Saiyan vs Phenex
Goku stood outside with Shenron right on top of his head. Goku was hovering over a pond, he was meditating.
Shenron - You need to focus your power and unleash it in a giant burst.
Goku -......
Shenron - Focus your anger and let it explode focus on Rias and Riser, Akeno being hurt, your friends dying by the hands of Riser.
Goku body kept trembling as his mind was filled with rage but he wasn't going berserk.
Goku - HRAA!!!
His aura bursted as the whole area got a huge gust of wind. The smoke cleared and out of it came out Goku with an incredible aura but not the same aura when he went berserk.
Goku - Woah this power....its intense but I'm having a hard time to hold this out.
Shenron - That's because you didn't transform. You used a technique called Kaioken. It multiplies your power but it comes with a cost, the higher the boost the more it strains your body. So I recommend a 4 time multiplier should be enough for now.
Goku let out a breath as the aura went away as he cursed at himself unable to unlock the power again. He didn't wanted to disappoint Rias again as he focused on her sad face and for a split second his eyes turned teal and back to black.
Akeno - Goku?
Goku turned around as he saw Akeno in a bath robe this made him blush but he brushed it away and he walked up to her giving her a kiss.
Akeno - You will save her. I know you will.
Goku smiled as he held her close and looked at the sky and both gave a determined look telling themselves that Rias will be saved.
In the Underworld
Rias was alone in the Phenex palace as she couldn't stop herself on letting out a tear as she remembered the word that Goku said before he was knocked out.
Goku - no.
Rias - Forgive me. I had no other choice.
(3 days later)
Goku went to Issei's home to greet Asia as he saw both were dressed in really formal clothing.
Goku - Where you lovebirds going this late?
Issei - We were invited to the douches wedding. Kiba told us the plan so we're going to see you kick that jerks ass.
Goku smiled as everyone showed up in a teleportation circle and Goku everyone dressed up.
Akeno - Say Goku do you like my dress?~
Goku smirked as he grabbed her waist and gave her a kiss with Issei and almost everyone surprised they were together and kissing like that.
Goku - You know I love it. Anything you wear bring out your beauty and amazing personality.
Akeno kissed his cheek before giving him the invitation as both nodded and they left to the engagement party. While Goku stood there holding the invitation and he saw Shenron walk in.
Shenron - Give 'em hell.
Goku nodded as he raised his hand and the invitation glowed in his hand as he arrived in the front of the palace of Phenex.
Guard - Stop your invitation.
Goku didn't have any attention as he just pushed them away with his energy and he started running towards the direction of Rias and Riser's energy. Many guards tried to stop him but Goku simply just took all of them out with one blow.
Riser - This is a historic moment for the world of devils and I want our dear guests to be the first to know. Two great dynasty are about to become one. Lord Riser of the distinguished house of Phenex shall wed lady Rias of the illustrious house of Gremory. And now I present to you my bride. Rias Gremory.
Rias teleported in but the moment she appeared the doors broke down as everyone turn towards the door and they saw Goku kicking the door down.
Rias - Goku!
Riser - Who do you think you are boy?
Goku - Ladies and Gentlemen I am tonight's entertainment. But before anything let's have a toast!
Goku grabbed a glass of wine as he raised it.
Goku - To Rias for finally having a family that believe in her no matter what. And to Riser. Who's gonna get his ass kicked by me a second time.
Goku drank the wine and slammed down the glass as everyone gasped and Riser got furios.
Riser - How dare you?!
Ravel - Seriously is this guy mental?
Riser - Seize him!
Many guards appeared in front of Goku but they weren't a problem as Goku just pushed them back with a Kiai.
Goku - Enough games Riser you know exactly why I'm here. Plus you spoke so highly of yourself before but you sound like you can defeat me. Then bring it on!
Riser gritted his teeth as everyone was confused on why Goku was here. But someone showed up a man with what looked like armor but he had the eyes and hair color of Rias. It was her brother the devil king Lucifer.
