Chapter 3: Angelic Duel
Hello and welcome back to The Saiyan of Legend(Redux) and at long last it's time for Y,N's final lesson, minus perfecting the Hakai technique and uncovering the secret behind the "Super Saiyan God". This lesson will be the most daunting and difficult out of all the techniques Y,N's learned, the enemies he's battled, and the lessons he's learned from the previous 2 decades he's been living on Beerus' Planet. Y,N must put everything he's learned and mastered into full use as his final battle before leaving for Earth is against the mentor who started it all, Y,N must go one-on-one with Whis so that the angel can thoroughly gauge Y,N's current power. Additionally stay tuned as this week we're going to publish as many updates as we possibly can with Yang's Lemon Chapter for Wrapped Reality, a double feature update for The Badass of Arcadia Bay, the next chapter for Welcome to the Clone Wars, the next chapter for this very story, and the next chapter of The Cyberized Twins of Remnant being the lucky winners. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX, and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Beerus' Planet(5 years later)
*Y,N gritted his teeth as he was casually preforming his daily exercise routine, said routine first began with 5,000 one-finger push-ups, followed by some jogging around the planet, swimming 500 laps in the lake, and finally some Ki blasting target practice. Ever since Y,N had successfully managed to survive the dangers and abomination lurking within Null Space, and unlocked a brand new transformation to boot, he had been training almost every night and day to perfect his techniques. This included the Saiyan prince's brand new form he dubbed "Super Saiyan 3", which was more powerful than both of the previous Super Saiyan forms combined and this edged Y,N closer to Lord Beerus' power, even though the gap in-between the two was still massive! Yet, Y,N noticed one huge problem the moment he used the form outside of Null Space, a flaw that nearly made Y,N shelve the transformation entirely. The form consumed and guzzled through his Ki like it was a man dying of thirst, which meant Y,N could only stay in the form for only a few minutes before he was forced to revert back into Super Saiyan 1 or 2. This major flaw infuriated Y,N as the form was outright useless due to it consuming his Ki at a rapid pace. However, his wise mentor/uncle figure Whis had informed Y,N that this "Super Saiyan 3" he had achieved was in its imperfect state, and the huge consummation of Ki was strictly due to this transformation not being mastered. From there onwards Y,N mainly spent his time mastering the Super Saiyan 3 form, and even though it took him nearly 3 and a half years of trial and error, Y,N finally managed to perfect the form and within this perfected state, the Ki drain was barely noticeable.*
Y,N: *sweat beads down his forehead and drips onto the grass below* 4,996........*breathes in and out*.....4,997.........4,998........4,999.....Ngh!.........5,000! Done! *smiles* Now onto the next part of my exercise!
*Y,N backflips up to his feet with sweat pouring down like almost like a mini-waterfall, nothing started the day better than exercising, it got the heart pumping and the Saiyan blood rushing through his veins. Plus, Y,N needed to be in perfect condition for when he made the long journey to the planet Earth to begin his prophecy in full and protect the planet from any threat's or vile scum that meant to do the planet or its population harm. Yet, such an adventure would have to wait for awhile longer as Y,N hadn't been given the all clear by Whis or Beerus to make the travel to Earth, especially when Whis told Y,N "he wasn't ready" due to the Saiyan's training not fully being complete yet. Such news had made Y,N groan, yet he couldn't complain with either Whis or Beerus' decision as there's was final, after all they let him into their humble abode and taught him techniques and abilities other mortals would only dare to dream. Meaning he wouldn't go behind their backs and head to Earth before he was ready, otherwise he would face a wrath that wouldn't be worth betraying their trust. This left Y,N to further enhance his physical strength and his wealth of techniques that he had at his disposal, all of which would help him in future battles, all the while he patiently awaited the day where he would receive his supposed "final lesson" from Whis before he was finally then able to travel to Earth and begin his mission. The unpredictability of whenever Whis would decide for this final lesson to take place always kept Y,N on pins and needles, especially when the angel of Universe 7 was notorious for doing things on a whim.*
Y,N: *chuckles as he walks towards the lakeside* I guess that's simply one of uncle Whis' many charms.
