
Niall is me and I am Niall 😁

“So… I heard it’s done.” The middle-aged man with dark green eyes said as he leaned back on the chair in Zayn’s office.

“Yeah, Steve, it’s done.” Zayn smirked.

“You are something else, young man. Anyways, what’s your next plan?” The man- Steve- asked.

“Well, it seems like the boy is kinda down from the loss of his boyfriend. I mean, it’s normal but I hope he will get over him soon. I’m gonna talk with him as if I’m there to listen to his worries and slowly make my way into his life. I did all of this for something.” Zayn put his right leg over his left knee as he leaned back on his chair.

“Yeah, I know. Do you think he will fall for you that easily? I mean, from what you have told me, those two boys were madly in love.” Steve questioned curiously.

“That’s the only problem here but I’ve always got ways to get him fall for me. I know him enough.” Zayn’s smirk deepened making the man in front of him smirk too.

“As I said, you are something else.”

Two men’s dark chuckles filled the room.


“I don’t want to mom! I will eat whenever I feel like.” Louis sighed before slamming his bedroom door shut at his mother’s face. He went back to his bed and took the scrapbook Harry made for Louis’ 18th birthday. He flipped it open for the third time that day and on the first page there was a silly picture of himself and Harry, with their tongues out and winking at the camera.

Louis smiled sadly as he read what was written at the bottom of the page in Harry’s neat handwriting. ‘To my neighbor, my best friend, my love and my soul mate.’

He flipped through the next few pages to find a ton of baby pictures of himself and Harry. He carefully traced his fingers over every picture as he tried to recall every memory attached to those unmoving pictures.

He felt his eyes start to sting when he flipped to the next page. On that page, there was a picture of them in their school uniform grinning madly at the camera. Louis recalled the memory. It was the day Louis started secondary school and both Harry and Louis were really excited because they can finally go to the same school again after being separated for two years due to Louis being two years younger than Harry.

Louis sadly traced his finger over Harry’s face on the picture, hoping it’ll give him the same feeling as when he does it for real. Louis bit his bottom lip as he willed the tears away and flipped to the next page.

All the tears that Louis held back broke free like a dam break free. There were only two pictures on the page but they held so many memories. On the first picture Harry has his arm draped over Louis shoulder while grinning at the camera with a beautiful blush coating his face and Louis has his face buried into Harry’s chest with one hand doing a poor job of covering his own blushed face.

It was the day when Harry asked Louis to be his boyfriend after two months of dating and Louis immediately said yes. Their friends caught them kissing madly against the locker and they all wolf whistled making them break apart and blush madly. That’s when Louis’ friend, Liam, has snapped that picture of them.

On every page after that were pictures of Harry and Louis in many dates they went. There was one particular picture Louis loved the most. It’s a picture of Louis holding his aunt’s little girl while feeding her with a baby bottle and Harry sitting next to him with his hand draped over Louis’ shoulder. Louis can still hear the words Harry said that day ringing in his ears. ‘We’ll have an amazing baby girl like this one day and we will raise her to be a princess’

Maybe they were too early to dream of their happily ever after.


“Let’s go home, Lou. It’s getting dark.” Jay said as she laid her palm on Louis’ shoulder and rubbed it in a comforting manner. Louis stayed put where he is sat, staring at Harry’s grave stone without any emotion on his face.

He doesn’t have any energy left to cry anymore. He doesn’t know if his cries and prayers are worth it anymore because at the end of the day he will just go to sleep alone cursing everything that God ever had planned for him.

“Lou?” Jay tried again and this time Louis took his eyes away from Harry’s grave stone just to look down at his own shoes. “You’re going to be fine.” The same old lie.

Louis sighed before standing up from where he is and dusting his pants. Jay ran her fingers through Louis’ greasy hair before kissing his forehead. Louis remained emotionless as he walked away from where his love laid peacefully.


“Hello, Louis.” Zayn mumbled as he took a seat on the couch in Tomlinson household.

“Hello” Louis mumbled back, still not looking at the man in front of him.

“How have you been lately?” Zayn asked trying to engage in a conversation but Louis just let out a sarcastic laugh.

