Achieving the Impossible
Everyone was shocked to see the new warriors but they were confused to see two Goku's.
??? - Icarus.
The one who had the grey muscle shirt and hair like if Goku was in Super Saiyan powered up as he walked forward and instantly flew towards Cooler passing him and appeared behind him.
Cooler was shocked and looked back to only be punched to the ground.
Hatchiyack tried to attack but Icarus flipped behind him and delivered a hard kick to his face.
Cooler - What the hell?!
Icarus stared at Cooler and moved his direction to Hatchiyack as in instant Hatchiyack disappeared and Icarus just stood there but the other 4 could see and they weren't worried.
??? - You think he's good Akumo?
Akumo - Yeah Icarus is pretty strong plus let's just hope he doesn't get carried away.
Icarus landed a hard punch to his stomach and created a small Ki blast and pressed it to his chest pushing Hatchiyack back and he moved his body down and raised his right leg up hitting Cooler on point.
??? - This is taking too long. Let me just end it.
Akumo - No Tablos. If you fight then you'll kill them. We just need them to get slightly more damaged enough for them to leave.
Icarus did a spin kick to Cooler and blasted him down with several Ki blast. Cooler was down for the count as he returned to his previous form and Hatchiyack tried to come in but he was blasted from behind from Tablos.
Akumo - Tablos!
Tablos - It doesn't matter if we slightly change a bit of the timeline! It isn't ours so it won't matter.
Akumo - Damn it! Fine but finish him off quick.
Tablos smiled as he powered up and cupped his hands to his side. It was the same way like how Goku would do his Kamehameha.
Akeno - That's Goku's move.
Rias - Who are these people?
Tablos powered up with a dark aura covering him as he smiled and shot the blast.
Tablos - Go to hell!
Icarus quickly moved out the way and Hatchiyack took the blast head on.
Hatchiyack was killed and Cooler woke up and he quickly took the chance to retreat while no one was looking.
An explosion was formed which pushed everyone back and even got the attention of Vali.
Tablos - That's how you do it.
The others just sighed but they instantly saw Azazel pushed to the ground and everyone turned their head to the sound of the crash.
Azazel crawled out and smiled as he saw Vali in the sky.
Azazel - You got me. Must be losing my edge. Bad Vali.
Vali - Sorry Azazel things looked more interesting on this side.
Issei - Vali your the one who betrayed us!
Azazel - I can understand but there's something I liked to ask you.
He flew up towards him and Akeno ignored what they were talking about as she ran towards Goku and saw how beat up he was but he was being taken care of by the new five warriors.
Akumo - Jeez...he really does look like us. Huh Tablos?
Tablos didn't respond but he smiled as they picked up Goku and set him down in front of Asia as well for Broly with Xenovia, Akeno and Rias making sure they were okay. However Issei was called out from Vali telling him he was still the weakest dragon ever and Vali revealed his true identity.
Vali - I am Vali Lucifer one of the descendent of the dead Devil kings. But Issei your power is still no where near mine and yet your Saiyan friends can even be more challenging than you.
Issei - Your point?
Vali - You have to try harder. Maybe....if I kill your parents you'll actually could release more power?
His words hit Issei's mind like a brick hitting a human as his eyes grew from rage and Rias looked worried for him and Asia wanted to cry of the thought of the two people who accepted her instantly dying.
Issei - Why should my parents have to die for his damn if I would just sit by and let him take ANYTHING FROM ME!!!
The bracelet in his arm instantly glowed and Issei's power skyrocketed and he transformed into his Balance Breaker.
Issei instantly went for the offensive but Vali just dodged and attacked a few times with Issei coughing out blood. Vali started to divide his power with Issei falling to the ground.
Vali - Last time you were fighting you fought for your friends sake. Does that mean I should kill them before I kill your family?!
He shot two blast one headed for Asia and Gasper but Issei covered them however the other blast was headed towards Akeno. Tablos was gonna counter however someone stopped it before it could even reach her.
Xenovia looked back and saw Goku....but he was gone.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
They all looked as Vali smiled under his armor and out of the smoke was Goku. He was back in action and using Ultra Instinct again.
Vali - The Saiyan God of Legend. You are the most worthy of opponents.
Goku - .......
Issei - Goku he's mine!
Issei went back in the fight with his blade and tried to attack Vali but Vali just pushed him back by kicking him to the ground.
Rias - Issei!
Issei started to get up but Goku spoke up.
Goku - Leave him to me.
He flew up and he glared at Vali with pure anger.
Goku - You dare hurt the women I love. Not just her but all of my my family? Nothing and I mean nothing can tell you how pissed off I am. Your going to pay Vali!
Vali decided to rush in this time but he couldn't land a blow on Goku as he dodged every attack and delivered a fast attack with every dodge.
Vali - heh. Your fast...but that's nothing if your holding back your punches.
Goku knew he was right but he didn't respond and Issei quickly came in again and delivered another punch to Vali's chest breaking him away from his Balance Breaker. A piece of his broken armor fell off with Issei landing in front of it.
Goku - I thought I told you that this guy is mine to handle.
Issei - Sorry but he's pissed me off too so I can't just sit back and let you fight him alone.
Goku smiled and he took a breath as Issei decided to combine Vali's power with his own.
Rias - What is he doing?
Azazel - He's trying to combine the White Dragon's power with his own but the problem with that is that it's so dangerous that he would basically be committing suicide.
