18. Of old Times
Time had barely touched Aeri when she opened the door to San's apartment for Seonghwa. In the past few years, they hadn't seen each other even one time, not counting the few facetime events they had insisted on so that Wooyoung knew what his mother's face looked like. The boy had never been too fond of her, not joining Seonghwa today, either. While he held no grudge against Aeri, knowing that Seonghwa was doing fine without her, he also had a hard time seeing her as part of the family.
"Hey, Hwa. Good to see you again."
A smile that didn't fit the dark shadows underneath her eyes spread on her lips. Seonghwa received a soft hug in greeting. Then, he was let in to put his shoes away.
"San is out shopping; he might join us later. I guess Woo didn't want to see me?"
Seonghwa set his bag down on San's kitchen counter and retrieved Aeri's favourite chocolates and wine he had brought. He also had beer for San that he put into the fridge to enjoy whenever he pleased.
"No, but he told me to say hi. I left him with a friend today." Said friend being a chaotic demon that feasted off Wooyoung's joy. As harmless as it was, the thought weirded out Seonghwa all anew.
"Cute. You can tell him to take care and eat his vegetables once you return. I'm glad that he already takes his freedom of choice serious, even if I miss him." Aeri pulled her hair together in a ponytail and sat down on the couch. She was wearing some jeans and one of San's shirts that looked large on her frame and dangled from her rather bony shoulders. Seonghwa knew better than to ask her about her weight.
"He does, yeah. I can imagine that in a few years, once he understands the situation better, then he will also be more open to meet you. Don't worry." Seonghwa joined her and put her chocolates on the table. The smile that graced her lips was genuine and lifted some of the awkward tension from Seonghwa's joints. As she opened the packaging, Seonghwa checked his phone for new messages. There was just Yunho, wishing him a good morning. A private smile played around Seonghwa's lips when he replied back. Then, he swiftly turned his phone off so he wouldn't be distracted. Aeri popped a piece of chocolate into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully.
"So, how have you been? Any news from your life?"
Seonghwa chuckled as he took some chocolate, too. The sweet Belgian pralines melted right on his tongue.
"No, of course not. I hang around and do my work and take care of Woo. Nothing near as exciting as your life."
Sighing, Aeri leaned back on the couch. She put her feet on a free spot of the coffee table, not minding the cold glass against her skin.
"Exciting, but also tiring. I imagine your life to also be a lot of fun and full of surprises, but I seem to be stuck in a busy loop."
Inquisitive, Seonghwa glanced at her. She looked really tired. Her eyes had fallen shut as she talked, and the hollowness of her cheeks seemed darker than he was used to. Aeri had always had the tendency to overwork, and it showed on her face as if she were ten years older than her actual age.
"You look as if you need a break, yeah." Seonghwa was glad not to have forced Wooyoung to come with him. Like this, he could match Aeri on the same level and actually concentrate on her rather than their hyperactive son.
"I am taking a break right now, Hwa." She chuckled exhaustedly, but she sat back up to stretch anyway. "I have been doing the bare minimum of work for three days now. And I have more to waste."
Seonghwa cast his eyes to the floor. The tireless working behaviours that filled her with a sense of purpose had always been one of their biggest disputes. Sometimes, she did need breaks, but she did so with constant worrying and anxiousness about not doing anything even if she allowed herself to rest. She always needed to be busy and work on something, and the Seonghwa of a few years ago had been foolish to think that this part of her would get to relax if she started a family and had a child. All too soon, she had felt too restricted by her pregnancy, too.
"If anything, I hope it makes San feel bad. Sometimes, he needs someone to remind him that life is more than chilling and watching TV. At least in a capitalist world, it is."
Seonghwa had never stopped to wonder about the paradox that she was. She disliked the system of money, and yet she worked herself to near death in it. Seonghwa rather preferred San's view on it, who disliked the system and denied it altogether.
"It does, believe me. I rarely see his kitchen this clean." Seonghwa took another chocolate. They tasted like memories of their time together. Of dates underneath the stars and talks about the future.
"But enough moping from me. How's love coming along? San mentioned a certain kindergarten teacher to me."
When an instant blush accompanied by a shy smile spread on Seonghwa's face, her features softened, too. Her interest was woken, and she tucked her legs in to turn to face him fully. Seonghwa fiddled with his thumbs.
"He's teaching Wooyoung, yeah. I like him a lot."
"San said he treats you well."
"He does; he really does. I'm happy that he is around. He makes a lot of things easier for me." The thought about Yunho's endless care and devotion filled Seonghwa's chest with warmth. He knew he was incredibly lucky to have such a person by his side. Nothing in the world would be a worthy exchange for his kind soul.
"I'm glad, then. I would have been heartbroken if I knew you were alone."
"Yeah, but with him, and San, and Wooyoung, and his dog - he has a golden retriever - things never get boring. There's also another friend. The one who is taking care of Wooyoung right now."
Patient and ready to listen, Aeri reached for her glass of water on the table. Her curiosity was spiked as Seonghwa rambled.
"He currently lives with me, and I have yet to introduce him to San. But he gets along well with Yunho, and Wooyoung adores him. He can be a bit chaotic, and sometimes he feels like just another child, but every day I wake up to have fun with the surprises he brings. I'm glad that they all are around."
