God of Destruction
It was a nice and sunny day as everyone was back at the school and Goku and Broly were walking together with Broly more irritated than angry.
Broly - Why do I have to go and wear this stupid uniform?!
Goku - It's not so bad plus it could help you blend in if you wanna keep getting stronger.
Broly - I hate you so much more. If I had this dream instead of my death I would have killed you a long time ago.
Goku - Hahaha come on it's not that bad.
Broly - You can't say you rather fight instead of this.
Goku - True but I've gotten used to it.
Both made it to the ORC building and knocked on the door.
Rias - Come in.
Goku and Broly walked in and they noticed Xenovia was wearing the school uniform.
Goku - I see Xenovia is my replacement huh? A good choice.
They smiled and Minako also walked in as she agreed to help Rias but not become a devil. Everyone got back to business and went to school and Broly stayed with Goku most of the time and got irritated for how long the day was going by but he kept it to himself.
Teacher - Okay now Broly please answer the question.
Broly - Crap...I..315?
Teacher - Close but no it's actually 327.
Broly - Damn it.
After class some students were talking about Broly and most of the guys were jealous of him since girls really liked him because of his bad boy attitude.
Broly - I swear if I hear another offer for clubs
Goku smiled confused on why Broly was irritated but he knew Broly was getting adjusted to the new life.
After the school day ended the Issei, Asia, Koneko and Kiba went to a Karaoke bar and Rias and Akeno went shopping while Goku helped Xenovia and Broly get comfortable in his house with Shenron creating more rooms and even having his father's mind slightly altered so he wouldn't question anything.
Goku - Okay Xenovia you can have the room on the left and Broly you can have the room on the right.
Broly - Whatever I'm gonna nap. Call me whenever we get to train.
He went into the room and instantly closed himself from the world as he laid down and actually felt comfortable as he instantly started to sleep.
Xenovia had a few things and Goku helped by lifting many of the heavy stuff.
Xenovia - Goku?
Goku - Yeah what's up?
Xenovia - Do you...do you regret leaving Rias and her peerage?
Goku - I had my doubts but in reality...no I don't. Sure it kinda sucks in a way but either way I don't think it changes anything you know. I can use my Instant Transmission to travel with them and plus I can still be involved with their training and activities. I think the only bad thing are that I no longer get to hang out with my clients but you can take over for me.
Xenovia was a little shocked but she smiled seeing how Goku did feel bad but in the end he was still gonna be there for Rias and the others. She made a decision and she was gonna stick to it. But before she could speak again a knock came from the door as it was Minako.
Minako - Hey Goku sorry to be a bother but can I stay here?
Goku - Of course we have one room left.
Goku helped Minako set up and eventually both Xenovia and Minako went to shop when Rias and Akeno called them. Goku sat in his room as he started working on all the homework he had and even worked on the outside chores he would normally do.
Goku - "phew" man that was nice. Now I can shower and take a nap.
Suddenly he got a notification on his phone as he pulled out his phone and he started to blush when he saw that it was a selfie from Akeno and Rias in their new bikinis.
Quickly he put his phone away as he just kept blushing and he went to the shower and after a quick shower he fell asleep.
The next day Goku woke up a little late and he walked with Broly to the ORC and he entered hearing Rias mad that Issei's main client was actually the leader of the Fallen Angel. Rias even went on to explained that the leaders were gonna have a meeting soon in the living world. She brushed aside and told them that they needed to have some fun. Everyone then went to the back area and saw the dirty school pool.
Issei - Woah what the hell?
Rias - This pool hasn't been used since last year but luckily once we're done cleaning it then we can use it for as much as we want. At least just for a little while.
Broly - Nope.
Goku - Broly.
Broly - I ain't no cleaning maid bitch so fuck that I'm gonna go train somewhere.
??? - Well before anything you both need to come speak to me.
Everyone got on the defensive but they saw nothing not even a sign of who spoke.
??? - You shouldn't worry devils but Goku and Broly should come meet me and trust me your not gonna wanna ignore this.
Goku and Broly looked at each other as they nodded at each other and Shenron told them where he was. Both flew high and before he left Rias called to them.
Rias - Be careful!
Akeno - Don't take too long!
Goku smiled and gave them a thumbs up as both flew to the direction and they landed in the mountain area as they stood back to back searching for the person who spoke but nothing. They couldn't even sense him.
??? - Up here.
Both of them looked up and they saw what looked to be a cat-man. In reality not the strangest thing they've seen.
Goku - Who are you?
Shenron - Goku show some respect. That is the God of Destruction Lord Beerus.
Broly - God of Destruction?
Shenron - One of the most strongest beings in the universe and could easily destroy this planet with just a tap from his foot or his finger.
Both of them were shocked of the power being explained to them.
Goku - Sorry Lord Beerus...it's just a lot has happened and you can't blame us to not be on guard.
Beerus - It's fine besides I knew you before you lost your memories and you were a lot more rude before so it's nice to see a different Goku. But I've come for one reason. Goku. Broly. Both of you will be sent to the Dragon Realm earlier than before.
Goku - Dragon Realm?
Broly - What is that?
Shenron - A void where all the Dragons gather and it can help you get stronger much faster.
