14. Market Day
"Hey, don't forget your seatbelt, please." Seonghwa examined San on the seat next to him until the man huffed and put it on.
"You're such a mom, Seonghwa. You wouldn't take damage if I flew out of the windscreen." Exaggeratedly, he patted the belt before he glanced at the back of their van as if he had to make sure that his precious paintings were still there. As expected, nobody had stolen them in the last ten minutes ever since they closed the doors. Seonghwa pulled out of the driveway cautiously while San supported one of the many clustered things with a hand.
"My heart would."
With a fond giggle, San set up the navigation app of his phone to lead Seonghwa. Once he had safely fixed it to the middle console, he leaned back in his chair. His fingers fiddled with a bracelet that Seonghwa had made for him.
"How's Yunho doing? Still daddy material?"
Seonghwa glared at San as if trying to stab him with lasers. The man's innocent grin reminded Seonghwa of Hongjoong. He hoped that the man would find enough to entertain him at home so he wouldn't create too big of a mess. Yet, he already expected to return home in the late evening to every single piece of his furniture turned upside down or something.
"He's great, as always. I think Wooyoung will refuse to come home after the weekend, as he always does."
"Well, the boy already made his decision. When will you make yours?" San's fingers tapped away on his thighs as he overlooked the outskirts of the city swishing past them. The cornfields around their town stood in full pride and waved their pretty beige tops at the passing cars. Even the mountains in the distance had taken on a fitting autumn colour, and the nearing sun promised a joyful day.
"We still have to talk about that. I like him, but I don't know what he expects. And also..." Also, Seonghwa would bring a little annoying demon he had to lodge around for the next thirteen years. He couldn't imagine Yunho casually accepting that. The family that Yunho expected to join if he really were to get into a relationship with Seonghwa consisted of three people plus a dog. No demons involved.
"Also what?"
"Do you believe in angels, San?"
Humming, San lost himself in the sight of nature around them for a while. The few houses and cars that disrupted the serenity of the scenery stood out like sore thumbs.
"I'm still pretty sure I witnessed your guardian angel in action that one time. I like to think there might be a protective force for everybody. If that might be angels or just fate that decides your time has not yet come doesn't matter to me."
The incident he referred to had been seven years ago. San, Seonghwa, and Aeri had gone hiking together. They had found a gorgeous gorge with waterfalls at every corner and amazing nature all around. It had been no more than a little slip, but Seonghwa's ankle had rolled into an unexpected direction. Faster than he could regain his orientation, he had already partly slid over the edge and threatened to tumble down the steep canyon that would have welcomed him with certain death.
He still thought that he had just been shocked enough to twist his body back in place. However, his two friends argued that no way on earth would physic have let him do that. They swore up and down that it must have been something else. Since they all were fine, nobody pondered it for too long, but San had yet to let go of that story.
Now that Seonghwa knew about Yongguk and that the existence of angels was authentic, he reconsidered. What was his angel like? Could it be Yunho? Or was it an entirely different person? Were they an adult, or maybe a child? Did they have a lot of work to do with him as their designated human?
"Let's say it was an angel, and we could assume they might exist. Would you also believe in demons?"
"Biblical demons?" Curious, San turned his head. He couldn't wrap his mind around the sudden character of the questions.
"No, more like... Folklore demons."
San had to think about that again. In the background, the radio sang an outdated pop song that had long been overplayed for them. The white noise mixed with the whirring of the motor. Travelling with San felt like the good old days. Youthful and ignorant times.
"I suppose guardian angels aren't exactly biblical, too. But yeah, I suppose some people saw things in their lives they couldn't explain, and that's where those creatures come into play. I wouldn't doubt a demon more than an angel." Satisfied with his answer, San narrowed his eyes at the corner of one of the paintings he had done that featured the biblical appearance of angels - spinning wheels of fire covered in eyes.
"Why the sudden enlightenment?"
"I would like you to meet someone once we're back. A friend of mine."
"Are they a priest?" San scrunched up his face at the idea. His fondness for religious missionaries was modest. His grimace pulled a laugh from Seonghwa's lips.
"No, no. He's personally interested in those topics, but I'm sure you would get along well."
"Ah. So a goth. Yeah, I can meet him. Bring him over for pizza sometime."
The sun peeked over the church's tall tower, and its light broke around it to shine in beams that might have been sent from God himself down on the market place. Seonghwa squinted his eyes against them as he set down another bag of his goods to sort them into their respective drawers and boxes. The rest he shoved underneath the table to reach in freely if needed. As he clipped the little price tags to the wooden stand, San grumbled a few metres over where he attempted to assemble his paintings unscathed and protected from too much direct sunlight to avoid bleaching of the colours.
Seonghwa wondered if the god or whatever force that was up there knew that demons looked like galaxies. After all, Lucifer, the fallen one, had been the most beautiful out of all of heaven's creatures. No doubt was the human perception that demons had to be gnarly and ugly creatures far off.
He would have loved to introduce Hongjoong to a Christian pastor to seem them discuss it. However, Yeosang's rules had read something about not messing with poor people's beliefs.
"Ah, the beauties of autumn. I will get us some roasted chestnuts. You want something?" San huddled deeper into his scarf at a chilly breeze that swept through the mostly lonely streets. The market was already busy with people setting up their booths, but apart from them, most residents had preferred to stay inside and enjoy a warm morning.
