Make A Bloody Choice
Usually, in most situation, Glynda Goodwitch would be in the middle of reprimanding the one known as Ruby Rose, not only did she fight someone dangerous without contacting a proper Hunter or Huntress, but it was also clear that she was to young and inexperienced to be do anything of this in the first place.
"I-I'm so sorry I let this happen to you..."
However, Goodwitch knew better than to do that now, especially when Ruby was currently in the middle of crying for her Son, Scarlet, who was laying on a medical bed, having bandages that covered his face and mouth, and was put to sleep by the doctor so that he could rest properly.
'She reminds me of Summer...'
Glynda sighs softly, it was clear she was vaguely aware of who Rose was and where she came from, and seeing her act like this, as a caring Mother, despite such a young age, she honestly didn't know how to properly process this except wear a light upset frown.
"... Miss Rose, someone wishes to speak with you, however, I will understand if you wish to be alone, we can always talk on another day."
Glynda just spoke what was on her mind, and why she was still here, though she reassured the silver eyes that she didn't have to do anything she was asking if she didn't want to.
"... I can talk, but I don't want to move away from my Son..."
Though after a moment of silence, Ruby decides to agree to meeting with this so-called "Someone", under the conditions that she can still stay with Scarlet, which the Professional Huntress nods understanding.
"Acceptable, please wait here then."
And with that, Glynda left the room, giving the hoodie girl a moment alone with Scarlet, something she didn't refuse having.
"... I promise, I will do everything to make you happy..."
Ruby reached towards Scarlet and held his hand closely to her own, bringing it to her face and gave it a gentle kiss.
"I will not end up like my Mom, I shall always be by your side, no matter what..."
After making such a personal promise to Scarlet, Ruby just remained quiet the rest of the time, just staying by his side, and refusing to move away from him, even when Goodwitch came back with a certain someone in green.
"I have heard what happened to your child, if you like, I can get the best treatment for your Son, as my way of apologizing for letting this happen."
The one speaking to Rose was an older gentleman, who wore green, had gray hair, held a mug of coffee, this man of great importance had come to visit her, and even offered to pay off the medical bills for Scarlet.
"It was my fault, so you don't need to do that..."
Though Ruby refused, thinking she didn't deserve such a kindness, especially after feeling responsible for what happened to Scarlet.
"Nonsense, you were only trying to stop a criminal from getting away, I would consider that to be brave and honorable."
The older gentleman tried to both comfort and reassure the silver eyes, thinking she did no wrong in her situation.
"I don't know about that..."
Though Ruby still felt doubtful.
"Was there something you need from me, Mr. Ozpin?"
But before more could be said, Ruby just took the chance to look up at the one now known as Ozpin and asked what he wanted from her.
"So you know who I am?"
Ozpin pulled out a chair nearby and sat in front of the hoodie girl, continuing to talk to her.
"Who wouldn't? You're the Headmaster of the best Academy in Vale, my Sister and friends are even planning to apply for Beacon this year."
Ruby did seem to be very aware of the existence of the Headmaster, and what he does, which did make him nod in confirmation while also humming in response.
"And what about you?"
After hearing what she said about Ozpin, he decided to ask Rose if she would be joining his school, once she mentioned that her sister and friend would do so.
"It's too early for me to say."
Ruby simply shook her head, thinking it was too early for such ideas.
"Besides, I have my Son to look after."
Not to mention, Ruby was still looking at Scarlet, something she wished to put all her focus on.
Ozpin closed his eyes, now being in deep thoughts and thinking deeply about what he would say or do next.
"What if I said you were able to join my school right this very moment?"
Ozpin kept thinking until he decided to offer something that definitely caught the silver eyes' attention.
Ruby was now looking at the Professor with confusion.
"Not only that, but you can also bring your Son to Beacon as well, we do provide safe space and even a small daycare at our Academy."
And the more Ozpin offered, the more surprised the hoodie girl became.
"Y-You do?"
Ruby clearly wasn't expecting any of this generosity from the older gentleman.
"Our students becoming pregnant are pretty common these days, so it's nothing new for us, in fact I know of Faunus who had her daughter not too long ago in Beacon."
With what Ozpin just said, Rose couldn't find the words to reply, not only from his offer, but even mentioning something that made, it made her feel less alone in her situation.
"I will be blunt with you, Ruby, I see great potential deep within you, I know you will grow up to be someone who does so much good in the world."
However Ozpin didn't stop there, as he took the chance to both explain his reasoning, and why he wanted the silver eyes personally.
"Though I must admit, I'm not sure what type of future you will be given, but I do promise that you will have a future, that would not only change your life, but those around you as well."
And while Ozpin can't promise everything, what he could give her, would definitely be life changing either way, to her and those who were close to her.
"What do you say?"
And once Ozpin finished giving her a lifetime offer to the hoodie girl, something she wouldn't hesitate in accepting usually, she couldn't but hesitate and pause.
"I-I don't know..."
Was all Ruby could say to the older gentleman, who just nodded in understanding.
"Please do not feel like I'm pressuring you to accept, if you wish to refuse my offer, then I will understand, it is entirely up to you."
Ozpin didn't seem upset by Rose's lack of answer, he even took the chance to let her know that everything will be OK, whether she chooses to join or not.
"S-So I will have a choice?"
Which surprised Ruby a bit, to know that she had a choice in the matter at all.
"You always have a choice."
When Ozpin said this, Ruby really had to think deeply of her situation that she found herself in, in one hand, she still had dreams to become a Huntress, which was a chance to accomplish so much more than she could before in her life, yet at the same time, if she did accept the position of joining Beacon Academy, she knew very well the type of strain it would put on her relationship with Scarlet, even if she was allowed to take him with her, she doesn't know if would hurt her bond with her Son, of course she might be over thinking about all this, but it was a concern that she couldn't over look, but in the end, it was still her choice, and while the Headmaster wasn't forcing Rose to make a choice now, she knew it was better to decide now, than later.
"Then... I will choose-"
Cliff hanger, I know, but I rather take this chance to give you all one last chance on how this story can continue, you can probably guess what that is though, "Should Ruby Go To Beacon Academy?", letting you know now, it will change a lot, whether you pick "YES" or "NO", obviously~
(I'm debating whether or not if I Should include SCP-343: God, and if he should be a teacher at Beacon Academy that is married to Glynda or being in the WonderLand world in RWBY V9 that would also reveal the true nature and future of the Scarlet King)
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