??? - While the Saiyan is doing the impossible for most of the highest gods.
Everyone looked back and saw the God of Destruction Lord Beerus.
Sirzechs - My lord.
Beerus - Good to see you all again after the last time I was here. Now your all in for a good show.
Issei screamed in pain however he didn't stop to try and accomplish the impossible. While Goku's body started to glow and his body was emitting an incredible heat with everyone wiping away the sweat they felt. Xenovia could feel the same feeling she felt when she held her Holy Sword. Beerus smiled and everyone could feel the same what Xenovia felt. It wasn't the normal feeling Goku gave off before. This was pure divine energy.
Akumo - Chronoa you feel that?
Chronoa nodded and she looked at the other female who was at awe and all of them were shocked to see this display of power coming from both Issei and Goku.
Vali - This...this is incredible.
Goku's body stopped glowing and like a shell it started to crack and then his energy shattered and revealed his new form.
Beerus - Everyone. You are now witnessing the true mastery. The first ever mortal to ever achieve this. You are now seeing the true Ultra Instinct.
Sirzechs - As well as the combination of the White Dragon and Red Dragon Emperor.
Both slowly walked towards Vali and rushed forward with Issei coming in for an attack but Goku came from behind and delivered an onslaught of powerful blows to Vali's back. He couldn't keep up with them but he started to show more of his power as he divided Goku's power but this didn't matter to Goku as he just kept growing stronger. However Issei wasn't being so lucky and without fully understanding the full capabilities of Vali's power it gave him dire consequences with the bracelet from Azazel running out of power and Issei dropping out of his Balance Breaker.
Vali - It seems we're the only ones having fun.
Goku glared at him and he attacked Vali again but he quickly noticed that he shot a blast of lighting and his eyes widen when he saw that it was about to reach Xenovia, Irina and Minako.
In a blink of an eye Goku flew towards them and behind him was Akumo grabbing onto Xenovia, Tablos holding Irina and Icarus also holding Minako protecting them but Goku slapped away the blast.
Vali - Amazing you really are powerful Son Goku. But relying on those weaklings will make you weak and in war they'll die instantly.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Goku's fist tighten and all four of the warriors stood side by side next to each other as Goku let out a roar of rage with the other's also releasing all of their power and all of them powered up with the female warriors smiling. It was like seeing 4 Goku's in one.
Goku - The truth is I could care less about any war or any battle happening....
Tablos - But if anyone dares to hurt my family...
Akumo - If they dares touch my friends....
Icarus - or kill anyone we care about....
Goku - Even if I see a bit of blood from any of my loved ones then that person...
Together - IS GONNA PAY!!!
A big burst of power came from all four of them as they rushed in at Vali and attacked him from all sides as Goku delivered a hard punch to Vali's face breaking his helmet and Icarus came in with a spinning kick to his stomach making Vali spit out blood but he wasn't done as Tablos came in with a hard elbow to his back and Akumo with a hard uppercut. Vali was sent to the sky with all four of them flying high and powering up a Kamehameha wave and shooting it at Vali with him risking all of his power on defense and dividing as all of them powered down to their base but they still shot the blast.
Together - HAA!!!!!
The blast hit Vali head on and he was trying to push it back but they didn't let up and he crashed onto the ground and used all of his power to cover his chest as he crashed onto the ground and his Balance Breaker was destroyed. Everyone fell to the ground instead of Beerus as they were overwhelmed of the power from all four Saiyans.
Vali crawled out of the crater heavily damaged with Issei smiling and amazed that those four instantly were able to beat him while he could only deal small amounts of damage. Goku walked towards him and picked him up from his shirt and gave him a deadly glare.
Goku - Remember this...never fuck with my family.
He let him go and the barrier broke apart as a man came from the sky and Vali looked at him with confusion.
Vali - Bikou. What are you doing here?
Bikou - We're finally going to fight with the Northern Earth Gods and I was instructed to bring you. Wow my friend you look already beat up.
Vali - I'll heal quick.
Azazel commented on how he was the descendent of the Monkey King and they mistaken him for Goku but they finally got corrected when he was told that the true Monkey King was called Sun Wukong. He disappeared and everything went back to peace with Broly barely starting to wake up.
Broly - (grunt) What time is it?
Goku - Hey buddy you good?
Broly shook his head and stood up as everyone thanked each other for the peace agreement but also thanked Goku for everything he has done for them. Issei even asked Chief Michael to allow Asia and Xenovia to pray again. He smiled and accepted the request as all the kings said their goodbyes to everyone even giving a bow to Lord Beerus.
Beerus - I see you still have trouble Goku but we'll soon fix that. But you have more strange matters to attend to.
He pointed at the 5 Saiyans and Goku got serious as he walked towards them and looked at them with a serious look as they were intimidated and slightly scared but they kept their cool.
Goku - Okay I want answers. Who are you?
Chronoa - Well it's seems better now than later.
Tablos - Yeah.
Akumo - Okay...let us introduce ourselves. My name is Akumo Himejima and the one in red is my twin brother Tablos Himejima.
Icarus - My name is Son Icarus Sunate.
The girls were up as the one with blue and orange gi spoke up first.
Chronoa - My name is Son Chronoa Quarta.
Diana - And my name is Son Diana Gremory.
Together - We are your children.
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