

The love story of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson will forever be alive, even after decades, just like the fictional love story, Romeo-Juliet. 

I love y'all! Happy reading on this beautiful day. (: xxx


"Hello, Harry!" Dr. Malik greeted with a smile.

"Hey, doc!" Harry dragged the chair in front of the doctor's table and made himself comfortable on it.

"Didn't Louis come with you?"

"He came but he said he's wait outside so I can talk freely to you. I told him it's okay for him to be there but he refused." Harry shrugged and looked down at his hands with regret written all over his face. Dr. Malik noticed this.

"Oh, okay. Did something happened after that?" The doctor asked carefully not to set his patient on an episode.

"I- um... I-uh- I yelled at him and he cried. That's why I'm a bit late to the appointment." Harry explained as he bit on his bottom lip to will his tears away.

"Hey, it's alright. He knows that you didn't mean to." Dr. Malik soothed.

"That's the problem, doc! He knows that I don't do anything to be mean to him and he goes through it all because of me! He's just my boyfriend. He doesn't have to be tied up to my fucked up soul." Harry banged his fist against the table.

"I get that but he's the one to make that decision, isn't he?" The doctor asked calmly.

"Yeah." Harry sighed before looking out of the large window by his right.

"Well, I'm gonna go with the basics again if that's okay with you." Zayn spoke up after giving Harry some time to calm down.

"Yeah, sure." Harry nodded.


"He gave me different meds." Harry said as he gnawed at his bottom lip.

"That's good!" Louis smiled wide at him like he's a kid who won an award. "Let's head home." Louis leaned over and kissed Harry's cheek before starting the car.

"Can we get something to eat?" Harry asked.

"Sure, love."

Louis pulled the car to the drive-thru of McDonald's and ordered for both himself and Harry knowing what his boyfriend needs by heart. Once they got their food, they drove down the roads to their home.

"Uh- Lou?" Harry called out once they're changed and settled on their couch to watch a movie till both of their shifts start.

"Yes?" Louis turned to give Harry his full attention.

"I want to visit mom." Harry said biting on this bottom lip.

"That's a great idea! I think Liam wouldn't mind me taking a leave for couple of days." Louis stated.

"Thanks, boo." Harry kissed his boyfriend's cheek and hugged him but Louis felt like Harry has more to tell.

"What's it?" Louis asked.

"I- uh- I lashed out at her for something small day before yesterday and you remember the incident that day. I was just angry at her and that's why I hit you for no reason. I have forgotten to decline the call and she has heard our fight until she couldn't take it anymore and hung up." Harry explained and he can already feel himself starting to shake in fear. He can go to jail if it was someone else who heard he abuse his boyfriend.

"Oh." Was all Louis said before rubbing his forehead worriedly. "What did she say?"

"She told me to visit her as soon as possible because she doesn't think that this is normal for someone who's on meds."

"Did you call her after today's appointment?" Louis questioned and Harry shook his head no. "I think you better call her and tell her that it was just a cause of meds and that your doctor changed your medication." Louis encouraged.

"That's a good idea!"

Louis chuckled at Harry's excitement. He knew how much Harry hated it when his mom gets all concerned over his issues and she end up crying all day. Louis remembered one time when Anne refused to even look him in the eyes because he threw a chair out of anger and a piece of wood that broke from it hit his cousin sister's little daughter's head. It was a disaster after that and Louis doesn't even want something like that for him to deal with.

Harry returned after calling his mom and he was in a happy mood which had Louis smiling widely.

"We can visit Jay too." Harry suggested since they grew up in the same town as kids.

"I was planning to and can we visit the place we first met." Louis asked with a hopeful grin.

"Yes, of course. I'd love to see that little Louis running away and tripping over my spread out leg before falling on top of me, again." Harry said remembering the day he met his best friend; his lover; his boyfriend; his soul mate.

