Prologue: The Destruction of Planet Vegeta
Hello and welcome back to The Saiyan of Legend(Redux) and it's time for the moment that forever changed the course of several characters throughout the Dragon Ball timeline, and now we can add Y,N to that small list of characters whose lives were thrown into disarray and confusion when Freiza tossed the Saiyan's away like an old and unwanted toy before ending their lives in one fell swoop. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Planet Vegeta
*The sun was shining in the sky as another day had passed for the Saiyan race, down in the streets below the middle and lower class warriors were enjoying their day with rousing matches of sparring to see who was the superior warrior or were lounging around and practicing their own Ki based abilities on training dummies and rocks. All the while children laughed and played in the streets, creating mischief and having simple childlike fun, not knowing that sooner rather than later they would be forcibly drafted into the Saiyan army and serve under the boot heel of Lord Frieza. Y,N was not one of those children, he was born into a life of wealth and status as he was the 2nd born of King Vegeta and Queen Kayle, sadly his mother had died during his childbirth which resulted in a fracture within the royal family, his father had been inconsolable for months before adopting an even more distant and cold towards both of his sons, while his older brother unleashed his anger and grief in the form of cockiness and arrogance as he pranced around the castle non-stop proclaiming how great he was due to his elite status. Due to that exact cocky nature and holier than thou attitude, King Vegeta preferred the older sibling as his true successor, while Y,N was nothing more than the spare in case Prince Vegeta died during a glorious conquering. Luckily Prince Vegeta was out on a mission alongside his caretaker Nappa, Raditz, and a few other Saiyan's on some planet Lord Frieza wanted them to takeover and slaughter the population. This left the overshadowed younger brother alone with his father which meant Y,N could finally get the training he wanted from his father, sure he didn't lust for battling nor did he wish to slaughter innocent races like his peers, but he wanted to get stronger in order to protect his people and show his father he wasn't a mistake or some kind of spare, he wanted to be equal to his older brother, not be overshadowed by his inflated ego and presence. Little did Y,N know that this day would end in tragedy and his destiny would forever be changed, his entire race would be vaporized in the blink of an eye due to a paranoid intergalactic space tyrant, this was judgement day.*
Y,N: *yawns as he gets out of bed with voices and laughter from the village below softly murmuring into his room* Today's the day Y,N! I can't screw this up, otherwise father will forever see me as brother's less talented spare and I'll be forced to live in my brother's shadow until the day I die.
*Walking over to the closest Y,N pulled out his battle armor, a gift he was given to by his father, really the only gift his father had ever given him and Y,N imagined it had to be begrudgingly or someone else forced him to do it. But Y,N didn't want to dwell over his father's coldhearted nature as today could potentially change his father's outlook upon him, as he didn't want to simply be the eternal #2 nor the lesser of his older brother. And doing well in training today could exactly be what he needed to show his mettle and prove he could be an equal to his prideful and cocky older brother. As Y,N fastened the last pieces of the armor onto his body, he knew this singular day would prove how worthy he was to receive actual training as whenever the younger brother, his father would always reply in a distant or dismissive tone that "Your brother needs the training more" or something along those lines. Whenever his father dismissed him as his brother's lesser in every way that mattered, this lit a fire of determination within Y,N's soul and on this day he would prove he could hang with his brother, if not even surpass him.*
Y,N: *breathes in and out as he exits the room with his battle armor shimmering in the sunlight* Got to make sure I'm on my complete A-Game today, one solitarily slip-up and I'll be forced to forever wander in brother's massive shadow he calls an ego. *smirks* I've prepared for this day, mentally and physically training myself in private while father praised brother for his innate skills and ruthless tactics. Now it's my time to shine and prove to father how powerful of a Saiyan warrior I can truly be!