Goku - Then why the hell have I been training here if I could have been training over there?!
Shenron - Because your body wasn't ready. I was gonna wait until you were able to unlock Super Saiyan 3 but luckily your battle against Kokabiel pushed you to unlock Ultra Instinct again.
Goku - Ultra Instinct?
Beerus - It's a technique that even the highest gods have difficulty to unlock. It gives off a great aura and it turns your eyes silver. But the power is incredible, the technique allows your body to fight without your thoughts to interrupt your fighting.
Broly - So that's how he beat me so easily.
Shenron - Yes and thanks to that his body is now able to go back to the Dragon Realm and possibly he might be able to relearn his old moves again and even learn new ones. Broly you could also increase your power there with him.
Broly - Shit then what are we waiting for?
Beerus - Calm yourself Saiyan. It still needs time so after a few days I will return and that will tell you that you are ready.
Goku - Thank you Lord Beerus. Now I can train without any worries and possibly learn my past much better.
Beerus smiled as he flew to the sky and in a flash he was gone.
Goku and Broly smiled at each other as Goku used his instant transmission and both made it back just in time as Akeno filled the pool with water.
Goku - Sorry we're late.
Rias - It's good to see you both are okay.
Koneko - Who or what was that?
Broly - The God of Destruction.
Rias - Wait THE God of Destruction Beerus?!
Goku - Yeah. He only showed up to see my progress and to tell us that we are gonna go to the Dragon Realm where we both could get incredibly stronger.
Akeno - That's amazing. But now we should put that out of our mind and have some fun.
Issei and Kiba went in the water as Broly smirked and jumped right in enjoying the water. Goku took off his shirt and before he could go in. He was called by Rias.
Rias - Goku would you mind putting some sunblock on my back?
Goku - Sure.
He grabbed some sunblock and rubbed it all over Rias and Rias would move her body on purpose so Goku would "accidentally" grab her breast.
Goku - Ah! Oh my gosh I am sorry!
Rias - It's fine I don't mind if you get a little handsy~
Goku blushed but Akeno came out of nowhere and hugged Goku's back as she kissed his cheek.
Akeno - Goku~ You know this weather is making me kinda hot so how about we go in the water and cool off?~
Goku was a blushing mess and he instantly was being pulled by an exposed Rias and Akeno who tried to fight over him with him barely escaping both of them.
Goku - Girls come on we came to have fun.
Akeno - But I wanna have my fun with you~
Rias - I got to him first!
Goku - Okay enough!
This scared both of them and even stopped Broly and Issei's game. Koneko, Minako and Asia got a little scared since they rarely see Goku burst out like that.
Goku - Look both of you are amazing but I don't want your friendship to be torn apart by a small rivalry. Now hug and apologize.
Both hugged and Goku walked up to them and gave them both a kiss on the cheek which cheered the girls up and Goku went to leave his phone in his bag.
Akeno - Oh Goku I love it when you take control~ I want you to destroy me tonight~
Goku put his phone back but the door opened revealing Xenovia in their swim suit.
Goku - Oh hey Xenovia where have you been?
Xenovia - I was trying to figure out this swimsuit. What do you think of it?
Goku - It-It looks great.
Xenovia - Goku I wanted to tell you something?
Goku - Yeah?
Xenovia - After watching your battle with Kokabiel and living with you for at least a day I have made the decision. That you will be the father of my children. Now let's begin intercourse to make a baby.
Goku -.......excuse me?
Xenovia - After watching your-.
Goku - No I heard you......What?
Xenovia - You see a baby with your blood and power combined with my genes we would make an incredible baby. Now we should hurry these do take time to be born.
Xenovia removed her bra as she walked forward to Goku and she pushed him to the floor as she got closer to him and both were getting close to kiss with Goku more shocked of what she wanted and what she was doing.
But luckily the door opened revealing Rias, Akeno and Koneko. Goku smiled in relief as he grabbed Xenovia's bra and put it back on her.
Goku - Thank goodness you guys made it. I was about to be a father.
Akeno - Oh it seems someone wanted to repopulate.
Rias - Oh my goodness.
Everyone made it back to the ORC fully dressed and Issei, Kiba, Asia and Broly leave tired of all the activities today.
Goku - Okay well that is all the papers in order now you are all set.
Rias - Thank you Goku. Would you mind accompanying Akeno home?
Goku - Sure.
Goku and Akeno would leave the ORC and the walk was slightly silent. But Goku decided to break the awkward silence.
Goku - Akeno why didn't you tell me you were half Fallen Angel?
Akeno - .......Because I didn't want my past to be brought up and I thought you would have hated me.
Goku - Why would I hate you? You are amazing, strong, kind and beautiful. It doesn't matter what you are I love you the way you are.
Akeno blushed intensely as she heard the words Goku said and wanted to tease him but she did it in a cute way.
Akeno - So....you love me huh?
Goku - .....Yeah....I do.
Both got close as they made it to Akeno's house and Goku just kissed her and she let him enter with both removing their clothes. Goku picked her up and both went to the bedroom and like after the Rating Game both had another amazing night filled with moans and love.
Goku - I love you Akeno.
Akeno - And I love you Goku.
Both kissed and they let their slumber take over as both held each other knowing their relationship just got stronger.
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