24. Fallout
This chapter is smut only
Seonghwa had an odd dream.
He dreamt about Hongjoong and the sparkles on his skin. About how his muscles rippled under his skin as he threw his head back, and his blue hair fanned over the pillows of Seonghwa's bed. Hongjoong's lips were parted in silent gasps and moans that filled the room and Seonghwa's heart like the melody of his deepest desires.
In his dream, Seonghwa saw nothing beneath the demon's belly button, but the implications that they were doing something translated into Seonghwa waking up sweaty and aroused under the sheets. Once more, he was glad that no Hongjoong was around in the morning to tease him.
Seonghwa went through his day without any issues. He dropped Wooyoung off at the kindergarten and chatted with Yunho until he got his keys back, he went shopping, he worked a few hours on his felting once he had found his needle in the box with hay that Hongjoong presented him with, and he had dinner with the two troublemakers.
Before he could wander off to his room to rest, however, Wooyoung and Hongjoong decided to build another pillow fort in the living room. Their plan to sleep there was set in stone, and Wooyoung begged Seonghwa to partake in the festivities. Yongguk was also supposed to join, if not visible to Seonghwa's eyes. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to show himself as an angel, so all of them were stuck imagining him based on Wooyoung's talks with him.
Seonghwa had helped them build their fort and waited until they had fallen asleep in a heap of outstretched limbs and bundled up blankets. Then, he sneaked off to his room.
The tension of last night's dream had haunted him the whole day. Not even Yunho and his brilliant smiles and soft hugs could distract Seonghwa well. So once he had shut the door behind him and the whole room stayed quiet, he finally freed his secret purchase from the confinements of the closet and the box.
The model he had ordered was coloured red and black as a classic demon dick would be. The gradient's choice at least let Seonghwa pretend as if Hongjoong had nothing to do with the object. He had even willingly ignored the version that was night blue and had silver freckles like Hongjoong himself.
Seonghwa crawled under his covers, equipped with a lube bottle in one hand and the dildo in the other. Its irregular ridges against the pads of his fingers had excitement curl in his belly. Once he had dimmed the light on his nightstand to an acceptable orange glow, he settled back against his pillows.
Unsurprisingly, most thoughts that crossed his mind as he kicked his pants off and reached for his length were about Yunho. Seonghwa imagined his hands tugging his hardness to life gradually and teasing around his entrance to rile him up. He took his time preparing himself for the toy, even if it wasn't the biggest he had ever taken before, and dreamt about Yunho's long and elegant fingers reaching deep inside of him. Hot breaths and whimpers dropped from his lips as he glanced at the waiting toy next to him and how similar the shape looked to Hongjoong.
That was the only issue here. As much as Seonghwa imagined Yunho being the one hovering over him as he did this, Yunho kissing down his neck, Yunho entering him gently but deep, it was still Hongjoong who had inspired this evening.
Begrudgingly, Seonghwa rolled over and sat up to slick up the toy. He was ready to prove to himself that his desire for demon dick was incredibly uncalled for. Sure, demons were used to humans throwing themselves at them the minute they entered this realm, but Seonghwa would not give Hongjoong the satisfaction of being right with that.
Seonghwa bunched the blankets around his waist to concentrate on the feeling alone as he knelt above the toy. The tip was formed like the tail of a scorpion, and it brushed against Seonghwa with barely any resistance. The smooth head slipped right in as Seonghwa dropped his hips the barest bit.
His teeth sunk into his lip as he slowly lowered himself as far as his body would currently allow him. Every ridge that slipped past his rim and massaged his insides had Seonghwa's hold on the bed weaken. By the time he was halfway down and settled as comfortably as his body allowed, he was near collapsing. The stretch was sweet, and the shape inside of him alone had Seonghwa stifle a moan in his wrist.
When he started to move slowly, the burn of his thighs while riding the toy reminded his heated body all the more just how sinful this was. His dream replayed behind his closed lids, and soon, he had to push off the blanket since he got too heated beneath it. In a reminder of sharp claws, his fingers trailed over his chest to wrap around his shaft. He pushed further down, taking more of the toy, more ridges, more heat; his breath was wet and hot against the back of his wrist. All he heard were his puffs and the squelching beneath him.
Then, a voice interrupted him.
"What- What are you doing, mortal?"
All colour left in Seonghwa's face drained as he glanced at the door. There, in all of his sweater-clad glory, stood Hongjoong. His little hand had settled on the wood insecurely as if not sure whether he should push it open or retreat. Seonghwa stilled in his position; every strain of his thighs was forgotten.
"Ah- yoga?" Seonghwa tried to catch his breath, but he stilled in the movement. Pulling the blankets up would look more than suspicious.
Hongjoong blinked at him slowly. Once he had pondered the words, he rose one brow disbelievingly.
"Yeah, it's better naked, then I don't overheat."
"What's that?"
Seonghwa winced when Hongjoong came closer. At the impatient push against his shoulder, his thighs immediately gave out, and he slumped to his side. Wet, the toy slid out from him and appeared in plain view. Mortified, Seonghwa buried his glowing face in his pillows.
"Oh, I see. I see. Care to explain?"
