Science Fiction Tied Winner-Tegan1311

Interview with Tegan1311

Book: Welcome to the Universe

1. How did you feel when you knew you were announced as a finalist, and then the first place winner? Describe it to us :)

I was so excited. I thought I might make it as a finalist, but I didn't expect to tie for 1st! I know two of the other contestants, having been up against them multiple times in the past (before majorly rewriting my novel) and wasn't expecting to beat/tie them.

2. What is the best piece of writing advice you have ever received?

Over the years, I've heard a lot of dos and don'ts, but waiting until you feel inspired to write isn't what will help you finish your novel. You really have to push. Even if you only have 10 minutes to spare, sit down and write something, anything. Every little bit adds up (especially when editing).

3. What was the proudest moment in your writing journey thus far?

I've had positive feedback on Wattpad, which is wonderful, but those readers who actively look for updates, reading every new chapter when you put them up...that love and dedication is amazing. I can't stop smiling :)

4. Where do you see yourself in a few years time?

Hopefully standing in a bookstore, gazing lovingly at my book nestled among all the other great Science Fiction and Fantasy books. I'll probably take more pics of my book than I do my cat, lol!

5. Where or from whom do you get your writing inspiration from?

Everything I read inspires me. I see all these fantastic stories being told and it pushes me to write more, better, dig deeper. SciFi movies are also a big help. So visual!

6. Who is your favorite Wattpad author and your favorite author outside of Wattpad?

There's honestly too many good writers I've met over the years on Wattpad, most from the NBR group. There all fantastic (they know who they are). As for a published writer who wasn't on Wattpad, idk. JK Rowling first got me reading, as did Tolkien and Poe. But I think VE Schwab and maybe Adrian Tchaikovsky and Neil Gaiman are more recent influences.

7. How and when did you find Wattpad and begin your writing journey on this platform?

Must be about 4 years ago. I'd been on another writing platform, but it was more for poets or hobbyists. I took several months off writing and then found Wattpad.

8. Who is your most favorite and least favorite character to write and why?

I love a good antihero and villain. There so dynamic and I never know what I'll have them do next. The more straightforward characters are tougher for me. Those who are mostly good. Idk why, but I have trouble writing characters who are more predictable.

9. If you could exchange lives with one book character from your book, and one character from another author's, who would it be and why?

Oh I'd be my MC, Alexandra. Absolutely. She's tough, determined, courageous, and so competent. She has her flaws (big ones) and she's always alone, but her attributes are everything I wish I was. I don't honestly think there's another character I'd like to be. Can't think of one. Sorry.

10. Which character in your book do you relate the most with?

I do relate to Alexandra since I put some of my personality and philosophies into her, but I think I relate more to Phoenix. He has his own opinions and truly wants to protect people, do his job well. And when his gut tells him something's wrong, he demands answers.

11. How do you get rid of writer's block, if or when you get it?

I read or watch a movie in the genre I'm writing. It's great to get me in the mood to write. Sometimes re-reading previous chapters or notes helps, but taking a break can do wonders- walk outside, a cup of coffee.

12. Do you think this work encapsulates who you are as a writer now, or have you grown a lot since then?

These rewrites have been made in the last few months, so it definitely encapsulates me as I write now. I have grown a lot since I began writing Alexandra's story about 10 years ago.

13. When did you realize that writing was your passion?

When I started Alexandra's story, the words/scenes just kept coming. It was fun, but tough, and I loved it. Finishing that first novel (not this one) 9 years ago made me realize just how capable I was.

14. When did you first start writing?

Maybe 12 years ago. The stories were simpler and not well-written. Cringeworthy, if I'm honest. But I needed an outlet for my overactive imagination.

15. What advice would you like to give to all the struggling yet aspiring writers out there?

Just keep writing. The more you write, the better you'll get. Read constantly, it'll inspire you. Take criticism, but never let it crush you. There's always room for improvement, but know that you can't please everyone. Agent rejections shouldn't get you down for long. Take a break, then come back and look at your work, ask for critiques from beta readers, etc.

16. What inspired you to write this particular book?

The first book I wrote in this series was too far ahead in the story. So I wrote this prequel. I wanted to show that a powerful character will still have flaws, worthy adversaries, and a compelling journey. I want Alexandra to prove that absolute power does NOT corrupt absolutely.

17. What was the writing process like?

Rewrites have taken longer than writing the 1st draft, lol! It's a hard process that has me taking notes, using post-its and index cards, organizing the crap out of everything. I'm more organized chaos, so this has been especially tough.

18. When did you start writing this winning book?

Maybe 5-6 years ago was my first draft. It's been edited a few times, but I realized it wasn't good enough. The rewrites, taking it from one POV to multiple, started late last year.

19. Are you planning on professionally publishing your book? If so, when?

Absolutely. I will have my rewrites completed soon and hope to query in the next few months.

20. Does every comment, every follow and every vote for your work still surprise you?

It really does. Votes give me confidence, comments help me edit/revise and know what's working, follows make me smile and let me know that my work seems interesting.

Random, fun & personal questions:

21. Favorite food?

I'm a sucker for chocolate (who's not), but with real food, fettuccine alfredo is the best.

22. One place you would want to visit in the future?

Italy, hands down. The architecture, the history. Egypt is a close 2nd.

23. Your favorite movie of all time is...?

Probably a comedy, but I don't have an all time favorite. The World's End is hysterical, love me some Lego movies, Marvel movies are darkly magical, and epic journeys like LOTR and Star Wars are incredible.

24. One book you can read again and again and never get bored?

There's very few I've re-read, but the Six of Crows duology, An Ember in the Ashes, and HP's The Order of the Phoenix are high on my list.

25. Any guilty pleasures ( writing or otherwise)?

I usually have Fireball Whiskey on my desk when writing. Keeps me sharp ;)

I also watch a lot of comedies, the same shows over and over bc they're just that good.

Thank you :)

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