Riser - What is the meaning of this?
Lucifer - I just made an arrangement for some entertainment tonight. Plus we never have parties like this everyday. Boy I did a bit of research on you and you are one of the last of your kind. You are a Saiyan.
Everyone started to muttered silently to each other but Goku didn't care since he already knew.
Lucifer - How about a full head to head battle?
Riser - I see Phenex vs Saiyan. Pure blood vs mortal.
Lucifer - Mortal?
Riser - Do you not feel it my lord, he's not a devil he's just mortal.
Goku - Yeah because my power was too great for Rias to completely make me into a devil but it doesn't mean you can underestimate me. Angel Devil.
Everyone gasped to the sound of a mix of Devil and Angel.
Riser - What do you speak of?!
Goku - Before the games you were afraid of my power so you decided to increase your power by forcefully fusing with an Angel. I felt it first and I didn't know what it was until I started focusing more on that power and it sounded like it was screaming in agony and pain. You fused with an Angel that's why your regeneration is better than before.
Lucifer didn't speak as he was angry Riser broke a devil law he still decided to say to have a battle.
Rias - No please don't.
Lucifer - Saiyan there are many who are interested in your abilities but can you fight without losing control again.
Goku - I haven't been just sitting down these past 4 days.
Lucifer - What would you like if you won.
Devils - You can't be serious my lord.
Lucifer - Quiet. I am the king and I've already spoke.
Goku - I want Rias Gremory to come back to us. She's shouldn't marry someone she doesn't want to be with. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna be there for Rias and let her decide who she wants to marry.
Rias eyes widen as she grew a blush on her face. Lucifer smiled as he brought both of them to the battle area where everyone could see the fight.
Lucifer - Now may the battle begin.
Goku got in his stance ready for the fight as Riser stood there arrogantly smirking and laughing at Goku.
Goku - Go.
Goku flew towards Riser as he appeared in front of him but ducked under and delivered a kick to his face as he didn't stop there. Riser tried to block but was punch in the face with a hard left hook making crash on the ground
Goku - That was for Koneko.
Goku blasted 3 Ki blast but looked up as he saw Riser in the sky.
Riser - It seems you have gotten powerful.
Goku - If your done playing games then come and show me your power. Because I haven't pushed mine to it's limits.
Goku aura started to get darker and darker until it covered his whole body. It then burst into a giant dark red aura.
Goku - Kaioken!
In a burst Goku appeared in front of Riser and delivered many hard blows to the Devil's body as Goku ended the barrage with a hard blast to his stomach pushing to the statue of a queen piece.
Goku - That was for Kiba.
Riser broke out of the statue with most of his clothes fully destroyed.
Riser - You have gotten better mortal but what about that golden beast form?
Goku didn't speak but Riser laughed understanding his silence.
Riser - So you can't do it on command. Which will make this less enjoyable but enough for me to remember you by. Be honored your going to be the first to see this form.
Riser let out a scream as his body started to change as his body started to become like pure devil scales, his hair spiked up and he grew out two dark swords.
Goku - No way.
Akeno - Goku. He's changing.
Issei - So if he used this in the game we wouldn't have stood a chance.
Everyone was shocked to see the full power of a Angel Devil.
Goku - His power...
Riser - Hahaha. Yes you should fear for your life because Riser is going to show you no mercy.
Riser rushed towards Goku trying to deliver a strong attack on the ground but Goku dodged as he flew to the sky still shocked of his power.
But from his left came Riser as he grabbed his face and started dragging him through the floor before throwing him into a pillar but Goku was then kneed in his stomach.
Goku - (cough) He's strong. I didn't expect this much power.
Riser punched him down on the floor as Goku crashed on the ground. Akeno and the others were more shocked to see this power of Riser. Even Lucifer didn't expect that much power of a pure Angel and Devil combined.
