Chapter 4: Destination Earth!
Hello and welcome back to The Saiyan of Legend(Redux) and finally it's time for us to link back up with the original story's pace, however I hope all of you enjoyed the new backdrop of information and detail that was Y,N training on Beerus' Planet, after all it was something that was sorely missing from the original release. But now it's finally time to launch off to Earth and help protect the planet from all the threats, enemies, and monsters who wish to do it harm. Additionally stay tuned as the next update will be for the Prologue chapter for The Badass of Arcadia Bay! Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Beerus' Planet(1 year later)
*Y,N couldn't help but grin to himself as today was finally the day he was traveling off to planet Earth, the planet in question was one of the very few words deciphered by the Grand Priest, which meant it was Whis and Beerus' job to teach and train him everything he needed to know before being launched off into the unknown. In fact, due to his outstanding proficiency in the techniques and lessons he was being taught, Beerus had decided to give him a gift, a positive gift that Y,N would forever cherish. This gift turned out to be the weapon now strapped to his back, a sword that would become more powerful with the more Ki it absorbed in active combat. Besides the blade he now wielded, Y,N couldn't help but think of the harsh training the angel and god of destruction placed him through as, Y,N was put through brutal, soul crushing training that any lesser entity would had perished from and along the way he learned many useful techniques, tactics and battle strategies that would aid him in the future. As Y,N walked down the barren yet majestic hallways of Beerus' palace for the final time, with a case containing his blue Gi in hand, he couldn't help but feel thankful for the opporunity he was given, after all if he wasn't rescued, trained, and raised by Beerus and Whis, then he would have died on his doomed planet alongside the rest of his race. Now all Y,N could really wish for was that some other members of his race had managed to avoid Planet Vegeta's fiery destruction, most important his older brother. As while Y,N didn't have the greatest relationship with his older brother, he still wished to know that he was alive and safe, he just hoped that his older brother wasn't working under the harsh iron fist of the intergalactic tyrant known as Frieza, the bastard who destroyed Y,N's entire planet and drove his race into the single digits. Yet, before Y,N could think about the atrocities of that bastard Frieza and the possibility of finding his older brother or any other Saiyan's out there, he exited the palace and headed out wards the lakeside area, the area in which he would be sent off to planet Earth so he could uncover further understanding of this prophecy and protect the planet from enemies and threats from across the universe. To see him off, Beerus and Whis both stood next to the lake, Whis having the same neutral smile plastered on his face, meanwhile Beerus, with his hands being folded and a yawn escaping from his mouth, was clearly upset from being awoken again as his general presence was filled with nothing but grumpiness and anger.*
Y,N: *nods and bows, before standing up to meet the duo's stare* Lord Beerus, Whis, it truly has been a pleasure learning from underneath both of you. I will never forget the lessons I've learned, the techniques I was taught, and the memories I made here.
Beerus: *yawns* How sentimental and sappy of you Y,N. *sighs* But, even though I will admit, even if it pains me to do so, on a small level I will miss your presence as well.
Whis: *mockingly gasps* Oh my! The almighty and all-feared Lord Beerus actually admits he'll miss someone! How scandalous ho-ho-ho!
Beerus: *turns and yells at Whis* It's not like that at all Whis! I'm simply stating I'll miss the brat's presence due to him mooching on my planet for 2 decades! *huffs and faces Y,N once more* In fact, once you leave Y,N, I can't wait to finally take my long overdue nap!
Y,N: *smirks* Now that's the Beerus I know.
Beerus: Damn right! Now I can finally get back on track with my sleep schedule! Do you know how miserable it's been for me having to constantly wake up and fall back asleep!
Whis: *chuckles* Oh-ho-ho, you do realize mortals do that all the time my lord?
Beerus: Well there's a massive difference between myself and your average mortal!
Y,N: *laughs* I knew you could never change....father. Especially when it regards your precious sleeping habits.
