
It has been great the past two weeks, Akeno and me have been getting much closer in our relationship and I like her but we aren't officially dating. Rias does get jealous sometimes but she gets satisfied when I give her hugs when she cooks dinner. It's a lot of work when both girls you know and like make you food and dessert. But right now I was training outside my home trying to master Super Saiyan.

Shenron - Now again.

Goku - HAA!!!

Shenron - Not bad you've gotten a better handle to the form and the transformation. It's a good start so let's keep going, try hold the form much longer this time.

Goku - What's the record again?

Shenron opened a book and turned a few pages as he reached the record.

Shenron - 13 hours.

Goku - A whole day is the challenge. So any jobs that we have.

Shenron - Just another contract and joining the others to Issei's house for a meeting.

Goku - Why are we doing that again?

Shenron - Apparently the ORC is being cleaned up so they agreed Iseei's house.

Goku kept doing a few stretches as he stopped and looked at the city that he could see far away from the hills.

Goku - Well any new energ-.......That energy it feels..

Shenron - Yes it feels slightly like divine energy. But it's not pure god energy but more like a demigods or even lower than that but do be careful they may be good in the eyes of the world but they are dangerous to the rest of your friends.

Goku - Strange. These past two weeks we have not even heard or felt anything that could be the warriors you told me about a while ago.

Shenron - They'll come when the time is right.

Goku nodded as he changed into his casual clothing and went to school and it was a pretty boring day but he did notice that Issei and Akeno were in the ORC and something in him just snapped for a second. He knew Issei had a backup plan against Riser but he never knew it would have to have Akeno suck out the Dragon Energy from his left arm.

Goku - This is really frustrating why do I feel slightly angry and annoyed that Akeno is doing this favor for Issei. I know he's a pervert but man it really ticks me in the bad way.

Teacher - Goku!

Goku - Huh? Yeah?

She pointed at the board and I look at my notes and go up on the board and write the answer to the equation.

Teacher - I know your smart but still focus in class young man.

Goku - Yes sorry.

Goku walked out the hallway and he still had the annoying feeling just by thinking of Issei made him slightly angry but it stopped when he saw Asia, Koneko and Kiba together.

Goku - Yo guys. You ready for lunch.

They nodded and all four of them went to lunch and Issei made it in time for lunch as well as Akeno as she got behind Goku.

Akeno - Guess who?

Goku - Let me guess black hair and beautiful lustful eyes.

Goku grabbed her hands and turned around as both laughed and all the jealousy went away as both ate and talked. Goku told Akeno some jokes with her laughing and all he could think about was her smile. Soon after school he waited for her to meet him outside as both walked to Issei's house with a smile.

Rias told everyone their contracts amount as Akeno had 11, Koneko had 10, Kiba had 8 contracts, Asia and Goku had 3 while Issei still had none.

Goku - Man contracts really are hard to finish but man do they make you do weird stuff.

Issei's mother came in and gave a batch of cookies to the group and brought the photo album of Issei. As the girls were laughing at Issei some of the pictures and some thought it was cute.

Goku - She seems like a wonderful mother.

Issei - Like you know!

Goku - It must be nice to have the kindness of a mother.

Issei - You don't have one.

Goku - Not really. I've only known my adopted dad for 2 years but I've never met nor can I remember my real parents. But I try not to worry about it.

Kiba - Hey Issei this picture.

He pointed at a picture of Issei and another child but he wasn't looking at the children. Kiba's eyes were directed to the sword in the photo. But the moment his aura changed it went back to normal.

Kiba - Thanks great pictures man.

Goku - You noticed it?

Shenron - Yes.

The day passed as Goku couldn't get the feeling of what he felt from Kiba but he then got a call from Rias and Akeno to meet a an abandoned area in a warehouse.

Goku put two of his fingers in his head as he focused on Akeno or Rias' energy and used his instant transmission technique as he appeared seconds right beside them.

Goku - Hey.

Akeno - You scared me but maybe I should get closer for comfort~

Goku just gave a small chuckle but he felt the energy in the warehouse it was bad but nothing the others couldn't handle and everyone arrived but Kiba was still in his thoughts.

Rias - Kiba.

Kiba - Yes got it.

Koneko, Issei and Kiba went in to face the monster and Goku stayed outside not really gonna intervene.

However inside the cause of his mind being somewhere else Kiba caused Koneko to get hurt and got attacked but before the stray could attack Kiba, Koneko grabbed it from its arm and threw it out the window as Akeno and Rias finished off the stray. However Kiba unusual behavior didn't go unnoticed by Rias as she slapped him hoping he would finally come to his senses. Kiba however still had the scowl as he walked away but Goku slowly followed behind.

Goku - Kiba. I don't know what's going on but I made a promise we were there for each other.

Goku hid his presence as he followed Kiba from the shadows.

Rias went with Issei and Asia to his house explained about the Holy Sword Project even speaking of Excalibur and how Kiba was the only survivor of the project.

Goku again felt the energies from earlier but one energy got his attention from the direction of Kiba.

Freed - Yoo-hoo. It's great to see you again Pretty boy.

Kiba - Freed.

Freed - You remembered me. I'm glad now I can cut that pretty face with my new friend. EXCALIBUR!

??? - Having a little too much fun aren't you Freed?

Freed - Come on. At least let me slice him open.

Kiba - Who are you?!

The man removed his hood as it was Turles.

Kiba - Goku?

Turles - Wrong. My name is Turles. The one you call "Goku" his real name is Kakarot.

Goku - No my name is Goku.

Turles - It's good to know your stronger because the last fight was boring how about you try to make me use my full power.

Goku powered up to his max as he got in his stance, as all four fighters were in a stand off as both Turles and Goku took to the sky and began their battle.

Kiba and Freed were fighting but Freed easily overpowered Kona's sword even cutting his arm. Freed was about to finish off Kiba but was ordered to leave. Kiba held his arm in pain but he still saw the fight against Goku and Turles.

Goku in Super Saiyan was even stronger and thanks to his training and battle with Riser. His previous power the last time is nothing to what it was before.

Goku punches Turles right in his jaw continuing with a gut punch and punching him again on his face. Turles tried to kick from Goku's right side but Goku just blocked it and slammed Turles down on the ground.

Turles - So you have gotten stronger but can you take this!

He blasted Goku directly as he started laughing believing he defeated Goku. However out of the smoke Goku came in as he slammed his fist right through Turles' stomach.

His eyes widen as he slowly closed them and fell back on the ground lifeless.

Goku - Scum...Kiba! Oh my goodness are you alright?

Kiba nodded still being as silent but Goku wasn't having it.

Goku - Look I may not know what's going on but you can tell me what's wrong?!

Kiba looked at the ground as Goku didn't let up, he grabbed him by his collar giving him a worried stare. Kiba soon started to explain his past and reason why he became a devil as Goku understood him as both went back to his house so he could at least sleep as Goku had Shenron have a close eye on Kiba.


??? - Turles seems to be dead.

??? - He's getting stronger but we'll wait until he decides to join the fight.

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