22. A Mysterious Package
Yunho and Seonghwa made the world's best pie. Its creation was blessed by the gods of love when the couple kept falling back into giggles and the occasional kissing sessions that had one of them leaning against the kitchen counter. With the passing hours, Yunho's kisses seemed to get sweeter and sweeter, and Seonghwa found himself addicted. He had always liked kissing very much, and finally doing it again after a long drought satisfied his heart. All through the evening, his skin tingled from Yunho's occasional polite touches, and his giggles distracted them more often than usual.
Once the pie was in the oven to bake to perfection, the two of them snatched some snacks and sat down on the couch to talk. Sometimes, Seonghwa threw gummy bears in Yunho's direction that the man effortlessly caught with his mouth. His smooth skill in random tasks made Seonghwa swoon for him with no end in sight.
"Oh, I just remembered. Aeri visited our house yesterday, and she brought something." The sudden seriousness of Seonghwa's voice had Yunho perk up curiously. Still, he remained leaned back against the couch facing Seonghwa. Their long legs - and there was clearly too much of them - were entangled under a blanket between them. Seonghwa reached for a green gummy bear (his favourite) from the bowl that balanced precariously on their knees.
"She is marrying again, and she asked me to come."
Immediately, a worried frown spread on Yunho's face.
"Will you be fine? That can be a lot to ask."
Nonchalant, Seonghwa waved it off.
"It's important to her; any pain I might experience is worth far less. I know when to take care of myself first, and this is not the case here. She did ask me to bring someone, though, and I was curious whether you could join me."
Yunho hummed as he pulled out his phone. It looked tiny in his large hands, far tinier than in San's, who had the same model.
"When is it?"
"15th of March. Not a good day. Maybe they chose it out of irony."
Yunho scrolled through his phone wordlessly. When he began to worry his lips between his teeth, Seonghwa inquisitively inclined his head.
"I presume it involves a trip to America, right? I can probably make time, but I'd have to check with my grandma first. She hasn't been in the best of health recently, and my mom suggested to have her move to this town so I could take care of her. That might come up at any time."
Seonghwa quickly waved it off before the man got a chance to sound apologetic.
"It's fine; keep me updated. Granny clearly has priority. I can also ask San if it really doesn't work for you. Even though I figured you might be the better choice because San and I might seem a tad bit too much like two best friends who play the part." A wry smile crossed Seonghwa's features as he imagined the bickering. San would probably get banned from the buffet again. It had happened to him once when he had seen a bunch of funnily formed doughnuts and chosen to do inappropriate things to them with his fingers while yelling too loudly.
Seonghwa usually tried not to be seen with him in public.
"Oh, you mean the two of us don't seem like regular friends? How's that?" With an attractive smirk on his lips, Yunho leaned back against the couch. Seonghwa nudged his thigh with his foot as if he had to remind the man to let him breathe through his sheer attractiveness.
"It might be the way we stare at each other. I heard it could be perceived as...." Seonghwa lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned closer inconspicuously "gay!"
With a gasp, Yunho pulled back from their secret meeting. Seonghwa looked around as if anybody could have heard apart from the heavenly smelling pie.
"Gay?! No way! Us?"
"Mainly you, yeah."
Yunho's scandalised face twitched into a smile when he broke character.
"Me? Why me more than you?"
"You're the better kisser. Pretty sure you kissed more people than I did before. And they most likely were men!" Accusing, Seonghwa's finger pointed at Yunho. Then, it got him another gummy bear.
"How do you know I'm not just a natural at it as I am for many things?" Yunho's endeared expression watched Seonghwa with his face supported by his wrist. His stare triggered Seonghwa's need to do something to busy his hands and escape those eyes.
"Because that's unfair, and I don't want my life to suck so bad. So I decided you are gay," Seonghwa explained with the sense of a Wooyoung.
"But if I'm gay to that extent... Aren't you in trouble, then? You are a beautiful man on the couch of a gay man; don't you feel worried about what might happen?"
Brave, Seonghwa rose his chin to settle his eyes on Yunho coolly.
"I have a demon to back me up."
"A demon?" Yunho chuckled into his hand, his eyes full of wonder about Seonghwa. "How do you have a demon? Was that supposed to be a Hulk reference?"
Abruptly, cold understanding washed over Seonhgwa. He had misspoken. This was no how he had planned to introduce Yunho to the idea of Hongjoong. Maybe he wouldn't even have told him today as not to break their little affectionate bubble.
"Ah. Yes. You know, a demon from uh League of Legends and he is immensely strong and powerful and feeds off the blood of the unborn, and when you reach the top perks with them, then the killing sequence is even more intense! My character is called Mumflr, Destroyer of Worlds, and he reached the top level, and if I summon him here, you will have no choice but to lose against him. Hongjoong is a demon, by the way. If he uses 'Eradication' on you, then your defences will have no choice but to lose! What could you have to offer that is more powerful as a weapon such as that? A Hulk? Hah! Not a chance! Mumflr beats him in a second!"
Trembling, Seonghwa crossed his arms as his rambling calmed. He needed more; he needed to distract from the topic. Yunho already looked positively alarmed.