Beerus: *growls lowly* What did I tell you about that Y,N!? Never call me "father"! We have no familial bond!
Y,N: *shrugs playfully* I don't know why I can't, you practically raised me for a majority of my life!
Whis: He is right my lord. You indeed have raised him every since he was 8 years old, even if you were asleep for most of the time.
Beerus: *turns back to Whis* Then that means if anything, you should be the damn brat's father Whis!
Whis: *smiles* I would claim such a title if I could my lord, however I've already taken the title of "uncle". Therefore I can't become Y,N's father since I already fill a familial position within the family.
Beerus: *sighs in defeat* We'll talk about this later Whis. *turns back to Y,N* Anyway, brat it's almost time for you to leave on your grand prophecy adventure. *rolls his eyes* I still don't understand it but I have no right arguing against the Grand Priest, so we, or more accurately Whis, will provide you with a near instantaneous transport to Earth.
Whis: *nods* The travel is much faster than any average Saiyan pod or spaceship. In fact once we had departed, we should be at Earth within only 5-10 minutes.
Y,N: I can't believe I'm already departing for Earth, it felt like it was just a week ago when I was first brought to this planet.
Whis: *smiles* Time flies when you're thoroughly enjoying your training and practicing your newfound techniques. *chuckles* Plus the lack of clocks anywhere besides Lord Beerus' chambers does mean telling time is rather difficult.
Beerus: *turns towards the lake* Goodbye brat. It was quite the enjoyable experience getting to teach you some of my techniques and some battlefield tactics. *narrows his eyes* Make sure they don't go to waste.
Whis: *laughs* Oh-ho-ho-ho you should feel honored Y,N, as that's the biggest compliment you'll possibly ever receive from Lord Beerus.
Y,N: We all know father *Beerus lowly growls in the background* isn't one for compliments....or positive comments in general.
*While Y,N was talking, Beerus simply stares into the reflective crystal blue water of the lake, with a mixture of emotions running throughout his being, one familiar to him and others.....either completely foreign or emotions he hardly ever felt. On one hand he was happy that the Saiyan brat that he and Whis had been training for two decades was finally leaving, as his sleep schedule could finally return to normal nor would he have to worry about caring for anyone besides himself. Yet, on the other hand, a small part of Beerus would certainly miss the Saiyan, in some ways the god of destruction had become accustomed to the third occupant of the planet and no longer seeing him run down the halls with excitement and determination in his eyes would be bizarre. A small smile tugged at the edges of Beerus' mouth as he remembered some of the more positive moments of Y,N's stay, and there was quite a numerous amount to recall, yet the most impressive was when Y,N was battling the god of destruction while in his Super Saiyan 2 transformations. Yet, Beerus then slammed down an iron-clad will, while his small smile turned into a frown, and stopped looking at these cheerful past memories as he couldn't have anyone, especially Y,N, know that he was actually happy having the brat around, raising and teaching him everything he needed to know before throwing him out into the grand expanse of the universe.*
Beerus: *frowns* Just get going Y,N. I have an important sleeping schedule I must be getting back to. And every single you stand here and chat with us, the longer I have to postpone it.
Y,N: *rolls his eyes* You and that precious sleeping schedule of yours father. It seems like you value your personal catnaps over anything else, including the stability of the universe.
Beerus: *yells* Well! You can't help stabilize the universe when you're sleepy! Otherwise there's no telling what consequences could potentially transpire!
Y,N: *chuckles* Whatever you use to justify your important naps father.
Beerus: *grits his teeth* If you weren't important to this ancient prophecy I would destroy you without a second thought.
Whis: Now with all of that being said, shall we get going Y,N?
Y,N: *nods* Let's. Goodbye father, hopefully we can see one another again in the foreseeable future.
Beerus: If we do ever meet anything, I hope you're powerful enough to give me a better battle. As even with your most powerful transformation, you still haven't cracked anything beyond 55% of my full power!