"Well, too bad for you, you can't see that little Louis again but you sure can get this big Louis on top of you." Louis sent Harry a grin making the green eyed lad chuckle. The curly haired lad leaned forward and connected their lips in a slow kiss which held so many emotions in it. Faith, trust, regret, sorrow, need, and many more but most importantly it held the love that they had infinitely for each other.

"Movie now?" Harry asked with a soft smile over his cherry lips. Louis nodded but he jumped on top of Harry in hope of a make out session.


"Harry! Louis!" Anne wrapped both of them in a group hug. Both young boys chuckled as they hugged her back.

"Come in, babies."

The boyfriends stepped into Harry's childhood home and immediately greeted by the amazing smell of Anne's food.

"Can we eat now?" Harry asked even before taking a seat on the couch in the living room.

"Don't be rude." Louis elbowed him making Anne chuckle.

"You are so much like me when it comes to dealing with him." Anne pointed out and it made Harry's brows furrow.

"Am I business to deal with? Am I too much of a responsibility that you have to look out for me every second? I'm not fucking disabled, if you mind." Harry lashed out at his mother making Louis' heart immediately start pumping against his rib cage out of fear of the outcome of this.

"I'm sorry, love. Let's just eat, yeah?" Anne suggested but instead of putting Louis on ease for that, it just made his terrified.

If there was one thing that set Harry on fire, that's people ignoring the matter at hand and throwing distractions at him. Both Anne and Louis knew this but it seems like Anne slipped up a bit.

Everything after that were just yells and broken stuff. Louis didn't dare to lay a finger on Harry or make a sound, not wanting his boyfriend to hit him right in front of his mother. It'll just break all of them than they already are.

Harry calmed down after some time leaving a punched two holes on one of the walls in Anne's living room and few broken vases but Louis' rugged breathing hasn't calmed down yet so he insisted on staying hidden up the staircase.

He immediately got up when he heard Harry's panicky call for him and ran to him before he could freak out.

"I'm here." Louis called out which made Harry turn towards him in pace that's hardly humanly possible.

"I'm sorry."

"Everything's okay." Louis dared to say but he knew that nothing was okay except for their love for each other.

"No, nothing is." Harry hugged Louis and the blue eyed boy hugged him back. They both didn't hear the sound of Anne's soft sobs until they calmed down in each other's arms. Louis quickly pulled away from their hug and went over to the old woman sitting on the black leather couch in the living room.

"Don't tell me his new meds don't work too, Louis." She begged.

"They must do, Anne. It's just- I don't know what it is but he'll be okay." Louis whispered knowing how much Harry hated when people worry about him too much. It's just annoying to him.

"You think so?" Anne asked looking up to meet Louis' blues.

"I hope so."


"Can you remember how we used to play football here?" Louis asked as he skipped to go ahead Harry.

"Yeah, I do."

"You giraffe legs always tripped!" Louis pointed out with a giggle making Harry chuckle too.

"I guess, I wasn't meant for the sport, baby." Harry shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess so but you are good at other sports." Louis wiggled his brows with a smirk making Harry smirk before running after his boy.

After few minutes of running around the almost empty part in a cold autumn evening, Louis' legs gave out and he laid down on the grass with his limbs spread out. Harry soon came and crushed on top of him making Louis 'oof'.

"Now, see who fell on top of who." Louis teased.

"I fell hard for you baby." Harry said with a grin making Louis roll his eyes at his boyfriend's corny joke.


"Louis, he's getting closer, Louis, Louis, LOUIS!"

Louis jolted awake from his sleep and looked his left to find Harry sitting on the bed with his arms crossed in front of himself.

"Harry, what's wrong?" He sleepily asked out as he looked around the room for anything unsafe. He spotted nothing.

"He's there." Harry pointed towards a dark corner besides their closet door with his eyes still tightly shut.

"Who, babe?" Louis knew what's happening straightaway so he scooted closer to his boyfriend and wrapped him in a hug.

"A c-clown."

"I can't see anyone there, Haz. You are safe. It's definitely just a delusion." Louis tried knocking some senses into Harry's panicked mind.

