23. Tension
"I need some time right now."
"Did... Did Hongjoong say something inappropriate?"
Seonghwa nervously shifted the large box he carried under his arm. It was wrapped in colourful gift wrap that had little blue elephants on it. The store sadly didn't have any Toothless wrappings, or else Seonghwa would, of course, have taken care of that.
Yunho sent an empathetic smile his way. As usual, his tall and handsomely dressed figure caught the attention of several people in the parking lot. Compared to him, Seonghwa felt out of place with his tired face and visible stress.
"Not at all; he's a good person. But I have a lot to digest right now. I think you can imagine just how unbelievable this story of Wooyoung summoning a demon with chalk is. Don't worry, I'll be around as always, and I'm available whenever you need me. But I need time to think. Twelve years is a long time."
With a nod of timid agreement, Seonghwa glanced at the present, lost in thought. He knew that he should have taken an easier path to tell Yunho about this matter, but since the news were out already, there was no going back. If Yunho needed space, Seonghwa would give it to him.
"I understand. If you have questions or want me to set up another meeting with Hongjoong, please tell me. Any way we can make this easier on you is best," Seonghwa promised with a weak smile.
At this point, Yunho normally hugged him. He would spot Seonghwa's exhaustion and his droopy lids, and he would pull him into his arms.
This time was no different. Yunho left a lingering kiss on Seonghwa's forehead as their bodies melted against each other.
"Thank you a lot, Hwa."
They parted with strained smiles. Both of them worried lots about the demon situation and how it would play out. Depending on Hongjoong and the outcome of Yeosang's attempts, Yunho might actually step back before he and Seonghwa would jump headfirst into a full relationship.
No doubt, if Hongjoong hadn't crossed their paths, this would be no issue. Seonghwa and Yunho would have no reason to delay. But since Hongjoong was a fixed force in their lives now, Yunho rather reconsidered the situation now rather than when it was too late.
It made sense, even if it made Seonghwa sad. He knew that he shouldn't blame Hongjoong for it, but that was just how his mind worked.
"Then see you at Wooyoung's birthday party. Take good care until then."
Yunho stepped back with hands that slipped from their hug only gradually. Then, he moved into his car to return home.
After he had driven off, Seonghwa put the present in the collection of five on the trunk and set out for home, too. Wooyoung had waited in the car with some game he played on Seonghwa's phone. He hadn't wanted to join the shopping since he had pretty much bathed in the dirt earlier at recess. Seonghwa had told him that he and Yunho would get some boring books when actually they had marched right into the children's section to buy him presents.
The little mud demon mostly concentrated on his game, not being very talkative at the moment. The very moment they came home, he screamed for Hongjoong, though.
"Hongjoong! Papa, where are you?"
Seonghwa had just reached out to snatch him from the ground to keep the dirt from spreading everywhere when he halted. Instead, it was Hongjoong coming from the kitchen who picked him up. Wooyoung giggled into his shoulder as they hugged in greeting.
"He- Since when does he call you that?"
Hongjoong directed his sharp eyes at Seonghwa even when Wooyoung tried to climb all over him like a lemur in a tree. A little piece of Seonghwa's soul left him at every crumb of drying earth that fell from him.
"Since a few days ago, he decided that on his own."
Quizzically, Seonghwa stared at his tiny son. He had no such nickname for Yunho. Maybe because Hongjoong's name was long and more difficult to pronounce?
Seonghwa didn't want to think about it too much. The implications held scariness.
"Let's bathe him. You can help since he likes to make a mess. I just talked to Yunho."
While Hongjoong marched off, Seonghwa hid the bag with presents in the cabinet of his working desk. Wooyoung usually never looked in there since it held boring work items for the most part.
"What did he say?"