Y,N: *his eyes burn with determination* I assure you father, if we do ever encounter one another or if I call Whis to transport me back here for a visit, I will be stronger than I am right now.
Whis: *smirks, with an embarrassed bead of sweat rolling down his forehead* Of course! I nearly forgot that if you require a sparring match to test your newfound power or simply wish to chat about your Earth experiences, simply yell for me and I'll arrive within a few minutes to bring you back to the planet.
Y,N: Will do uncle.
Whis: Now we really should be going. We're not on any kind of schedule, however the sooner we arrive on Earth, the quicker you can cultivate yourself in Earth society.
Y,N: Then let's get going uncle! I can't wait to experience the delights of Earth!
Whis: Enthusiasm will serve you well Y,N, however don't let it cloud your judgement. Otherwise something could easily get the drop on you.
Y,N: Don't worry uncle, once we get to Earth my guards will be higher. Right now they're simply lowered since I feel comfortable on this planet and the people who reside upon it.
Beerus: Hmph. Perhaps I've been going too easy on you if you consider this place "comfortable" and "cozy".
Whis: Well the Grand Priest wouldn't want the warrior from the ancient prophecy to live in some kind of uncomfortable and miserable squallier.
Y,N: *waves* See you around father.
Beerus: Goodbye brat. Good luck on defending that speck of dirt from all the enemies who wish to conquer or destroy it. *shrugs* No idea why they would want to destroy or conquer that singular speck of dirt, but who am I to question the lowered rational of mortals?
Y,N: *grabs ahold of Whis' left shoulder* Time to begin the next step of my adventure. I can't wait to kick ass, eat plenty of delicious food, *blushes* and possibly even find a girlfriend.
Whis: *smirks* Well there are plenty of females on Earth. You're bound to find at least that'll become your blushing bride.
Beerus: *yawns* Finally, I can return to my normal sleep schedule. *narrows his eyes* one day Y,N, once I awake from my slumber we will fight again and our battle will be legendary. *whispers as he walks back towards the palace* You better give it your absolute all when we do battle, Super Saiyan God.
*Whis and Y,N shot up past the planet's atmosphere and then completely vanished from eyesight in a flash of rainbow light and were on their way towards the planet known as Earth, the planet was destined to be filled with chaos, anarchy, destruction, and strife via the words of the ancient prophecy. Zooming past several planets, stars, and even constellations as they did so, Y,N couldn't but be amazed by the rapidly passing beauties of space. Yet, Y,N couldn't wait as there was plenty of exciting and unknown adventures that were going to be made on that singular planet. There was potential delicious food, the copious amounts of enemies and threats he would be fighting against, a vast array of beautiful ecosystems to walk around and swim in, and of course plenty of sexy women that inhabited the planet. Perhaps, he could even find his missing older brother on this planet, or at least a clue or piece of information that confirmed he was still alive out in the universe. But, as the planets whizzed by and the stars twinkled before they too vanished due to their ridiculous speed, Y,N decided to strike up another conversation with his uncle figure. After all, there was nothing interesting besides the momentary distraction of rapidly appearing and then disappearing planets, stars, constellations, and even the occasional black hole, since besides those temporary distractions he and Whis were simply traveling down a giant corridor of bright white light.*
Y,N: So uncle do you believe I'll be able to find any information regarding the whereabouts of my older brother on planet Earth?
Whis: *smirks* I was hoping to keep this information safe-guarded until we finally arrived on Earth, in order to create the perfect dramatic twist, but your older brother is living on the planet as we speak.
Y,N: *his eyes widen* What?! Really! My older brother is truly alive!
Whis: *nods* Yes he is. Alongside 3 other Saiyan's and a singular half-Saiyan.
Y,N: My brother's mated?!
Whis: *shakes his head* No. The half-Saiyan is known as Gohan, and his father is a pure-blooded Saiyan named Goku otherwise known as the Saiyan Kakarot.
