Volume 1 Of The King
Late at night, inside a store called "From Dust Till Dawn", which was both run and owned by an older Shopkeeper gentleman, said elderly man was currently reading a book to pass the time, since there was no customer, though that was about to change when he heard the front door opening, which made him stop reading and look to see who it was.
"Hello Mister Shopkeep, it's me again~"
It was none other than Ruby Rose herself, who was in high spirits today and waved happily at the Shopkeeper, who waved back.
"Say hi to him Scarlet~"
And standing next to Ruby was her son, Scarlet Rose, though instead of being a familiar looking boy, he instead looked like a 5 year old boy, with long red hair, slightly bigger antlers, much more sharper teeths, and he even had sharp claws, which seemed recently filed down, he has definitely mature a lot.
"Still shy? I get it, hehe~"
But despite Scarlet's new age, he still acted very childish, like staying close to Ruby and hiding his blindfolded face into her stomach, which made her chuckle and pet her son's head in response.
"I'm looking for something for a sniper, scythe like weapons, do you have anything for that?"
Ruby then looks back at the Shopkeeper and asks for what she needed, which he just simply points at the place.
"Thank you."
Ruby nods in thanks before holding Scarlet's hand and leading him to the place that had her stuff, the Shopkeeper then looks back down at his book and is about to read.
"Put everything in the bag."
However, a certain someone in a white coat, bowler hat and orange hair had entered the store and made his goons aimed a gun at the Shopkeeper's face.
"Oooh, new weapon monthly~"
Back with Ruby, she has found a magazine with all kinds of Hunters and Huntress weapons in it, grabbing it and quickly starting to read it.
"Look at that Scarlet, doesn't that look cool?~"
Though as Ruby was reading it and tried to show some of the weapons to Scarlet, the young deer boy couldn't help but look away and noticed one of the goons noticing them and started walking up to them.
"Hey, have you thought about any weapons you would like? I know you're barely a year old, but at this rate, you'll be big enough to have your own tools for hunting Grimms and beating up bad guys, I'm so excited, OH! Maybe we can be Scythe buddies, how does that sound, would you like-"
Before Ruby could continue explaining and talking to Scarlet, she was interrupted by someone touching her shoulder.
Rose turned around, very confused, and looked at the Goon that stood behind them.
"Put your hands up where I can see them!"
The Goon had his sword out and was aiming it at the two, surprising the silver eyes, and only making Scarlet growl in response like a wild animal invading his space.
"Are you... Robbing me?"
Ruby, seemingly unconcerned with a weapon pointed at them, raised an eyebrow as she spoke to the goon.
Goon yelled at the young mother, annoyed that he wasn't getting such a mundane reaction from her.
"Huh, I see..."
Ruby then hums as she then casually looks away from him, as if he wasn't a threat to be worried about, and Goon back at Scarlet, who was still growling and even baring his fangs at the goon.
"Let Mommy show you how to deal with baddies, watch and learn~"
The goon was now angry to be underestimated by Ruby, and was about to swing his sword at her, though not only was it instantly blocked by her large scythe weapon, called "Crescent Rose", but the goon was also kicked out of the window by said little girl wielding such a large weapon, which not startled and surprised Scarlet, but also caught the attention of the other criminals, who had just finished robbing the place.
"Well, get her."
The leader of the group, known as Roman Torchwick, sent all of his goons at Rose, which made her smirk in response.
"Scarlet! Watch how cool your Mama is!~"
When Ruby yelled this, Torchwick couldn't help but look confused as he turned his head around and noticed Scarlet standing behind the door window and was, "Watching?", he was still blindfolded, but that was the least of anyone's concerns.
"Mama? Wait, he's your Son?"
Roman then looked back at the silver eyes, who was currently beating up all of his goons, and was very confused to hear her call Scarlet her Son.
"Mhm, isn't he so cute, he's my pride, joy, rainbow and sunshine~"
As Ruby was making one of the goons eat some dirt, she couldn't help herself but felt proud and happy to give birth to someone she loves so very much.
"Um, how old are you?"
Roman was looking up and down at the so-called mother, realizing how young she looks, and he wasn't sure if she was actually that young or was someone older than they looked, he had experience meeting someone who was young for their age.
"I just turned 15."
Ruby huffs and crossed her arms as if offended, kicking a goon in the face who tried to get back up.
"... Ok, now this is just too weird to deal with."