Did League of Legends even have demons? Probably, right? Seonghwa had no idea; it had been years since it had sucked up every second of San's time in a never-ending circle of him playing or him telling Seonghwa about it.
If he was lucky, then Yunho didn't know either, and the situation resolved itself.
The room was too hot suddenly. Seonghwa rolled up his sleeves with feigned nonchalance.
"I'm sorry, what was that just now?"
"Hm? About Eradication? It's his top tier attack and uses up a lot of stamina."
"Before that."
"Mumflr?" Hot sweat broke out on Seonghwa's forehead when he found himself trapped in the tight spot he had created himself. Yunho had yet to look weirded out. For now, he was just confused.
"No, I meant the part where you murmured under your breath that Hongjoong is a demon. Care to elaborate?"
Seonghwa fiddled with something under the blanket nervously for a while until he noticed that he had grabbed Yunho's foot. Then, he was even more nervous.
"I... I didn't know how to tell you. It's a long story."
Yunho glanced at the timer on his phone before he shrugged.
"The pie needs another half an hour. I can listen."
Seonghwa dragged his tired bones home after a long day with Yunho. His heart was still full of happiness, but the constant film of anxiety that covered it since Hongjoong had come up as a topic weighed on it uncomfortably still.
Yunho had taken the news surprisingly well. Just like San, he had no reason to either believe or deny any supernatural powers. As ridiculous as the story behind Hongjoong's summoning was, Yunho had agreed to mull it over and consider. The mention of Hongjoong being stuck to Wooyoung and Seonghwa for over a decade had probably made him most uncomfortable. As expected, another person in the package was not what Yunho had bargained for.
After their talk, they had gone back to their fun and joyous mood, but Seonghwa hadn't been able to shake the feeling that he had ruined the evening. Despite Yunho's bright smile and wishes to greet Wooyoung and Hongjoong from him, Seonghwa trudged home as if his favourite anime character had died, and he had heard from it via spoiler.
Since it was late, Hongjoong had already ushered Wooyoung to his room and made sure he was clean and dressed for bed. They still sat on his mattress playing his game together when Seonghwa swung by. At his presence, Wooyoung quickly scrambled underneath the blankets, and even Hongjoong fell over right in front of his eyes as he pretended to be asleep. Seonghwa chuckled at their antics before he turned off the light.
"You two can continue to play tomorrow. Good night, Woo. Yunho said to dream of Toothless."
The boy huddled into his soft blankets and pillows, giggling. Grumbling, Hongjoong climbed from the ladder to join Seonghwa at the door. The man attempted his best to keep his face neutral when the demon sniffed at him.
"Ah, daddy, by the way! Your package arrived earlier. I put it in your room." Wooyoung's voice still sounded wide awake as he chirped loyally. Hopefully, he could settle down soon. Playing with Hongjoong charged him beyond the point of tiring normally, and Seonghwa didn't want him to bounce off his walls in the middle of the night.
"Alright, thanks. Sleep well, Youngiebear."
Seonghwa pulled the door shut behind him to wander into the bathroom. He left the door open on purpose as he brushed his teeth so that Hongjoong could bombard him with all of his questions. Even the first had Seonghwa nearly choking on the toothpaste.
"You don't smell of sex. Did the evening not go well?"
Mortified, Seonghwa stared at Hongjoong through the mirror. The boy sat on the rim of the bathtub and grinned at Seonghwa angelically.
"Not every meeting ends in that, you know?"
"But you are interested in that, aren't you? I'm disappointed. I had hoped you would come here yelling and agitated that you did indeed think of me while on him."
The blush in Seonghwa's face was probably red enough to illuminate the room all on its own. He scrubbed his teeth angrily.
"Nothing of the like. Yunho and I don't need to rush things. We did talk about you, though."
"Me? Did you tell him about how great you seem to find my lower half, including legs, butt, and my di-"
Seonghwa glared at him witheringly until the demon quieted down. Then, his brow itched at the sight of the bathroom carpet that had been turned upside down.
"No, you fool. I told him that you are a demon. He said he wants to meet you in private to discuss things. I really hope you don't mess this up. You know, my whole relationship with Yunho is on the line right now, and I would really like to trust you."
Hongjoong hummed pensively. His hand rubbed his chin in circular motions. Did he shave? Seonghwa somehow doubted that he had to shave.
"I see. Well, I'm free anytime. If you trust us not to rip each other's throats out, then we can meet whenever. I also wouldn't want to ruin your life, you know? Even if I am the darkness and my soul is black like a jar of ink."
Sighing, Seonghwa just nodded before he rinsed his mouth.
"What about that package, by the way? Wooyoung ran past me with it giggling and yelling to stay away or else he would use his laser beam on me. Did you train him into that to ensure that he doesn't open them?"
With a deep breath, Seonghwa washed his face.
"Yeah, something like that. You know that his birthday is coming up. Maybe once you meet Yunho, you two could go shopping for presents, too."
"Can you show me what you are going to give him? I need inspiration."
"Aww, why not?"
Seonghwa switched off the light while Hongjoong still sat in the dark. Immediately, he started to glow across his cheeks faintly.
"It's funnier like that for him. And I don't want you to copy."
With that, Seonghwa strode off to go to bed. Hongjoong followed him with displeased mumbles, but he didn't ask again.
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