*Y,N runs down the hall leading into the throne room with the stained glass windows symbolizing important Saiyan moments in history such as accessing the Oozaru transformation, a warrior with glowing golden hair standing atop a rocky outcrop with his fist glowing in the same golden aura with an aggressive demeanor evident on his face, and a lone figure clad in red aura with glowing eyes to name a few. With sunlight from outside reflecting off the stained glass windows beautifully which then further reflected onto Y,N's white armor, basking the young Saiyan in hues of red, blue, brown, and yellow. Finally, Y,N made it to the throne room and walked right in, unaware of the fact his father was meeting with his top generals and warriors about the theory of Frieza destroying their planet, word spread around quickly of Frieza becoming more paranoid about the Super Saiyan legend. However, the king and those higher-up in the social change put little to no stock in these rumors as Lord Frieza had shown no signs of planning a genocide on their race, in fact he showed nothing but respect or at least tolerance for the Saiyan race and the tyrannical ruler had given them so many rewards and gifts in return for their ruthless services. Hell, if it wasn't for the Saiyan race then Frieza would have never gotten access to scouters, sure he had his men refine the prototypes the Saiyan's had stolen from the conquered Planet Tuffle, but they still provided the emperor of the universe with an invaluable tool.*
Y,N: *walks up to his father with a bright smile on his face* Father, I've arrived on time and am ready for today's training!
King Vegeta: *looks what from his war table with a frown on his face* If there's one thing I can find positive about you son, you're always on time. *sneers* Now let's see if your physical prowess and abilities can match up to your punctual sense of time.
Y,N: *nods* I'm more than ready to brave any challenge or task you put in front of me father. I'm ready to learn the ways of being a true Saiyan warrior. I'll prove to you I'm just as good as my brother!
King Vegeta: *scoffs while thinking* I highly doubt this weakling will do that. *chuckles mentally* But let's have him entertain that thought before crushing it into a million little pieces. *speaks aloud with a smirk on his face* We shall see my son, as these lessons will break you physically, mentally, and emotionally. And I truly hope someone of your....emotionally integrity can handle such a brutal beating.
Y,N: Father, I'm sure I can handle any test you place in front of me. I may not be as ruthless or stubborn as brother, but I'll still prove I'm a capable warrior.
King Vegeta: *sneers* We'll see about that, since your brother has shown himself to be a very powerful warrior in training time and time again. He'll one day be a very powerful and proud warrior of the Saiyan race and inevitably he'll be king of this planet long after I'm dead. *coughs* Now it's time to see if you'll join him as a powerful...or at least average warrior on the battlefield, or be nothing but a footnote in the pages of history.
Y,N: *smiles* Like I said father, I'm prepared for any task or challenge you put me up against! I'll prove my worthiness to you even if it means fighting the most powerful person on this planet!
King Vegeta: *chuckles* That's the spirit son, but let's see if you actually mean what you say. *looks over to the generals and elite warriors who nod before turning back to their hushed conversation, before wrapping his arm around Y,N and walking him out of the throne room* And since I'm personally busy dealing with royal matters and your brother isn't on the planet right now due to Lord Frieza's orders, I'll have to pair you against someone weaker than the "strongest person on the planet".
Y,N: *nods* I understand father. Everyone must be busy on missions or relaxing from said missions.
King Vegeta: Exactly my son, that's why I have no other choice but to put you up against someone or in this case something much weaker. *thinks* That and I didn't even schedule anyone to spar with you. *mentally chuckles* Honestly, I forgot about the half-hearted promise I gave you and this is simply my attempt at half-assing my way through till the finish line. That and those rumors of Freiza coming to destroy our race have me more worried than potentially angering my younger son off.