Roman decided that he would rather not deal with any of this, aiming his cane, which also seemed to be a gun, and shooting at Rose, which startled her and forced her to dodge, which made him smirk at this, though stopped his smug expression when felt his nose bleed.
'Nose bleed?'
Roman was confused at this, touching his nose and saw that the blood was real, momentarily looking back at the shop and seeing Scarlet, even if he seemingly couldn't see anything, was currently glaring harshly at the bad guy, which immediately creeped him out as he then ran away.
"Shopkeep, please keep my Son safe while I go after the bad guy!"
Ruby, after recovering from the attack, wasted no time chasing after Torchwick, this made Scarlet tense up to see his mother leaving him like this, and was about to follow her, but was stopped by the Shopkeeper grabbing his shoulder.
"Nu uh."
The Shopkeeper shook his head no to Scarlet, which made the deer boy suddenly bite the hand completely off, which made the old man scream in extreme pain, holding his bleeding stump and not being able to stop the young child from chasing after his mother.
"End of the line red!"
Roman, who was currently climbing onto a aircraft and looking down at the silver eyes, who was glaring at him and was about to aim her sniper at him, but he just simply tossed a red crystal at her and shoots it, causing a very large explosion, he laughs at the thought of finally defeating her, though stopped when he saw that the young girl was both unharmed and now protected by a blonde older woman with a riding crop stick whip.
"Damn, we got a Huntress!"
Roman ran in the aircraft to talk to a certain someone who was currently driving the aircraft, who just got up and got ready to deal with the problem, forcing the criminal to take over and fly the vehicle.
"I don't know what you're doing here, but for now, follow my lead."
The blonde, now known as Glynda Goodwitch, seemed very unhappy to have Rose involved in all this, but clearly had no choice in the matter and was forced to deal with her later and instead make sure she just listens and does as she says.
"You got it-"
Ruby was very ready, and even excited, to do as the Professional Huntress says, but stopped herself when she noticed Scarlet struggling to climb the ladder and fall onto the roof that she was standing on.
Before Ruby, or even Goodwitch, could question how or why Scarlet was here, the woman that was on the aircraft used this distraction to her advantage to summon magical fire under them, blasting the two away and knocking them unconscious, though in the blind perspective of the deer boy, he had just witnessed the death of his own mother.
"Hmph, might as well take care of them now before they become future problems~..."
The mysterious woman, known as Cinder Fall, couldn't help but smile evilly as she was about to use her magical fire to finish the job and kill the two trouble makers, though she was immediately interrupted when a large clawed hand grabbed onto the aircraft, causing it to shake and almost made the young lady fall out of the aircraft.
Fall was slightly confused to hear Roman screamed in pure terror like that, though once she was able to see on who was grabbing onto the aircraft, she understood why, Scarlet, once a small child, was now a very large and elongated demonic looking monster, huge enough to grab onto the aircraft like a toy and over those inside.
Cinder immediately yelled at Torchwick as she was beyond horrified to look at the beast known as Scarlet, who looked back at her with his dozen red angry eyes that opened up all over his chest and glared at her.
Roman tried to drive aircraft away, but Scarlet was still able hold onto the vehicle, not only that, but he seems to be bringing it close to his mouth, which was opened very wide, impossibly wide, and revealed many rows of large sharp teeths all inside his maw, Fall, in a state of extreme panic and terror, she tried defending herself by shooting a full power magical fire blast at his face and in his mouth, which was enough to make it flinch and cough up blood all over her face and body, some got in her mouth and made her accidentally swallow some of the blood, choking a bit, but was able to recover quick enough to see the demonic monster roar at her in pure rage.
"N-Not even my Maiden magic can do anything..."
Cinder was starting to release some tears, both from fear and how helpless she felt as she watched Scarlet about to eat the entire aircraft whole with them in it.
But as if a miracle was granted to the two criminals, the sound of someone groaning in pain caught Scarlet's attention, looking away from them and at Ruby, seeing her moving and slowly waking up, this was enough to make the beast forget the people he was about to kill and rushed towards his awakening Mother.
Once released, Cinder wasted no time yelling at Torchwick to get them out of her as far away and fast as possible.
"N-No Need To Tell Me Twice!"
Roman did not need convincing to do what he was told, flying the aircraft away from this place and never looking back.
"O-Owie, being exploded hurts..."
Ruby groans as she slowly sat up and grips her aching head, even if she looked completely unharmed, no doubt that the blast messed her up a bit, though as she was trying to recover, she opened her silver eyes and saw Scarlet standing in front of her, naked, bleeding from his mouth and cut up face, and was seemingly crying, but had no eyes to let out tears.