Seonghwa left his slippers at the door, so they wouldn't get wet as he filled the bathtub with water and Wooyoung's favourite bubble soap. With some noises of struggle, Wooyoung and Hongjoong managed to rid the boy of his clothes. His muddy jeans and shirt landed in the designated basket for dirty laundry once Wooyoung was seated safely in the tub. While Hongjoong pulled off his by now also stained shirt, Seonghwa checked the water temperature. Wooyoung played with the water.
"He wants to rethink things. I agree with him that it would be foolish to jump into a relationship right now when I'm already this busy with life, and now also you. For now, I think we will remain friends."
Hongjoong brought Wooyoung's beloved Toothless rubber duck over for him to play with before he knelt on the carpet next to Seonghwa. Instantly, Seonghwa tried to avoid any glances at the man's bare torso.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I attempted to explain to the best of my ability that I wouldn't get in between the two of you, but it seems as if he still has a lot to stomach. Maybe the thought of another man near his main love interest also bewilders him."
Seonghwa washed some shampoo into Wooyoung's hair while the demon distracted the boy. Ever since he was little, Wooyoung had an intense fear of getting shampoo in his eyes. His desperate need to avoid it usually ended in exactly that, so Seonghwa was thankful that they didn't mess things up for once.
"It's fine. It would have been more unfortunate if we already were far into our relationship. I'd feel even worse if I would hope for you to disappear soon just so I could enjoy my time."
The grimace in Hongjoong's face was equal parts thankful and sorry. None of this was his fault, though.
Wooyoung made car and train noises as he let his duck swim through the water.
"Sometimes, I find it scary how non-angry you are at me. I inconvenience your whole daily life, and yet you accepted it with such ease. Aren't you too harsh on yourself? It's fine to complain, mortal. Your fragile soul isn't designed for shouldering all the burdens in the world."
The words were said with such ease and nonchalance as if they didn't convey Hongjoong's actual mindset about Seonghwa. The man was astonished by the ease the demon had with expressing himself.
"It would make no sense for me to hate you. It would make things more difficult, and it's not as if you asked to be here. Don't think that I merely tolerate you. I don't condemn your presence here."
Chuckling, Hongjoong held Wooyoung's chin up as Seonghwa rinsed out his hair. The boy clenched his lips and eyes shut so tight that he nearly forgot to breathe.
"Fine. But then include me more. You look stressed a lot of the times, and I don't know how that would be if Yunho weren't looking out for you. I know you only trust me at lengths because of the destructive nature my evil self brings, but I have no issues helping with some of the things Yunho does for you, too. Trust me; I also want the next twelve years to go smoothly."
Hongjoong collected Wooyoung from the tub once they were done with him and held him out like a plate for Seonghwa to dry. When he scooped his son up in a big fluffy towel, the boy happily snuggled against him. He still held his duck and wouldn't let go of it even when Seonghwa suggested he left it here to dry.
A few minutes later, Wooyoung was bundled up in his favourite blue jumpsuit and huddled in his room to play until it was dinner time. Seonghwa had already gone to the kitchen when he noticed that Hongjoong still trailed after him. His presence distracted Seonghwa when he attempted to reach for the basic cooking utensils he usually kept in his drawers that Hongjoong had hidden high up in the cupboards. When he stumbled as he lost balance on his tiptoes, Hongjoong stood right next to him to wrap a supportive arm around Seonghwa's waist. The heat from his body seeped into Seonghwa's side.
"I can also fix those things. They are mean." Yet, Hongjoong chuckled at his work like a proud parent. Seonghwa gently whacked his torso with his wooden spoon.
"Get dressed. Naked chests don't belong in the kitchen."
Despite Seonghwa's complaint, Hongjoong only leaned in closer. His eyes were trained on Seonghwa's face when the man instantly blushed and moved back.
"Where are you going? The pot that needs stirring is right here." With a pleased grin, Hongjoong tapped his fingers on the counter next to the stove. Bashful, Seonghwa tried to find a way around him.