*Y,N sighed and looked up towards the beautiful morning sky with nothing but the sound of nearly silent wind fluttering through the air. It was peaceful days like these that made Y,N feel homesick of his deceased planet and his fractured family, as even though Y,N didn't have the best relationship with his family, he still dearly missed his father, brother, and his entire race. Yet, Y,N knew merely dreaming about his home would never bring it back from it's fiery implosion and instead of dwelling over the traumatic past he suffered, he should instead look towards the unknown and carve himself into the tomes of the future. Back when he first unlocked Super Saiyan via watching an endless loop of Frieza destroying his planet over and over again from a multitude of different angels and perspectives, Y,N dedicated all of his future success' and achievements to his fallen race. His planet's and race's loss would only serve to further empower him, their destruction would never be in vain as Y,N continued to get stronger and wiser through his teachings by Whis and occasionally Beerus, whenever the lazy, gluttonous cat decided to wake up from his naps. The thought's of his deceased planet soon brought Y,N's thoughts to his brother, Vegeta, he and his egoistical and prideful brother never fully saw eye-to-eye, but Y,N knew his brother cared about him on some kind of positive level, he just never expressed it. Thankfully, his brother wasn't on their home planet during it's extinction due to being on a conquering mission with Nappa and a few other low and mid class Saiyan's, which meant his brother could stood be out somewhere in the galaxy alive and well.*
Y,N: *smiles fondly as he stares into his reflection within the water* I wonder if I'll ever get to encounter him again. *balls his hand into a fist* Hopefully he's not still working underneath that diminutive, narcissistic bastard Frieza!
Whis: *smiles mysteriously as he walks up from behind Y,N* I see you're already here Y,N. Fantastic! We can begin today's lesson bright and early oh-ho-ho!
*With the sudden shock of Whis' appearance, Y,N's eyes bug out in fright and he jumps forward as all of the nerves in his body were operating at once, with no regard for who was talking to him or where he was going. Due to this, Y,N jumped forward in order to whirl around and see who had interrupted him out of his daydreaming, yet what the Saiyan prince didn't account for was the lake he was facing. Feeling the weightlessness beneath his feet as he stared at Whis, Y,N's face flushed red with embarrassment as he fell into the lake and make a sizable splash that reverberated the water around him, causing ripples to break out near his splash, and the impact of the splash sent some of the water rocketing back up towards land. As Y,N floated back to the surface, he narrowed his eyes at Whis and had a frown on his face, much to the angel's laughter.*
Y,N: *growls lowly* Grrrr......Damnit uncle Whis! Why can't you announce your presence like a normal person! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
Whis: *laughs* Oh-ho-ho! I do apologize for your watery accident. However, you should have been more aware of your surroundings rather than daydreaming. You know a cheap opponent will use any advantage they're given, even if said advantage is before a battle even starts!
Y,N: *sighs as the water ripples around him* I know uncle, I know. You've told me that exact piece of advice so many times that it's become ingrained in my head by this point!
Whis: *smirks* That's because it's good advice to retain. Not every opponent will fight fairly and with honor Y,N, they'll use cheap tactics like low blows, poison's, and seduction to gain an advantage. It's important to understand when you can lower your guard and enjoy life, and when it's best to be on your on-guard against a wily opponent.
Y,N: *shakes his head* You make it sound easy uncle Whis.
Whis: *chuckles* Perhaps it comes more natural to myself, since me and my fellow angelic siblings all exist within a state that allows us to subconsciously evade attacks without even needing to acknowledge them!
Y,N: *eyes widen as he climbs out of the lake* Wait!? Really! Such a transformation exists!
Whis: *frowns lightly* Not a transformation, more of a technique or state of being.
Y,N: Uncle Whis, what's the name of this technique?
Whis: *chuckles* Since you're curious, the name of this technique is Autonomous Ultra Instinct. When you're in said state your body acts separately from your brain and thoughts, which means you can attack and defend against an opponent without even needing to think of preforming the moves yourself.
*The entire area goes silent once Whis had given his explanation of Autonomous Ultra Instinct. Once the final few words had finished leaving the angel's mouth, Y,N was extremely excited for how this form would be used in combat and his brain was going into overdrive thinking of all the potential combat applications, as everything would be easy if his body attacked and defended on its own. That sort of instinctual input was something that Y,N had found intriguing as he wouldn't need to carefully plot out and think about all of his potential moves he could use in a specific scenario or the thousands of possible counterattacks or combo's he could follow up with, his body would remotely operate itself and push forward with the offensive or fall back with the defensive all by itself. Such a technique would disgust a Saiyan warrior beyond all else, yet within Y,N's mind this sounded like the most astounding thing he had heard in years and this was something he desperately needed to know more about before practicing and achieving Autonomous Ultra Instinct. Then right before Whis' eyes, Y,N's silent demeanor from processing his words soon turned into a fit of excitement and happiness as the Saiyan prince needed to know more about this hard-to-achieve technique and how he could learn it.*
Y,N: *smiles brightly, while happily bouncing on the tips of his heels and excitement twinkling in his eyes* Awesome! How do I learn such a technique!? *thinks* Just imagine all of the possible combat applications! It would be limitless!