Y,N: And he doesn't go by his Saiyan name why?
Whis: He suffered a terrible accident on the head when he was younger, that permanently changed his personality from ruthless and aggressive to happy-go-lucky and kind.
Y,N: Tell me uncle, what has my older brother been doing ever since the incident that obliterated our planet and eliminated most of our race transpired?
Whis: *grimaces* I won't lie to you Y,N, your older brother until recently was working underneath the cruel fist of Lord Frieza.
Y,N: *frowns, while curling his free hand into a fist* Really?! The one thing I didn't want to happen, happens and I couldn't do a damn thing to stop it!
Whis: Well it wasn't your fault. Frieza lied to Vegeta and his men, telling them that Planet Vegeta was destroyed by a barrage of meteors. Add on the fact if they disobeyed, they would be callously murdered and tossed aside by Frieza, which meant the remaining Saiyan's decided to become grunts of Frieza. Your brother was one such Saiyan.
Y,N: *sighs* I guess that makes sense, however I'll be sure to give him a punch on the face for deciding to remain loyal to Frieza for as long as he did.
Whis: With your pure hatred for Frieza, I knew there would be no other option. Just make sure you don't beat him up or kill him, after all he's one of the very few remaining Saiyan's in the universe and having a training partner will help your own power grow in spades.
Y,N: I would never dream of killing another Saiyan, let alone my own brother. *chuckles* And if anything he's most likely to initiate a battle between the two of us, not the other way round.
Whis: That is true. As I've been keeping an eye on your older brother for awhile now and with his prideful personality, it leads him into countless danger and causes him to start battles against opponents.
Y,N: At least he had the power to back it up right?
Whis: *frowns* Yes and no. Your older brother lost to Goku and nearly died. From there he traveled to Namek to become immortal and managed to kill Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, and 4/5's of the Ginyu Force.
Y,N: *whistles* My brother killing a majority of the Ginyu Force! I'm impressed.
Whis: Sadly, he fell in battle against Frieza once the tyrant had transformed into his final form. *Y,N gasps* However, don't fret as he was soon revived by the dragon balls and ever since then he's been residing on Earth.
Y,N: Regardless of who my brother has become, it'll be nice seeing him.....even if that emotion most likely won't be reciprocated.
Whis: I can guarantee he won't be cheerful seeing you. At least not in the way you're hoping him to be, in fact he'll probably challenge you to establish his dominance over this newfound Saiyan.
Y,N: *shakes his head in disdain* Such a barbaric way of doing things. I thought such practices would have been obliterated alongside our planet. As with our race in the singular digits, we should be working with one another to help restart it, not still trying to establish dominance and use the old class system.
Whis: I agree. However, most of the remaining Saiyan's still wish to use the old class system to determine who's the apex. *chuckles* And even though your older brother outranks everyone, he's only the second strongest after his rival Son Goku beat him once during his invasion of Earth and later on Namek Goku managed to achieve the legendary Super Saiyan form of your people.
Y,N: *raises his eyebrow* And let me guess, this Goku managed to defeat Frieza.
Whis: *nods* Yes, Son Goku managed to halt Frieza. However, the tyrant came back in a mechanical form alongside his father to try and ravage Earth. However, he was stopped once more by the Z-Fighters and was slain alongside his father and a fraction of his forces.
Y,N: Jeez, it seems like my brother and this Goku person have been through a lot. Possibly even more than myself!
Whis: Through their multiple battles and adventures they've seen and battled a lot. More often than not have this had led to entire planets and races being destroyed in terms of your brother, meanwhile planets and races being defended and spared in terms of Son Goku. *smirks* Son Goku and Vegeta, honestly they're two sides of the same coin.
