, h dreaded the settling thought that Hongjoong would be alone here for a while once he left.

He finished brushing his teeth first and cleaned his mouth. Wooyoung copied him far clumsier and had to tiptoe to spit his toothpaste into the sink. After a job well done, Seonghwa petted his head proudly.

"Tomorrow I want to play with uncle Joong!"

As it seemed, the man's name was too difficult to pronounce for the boy's lips. Seonghwa already disliked the idea of giving their resident demon nicknames, but he took it anyway. He couldn't be rude even if he tried, and he would treat Hongjoong with respect for as long as he lived with them. His expectations of getting the same back weren't high, but he hoped they could make it work with Wooyoung as the joint in the middle.

"Fine. Tomorrow, Youngie. For now, let's got to bed."

Wooyoung's socked feet ran over into Seonghwa's room. He shrugged off his clothes there since he absolutely loathed pyjamas. In only his underwear he snuggled into the middle of the bed where he wouldn't fall off. One last time, his hand emerged from the blankets to snatch one of Seonghwa's plushies that lined the headboard. Then, he laid still.

Seonghwa giggled at his antics as he changed into his sleeping clothes. Before he crawled into bed, he locked the bedroom door from the inside. With his favourite bear in one arm and Wooyoung in the other, he soon drifted off into a dream that was thankfully free of demons.

Aside from some scratching against the wall, he didn't hear from Hongjoong again.

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