Goku bursted out of the ground panting but Riser didn't move he just stood in the sky putting his swords away as he smirked.
Goku powered up to his Kaioken again and rushed towards Riser but he didn't even move as Riser turned to his right and punched Goku as he was about to attack. Pushing him down he powered up again and trying again but this time Riser quickly disappeared and reappeared attacking Goku by elbowing him down to the ground.
Goku crashed as he stood up and coughed out blood.
Goku - Damn it.
Goku fell on one knee as Rias and Akeno started crying, Issei and Asia couldn't believe the horror they were watching. Kiba and Koneko clenched their fist angry they couldn't go and help him.
Riser - Time for Riser to end this.
He slowly got a giant flame that covered almost 1/4 of the arena. Rias and Akeno screamed for mercy even Lucifer was about to intervene but Grayfia stopped him.
He threw the flame as Goku got up slowly as he tried his best to push back the attack but he was losing his ground. He couldn't push back anymore as he closed his eyes and said one thing.
Goku - I'm sorry.
The flame consumed him whole as everyone saw a giant explosion with Riser laughing out loud. Even Sona clenched her fist in hatred for Riser and she even lowered her head as a sign of grief for Goku.
Ravel - It was obvious that Riser was gonna win. Now he's dead.
The flames kept decreasing down to the ground as it exploded.
Rias/Akeno - GOKU!!!!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
A giant burst of blue energy burst from the flames.
Everyone was shocked as this power started shaking both the realm where Goku and Riser were fighting and the entire Underworld.
From the room Millicas came running to his mother Grayfia and his father Lucifer.
Millicas - Mother what is that trembling?!
Grayfia - Nothing to worry just watch.
He looked up and everyone was shocked to see Goku walk out of the flames completely harmless and his hair was slightly spiked up.
Riser - What is this?! How are you still alive?!
Goku didn't speak as the burst died down as well as the tremors. He opened his eyes and they turned from his normal black colored eyes to a silver gray.
Goku - Let's begin the real fight.
Goku slowly walked as Riser created light spears and threw them towards Goku who dodged all the attacks and even caught one of the spears as he crushed it and kept walking towards him.
Riser flew towards him as he went for a kick but Goku dodged it and delivered a punch to his face and Riser couldn't even react fast enough to dodge. It was lightspeed ahead. Goku was now something different.
Goku kept walking as he stopped and saw Riser break out of the pillar. Bleeding.
He grew more angry as he flew towards Goku and tried again but Goku again dodged every attack and delivered a strong punch towards Riser's stomach and kicked him away. Riser crashed on the floor appearing to be stuck on the ground.
Rias - He's winning. Please Goku end it.
Riser broke out the floor and wiped his face to see the blood that Goku brought out.
Riser - No this can't be happening! I am the superior and divine being!
Goku - Calling yourself a god is too far fetched your more of a bootleg fallen Angel.
Riser grew more furious but he stopped himself and started raising his arm to the sky and started shouting.
Riser - Light of Flames strike me! A weak Devil incapable of wiping out scum is worthless!
Lighting made of Flames covered his arm then started to cover his body as his body started to grow and change. The whole area was shaking but Goku stood there not intimidated the least. While everyone was horrified of the sight they saw. Riser body was now more bigger as his body was a red colored and his eyes were shining yellow.
Goku got on his stance not worried of the what he was gonna fight. Riser laughed as he landed on the ground believing he's much more powerful than Goku. Both were ready to put this to the test.
Goku - This new power is insane but I'm not sure how long it will last. I should end this now.
Riser went for a strike as Goku dodged and he blocked an attack from Riser. Both were now clashing at fast speed but Goku was still faster as he kicked and elbowed Riser to the ground.
Riser quickly got up and flew towards Goku but only punched nothing as he saw the image of Goku disappear.
He looked around the area and he couldn't find anything. Until he was shot from the back. He turned around and saw Goku just standing there with a small smirk on his face. Secretly he was enjoying the moment to humiliate Riser.