*During the entire conversation regarding Vegeta, Son Goku, Frieza, and the entire Saiyan race as a whole, planets and stars rapidly moved past the duo as they raced towards Earth. Y,N was thankful for this entire conversation as otherwise he would have been bored out of this mind as he stared down a long, empty, and blank white tunnel of light. In fact it provided a lot of insight upon his brother and his actions ever since their planet was destroyed by the intergalactic tyrant, while he may never be able to forgive his older brother for giving into Frieza's rule, he understood why Vegeta didn't rebel or fight back. Yet, right as the conversation was beginning to die down and eventually the only noise was the sound of "whoosing!", Whis noticed that they were close to Earth and should be arriving within their designated location within the next minute. After a few more seconds had pasted, they had zoomed into Earth's atmosphere and landed in a barren wasteland, with their column of light leaving behind a giant scorch mark in the rocky outcrop of land. Their entrance to Earth's atmosphere wasn't unnoticed however, since their rainbow column of light that was used as their transported was visible in the sky, and that lead to many people gasping, gawking, and pointing at the pillar of rainbow light that appeared and then in a few more seconds, completely cut off and disappeared. This weird phenomena had captured the attention of a certain green-skinned Namekian who was in front of a waterfall while also mediating in the air. At first the serene sound of the water crashing against the rocks below and the gentle hum of the wind helped with the meditation, yet all of that was quickly tossed aside as the huge flux of Ki had suddenly arose from a nearby wasteland.*
Namekian: *his eyes snap open from the huge abundance of Ki that had just landed on the planet* What the hell! With such a prominent power like that, I better inform Goku and the others. *takes off towards Goku's house and thinks with a neutral expression on his face* I hope this entity isn't a foe as his power completely dwarfs the likes of Frieza!
*Yet, the Namekian wasn't the only person who had sensed the huge spike of Ki as several others had also picked up on the huge abundance of Ki beginning to surge within one specific area. At a prominent location called "Capsule Corp" Vegeta, the older brother of Y,N, and his two subordinates who he originally invaded Earth with had also felt the massive spike of Ki. All three Saiyan's were amazed by the pure power that was surging within that one area and all three knew it has to be a fellow Saiyan, as hardly any other being in the galaxy could preform such a feat. But, what frazzled the three Saiyan's even further was how the Ki kept seemingly rising, it kept growing more potent, and it kept skyrocketing past their previous assumptions, before it finally stopped and stagnated at a high level that everyone who could sense Ki could lock onto. Vegeta and his two subordinates were completely speechless, with the other two Saiyan's having their jaws wide open, while Vegeta turned towards the railing and folded his arms, with a clear frown evident on his face. After all, the Prince of all Saiyan's was already dealing with being the 2nd strongest to that buffoon Kakarot, but now not only that purple-haired boy from the future shown up, but now another Saiyan! Vegeta couldn't believe it, but somehow he had turned into the 4th strongest Saiyan in only a matter of seconds! And he couldn't let that slide as he let out a roar of rage! Yet, little did he know, a certain blue-haired female was eavesdropping on the conversation from the living room that connected to the balcony, as she was also intrigued about what had gotten Vegeta thrown into such a fit.*
????: *swishes some hair behind their back* Woah! That's a huge abundance of Ki in a wasteland not far from here! His power is immeasurable!
????#2: *smirks* What should we do, Vegeta? After all with such a large amount of Ki, it could be another Saiyan! *their eyes widened* His power level is well beyond 375,000 Raditz's!
????: *eyes widen* 375,000 Raditz's! That's.....That's impossible!
Vegeta: *frowns, with his arms folded* Shut it you two! We all know power levels are nothing but crap anyway! *narrows his eyes* Kakarot, his gang of friends, and ourselves have proved that time and time again!
????#2: Well you aren't wrong there Vegeta! *chuckles* I remember all of the shenanigans on Planet Namek like they were yesterday!
Vegeta: *a small smirk graces his face* Regardless, such an abundance of Ki could only be the result of a fellow Saiyan, *smirks* and therefore as three of the four pure-blooded Saiyan's currently residing upon this planet, we should offer this fellow Saiyan a "warm welcome".