Whis: *laughs, as he sees Y,N bounding with energy and excitement at this revelation* Oh-ho-ho! While I love the enthusiasm Y,N, mastering, let alone accessing Autonomous Ultra Instinct is a journey that takes decades, even centuries! Most Gods of Destruction haven't even unlocked the technique themselves! *frowns* From that alone, you should understand how difficult it is to achieve Autonomous Ultra Instinct.
Y,N: *raises his fist up into the air with clear determination, with the bright smile still on his face* No matter how much I have to train or how many years of my life I spend in pursuit of it, I wish to learn Autonomous Ultra Instinct!
Whis: *smirks* Hmm. Perhaps in the future we can begin your training towards the long journey that is achieving Autonomous Ultra Instinct. However, for right now it's time for your final lesson before you leave for planet Earth.
Y,N: *nods* What is today's lesson uncle Whis? Am I battling against several horde's of powerful enemies? Am I surviving on a barren, unhabituated planet for several months? Sending me back into Null Space to battle more abominations and deadly beasts?
Whis: *smiles* None of the above. For your final lesson, you'll simply be battling against myself. I wish to gauge how powerful you truly are now, and if I find your power to be acceptable or even above my expectations you can finally begin your mission to Earth. *frowns* However, if I find your power to be unacceptable or even abhorrent, than myself and Lord Beerus will be very displeased.
Y,N: *gulps, before his eyes then glow with the fire of determination* I promise uncle Whis, my power isn't anywhere near abhorrent or pathetic! The training I've received from you and Beerus has raised my power to unimaginable heights that I never would have achieved without your guidance and teachings! *yells, which flares up his milky white Ki* How about we start this little spar here and now?
Whis: I hope you give it your absolute all Y,N. As you'll need to use everything you've mastered and learned from me and Lord Beerus teachings to stand a chance.
Y,N: *smirks, while gets into a fighting stance* I'm ready when you are uncle.
Whis: I'll let you have the first move Y,N.
Y,N: *laughs* Ha! Your mistake uncle Whis!
Whis: *grins* Such unadulterated confidence like that won't help you in a battle.
Y,N: *smirks cockily* Then good thing this isn't your ordinary battle.
Whis: Just have to make sure none of your attacks have the unfortunate side effect of waking up Lord Beerus! If they did.....well let's just say you've never seen Lord Beerus when he's been woken up prematurely.
Y,N: *thinks, with a bead of sweat dropping down his face* And I here thought Beerus was a heavy sleeper!
Beerus: *snores in his sleep* ZZZZZZ........Super Saiyan God.......ZZZZZZZ.......Fight me........ZZZZZZZ.........Finally......ZZZZZ.....A worthy opponent......
*Y,N grinned as he yelled and began transforming into Super Saiyan 2, after all he didn't need to go all out right away and revealing all of his cards to Whis. As he yelled and charged up his Ki, which caused a large column of white light to shoot up towards the heavens, Y,N's aura slowly transformed from a milky white to a bright golden color, with his hair becoming spiker somehow, with said iconic onyx black Saiyan hair turning into a bright golden color. As the roaring continued and the clouds began shifting away due to the sheer pressure and power Y,N was excluding, his normally onyx eyes shifted into a tealish color and his muscles began bulking up due to the power of Super Saiyan 2, everything was becoming more defined and slimmer, yet the muscles themselves still contained pure power within them. Finally, the bright golden column of light receded and the blinding golden aura Y,N was enveloped in died down alongside it, revealing Y,N in his powerful Super Saiyan 2 form, with the blue lightning crackling and swirling around his body. After transforming Y,N once more got into a fighting position, but this time he simply oozed power as his Ki was off the charts. During this entire transformation, Whis watched on with rapt attention and he clearly wasn't disappointed but the overwhelming power brimming from Y,N's form.*
Whis: *hums in satisfaction* Impressive. Most impressive.