*Y,N and King Vegeta walk out into the lavish and elaborate courtyard with some guards saluting or bowing towards the royal family as they walked by. The courtyard itself was filled with stone and even some marble and gold statues of kings and great warriors past. Y,N's ancestors stood ever-vigilant watch over the planet and its people, giving the population silent advice and serving as beacons of days gone by for the current generation of fierce, bloodthirsty warriors. As the king and his younger son walked past the old kings and great warriors of old who defined and shaped the planet to its current glory one stuck out to Y,N the most, it was enamoring and peculiar. Unlike the other statues that had fine, almost lifelike detail craved onto them, the one at the very end didn't. It was simply a figure basked in a bright red aura, with his eyes glowing a fierce yellow while the rest of his body was masked by the same intense red energy, not many knew who this figure was but he was a heavily important figure in Saiyan culture, yet his true name was lost to the sands of time, people only remembering him as the "Super Saiyan God". Finally, the king had walked his son over to a large area in the back of the courtyard, filled with targets to practice Ki blasts on, rocks and punching bags to work on physical strength, and even a miniature obstacle course to work on one's speed and stamina. All the while the courtyard overlooked the plethora of Saiyan villages below and like that the king gave his son a pat on the shoulder.*
King Vegeta: Good luck on your first day of training son. When you think you're ready to face actual opponents, simply yell for one of the guards and they'll assist in your training. *thinks as he walks away* I doubt the pipsqueak would last thirty seconds against an actual opponent. *sigh* And to think he's the product from my loins, he'll never be a great warrior like Prince Vegeta but at least Y,N will make a great spare....or maybe a Saiyan shield. *smirks as he walks back down the hallway with the guards once more bowing towards the king* But I'll at least give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being, he's enthusiastic I'll give him that. *as he once more opens the door to his throne room with it loudly squeaking open, which alerts the other Saiyan general and warriors to the king's presence he thinks* But then again weaklings don't belong on the battlefield and most certainly will never survive on one, no matter how enthusiastic or joyful they are.
Saiyan Warrior: *bows before the returning king* My lord our scouts report that Frieza has an entire legion coming to destroy Vegeta!
King Vegeta: *raises his eyebrow* My son, the planet, or me?
Saiyan Warrior: Yes!
King Vegeta: *blasts the Saiyan warrior into a wall, knocking him out* Smartass. *coughs* Anyway we must prepare all of our warriors, regardless if they're able or not. The safety and protection of this planet is our top priority, and with all of the Saiyan's returning from their missions we'll have enough manpower to resist against Freiza's legion.
Saiyan General: And what will you do my liege during the struggle?
King Vegeta: I'll board Freiza's ship and attempt to communicate with him.
Saiyan General: But my liege, that's suicide! We all know how angry and unwilling Lord Freiza is! He'll kill you without a second thought!
King Vegeta: *nods* Yes, that's a possibility. However, it would be foolhardy to attack Freiza's forces due to their technology and higher numbers. Which means if we could potentially show Freiza our true loyalty and willingness to his cause, we could deescalate tensions and show we're still worthy of being apart of his empire.
Saiyan General #2: Not to mention Frieza's own power dwarfs our own at least a hundred times, if not more. It would be completely suicidal to take the first shot, especially if these rumors are false.
Saiyan General: That sounds insane my liege! I say we go and kill the bastard while we have the chance! Especially when he's been doing nothing but drag us around from planet to planet without even reaping most of the rewards! Our pride is more important than facts and our raw power will surely cut through Frieza like tissue paper!
King Vegeta: *blasts a hole into the general's chest with blood spitting out of his mouth as he crumbles to the floor* Anymore objections to my plan? *the general screams out in pain* Oh don't be such a coward general! Be glad I merely shot you in the chest, I didn't even aim for any vital organs.
Saiyan General: *screams out as guards drag him down to the infirmary* T-T-Thank you my liege!
King Vegeta: *sighs before continuing as the general is dragged out* I agree, without our pride we are nothing. But when it comes to someone as ruthless and remorseless as Freiza we have to take things carefully, lest he destroys all of us without another thought. I hate to say it, but if he arrives we'll be backed into a corner as we'll have lost all of our advantages and the only thing we can do is talk to him. *a chorus of gasps fill the room* I know that's hard to believe, but in this scenario it's best to be careful, even if we all loathe it beyond comprehension. *balls his hand into a fist* I certainly do.