Seonghwa shook his head and watched San shuffle off. The man sunk in between his broad shoulders to sustain some warmth. By the looks of the sun, however, it would soon shine nicely on their corner underneath the mighty tree and heat them up.
He was in the progress of setting up his comfortable folding chair with a pillow he had felted himself when a shy cough behind him got Seonghwa out of his bustling thoughts. When he turned, he expected to see San ready to shove him a pile of chestnuts into his face. Instead of San, he spotted some stranger, though. Even if his hair had a pretty chestnut colour anyways. He blended right into autumn.
"Uh, hi. By any chance, are you already open for business?" The man was a broad dude, not looking as if he should be joked with. Yet, his demeanour was utterly soft, and his rounded cheeks reddened from the cold. Seonghwa gave him a broad smile.
"Sure, look around. If you search for anything specific, ask me. I have more in the van."
With a wordless nod accompanied by a timid smile, the man started to wander around. San took forever with the chestnuts, but Seonghwa didn't mind too much. The shared awkwardness with the guy curiously circling his stand would have been far weirder with San's corny commentary.
The man didn't talk to Seonghwa even once in his search. Sometimes, Seonghwa spotted him curiously looking at him from his peripherals. However, every time, the man reconsidered whatever words haunted his mind and went on his trot again.
Ultimately, he snatched a felted bear that clutched a little green plant in its paws. The decision looked sudden and not thought through at all, considering the time he had spent around Seonghwa. Yet, Seonghwa smiled brightly at the first confused customer he had gotten for the day. He took the little bear from the man's careful hands.
"Do you want a bag?"
"Yes, please."
Seonghwa rounded his table while the man fiddled with his wallet. In all calmness that he attempted to convey to the anxious person, Seonghwa reached for one of his autumn-themed paper bags he had specifically printed for this. He put the bear in as well as a little bag of gummy bears for a present.
"Could you... I'm sorry, but you have really pretty handwriting. Since it's a gift for someone, could you maybe write a tag that says 'for Jongho'? That would be great."
Fleeting, Seonghwa smiled at the man. Now that he had overcome his most difficult request, he even managed a little smile back.
"Sure, no problem. Is this big alright?" Seonghwa held up one of the empty price tags he had left lying around. Quickly, the man nodded. His eyes followed the elegant bows of Seonghwa's handwriting in awe. He nodded, satisfied when Seonghwa dropped the card in and closed the bag with his stapleless stapler. When he handed the packet over, the other man took it with the utmost diligence as if worried he might damage the cherished bear.
Before Seonghwa could even mention the price, the man already thrust a note at him.
"Keep the change!"
Hesitant, Seonghwa looked at the money. More than double as much as the bear stated.
"Are you sure you got the right-"
"Thanks a lot, bye!"
With drastically long steps, the man strode off. He disappeared behind a building right in time to dodge San, who just came back with his warm chestnuts. His cheeks were already filled with them, and his face glowed happily. At finding Seonghwa starting into the distance, he curiously followed his gaze.
"Cat? Oh, free money!" Giggling, he snatched the note from Seonghwa's fingers. Seonghwa chased after him. Once he got the note back, he put it into the safety of his wallet and got his chestnuts from San. Warm and tasty, they melted on his tongue.
"What took you so long? In that time, I already had my first customer!"
"Damn, and you didn't hold them up for me? What a traitor you are. I had to chat up the pretty lady on the clockwork stand over there. She offered to watch our stands if we needed a food break."
"San, we can watch each other's stands."
"Oooor I send you to get food later and can talk to her again! Or rather, I give the same back in exchange and get a few nice words as thanks!" San grinned broadly as he popped another chestnut in his mouth. Then, he returned to his work. From time to time, he halted at the bag to snatch some more treats.
It wasn't long until the market bustled with life. Parents carried their children on their shoulders over the place while the little ones screamed and pointed at everything they noticed. San cuddled some dogs that came up to peek underneath his table interestedly. Seonghwa met a talkative old lady who bought presents for her grandchildren from him and who showered him with praise. She even came back two times afterwards for more items that hadn't left her mind ever since she had left.
San giggled at Seonghwa once she was out of earshot after her third visit.
"You have another suitor, Hwa. Just so you know, I took a picture of that and I will show it to Yunho. If anything gets his Aries butt moving, then it's jealousy." He leaned back into his chair, triumphant. Seonghwa didn't remind him that he shared a zodiac with the other man and didn't tend to jealousy at all.
Instead, he glanced at San's '100% real paintings, for sure not forged' - poster the man had put up.
"Pretty sure you have a spelling mistake there. It says froged."
San paled like his paintings in the sun. A curse slipped from his lips when he checked; then, he looked around helplessly.
"Use the backside?" Seonghwa offered with as much sympathy as he could muster through his schadenfreude. Sighing, San stared at his poster.
"I forgot the pen."
Holding his laughter back, Seonghwa's finger trembled for a second when he reached for a felted frog in his display. He bound a thread to its foot and fixed it next to the 'froged' on San's poster.
"There. Best it can be. Some frog-loving gay will appreciate it."
"You. You are the frog-loving gay that appreciates it."
Threatening, Seonghwa reached for the frog to rip it off. San intervened quickly and pushed him back. After a shared giggle between the two of them, Seonghwa returned to his place to tend to the next customer that approached him.
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