The King Is Born

It was a very odd situation that Ruby and the rest of the family had to go through, and unfortunately the situation got even more strange and unusual, the first and most obvious weird thing is that her growth rate was very quick and off the charts, usually it would take a few moments to even have a noticeable round tummy, but in 3 Months, she looked ready to pop, and yet, that was considered the least unusual thing that happened during her pregnancy, besides the obvious, other stuff has happened to her, that could be considered very, 'Concerning', ranging from her crazy craving, which usually consist of something raw and bloody, and her morning sickness, which always ends in a bloody vomit mess, it is still unclear if it was the meat, or her own, everything was worrying and unnatural, and no doubt very difficult to keep track of it all, it got so bad that she couldn't be left alone at all, luckily it wasn't that difficult to do, with Yang, Qrow, & Taiyang always there, taking turn and taking shifts, Ruby definitely had to support to get through this, and besides, even with all this insanity, the rapid growing, brutal appetites, gory illness and more, the Little Rose did not once blame the child in her tummy, nor did she regret having it, in fact, whenever she's not suffering, or making those around her not suffer, she would always spend her free time rubbing her expose belly, being very gentle and comforting with her touch, and would tell her baby many stories, the same ones that she was told when she was young

"-How surprised the Old Man and his Wife were when they saw their Son come home safely! With all the treasure the Son brought they were very rich, and they all lived happily ever after, THE END…"
After Ruby finished the story, she was suddenly hugged from the side from her Miss Xiao Long, who seemed to heard the whole story and was smiling from it

"From Mom, from me, to you and now your own baby, heh, the generation of that story just continues, doesn't it?"
Yang kiss her Little Rose cheeks, who smiles and lays her head on her shoulder

"I just wanted to share everything that I learned from the best people I know."
And Ruby meant what she said to, everything she was telling and sharing to her child, it all came from a place of care and kindness, which made the Blonde Brawler chuckle

"Hey, is it ok if I touch them?"
Yang politely asked for permission to rub the Pregnant Tummy of her Young Sister, who nods without hesitation

"You're family, don't hesitate or ask."
Ruby clearly trusted her Older Sister, having no reason to reject or say no to her, to which she clearly appreciated, reaching out a free hand and started to rub the round belly that contained life in it

"Hi 'Little Buddy', it's your Aunty Yang, I hope you're doing well in there, me and your Mama can't wait to see you out here and with us~..."
Yang softly spoke to the stomach, while also giving it a soft kiss, even if she might look and is a big strong brute, she is and will always be a 'Gentle Giant', which made the Smaller Sibling giggle from this, though before she could say anything, both the Silver Eyes and the Goldie Locks let out a loud gasp in surprise

"Did you feel that Sis?!"
Yang pulled her hand back and looked at Miss Rose, though after asking that question, she noticed that she was already crying in pure joy

"I Did! T-They Kicked, They Finally Kicked Again After So Long!~"
Ruby continue to sob from happiness, rubbing and hugging her tummy, this was the greatest moments for her, such a big positive reaction really made Miss Xiao Long smile warmly and made her heart feel warm and slightly achy

'Just like our Mom… Our real Mom.'
Yang had a moment of guilt and sadness, memories from the past filled her mind, which made her tear up and want to cry, fortunately, or unfortunately, before she could join the sobbing mess with her Little Sister, said Younger Sibling suddenly started to groan in pain, which made her snapped out of her thoughts and look to see what was wrong

"O-Ok you can s-stop kicking please, i-its started to hurt…"
Ruby whimpers, the 'Greatest Moment' of her life was starting to become the most 'Painful Moment', and it only got worse from there, because just before the Older Sister could ask what's wrong or offer to help in any way, the Silver Eyes lets out a loud yelp in extreme, not only from the lastest harsh hit, but because her water suddenly broke, evidence by the large liquidity stain that was forming on the bed, which looked more like Blood instead of Water, the Blonde Brawler went eyes wide and step back in shock, Miss Rose just softly whimpers and looked up at her Elder Sibling with a expression of pure agony

"G-Get Dad and Qrow…"
As soon as Ruby weakly said those words, the moment of peace suddenly turned into pure chaos, and once word got out to the others, it only gets more crazy, the Father, or Taiyang, was the most freaked out about it, clearly unprepared and didn't know what to do, all he was useful for at the moment was to comfort and hold her Youngest Daughter's hand with his own, as for the Uncle, or Qrow, he wasted no time calling the Doctor, and while he was more level headed compared to his Brother-In-Law, he was still impatient and yelling at the phone, and as for the Older Sibling, or Yang, even though she was doing any better compared to the others, she still did everything that she could to help her Little Sister, Ruby, by removing the sheets, wiping away her tears and sweat, and just reassuring her that everything will be ok