Aeri toasted to that and sipped her water with a smile. Seonghwa played with his feet. Today, too, he was wearing two different socks since he hadn't checked first whether they matched. However, he couldn't muster up the need to mind much. They were just socks, after all.
"Sounds like another good friend."
After a bit of hesitation, Seonghwa carefully chose his words. He knew that it was his best bet to ask Aeri about this since she was a neutral force and he knew to trust her. Yet, the words were difficult as they rolled off his tongue.
"He- Recently, he was a bit weird. He knows about Yunho and me, and he doesn't come in between either, but he is very... attached to me. I think sometimes his games or reactions are a bit too suggestive to be viewed as teasing."
"Teasing is a love language, too, Hwa. For him, he might express his adoration for you through humour. Do you feel as if he would make advances if it were not for Yunho? Do you want him to?"
Seonghwa quickly shook his head.
"No, no. He is very aware of that, and I don't think he is interested in me in that way. But sometimes, he... I don't know how to describe it." Seonghwa's shoulder slumped. Was he too paranoid? Maybe he was the one overthinking this. But after last night's conversation, he had been so sure that Hongjoong did it on purpose. Just to enjoy Seonghwa's reactions?
"If it weren't for Yunho, would you be interested in him?"
Seonghwa had to think about that for a long while. The fact that Hongjoong was a demon messed with his brain and fogged the authenticity of his answer. If Yunho weren't around, would he? For now, all that existed in Seonghwa's mind was the sexual attraction to the demon's curious being. But that stemmed from him being different, from him being a demon. So that was not the problem that Seonghwa had. The attraction had also grown so fast, over a little trigger like him accidentally walking in on Hongjoong. If Seonghwa were not so preoccupied with Yunho, would he have the chance to fall in love?
Seonghwa was a simple man; he liked lots of people. Living for over twelve years with Hongjoong would no doubt bring some sort of crush on the demon. Even if it were just out of the sheer adorable-ness that Hongjoong was.
In a world where Yunho didn't exist in Seonghwa's life, then maybe. At least sexually, he supposed.
"I am attracted to him, but only in a physical way."
Aeri's knowing eyes did not disclose her knowledge. She sat down the glass of water gravely and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"I know nothing about him or your situation with him, but from what I gather, he will be a fixed part of your life for a while. Maybe you should tell Yunho about it, or figure it out first before starting something with him. It's awful to have a housemate your eyes stick to and then to meet your loved one. It might make him uncomfortable, too."
Without a pause, Seonghwa nodded. Of course, he would inform Yunho still. He had any right to know about Hongjoong, especially now that Seonghwa had gotten stuck in that odd limbo between emotions with Hongjoong. No love bloomed in Seonghwa's chest like it did for Yunho, but the thought about Hongjoong triggered something in Seonghwa, and that was enough to be upright about with Yunho.
"I don't want to alarm, but one of the most likely reasons to cheat is because you find other people hot. I don't peg you the type to do so, but if such a person is already in your close radius even before you start a relationship with Yunho, it is valid for you to worry about it. I'm sure you can figure it out. Did you ever ask your housemate about what it is for him?"
Seonghwa shook his head. He was getting hungry. All the thinking had made him confused enough that he would like some food now.
"No, it's still recent. And I suppose for him it's really mostly to tease."
Aeri chuckled into her shoulder.
"Tease him back and see how he reacts. Maybe he's just a playboy and will back out immediately when confronted. Or ask Yunho to take care of that. What is he like?"
The change of topic had Seonghwa launch into a lengthy speech about Yunho and how wonderful he was. She listened to him, overjoyed by his enthusiastic reaction and commented here and there whenever the need arose. Sometime in the middle of their talk, San returned with the groceries.
As if they had travelled nine years back in time, the three of them cooked together. San was playing his funky techno music in the background and Seonghwa sometimes danced stupidly to it, while Aeri watched and enjoyed herself in the corner. Dinner was a success, and they even made enough for Seonghwa to bring home for Wooyoung later. Hongjoong didn't come up again, but the two siblings teased Seonghwa about Yunho anyway.
Aeri looked fatigued and worn out by the time Seonghwa left to return to his home, but she expressed his happiness to have seen and spent time with him. When Seonghwa promised to call soon with Wooyoung once she was back in America, the hope on her face was genuine.
Seonghwa returned to his house happy and satisfied with today's interactions. As he came in, he found Wooyoung and Hongjoong in the kitchen playing one of Wooyoung's card games. Hongjoong looked homey and adorable like this, and the colourful playing board matched the tie-dye sweater he wore. After warming up the food for Wooyoung, Seonghwa left them to play and went to his room to change his clothes. He startled at the sight of the white sheet in the corner of the room that Hongjoong had placed strategically over the lamp, but he chuckled anyway.
That night, despite Aeri's advice, Seonghwa made a stupid decision. If asked later, he would blame it on the barest bit of alcohol he had consumed by sharing the wine with Aeri during dinner.
He went online on the site of an age-restricted adult shop. Once he found what he had been searching for, he haphazardly threw it into his shopping basket and checked out.
If demon dick was all he craved and the only thing that stood between him and Yunho, then he would give his body demon dick. No need to get Hongjoong involved and treat him like too many people before to use him for sexual pleasure.
No doubt, Seonghwa was proud of his genius plan.
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