*While the king and his subordinates laid out their plan against the potentially arriving intergalactic tyrant, with all of them being afraid to fight said tyrant head-on as his power eclipsed all of theirs a hundred times over at bare minimum, which constantly set them back to square one over and over again. Meanwhile Y,N was throwing Ki blasts at a target, granted some were missing the target completely, but some actually managed to hit the target and some were even making it into the bullseyes! Y,N sighed as he realized his father wasn't here to give him an approving nod or even a hug, even if the latter was a complete pipe-dream, meanwhile his father continued to lather praise onto Prince Vegeta, his brother truly got everything handed to him on a silver platter, and while Y,N did receive some things on a silver platter due to his royal blood, he didn't get half the praise and respect his brother had received. This bubbling rage within Y,N's soul was slowly rising to the surface and his Ki blasts were soon turning into Ki volleys as he began releasing several at a time. No one was witnessing this event as everyone was busy dwelling over the Frieza situation, yet if anyone were in the courtyard they would hear the sound of enraged yelling and the sound of Ki blasts being fired off at a rapid pace, and even if anyone did happen to be out there at the time they wouldn't believe Prince Y,N to be the cause of the noise. Yet, causing noise he was and the 2nd born was unleashing all of his rage into those blasts and the more enraged he got over being the family's black sheep, the more intense his firing got.*
Y,N: *thinks* Brother thinks he's better than everyone! Always blindly ordering around others and even me! Demeaning me whenever het gets the chance! I'll prove to him and father I'm just as capable of a fighter! If not better than both of them!
*Due to this rage building up, Y,N's Ki blasts began getting stronger. The once sizable blasts the size of roughly a baseball were getting bigger and bigger, soon enough growing to the size of a Saiyan's head. These thoughts of rage were empowering Y,N and allowing him to travel further within himself to gain more power. Yet, the 2nd born didn't notice this as his mind was currently lost within the sea of rage, but who could blame the younger brother for being upset at his older sibling? Prince Vegeta had everything he could possibly every want such as being heir, admiration, training, and the right attitude, meanwhile Y,N had barely anything and was labeled as the black sheep of the royal family. Constantly people would whisper behind his back and doubt he was even of true Vegeta lineage due to how radically different he was from his more traditionally proud and fight-happy father and brother. The only person to ever truly support Y,N was his mother and even that was short-lived as he only knew her for the briefest of moments before she passed.*
Y,N: *yells within his mind* I will prove myself! I'm not the black sheep! Just because I don't act like my father and brother doesn't mean I'm weaker or lesser than either of them!
*As Y.N continues to rage within his own mind, little did he know that his eyes were glowing a much more tealish blue rather than his normal colored eyes which set him apart from his peers. Yet, he didn't pay attention to his shift in eye color as his mind was simply oozing rage at this point and nothing short of someone yelling at him or an explosion would rock him out of this enraged state. However, if anyone were watching the 2nd born training as he launched blast after blast of Ki at the completely vaporized target, they would notice had this hair had some golden to it, Y,N was on the precipice of fulfilling an ancient prophecy that his people talked about in hushed whispers or shared around the campfire. But, just as he was about to burst through his own personal ceiling and give his planet the fighting chance it needed, he breathed a sigh as all of his rage was burned out for the time being, the golden accents in his hair retreated and his eyes returned to their normal blue color, with his breathing jagged and his hands red from the volley of Ki blasts he kept launching at the now non-existent target. with some of the Ki blast barrage even indenting into the wall supporting the targets.*
Y,N: *huffs as he falls down to his knees due to his legs giving out from the stress and pain* Did I *huff* did I really just do all of that damage? *puffs* Damn if I had know I could cause that much damage, I would have simply thought of how much my father and brother are pretentious assholes months ago. *smiles as his panting continues* That'll sure.....That'll sure impress father! Finally, I could achieve the training I want and prove that I'm not simply brother's spare! *looks over to the hole in the wall he made and gulps* I really hope no one sees that.