"Look at me, Sis, you're going to be ok, everything is going to be ok, this will all be over soon, it will be all over soon, ok? Do you understand?"
Yang held her Younger Sibling free hand and just continue to comfort and talked to her with the most softest and gentle voice she could manage, which was honestly difficult to do, and it only got harder when the Silver Eyes said something that made everyone heart freeze

"A-Am I gonna d-die like Mom?..."
Ruby asked with a shakiness in her voice, her grey eyes were filled with even more tears and fear, which made everyone look away, both unsure on what to say or risking to break down when they look at such a 'Sad Expression', luckily no one had to answer such a hard question, because the Doctor came bursting in the room and immediately took control of the situation of pure insanity

"You're going to be ok Ruby, just breathe and all of this will be over before you know it, ok?"
The Doctor wasted no time getting to work, kneeling down and looking between the legs, to see how far along she was and what needs to be done

"Be Honest With Me Doctor, WILL MY LITTLE ANGEL BE ABLE TO MAKE IT?!?!?!"
Taiyang was now being over dramatic and not helping the situation at all, which earned him a shoe to the face, knocking him down and slightly snapping out of his 'Freaked Out' thoughts

"Shut Up And Just Continue To Hold Your Daughter's Hand!"
The Doctor put on some gloves and mask on, while also getting the necessary tools that will be needed for this situation

"Yang! Make Sure Your Sister Stays Still! Qrow! Bring Lots Of Drinking Water & Warm Wet Towels!"
After the Doctor said this, the Two wasted no time in doing on what she was told, Qrow quickly left the room to get the stuff he was told to get, while Yang gently yet firmly hold her Young Sister down, making sure she doesn't move or make the situation worst, once everything was prepared and done, the Doctor looked at crying and in pain Ruby

"When I say push, you push, do you think you can do that for me?"
Doctor was very determined to help Miss Rose deliver this baby, and while it might not look like it, the Silver Eyes was also clearly determined and motivated to see this through, despite the amount of agony she was suffering

Was all that Ruby could mutter out, the Doctor nod and made sure to double check and prepare herself even more in this situation

"Ok, Now Push!"
Once the Doctor said this, Ruby did as she was told, trying her best to push as hard as she could, so much so that she accidentally broke the hand of her Father, who growls in pain, but did not move and stayed strong for his Daughter

The second time the Doctor said this, Miss Rose felt a strong pain and blood rushing out, which made her want to jump and struggle in pain, though with the help of her Older Sibling, she was able to hold her down and made sure the situation didn't become any worse than it needed to be

When the Doctor said this for the last time, the Uncle came in just in time to see her Niece eyes glow in bright white light and let out a very loud scream of pain, and when she yelled, a bright light came out her sockets and blinded everyone… There was a moment of silence, a moment of stillness, and what was chaos, was now true Peace

"It's a boy."
When the light died down, and once everyone regain their ability to see again, everyone looked to see something very unexpected

"That's… That's my Sister's baby?"
Yang, plus Qrow and Taiyang, got close to the Doctor, who was holding a naked baby, who immediately had few things that made him stood out to everyone, he was calm, he wasn't crying, seemed to had small antlers, and, what truly got everyone's attention and worry, was that he had no eyes, he didn't have empty sockets, in fact, the place on where the eyes should be, was just replaced with smooth flat skin, liked they never existed in the first place

"He has no eyes…"
Taiyang did not know what else to say or do when he saw this, a feeling shared by everyone

"Maybe it's a Faunus thing? What do you think Doc?..."
It was the only explanation that Qrow could think of, while also pointing out that the baby had some kind of 'Animal Like' features, which made him and other think that the baby was some kind of Faunus

"I, actually don't know what is wrong with this baby…"
The Doctor never saw anything like this before, she has see Faunuses and the many types that were out there, but nothing really comes into mind when seeing this Child

"N-Nothing… I-Is wrong… W-With my… Baby…"
Ruby, despite very weaken and still in slight pain, spoke in a low tone that made everyone flinch, clearly not expecting her to be so offended and defensive for her newly Born already

"G-Give… M-Me… M-My… Son…"
Ruby shakingly reached out for her Child, no one refused her desire, not wanting to see her strained herself even more so, the Doctor immediately gave the Eyeless Baby to his Mother, who carefully and gently held him close, despite his abnormality, she already accepted her new 'Faunus?' Son without hesitation, nuzzling his cheeks and kisses his forehead

"H-Hi my l-little… 'Scarlet'... I-I'm so happy t-to finally meet you…"
Ruby, after greeting and already coming up with a name for her newborn, she couldn't help but smile and wipe away her tears of joy and true happiness

"I-I will g-give you the best l-life ever… I-I p-promise…"
Btw, Scarlet will look a bit human, ish, or a Faunus technically, but once he unlock his inner 'Demon', his body will be covered in dark red/ black, covered in multiple demon eyes, and grow very huge, building size, or even bigger~
(BTW, personality wise, he's completely pure neutral and very curious, he's not good or evil, just extremely neutral, also he might be slightly 'Animalistic'~)

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