Seonghwa didn't move even when Hongjoong sat down behind him on his bed. No attempt to cover up his nudity or throbbing arousal was made. He just wanted to die.
"I have no words. Take my soul or something. I can't survive looking at you any longer." His voice was whiny and full of regrets against the sheets. How could he have been so foolish? Desire had been his downfall. He would go to hell for luxuria.
"You know, I'm not too surprised that you masturbate, any healthy human does. I rather wonder about how familiar this looks to me. An uncanny similarity, isn't it?"
Oh god, he had noticed. Seonghwa pressed his hands over his ears, unwilling to listen, but he did anyway.
"Listen, I can't explain this to you. It's exactly what it looks like and I'm so, so sorry." The sheets muffled his voice and his blood rushed in his ears, but Hongjoong heard him anyway. His chuckle nearly pulled a sob out of Seonghwa from how mortified and ashamed he was.
What was he thinking? He bought a toy to fuck himself with in the shape of Hongjoong and still considered looking Yunho in the eyes again. As if he deserved the other man with how he treated his kindness. It was just like Hongjoong had said that one night. Seonghwa would likely be elsewhere with his mind even when he was with Yunho. The disgust of himself shrouded him in misery.
"Shh, no. This is not the time to be sorry. You could be doing far more pleasurable things instead."
As if.
Seonghwa's shoulders stopped to tremble abruptly when he felt a touch to his quivering entrance. He still leaked lube all over his clean sheets, and his body betrayed his mind. Hongjoong's hand found his back and caressed it gently, trailing down his side with a comforting coo.
"You think I'm angry at you? I'm not. I'm actually quite flattered."
When the by now familiar toy slid back into Seonghwa, he gasped. The ridges pulled on his walls deliciously to settle deep inside. Blind, Seonghwa reached out to grab the sheets. The change of angle from Hongjoong's perspective and the knowledge alone that it was the demon whose hand led the object to spread him open sent more heat into Seonghwa's stomach.
"Do you want me to stop?"
Seonghwa desperately shook his head. His foggy mind didn't supply him with any intelligent commentary, but his body knew what it wanted. It trembled in Hongjoong's grip as he pushed back against the curved shape inside of him. Every brush of it felt like heaven and resolved his earlier tension. Shuddering, he arched against the mattress beneath his body.
At his permission to resume, Hongjoong adjusted his legs behind Seonghwa. His hand on Seonghwa's hip pulled the man in his desired position until he could fuck the toy into him at slow but deep intervals. Seonghwa's quiet sobs soon turned into breathy moans. Hongjoong split him open even deeper than Seonghwa had before, and every movement had his breath hitch.
"You're beautiful like this. Getting speared by demon cock. The look suits you." Hongjoong's voice had grown rougher, deeper in a way as he lost all of his usual playful attributes. Seonghwa shivered. The constant push and pull inside of him while the ridged surface of the toy caught onto his rim nearly drove him mad. Even Hongjoong's hand on his waist didn't seem tiny and cute anymore. It held him strong and decidedly in place. He had nowhere to go and Seonghwa loved it.
"H-Hongjoong," he breathed lowly and promptly got rewarded by a harsher thrust against his sensitive nerves. The pressure that had been building up in his belly returned tenfold. Weeping, his arousal leaked all over the place.
"I see some differences, though. Whoever made this dildo did well, but they didn't reach the full potential. Demons run at temperatures that no human could recreate with your technology. Our dicks are hot enough that you would feel as if you were melting from the inside without actually getting hurt."
The squelching of lube at his every push was mortifying, but his nonchalance about it made Seonghwa bite his pillow in desperation. Hongjoong was so calm about this, as if fucking Seonghwa with a toy was his daily afternoon routine.
"The ridges here are good but not perfect. We have more, also smaller ones. The drag is delicious."
Seonghwa yelped when the tip that was formed like the scorpion tip hit his prostate. His attempt to reach between his legs and reach his peak got slapped off lazily by Hongjoong as if he were a bothersome fly.
"And our cum..." A low chuckle dropped from his lips. "It's like a drug. It tastes divine, makes anybody desire us. If you were filled up with it, you would be on cloud nine for several days. I have heard that nothing in the human world is quite like it. It can be addictive, so it's dangerous to give to you."
Gasps and groans tumbled from Seonghwa's lips. When Hongjoong never picked up the pace for him, impatient whines also mixed into it. He needed release, or else he would start hurting soon. Helpless, he pushed his hips back against Hongjoong. Suddenly, the drag of the toy had become unsatisfactory. Its plastic didn't feel real enough, and it had no heat from a living being. The thought of not being filled up in a bit nearly drove tears to Seonghwa's eyes.
Hongjoong cooed when he trashed against the sheets. His frustration had him whine out the demon's name.
"What is it? What do you need?"
In the moment of Hongjoong's distraction, Seonghwa managed to turn. The grip Hongjoong had on the toy slipped and once more, it lost contact with Seonghwa's entrance. Panting and flushed, Seonghwa laid beneath Hongjoong. His lidded eyes strained to stay open to look at the pretty man. The words that dropped over his lips were nearly too horrible for him to say. They were little words, but they carried a lot of weight.