*Y,N then walks over to the punching bag as he carefully stepped backwards from the gaping hole in the wall where a target once stood, hopefully no one would notice his plunder. Because if anyone did notice a sizable hole in the wall where there was none originally, it could all be traced back to him and he would either be praised or yelled at by his father, one being a better alternative to the other. Yet, pushing all of that to the side he refocused his efforts onto the punching bag in the corner of the training area, which was on the opposite side of target practice. At first Y,N's strikes weren't making the bag budge an inch, as while Y,N did train in secret it was mainly focused upon Ki abilities and battlefield tactics, he wanted to save raw physical strength for when his father taught him. Since that faithful day never came to fruition this meant Y,N was lacking in the physical department and therefore it felt like he was doing more damage to himself than the punching bag in the front of him.*
Y,N: *thinks as his fist and knuckles are turning bright red from the punches* Come on Y,N, you can do this! Just imagine this punching bag to be your worst enemy!
*As Y,N thought of who his "worst enemy" was soon enough the punching bag materialized into his older brother, with that cocky and prideful smirk plastered all over his face. Suddenly a low growl was coming from Y,N as those enraged thoughts bubbled back to the surface and while he loved his brother because he was family, even he had to admit he would happily clean Vegeta's clock if given the chance. Yet, in reality he never could due to his brother being on another level of power compared to him, but Y,N hoped in time he could be at least an equal to his prideful brother and not be labeled as some kind of lesser or even worse, a mistake. But, with a warrior's scream Y,N launched his fist towards his brother's smug face and with the force of rage behind the 2nd born, he managed to punch the bag a good few feet back, sure it hurt his hand like hell once he had regained his senses and he nearly let out a yelp of pain, but he was happy that he had actually managed to move the punching bag during his first training session. However, due to Y,N being helplessly transfixed into a temporary state of rage, he would of saw how his hand glowed in the same golden Ki that the silhouette in the stained glass window had. But, before he could see or even notice, the power fled back within himself.*
Y,N: *looks around and sighs* If only father was around to see that... I'm sure he would have been impressed, due to him labeling me as a weakling in the past.
*Y,N considered moving onto the obstacle course but he could already feel his body getting sore and it tinged all over, it almost felt like his entire body would fall apart if he kept his training go for any longer. So he left the area and called it day, as he had spent who knows how long training by himself which did upset the poor lad to some degree, even though the soreness of his body was becoming a challenging contender to overriding his disappointment. But, Y,N remained optimistic that his father would eventually come around and accept him as his brother's equal, after all said brother wouldn't be back from his mission for another few months at the most, which meant Y,N had the sole attention of his father once he was done finishing his "personal royal duties", whatever that meant. However, this would be the last time he ever saw his father, or well any of his race minus the three he would encounter much later, because a certain emperor of the universe was nearing the planet, his mind burning with paranoia and fear due to the Super Saiyan legend. All Y,N could do was watch from his window as yelling began to break out and hundreds of Saiyan warriors flew into upwards into space to personally deal with the threat coming to kill them all.*
Y,N: *hears all the yelling coming from his window, as he steps out of the shower* I wonder what's all the yelling and screaming about? *Y,N then falls off his feet as shaking and quaking begins to rumble throughout the planet, sending all of its population into a fright, Y,N slides underneath his desk as the entire castle begins to shake and rumble, almost like the entire stricture was coming down* What's happening!? Where's father?!
Frieza POV, Location: Above Planet Vegeta
Frieza: *stares at the restrained body of King Vegeta* Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho look at this Zarbon, an idiotic and proud king who thought he could win a battle against the all-powerful Lord Frieza! I would find it hilarious if it didn't infuriate me. These monkeys certainly have a bad case of disrespect towards the hand that feeds them!
Zarbon: *nods* I agree my lord, they all deserve to be punished for their actions. I recommend punishment by whipping Lord Frieza~
Frieza: Zarbon that's ridiculous! *smirks evilly* I have a much better and simplier plan to keep these Saiyan's in check. Permanently.
Zarbon: I apologize for speaking out of turn Lord Frieza, but sir is this really necessary? Sure the Saiyan's are barbarians but their strength is invaluable. Perhaps there's a better solutions besides adding their planet to the long list of worlds you've destroyed.