Goku - Come on is that all you got?
Riser flew towards him as Goku dodged another blow but Riser was able to kick him away and tried another blow destroying the pillar of the king.
Goku dodged the shockwave as he flew towards him trying to land many kicks but were blocked as he took this opportunity to kick his head forwards as he grabbed Riser's face and slammed him towards the ground.
Goku - What's wrong your divine powers not looking so wondrous now?
Riser - Bastard!
He forced an explosion of flames but Goku again dodged but something was wrong his eyes shined back to black for a moment then back to silver.
Goku - Damn. I was right this power is almost about to be completely gone.
Riser appeared in front of him as Goku decided enough games as he kneed Riser right in his jaw. Goku then covered his entire arm with the aura as he punched him in the stomach as Riser spat out a huge amount of blood and was pushed far away.
Everyone was still surprised of the power of Goku.
The smoke started to clear as something came out and Goku jumped towards it as he grabbed with what looked like a man with white like armor and white hair.
Goku - It worked. Hey Lucifer take this guy out of here and take him back to heaven!
He threw the Angel as Lucifer teleported him away and now Riser was back to his original human form. Goku started walking towards Riser with his hand filled with energy.
Goku - I wish it wouldn't end like this but you caused this.
Ravel - Please don't hurt him!
Ravel stood in front of Riser as Goku pointed his hand out. With the same glare and this glare made Ravel blush.
Goku - Consider this mercy Riser. I never wanna see your face again.
Goku powered down as his eyes and hair were back to normal. He started flying away but Riser just felt more angry and humiliated and Ravel noticed this.
Ravel - No don't!
Riser - Die and be nothing!
He shot a giant blast of fire and Goku noticed the fire was he got furious and for a moment went to a Kaioken times 6.
Goku - YOU FOOL!
He shot his blast countering Risers and soon the blast started to overpower his and Ravel jumped out the way as Riser let out a scream of fear and the blast soon consumed him and it exploded the moment it consumed his entire body.
Goku looked at the destroyed area with a sad expression seeing he hoped Riser took the opportunity but failed to accept.
Goku landed right behind Ravel as he put his hand on her shoulder and apologized for killing his brother but he had no other choice.
Ravel - I'm sorry and I hope this doesn't bring any bad blood between you and my family.
Goku - No worries. I'll be glad to meet the rest of your family.
Goku smiled and Ravel again blushed as she turned around and the area started to collapse as Lucifer announced Goku as the winner.
Goku then flew up in the sky as he was met with a giant hug from both Akeno and Rias then the others hugged him.
Rias - You saved me Goku thank you.
Goku smiled as he grabbed Rias hands and held them tightly.
Goku - Family never separates.
Lucifer - Congrats on winning.
Goku - Lord Lucifer you shouldn't give your family up because of a cause you think its right. Talk with your family and come to an agreement or if they disagree then respect their wishes.
Lucifer - I understand and apologies again for making you do this Rias.
Rias - It's okay. I got to see Goku at full power and it was pretty amazing.
Akeno summoned a Griffon and told Goku and Rias to head back to the ORC. Goku picked up Rias bridal style and jumped on the Griffon as Akeno told them to not have too much fun and Goku just rolled his eyes and winked.
Goku - I'll see you guys there.
Both were now flying high in the sky as Rias just kept looking at the sky and she smiled as she turned around to Goku.
Rias - Thank you Goku I am so happy. You risked your life for me.
Goku - I do anything if it meant getting you back to us. To me.
Rias instantly got closer as she kissed Goku on his lips and Goku was shocked at first but he then went with the kiss.
Rias - A gift for my knight in shining armor. It was my first kiss.
Goku - Woah. A great kiss.
Both smiled as they made it to
Goku's house but what he didn't know was that Rias decided to live in Goku's house. To his surprise but he didn't mind.
Now a new chapter in their life will begin and it's gonna be fun and strange.
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