Ruby went full on "Mother Mode", rushing and holding Scarlet close to herself, wrapping her hoodie around his small body and seemed beyond worried to see him bleeding.
"Oh My God! You Got Cut?! This Is Bad! We Need to Take You To The Hospital! You Need Urgent Care! You Need-"
Even though Scarlet was indeed hurt, Ruby was still going overboard for his personal safety and making everything seemed worse than it actually was, though as Rose was freaking out, Glynda Goodwitch has managed to both wake and sat up in the right time to see all this, and she couldn't help but sigh and what she saw.
'This was the girl you wanted in your Academy, Ozpin?...'
Meanwhile, a warehouse, away from the public, a green-haired girl named Emerald Sustrai and a gray-haired boy Mercury Black, were seen outside and wearing a very surprised expression to see a nearly destroyed aircraft come flying and landing in front of them.
"Woah, what happened here?"
Mercury was the first one to ask what happened to both Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall, who came stumbling out of the and wore a very traumatic expression.
"I don't know, and I don't want to know, I'm out, where's Neo?"
Roman could care about anything else but just leaving, rushing past them and wasted no time looking for the one known as Neo so that he can get out of here.
"Um, Cinder, is everything ok?..."
Emerald was both confused by Torchwick's response, and worried about the way Fall was currently acting.
"N-Not even she expressed n-negativity..."
Cinder was holding herself and shivering in extreme fear, out of the two, she seemed the most traumatized about the whole situation.
"What do you mean by that?"
Emerald was understanding less and less, as well as getting even more and more concerned about the well-being of Fall.
"Get Me In Contact With Watts, NOW!"
Cinder, after hearing Sustrai speak, both snapped out of her own thoughts while also snapping at the green hair girl, who got startled by the sudden mood shift and quickly ran off to do as she was told.
"YOU! Convince Roman And Neo To Stay!"
Cinder also yells at Mercury, who just shrugs, deciding not to bother what's going on and just walks off to do what he was just told.
'A-All we need to do is avoid that silver-eyed girl and her monster child, as long as we can do that, then our plan can continue to run smoothly without issues...'
As Cinder was trying to calm herself and focus on what was important, her stomach suddenly growled loudly, which startled her and made her blush in embarrassment.
'It must be the stress that's making me hungry...'
Cinder tries to both rationalize what was happening, while also taking the opportunity to let herself get distracted with her hunger.
Cinder then stood up straight and pointed at a random goon, who tensed up and got ready to listen.
"Get me peanut butter, several jars of it, and maybe some honey too."
But when the goon heard the request that Cinder made, he couldn't help but be confused and surprised by such a request.
Though the surprised confusion turned into fear when Cinder yelled at the goon, who yelped and tried to run off, tripping and falling along the way.
"Ugh... I'm surrounded by idiots... Hehe, Idiots, hehehe~"
At first, Cinder got annoyed by all that happened today, but then that annoyance turned into amusement, amusement turned into a giggle, a giggle turned into a chuckle.
And then finally, a chuckle turned into full on laughter, as if Cinder was suddenly acting as if she was getting tickled, she was laughing so much that she fell to the floor while gripping her stomach, as if the source of her laughter was coming from her belly, all the while this was happening, the goon had returned, with servals jars of peanut butter and honey in his arms.
"Um... I got the peanut butter and honey?..."
BTW, whenever Scarlet transformed into her semi imperfect true form, just imagine him looking like Alastor, specifically when seeing the ending part of the "Stayed Gone" song, ALSO I hear your argument about adding thing in the story would remove some special stuff about it, usually I would agree, HOWEVER, in my opinion personally, it would be slightly boring if the Scarlet King had no one to oppose him in some way or form, like I wouldn't mind doing a whole, "THE KING EFFORTLESSLY TAKES OVER EVERYTHING", you know, that type of thing, that main characters will still be Scarlet, and he will still be the strongest, but you know, it would add more story and what not, plus every good King needs some Jesters lol.
(But don't worry, I won't add a lot like last chapter, just 3, no more than that, I promise)
/New Godly Baby Idea\
Ruby Rose: Son Scarlet King.
Velvet Scarlatina: Daughter Yaldabaoth.
Penny Polendina: Daughter Mekhane.
Cinder Fall: Take a guess lol, only hint is that it's a son.
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