"You, I want you instead of the toy."
Hongjoong's elegant eyebrow arched as he gazed upon Seonghwa. With his trembling legs, wet thighs, and weeping length laid on his lower stomach, he probably didn't look too imposing.
"Me? Are you sure about that?" Despite his words, his eyes had already darkened. The invitation interested him.
"Please, just..." Seonghwa buried his face in the crook of his arm. Once more, embarrassment rolled over him like a flood. "Just do it, I'm sure."
No more lies. His need had festered in Seonghwa for too long, and he would crumble if he denied it any further.
"Since you're a male, are you fine with me going raw or do you want me to snatch a condom?"
"It-It's fine like this."
Hongjoong didn't need any more prompts. With swift movements that dragged on forever in Seonghwa's opinion, he pulled the shirt from his torso. In the dim light of Seonghwa's room, his skin already shone with his starry freckles that Seonghwa adored so much. A second later, his pants were gone, too.
For now, since he was relatively composed, Hongjoong's skin hadn't coloured yet. When he shifted to align his growing hardness with Seonghwa's, however, the sight of the ridged and scaly dick was bizarre. The touch had Seonghwa's arousal twitch weakly when the sensitive tip reacted to Hongjoong's scales that brushed over him.
Hongjoong threw the toy somewhere on the bed since it was not needed anymore. Then, he grabbed for Seonghwa's knees to push his legs back against his chest.
Entirely exposed to him, Seonghwa bit his wrist to keep his impatient complaints in. His lust for Hongjoong was enormous and he needed to slow down.
Yet, the second that Hongjoong pushed in deep and smoothly since Seonghwa was prepared so well, a hiccough seized Seonghwa's chest. Hongjoong aimed right for his prostate and his heat, his shape, the surface, it was all too much for Seonghwa. His orgasm hit him like a slap in the face and he pushed against Hongjoong desperately as he came all over his stomach and chest.
Tears tickled in Seonghwa's eyes from how on edge he felt and the shame that still carried in his heart. Hongjoong cooed when he saw them shimmer in his lidded eyes.
"You're beautiful, Seonghwa. Since the very first day, you were so beautiful. I wanted you here, right in this place from the moment I saw you." Hongjoong's first thrust went deep, and his heat turned Seonghwa's insides in a roasting oven. Sobs spilt from his lips freely as he cried over the pleasure. No human would ever reach the same plethora of sensations that seemed to melt Seonghwa's every brain cell into a heap of nothing.
Seonghwa's hair fell into his face when he threw back his head, not able to look at the demon. His ignorance pulled a growl from Hongjoong's chest that was not entirely human.
"Look at me." Another harsh shove wracked Seonghwa's body. His legs trembled and shook as Hongjoong reached for his hips to hold him in place. Sharp claws dug into Seonghwa's skin without breaking anything. They left marks for him to marvel at later.
All sense of orientation had left Seonghwa. He was no more but a heap of nerves that all laid bare sensibly for the demon to trigger. In his messy state, he didn't even notice the pool of drool that formed underneath his cheek or the tears that still clouded his view. He only knew how heavy and divine Hongjoong felt inside of him.
Seonghwa was positive that the aphrodisiac effect that Hongjoong applied on him had a full impact. The heat that consumed his body was unnormal, and every touch to his skin had his stomach lurch with pleasure.
"Seonghwa." The single call of his name was all the warning he got before Hongjoong leaned over him. The change of angle instantly pushed him impossibly deeper and Seonghwa arched his spine to accustom him.
Hongjoong had lost his human skin. His body shone in deep blues and purples that were freckled with stars. Even as his eyes glowed in the same colour as the mark on his chest, Seonghwa lost his breath over the view of his mighty horns and wings that were black like ink. The light bent around them as the leathery wings trembled and balanced Hongjoong's every push. Sharp fangs protruded over his lips, not small enough to fit his mouth anymore.
Seonghwa sobbed wetly at the devil that had dawned upon him. He ingrained his shape in Seonghwa until he went crazy; until he desired nothing more but the creature above him. Weak, he succumbed to Hongjoong in his natural form.
A piece of memory was missing when Hongjoong came inside of him; Seonghwa had probably blacked out. He just knew that no sensation he had ever experienced had been quite as pleasurable, and the image above him with Hongjoong's wings spread wide and his head tipped back in euphoria had ingrained itself in his mind.
Seonghwa felt as if drugged. His mind had disconnected from his body as if he were looking down in a ghostly form at himself. Dirty, with his face streaked with tears as he had let go of everything holding him back and got pumped full of demon come.
He didn't sleep a single second that night. His high held on as Hongjoong's essence fuelled him like a potent sort of caffeine. Not for a single second, he remained alone. With watchful eyes, Hongjoong guarded him and regularly checked on his temperature that lingered feverish for hours.
Before Seonghwa even calmed down, he knew that he had a problem. Like an addiction, his high carried him beyond what he thought humanly possible. He knew that no feeling would ever compare to this and that he would crave this ecstasy forever.
And even worse: the one to provide it would live in his house for the next twelve years.
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