"The pot might explode if it sees you indecent like that. I'm merely keeping my distance." Seonghwa brandished his spoon as if it were a magic wand that could get rid of the demon. All it caused was a charming smile to appear on Hongjoong's lips. The triumph on his face annoyed Seonghwa, but he would rather have the man grin and slip away finally than to keep haunting Seonghwa.
"You must understand the feelings of those pots well. Judging by how red your face is, you can relate?"
Seonghwa looked anywhere but at him. His eyes trailed over the only halfway cleaned windows, over the wall, over the mixed up spices, over a naked shoulder, over a delicate collarbone, over a defined chest, over the hint of muscles on his abdomen, over the curve of his hip that connected to the waistband of his pants, over-.
Instantly, Seonghwa's eyes snapped up at Hongjoong.
"No, I can't." The words sounded like a wince from his mouth. He couldn't even convince himself.
"Uh-huh." Hongjoong rose a brow at him before he turned on the spot and left. As soon as his back was out of sight, Seonghwa exhaled slowly.
Hongjoong shattered his nerves, every single one of them.
While Seonghwa happily cooked in the kitchen, Wooyoung came down the stairs once he had warmed up enough to move. He sat down in his seat with a bit of a struggle in his small body before he went to talking to Seonghwa about his day and asking about what Seonghwa had done while he was in kindergarten.
They ate and decided to watch a movie afterwards. Seonghwa reached for the old animation of Robin Hood with the foxes once they settled on it. Yet, the beginning menu that greeted them was not children-friendly.
Seonghwa glared at Hongjoong until he shrunk into his seat when Wooyoung squealed in terror at the sight of Venom. The little bastard had exchanged the DVDs in their cases.
Once Seonghwa had punished Hongjoong by searching for the exact movie they needed through the mess he had created while he comforted a spooked Wooyoung, they could finally watch their evening entertainment. They snacked the cookies that Seonghwa had baked, and about halfway in, Wooyoung, who had constantly been giggling so far, fell asleep in Seonghwa's lap.
They didn't finish the movie, so the boy wouldn't miss anything despite knowing it by heart. Instead, Seonghwa brought him to bed and got ready to sleep, too.
Like a puppy without an owner, Hongjoong followed him wherever he went.
"You got Wooyoung more presents today, right? I don't know what to give him."
"Give him whatever. He would love you until all eternity, even for a banana."
Humming, Hongjoong shut off the light and unfolded his wings once he had gotten rid of his shirt. For a moment, he sat there to groom and stretch out any aches in the majestic wings.
"How about I get him a little brother?"
Seonghwa spluttered into his pillow before the demon's cheerful voice had ended. No way.
"Yeah, you know, I could always build a doll and give it life. You glow like a Christmas tree; what are you imagining?"
"I will allow no dark magic in my house or near Wooyoung!" Seonghwa played any thought that may or may not have crossed his mind off. This time, Hongjoong bought it. His wings scratched over the wall when he shrugged.
"Fair. I could steal one, though! His kindergarten has lots of kids!"
Huffing, Seonghwa turned to him on the bed.
"Hongjoong, you can't just steal children!"
A disappointed sigh came from his side of the bed. Then, he pulled his legs up to face Seonghwa in the dark. Seonghwa sensed his eyes on him more than he actually saw them.
"I see, so it's no use then. We have to do it the traditional way," Hongjoong murmured, bothered. Before Seonghwa could speak up to inquire about his devious plans, Hongjoong had already rolled over. They went down with a struggle when Hongjoong grabbed Seonghwa's wrists and tried to pin him as Seonghwa wormed away.
"No! Think of a different present."
"I'm afraid I already decided, come here."
"I'll call Yunho to have Snoopy eat your face off!"
"Let me see you try."
They wrestled in the sheets for a while, with some huffs or giggles escaping them regularly. It was all harmless play, but sometimes, Hongjoong's hip was too near Seonghwa's for him to ignore, and his beautiful glowing body shone through the dark.
Hongjoong gave up first and fell into the pillows with exhausted laughter tumbling from his lips.
Seonghwa whacked him in the face with a pillow.
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