Frieza: *says in a mocking tone* What a wonderful idea Zarbon! Why don't you go down there right now and attempt to communicate with the savage monkeys! Perhaps they'll be merciful and merely rip you apart limb from limb! *shakes his head* No, all of these Saiyan's rebelled and revolted against my rule and for that we need to make an example of them. Otherwise other planets in my empire could become brave and attempt to follow in these monkeys footsteps! *thinks with a grin* That and I'll finally be able to put that stupid "Super Saiyan" myth to bed! I won't allow any stupid monkey to outclass me!
Zarbon: *gasps* Well, I suppose you know best my lord.
Frieza: *smiles sinisterly* Look at all of those lost sheep waiting for the good news from their king. *in a mocking tone* Oh it warms my heart to see such blind loyalty, such a pity that it's severely misplaced. *laughs as he flies out within his flying chair* Goodbye monkeys! I would say it was a pleasure having you dutifully serve underneath my boot, but it wasn't! *he raises up a single finger on his right hand, laughing all the while as the ball of energy grows bigger and bigger before he flicks it with his finger, causing it to shoot towards the planet and the group of both his men and the Saiyan scum caught in the crossfire.*
*All the Saiyan's, including a certain father wearing a red bandana all get absorbed into the attack and all the Saiyan's both in space and on the planet could do was watch in horror as they collectively witnessed their final moments alive before the inevitable explosions happened. And came it did, a loud boom surrounded the vacuum of nothingness as the screams of millions were heard before suddenly being silenced by a giant ball of death. Frieza loved seeing races squirm and run around in fear before ultimately dying, but this, this would hold a special place in his black heart as finally he had gotten rid of the monkeys on his back and put an end to that preposterous "Super Saiyan" legend once and for all. That's what those stupid monkeys get for trying to revolt against the mighty Lord Frieza, emperor of the universe!*
Frieza: *laughs as he retracts back into his ship with the wide eyes of King Vegeta who was thrashing against his restraints and screaming his stupid money head off* Oh, that was stupendous oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! *turns to face Zarbon* Now Zarbon, be a good subordinate and release King Vegeta.
Zarbon: Are you sure Lord Frieza? He could attempt to attack you like the savage he is.
Frieza: *chuckles* I admire your concern Zarbon, but don't worry. If this monkey even dares to attack me. *his voice grows deadly* He'll sincerely regret it by me unleashing my vengeance upon his son.
Zarbon: Whatever you wish my lord. *unshackles King Vegeta who falls to the floor in a crumbled heap due to the beating he sustained from Zarbon and Frieza's men*
Frieza: *laughs* Oh this must be my birthday! Because the once mighty and proud King Vegeta is crawling around my ship like the monkey he is! *smiles* But at least you're where you belong "King" Vegeta! On your hands and knees in front of your superior!
Zarbon: I apologize to interrupt Lord Frieza but what do you want me to do with the remaining Saiyan's who were off-planet at the time?
Frieza: Don't worry Zarbon, we'll deal with those stranglers soon enough. Right now *he steps on King Vegeta's hand making the once mighty king scream in pain* I want to have fun tearing "King" Vegeta apart like ribbons!
King Vegeta: *mumbles something, yet it's hardly heard due to blood pouring down his lips*
Zarbon: Lord Frieza, I believe the monkey is trying to speak.
Frieza: *smirks looking in King Vegeta's eyes, and seeing nothing but pain and loss* You're correct Zarbon. He is attempting to speak, but the seer amount of pain and loss, alongside the pool of blood dripping from his lips, is keeping his words slurred. I love to see in people bow beneath me in despair or sadness, it's rather poetic to witness the defeat of a foe happen right in front of your eyes. *sighs* But, sense you're no longer fun or useful to keep around monkey now's the time for pure torture to end, consider me.....merciful "King" Vegeta. I would love tearing you to ribbons *smirks sinisterly* but I have to tell your son what's transpired to his people and his dear old daddy. *Frieza shoots a bright red and purple laser from his fingertip, completely impaling King Vegeta and causing blood to shoot out of his mouth and onto the floor below, before he slumps against the wall he was using to keep himself from topping over, his eyes swimming in and out of vision before they shut forever, the last thing the once mighty and proud king of Saiyan's saw was Frieza's smug grin as he watched his death.*
Frieza: I do wish you enjoyed the fireworks King Vegeta, after all *smirks and chuckles looking down at this dead corpse* they were to die for. *turns to Zarbon with a grimace on his face* Now Zarbon, I know Prince Vegeta survived the destruction of this miserable planet and I want my best soldiers to hunt him down right now! That's why I'm personally sending you on this mission, you better find that little monkey brat and bring him back here. Otherwise you'll find yourself on the unemployment line.