"Just a delusion. He's just delusional." Harry mumbled to himself as he rubbed his own chest as if to calm down his rapidly beating heart. Louis let out a sigh and kept his tight grip around Harry to make him feel safe.

"He- he felt so real, Lou!" Harry exclaimed.

"I bet he did because you hardly ever have this kind of moments over your hallucinations." Louis reassured him.

"He did." Harry sighed as he buried his face into Louis' neck to breathe his heavenly scent in.

"Why'd you wake up at..." Louis trailed off as he took a look at the digital clock on his nightstand. "at 2.30am?"

"I had a dream about a clown coming into our room and I woke up scared but when I opened eyes he was actually- he was actually h-here."

Louis could easily say that Harry is once again panicking.

"Hey, it's alright. We already declared that it was just a fiction of your mind, honey." Louis soothed him.

"Yeah, you're right."


"Another set of meds?"

"Yeah." Harry sighed as he fumbled with his fingers.

"Hey, it's okay." Louis sent him a warm smile before pulling him in for a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Lou."


"Eat something, please." Louis sighed as he sat next to Harry on the soft carpet in their bedroom.

"No, Louis. I don't want to. Please, can I be alone for a while?" The way Harry asked it made Louis give in. He had so much desperation in his eyes and Louis didn't want to interrupt him.

"Alright. I'll go out for a walk. I love you." Louis leaned forward to steal a kiss but Harry turned his head making Louis frown.

Harry never refuses his kisses unless he's feeling too guilty about something he has done to Louis and he's suffering inside for it without even talking to anyone. The Dr. Malik called them low-points of his depression and Louis sighed knowing he's gonna deal with an emotional roller-coaster for a week or so.

Louis thought about bringing Harry to his psychologist but there isn't much the doc can do since he has already supplied Harry with his medication for depression.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Louis asked carefully.

"No, I just need some time alone. I'll be okay." Harry said without meeting Louis' eyes.

"Okay, I love you." Louis felt the need to remind the green eyed boy about the love he had for him.

"I-I love you too." Harry mumbled out and Louis reached out and rubbed his thumb against the back of Harry's hand as if to say, 'I'm always here if you needed someone.'

Harry pulled his hand away from Louis' hold without even sending him so much as a glance. Louis sighed as he got off the floor and he knew that leaving Harry alone in the house isn't an option at all now. He decided to just go to the guestroom which is right in front of their master bedroom and listen carefully for anything suspicious.

He left the guestroom door cracked open as he laid himself down on the bed which had some plain white sheets covering it and pulled his phone out to keep himself occupied with something. The house was eerily silent which set an uneasy feeling at the bottom of Louis' stomach. He considered going into their master bedroom and checking on Harry before stopping himself because Harry needed some space for himself.

After around an hour sitting inside their guestroom, Louis heard a sound of metal hitting the titled floor breaking the eerie silence in the house for a mere second. Louis shot off the bed knowing the sound by heart and ran to his and Harry's room. He didn't waste a second before running into the bathroom attached to their bedroom.

There Harry laid on the bathtub with blood flowing out of his cut wrist. He wasn't unconscious yet but one can easily tell that he's slowly drifting away when you look into his unfocused eyes which had a thin layer of glistening tears covering it.

"HARRY!" Louis shouted as he knelt down next to his boyfriend. "Hang on there, please. Keep your eyes open. C'mon. Don't close th- no, no, no." Louis took Harry's face in his palms and shook him as if it'll bring him back but it appeared nothing he does is going to work. He fished his phone out and called an ambulance.

Everything after that was in haze and so familiar to Louis. It's too familiar to Louis. He never wanted to be this familiar with something so awful, something so dreadful.

Louis followed the paramedics and got in the ambulance with Harry's unconscious body. The paramedics were soon wheeling Harry into the hospital with Louis rushing after them reciting a quick prayer under his breath.

Because, the god was his only hope now, just like in every other time this awful incident happened.


(Word Count 2415)

A/N - Thoughts?


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