“Isn’t that obvious? After all it’s my boyfriend that died.” Louis let out a long sigh at the end and started fumbling with his fingers.

“I’m sorry for that, Louis. I thought he was doing well but all of a sudden-”

“You! You’re the one who did this to him!” Louis screamed as he rose from his chair, pointing an accusing finger at Zayn. Zayn looked a little taken aback by the sudden outburst but he settled quickly.

“What do you mean, Louis?” Zayn asked, faking curiosity.

“You didn’t treat him right! If you did he wouldn’t end up k-killing him-himself!” Louis broke down crying for the umpteenth time since Harry left him alone in this world. Louis plopped back onto the chair he was sat at and buried his face in his palms, crying hysterically.

“Louis, please calm down.” Zayn went over to the smaller boy and placed his palm on Louis’ shoulder but the blue eyed boy immediately shrugged it off. Then, Jay came into the living room and gasped when she saw her baby crying again.

“Louis!” She walked over to her son and crouched down next to him. She rubbed his back and let him cry for a while, knowing it’s no use trying to get the boy to stop crying.

Zayn just stood there, his heart beating fast because he was afraid he got caught. He hoped it was just Louis blaming it on him without actually knowing anything.

After a while Louis calmed down and stood from where he’s sat. He walked over to Zayn and looked him in the eyes. His blue eyes held so much fury that Zayn was afraid he’ll burn him with those eyes.

“I hope you die in a car crash on your way home” Louis said through gritted teeth before turning around and going up the stairs, leaving a startled Zayn behind.

“Dr. Malik, I’m so sorry for what he said. You can say he’s not in the right mindset these days. Harry’s death affected him so much because you know they were best friends since kindergarten and lovers since 16.” Jay let out a deep sigh, trying to hold back her own tears.

“Yeah, it’s okay, Mrs. Tomlinson but I don’t really know why he hates me.” He put on a really upset face before continuing. “You know, I tried my best to save Harry. I gave all the medications that I know of to help him. I can’t help it if the medicine can’t cure him.” Zayn added a sigh for good measures.

“I know, I know. That’s why I’m apologizing for his words. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doctor. He’s just upset with everyone lately.” Jay tried her best to explain, hoping they won’t lose Zayn’s good company.

“I understand.” Zayn nodded. “Don’t you think it’ll be good if you take him to therapy?” Zayn asked as he sat back on the couch when Jay gestured him to. Jay sat down where Louis previous was before replying to Zayn’s question.

“I thought about it a countless times but I don’t know if he’ll agree with me.” Jay sighed.

“Yeah, that’s a problem but you can always give it a try. I’m not telling you to bring him to me but I think it’ll be good if he talks with me since I know his situation really well.” Zayn tried his best to get the smaller boy to come to his office.

“Of course.” Jay nodded and they were silent for few seconds both thinking what to say next. Zayn finally stood up from the couch and announced that he’s leaving.

“Come by again, Dr. Malik.” Jay shook the younger lad’s hand with a tight smile.

“I sure will. Call me if you needed anything. I like to help Louis out of his situation.” Zayn reminded the elder woman before leaving.


“He’s a liar, mom!” Louis tried his best to knock some senses into his mother’s head. “Harry always said that the meds doesn’t work but I kept on saying let’s try this for another week, hoping it’ll be alright. You know what it just got worst day by day!” A new set of tears blurred Louis’ vision.

Jay stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking over what her son said a little moment ago, before speaking.

“Are you sure about what you’re saying right now?”

“I’m more than sure! He said those things.” Louis repeatedly rubbed his eyes to get the tears to stop. He’s so tired of crying!

“But if Dr. Malik gave Harry the meds that increases his illness, why would he do it?” Jay wondered out loud.

“I don’t know, mom but that only took my Harry away from me.”

“Do you still have those meds Dr. Malik gave Harry?” Jay suddenly asked and Louis nodded, looking at her with a knitted brows.

“Okay, give me those. I’ll go to another doctor and question about those pills.” Jay smiled at her son as she rubbed his back.

(Word Count 1732)

A/N - Hey! It's been a while and I'm sorry about that. ):

Hope y'all are doing alright. (:

Anywayyy,,,, I love y'all to death and have a nice day/night! (: xxx


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