????#2: *laughs* Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! I like your sense of humor Vegeta! We'll give this little squirt a welcome he'll never forget!
????: *sighs* Are you sure we should be doing this Vegeta? We should be connecting and reforming the Saiyan race, not cause more derision within it!
????#2: *frowns* Don't be such a downer Ginger! We just want to go say hello to this new Saiyan visitor and let him know his place underneath Vegeta! *thinks* I just hope he doesn't ruin my face, that potential modeling career isn't over yet!
Ginger: Be honest with yourself Nappa, you just to wish to continue your ass-kissing towards Vegeta due to him sparring your life in that wasteland all those years ago!
Nappa: *growls* That's not true Ginger! I'm loyal towards Vegeta due to me being entrusted to protect and guard him from all threats!
Vegeta: *yells, stopping their argument* Enough arguing! We're going to investigate this huge presence of Ki and if it's a Saiyan then I'll personally fight him! And neither of you are going to stop or interrupt us, do you understand! *thinks with a sneer* Nappa must never know that I only spared his life so he could be a meat shield!
Ginger/Nappa: Yes, Vegeta.
*The three Saiyan's take off in the direction of the massive presence of Ki, with Vegeta clearly determined to show whoever this Saiyan was, who exactly was going to be calling the shots around here. And even though he wasn't superior power-wise to that fool Kakarot, he still outranked that bastard in terms of rank and social standing! Which meant as long as he was the Prince of all Saiyan's, that meant he was Kakarot's superior in some form or fashion, and it would only be a matter of time until he, Prince Vegeta, unlocked the Super Saiyan transformation and became the most powerful Saiyan in existence! Meanwhile, the green-skinned Namekian was had arrived at Son Goku's house to warn him of this huge presence of Ki, yet as the Saiyan rasied on Earth opened the door, while clad in his iconic orange-Gi, he confirmed to have already felt the huge abundance of Ki from his home in the mountains, and with a nod both of them had taken off towards the wasteland that was playing host to this powerful fighter, with Goku's son, Gohan tagging along. Thankfully Goku's wife wasn't home at the time due to her getting groceries and other materials for the house, otherwise she would have certainly thrown a fit about her precious baby-boy leaving to investigate this new entity. Finally, the blue-haired female who had seen Vegeta and his two fellow Saiyan's fly off towards where the pillar of rainbow light had landed, had decided to quickly hop into a Capsule Corp vehicle and follow them. After all, she didn't want to be left out of the action as she wanted to see who was behind this huge abundance of Ki energy. Meanwhile, Y,N was looking around and squinting from the bright light of the sun, he couldn't believe this was Earth, it was so barren and lifeless, with only rocks to tell their was an actual ecosystem in effect.*
Y,N: *looks around in confusion* This is Earth uncle? It's so.....lifeless and dull! This can't be the beautiful planet I was originally told about! *thinks, with a bead of sweat rolling down his face* Unless we went so fast that we somehow traveled into the future of this planet!
Whis: *chuckles* Well Y,N this is simply a tiny sliver of the entire planet! We just landed in a part known as the Wastelands because it would be a good location to avoid preying eyes and ears. After all, there's billions of people living on this planet and having any stranger see us land here would certainly raise hundreds, if not thousands of questions!
Y,N: *nods* That does make sense uncle. Wise decision, as alerting the locals to our presence immediately would cause mass paranoia.
Whis: Which is why I've taken us to a place that millions of eyes won't be peering at us. *smiles* But, now I must be going. After all, leaving Lord Beerus alone for any extended amount of time is a horrible idea!
Y,N: *chuckles* Yes, I know. Last time we left him alone, he nearly burnt the entire palace down trying to make himself lunch!