Zarbon: *bows while a single drop of sweat adores his slightly worried face* Your will, shall be done lord Frieza. That brat, wherever he be located will be found and brought to you. Even if he must be brought with force and crawling on his hands and knee's like the monkey he truly is.
Frieza: I appreciate the gesture, but I would rather he be brought back without demeaning him.
Zarbon: But why my lord? Don't you hate the Saiyan's want and them humiliated and demeaned at all costs?
Frieza: *nods* Yes I do Zarbon, however Prince Vegeta still has his uses. Which means he shall be treated normally for the time being, as I don't want him or his fellow surviving monkeys to learn what has transpired on this day. *yells* So go find Prince Vegeta now! Otherwise I'll replace you with someone who can!
Zarbon: *salutes* Yes my lord! *runs out the room with sweat dripping down his due to fear* I have to find Prince Vegeta, otherwise Lord Frieza will have my ass....and not in a good way~
Frieza: *yells* Can I have someone come in here and clean up the monkey blood? I hate to have the stained blood of a monkey seeping onto my floor!
*Little did Frieza or any of his men know, that two more Saiyan's had managed to survive the destruction of Planet Vegeta. First was a little baby called Kakarot, sent away from his doomed planet by his mother and father he would send land on the planet Earth and would be adopted by an sweet and king elder man known as Gohan, from there the newly named Goku would go on many great adventures, make friends, make plenty of enemies, and would become the most powerful entity on the planet after dealing with the original King Piccolo. Meanwhile, another Saiyan managed to survive, Prince Y,N, the 2nd born of King Vegeta had also been whisked away moments before the planet's destruction. Yet, not by a pod or even by another Saiyan, no godly intervention was required in order to make sure the ancient prophecy would be fulfilled, and to that end the Supreme Kai of the 7th Universe, alongside the lord of lords of the entire Multiverse, allowed an exception to be made in order for the god and angel of Universe 7 to intervene and save Y,N's life from immediate destruction. Of course Universe seven's god of destruction didn't want to have a Saiyan running around on his planet and learning his techniques, but once Zeno got involved, the almighty and terrifying Beerus folded immediately.*
Y,N POV, Location: ????
Y,N: *blinks his eyes before squinting them shut again due to the bright light of the sun* Where.....Where am I?
???: *a gruff and disinterested voice cuts through* You're on my planet, Saiyan.
??? #2: *a more whimsical and jovial voice also cuts through the blinding sea of light* Now, now my lord. I highly doubt that's the proper way to treat a guest.
???: You know I hate this Whis! So there's no point in sugarcoating the obvious!
Whis: Yes, Lord Beerus. I know. But we could at least be kind to our newest....and so far, only guest. *chuckles* After all Lord Beerus, he will be staying with us for an extended period of time.
Beerus: *growls* Don't remind me Whis! It's bad enough we had to save him from his planet getting destroyed! Now we have to both keep him here and train him for the next 2 decades!
Whis: *shrugs* It could be worse.
Beerus: How could this possibly be any worse?!
Whis: *chuckles* It could be your brother staying for 2 decades Lord Beerus.
Beerus: *a bead of sweat drops down his face* Ok, I'll give you that one Whis. But that's still doesn't mean I'll enjoy this Whis! Not until this mere child learns how to become the Super Saiyan God!