Whis: *smirks* Which is why I must be departing right now Y,N. I wish you the best of luck in your adventure, and if you ever wish to come home for some sparring or a simply chat just yell out my name and I'll arrive. *overdramatizes some sniffles* They grow up so fast!
Y,N: *laughs* Get going uncle!
Whis: See you around Y,N! *in a joking tone* Be sure to send space letters and cards to tell me how Earth life is treating you!
Y,N: *nods, as Whis leaves in a brilliant flash of rainbow light* I will uncle!
*Y,N turns back around and after a few seconds, three milky white trails of Ki energy appear from over the horizon and Y,N smirked as he realized this must be the welcome wagon. Yet, what surprised him the most was that as he closed his eyes and sensed their Ki, he soon figured out they were Saiyan's! They soon landed only a few feet away from Y,N, with the one in the middle folding his arms and looking towards him with a prideful sneer, while being flanked by a female Saiyan and a massive brute of a Saiyan with the only hair on his face being the moustache he had, and judging by their attire the middle Saiyan was an elite while his two friends were middle-class warriors. The female Saiyan on the middle Saiyan's left stared at him with a neutral expression, with her midnight black hair trailing down towards the bottom of her back, meanwhile she had curves in all of the right places, yet she also possessed enough muscle to land quite the blow in fights. Meanwhile the massive brute of a Saiyan on the middle Saiyan's right stared at him with a clear battle-ready smirk, however his Ki wasn't in any kind of offensive mode and he looked at the clear leader of this group before looking back at Y,N. Finally, the leader of the group looked exactly like his father, widow's peak and all, but he was a tad bit shorter. Y,N smirked as he realized this was his older brother, this was Vegeta, and clearly from his presence he possessed the same exact pride and ego personality traits he had when he was a mere child.*
Vegeta: *smirks* So you're the reason behind this huge spike in Ki aren't you?
Y,N: *nods* That would be me Vegeta.
Vegeta: *chuckles* Oh! So my legacy and power proceeds me!
Y,N: I know plenty about you Prince Vegeta, *his gaze turns serious* including the destruction of many planets and your slaughter of billions throughout the entire galaxy!
Nappa: Wow! He does know us, Vegeta! *laughs* The kid's clearly kept up with his homework!
Vegeta: *yells at his subordinate* Shut up Nappa!
Nappa: *a bead of sweat washed down his face* Yes, Vegeta!
Vegeta: *turns back to Y,N* As I was saying, my reputation proceeds me! Now tell me, who are you?
Y,N: *thinks, before coming up with a fake name* My name is Totoma! I was on a scouting mission when Planet Vegeta was destroyed by that vicious bastard Frieza!
Nappa: *cuts into the conversation* And what class rank were you?
Y,N: *sighs* Elite.
Ginger: *raises her eyebrow* Then where's your armor?
Y,N: Destroyed during the mission. That's why I'm wearing the civilian clothes you see before you.
Vegeta: Tch. Personally I don't give a damn about your backstory Totamo. Your personal strife and hardship means nothing to me! *balls his hand into a fist* All I really wish is to challenge you and see how powerful you truly are! As I won't have another Saiyan, even a fellow Elite, becoming more powerful than me, Prince Vegeta!
Ginger: *laughs* And what do you consider Kakarot then? An ultra-elite? After all, he's more powerful than you Vegeta!
Vegeta: *yells at Ginger* Shut up woman! You're ruining the intimidation I'm trying to build!
Y,N: *smirks* Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not intimidated or frightened in the slightest.
Nappa: *his eyes widen* You're not intimated by the mighty power of Vegeta!
Y,N: Why should I be intimated by someone who's smaller than me.....and is suffering from a horrible case of his hair receding already!
Vegeta: *his left eye begins to twitch* What did you just say?!
Y,N: *smirks* You heard my very well Prince Vegeta. Why should I be frightened of someone smaller than me or is already suffering from a horrible case of his hair receding!
Vegeta: *whispers* You're dead.....
Ginger: *facepalms* Oh Kami damnit! You triggered him! Why did you have to go and trigger him! He's a massive asshole when he's triggered!
Y,N: *shrugs* Trust me I didn't want to, but I wish for this to be a fair fight.
Vegeta: *yells as he charges up his Ki* You're dead!
Y,N: *places his hands into his pockets, actively taunting Vegeta* I'm right here Prince. Hit me with your best shot!
*Vegeta released a loud roar of rage as his milky white Ki flared up even further, apparently he was hoping Y,N would be frightened or at least intimidated by his impressive display of power, yet Y,N wasn't scared in the slightest due to his power outshining Vegeta's at bare minimum, 100 times over. Y,N smirked as he would make this a challenge, he wouldn't go into Super Saiyan 1, 2, or 3 for the entire duration of this battle and he would limit himself to only being slightly above Vegeta's current power output. Y,N wished to keep this upcoming battle going for as long as possible as he didn't wish to crush his older brother in only a few seconds nor did he wish to lose to his older brother, he would pretend to give Vegeta a legitimate chance before ripping it away at the last second. Y,N chuckled mentally as finally he would be getting that revenge he had silently wished for ever since the first day their father had trained the younger brother. Now, the brothers, even though one didn't know his brother was staring him directly in the face at the moment, stared at one another with nothing but fiery determination, and rage in the case of Vegeta, in their onyx eyes. All the while, Ginger and Nappa stared on with wonder and amazement in their eyes as feeling the power output of Vegeta and "Totamo" was incredible! And if they, that purple-haired boy from the future, and Kakarot could achieve such power, then they could as well!*
Vegeta: *grits his teeth* You dare taunt me!
Y,N: *smirks* I dare.
Vegeta: *yells* Then prepare to face the consequences of pissing off the Prince of all Saiyan's!
Y,N: *mumbles* Trust me, I've seen far worse rage before....
*The screen fades to black as Vegeta launches himself right at Y,N, while cocking his fist back to strike his younger brother directly in his cheek, all the while Y,N simply smirks and stares at the rapidly rushing form of Vegeta and let's out a simple chuckle before countering Vegeta's attempt at punching him and slipping underneath his form, which sent Vegeta crashing into the rocky flooring as his momentum carried him. Nappa and Ginger were both gawking at this since someone besides Kakarot easily countered and re-directed Prince Vegeta's attack, yet both knew this was a quick way of pissing the prince off and both instinctively took a few steps back from the rising action. Meanwhile, the blue-haired female known as Bulma alongside Piccolo, Goku, and Gohan were rushing towards the huge spike of Ki, in which the latter three could also feel the power level of Vegeta rising rapidly, which combined alongside the other entity's power level completely drowned out both Ginger and Nappa's power levels. Y,N and Vegeta stared one another down, glaring at one another, yet while Vegeta had a prideful sneer evident on his face, Y,N had a playful smirk, after all this was all going to be one massive exciting sparring match for him, even if Vegeta treated this like a life-or-death situation, yet that was clearly Vegeta's pride talking in spades. Finally, Whis who had returned to Beerus' planet was keeping a watchful eye on this growing fight and he couldn't help but smirk and shake his head as already Y,N had found himself the center of attention on the planet and was already engaged in a fight.*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed the chapter and are hyped for the next one which features the battle between brothers, the battle between the prideful Vegeta and the humble Y,N, their past's couldn't be anymore different as Y,N was taught underneath the god of destruction and angel attendant of this universe, while Vegeta continued to be a begrudging minion underneath the tyrannical Frieza! This'll certainly be a battle that'll leave this wasteland scarred(luckily there's plenty of them lying around), and bones broken! And will the appearance of Piccolo, Goku, and Gohan potentially change anything about the outcome of the fight or how the fight plays out? We'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happens in this titanic battle of brothers! Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers! You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter!
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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