Whis: He will in due time my lord, but first he has to go through the ropes of basic fighting and Ki manipulation, before then heading into intermediate techniques and abilities, before finally learning Super Saiyan. And only then shall we focus upon unlocking Super Saiyan God.
Y,N: *says in a confused voice* What's....What's going on? Where's my father? My brother? My people?
Beerus: Well sorry to tell you Saiyan, but your entire race has been wiped out by Frieza. That insane bastard actually did it and wiped out every last Saiyan except for you and possibly a few stranglers that weren't on planet during its destruction.
Y,N: *looks down...or what he assumes to be down with tears falling down his cheeks* Everyone I know is gone. *sniffles* Everything I know has perished. *cries with more tears falling down his face*
Beerus: *yawns in boredom* Well, when you're a God of Destruction you don't grow attachments to anyone or anything, because you'll always outlive them. *yawns once more* Anyway, take care of the kid Whis and make sure he's properly trained when I wake up in the decade. *mumbles as he walks away* I can't believe my sleep schedule has been thrown into ruins simply because I have to make sure some damn Saiyan kid is properly trained and ready to fight.
Whis: Will do Lord Beerus, by the time you wake up I can assure you he will have learned Super Saiyan by then!
Beerus: *says in a disinterested voice* Yeah, yeah you have fun doing that. *yawn* I'm off to go take my nap.
Y,N: *blinks his eyes once more and finally get to see what Whis looks like* Um....H-Hello? I-I'm Prince Y,N.....*sniffles* or well formerly Prince Y,N.
Whis: *smirks* Greetings young one, I'm Whis. The personal trainer and attendant to Universe seven's God of Destruction.
Y,N: God of Destruction?
Whis: *laughs* I forgot your father never taught you about the cosmic hierarchy of the universe! I guess I'll have to give you some history lessons alongside our training.
Y,N: *nods with some more sniffles* Ok, Mr. Whis. I won't fail you!
Whis: I hope not, otherwise Lord Beerus will be severely displeased. *whispers* And to be honest with you that was him when he wasn't grumpy from being woken up. Just imagine what he'll be like when he wakes up in a decade.
Y,N: *gulps* That isn't good Mr. Whis.
Whis: Not one bit. That's why I'm here to teach you everything you need to know before facing off against Lord Beerus in 10 years. But, be warned as this training will be grueling and will not only break your body, but potentially your mind and spirit as well.
Y,N: *breathes in and out, momentarily considering his options before saying in a determined voice* I won't fail you Mr. Whis! I'll take on whatever challenge or task you throw in front of me!
Whis: Great! *laughs* At least you're enthusiastic for the grueling trials ahead. I hope you keep that enthusiasm intact once we get to the actual challenges.
*The screen fades to black as Whis takes Y,N, formerly the Prince of all Saiyan's to his new quarters so he can get some rest before the grueling and brutal training will begin. Over the course of the flowing ten years Y,N will shatter his potential ceiling over and over again, as when Beerus wakes up, the Saiyan will be fighting to entertain the God of Destruction, which means surviving against a force of pure destruction. Y,N's rage over the lose of his planet will have to be his fuel into transforming into the mythical Super Saiyan, otherwise he'll be fodder for the God of Destruction Will Y,N be able to survive his first encounter with Beerus? Or will the bored God of Destruction be forced to end Y,N's training, and his life, in the blink of a Hakai? Find out in the next chapter of The Saiyan of Legend(Redux)!*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this Prologue chapter and are hyped for the next chapter which takes 10 years into the future and will have Super Saiyan 2 Y,N face off against the almighty and terrifying God of Destruction, Beerus. With the chapter after that focusing upon Y,N and Whis' training which helps unlock the former's final transformation before arriving on Earth, Super Saiyan 3. I hope all of you enjoy the new backstory I'm giving to Y,N's training as I felt that part was lacking in the original so the next two or three chapters will solely be Y,N's journey to becoming the powerhouse he is during the Android Saga, so I hope you're all prepared to join his journey from a weakling to becoming one of the most powerful entities in the Multiverse. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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