Y,N: *smirks cockily* Thanks uncle, I've spent decades cultivating and mastering this power. The legendary power of Super Saiyan that my race talked so reverently about! *balls his hand into a fist* All the lessons you and Beerus taught me certainly hasn't gone to waste!
Whis: *chuckles* I'm just glad you're transformation sequence didn't wake up Lord Beerus. Otherwise both of us would be in trouble!
Y,N: Huh. Yeah, thank goodness. But enough about Beerus uncle, it's time we have ourselves this sparring match!
Whis: *sits on his staff like it was a tree branch, with one leg crossed over the other* You have the first move Y,N.
Y,N: *smirks cockily* Alright uncle Whis! Just don't come crying to me when you're knocked flat on your angelic ass!
Whis: *gasps mockingly* Oh, such profanity! Who taught you such a thing?
Y,N: *shrugs* Beerus, sometimes he gets lose with his words when he's upset.
Whis: *chuckles* I should have expected as much. Lord Beerus does have quite the temper.
Y,N: Anyway, enough goofing around uncle! Prepare to taste the 5-course meal in defeat!
*Once those words have left Y,N's lips, he shot towards Whis like a golden rocket with his golden Ki enveloping the entire lakeside and basking everything in an ethereal golden glow, which caused Whis to grow a small smirk on his face. The crackling of lightning and splashing waves of the lake could be heard throughout the battlefield as Y,N charged towards Whis with a clear intent to be victorious evident within his eyes, Whis had never seen such determination from anyone outside of the Saiyan race and even then never to the extent Y,N always demonstrated. With a roar, Y,N used his momentum to throw a roundhouse kick at the still floating Whis and right before the kick had impacted against Whis' face, the angel attendant gracefully grabbed Y,N's foot like it was second nature and tossed it aside, causing the foot and the Saiyan prince attached to it tumbling through the air. Y,N gritted his teeth and growled as he was sent flying towards the ground with that simplistic counterattack, yet before he turned the grassland into a crater he regained control of his bearings and instead of charging and failing to strike Whis, who was once more sitting on his staff without a care in the world, Y,N instead thought of a brilliant strategy, or at least a plan that would take the angel completely by surprise. Smirking to himself, Y,N charged up a purplish-white orb in his hands before lobbing it into the air above and almost immediately the entire sky began turning grey as lightning clouds appeared.*
Whis: *looks up towards the darkening clouds and hears the lightning brewing within them* Hmm. I wonder what he's planning.
*Before Whis could question Y,N's bizarre tactic any further, the lightning from above finally shot down towards the angel causing his eyes to widen slightly as the attack had caught him off-guard. Quickly jumping off from his seating position, Whis gracefully dodged around the striking lightning bolts with no difficulty whatsoever, it seemed that Autonomous Ultra Instinct technique he and all other angel's shared was legitimate as Whis was casually dodging attacks that gave Lord Beerus trouble on several different occasions. One lightning bolt got dangerously close to striking Whis right in the face, yet at just the last second Whis had sidestepped the bolt, with the only victim of the attack being the scorched ground below. However, this wasn't the main part of Y,N's attack as while Whis was busy dodging the lightning bolts, his focus on Y,N wasn't his main priority, this perfect distraction allowed Y,N to place his index and middle finger upon his temple and with a silent "whoosh" he had disappeared from his previous position and now was above Whis. Once the lightning had stopped striking and the clouds dissipated, which let the sunlight flow forth onto the planet once more, Whis looked around for Y,N and to his confusion he was nowhere within his line of sight, nor was he in any flanking position. Yet, these thoughts were soon gone as he heard Y,N shout "Rage Blitz" before the Saiyan then charged back into the battle with his golden aura now showing tints of red. At first Whis was the tiniest bit worried as Y,N had strategically used one attack to distract him before using the distraction to setup the real attack, yet Whis was once more dodging Y,N's rage-enhanced kicks and punches with simplistic ease. From Whis' perspective it was like these rapid punches and kicks were coming in slow-motion, and therefore he had plenty of time to counter them, much to Y,N's clear dismay as he was thrown back a few feet from Whis.*
Whis: Oh-ho-ho! Ingenious move using one of your techniques to lower my guard, while preparing and then launching another one to take advantage of my distracted state!
Y,N: *smirks* Thanks uncle, I know strategy and outsmarting your opponent is the key to victory!
Whis: Now if only I was a different opponent, then surely this battle would be over.
Y,N: *thinks* Damn! Looks like I'll need to think of another strategy, one that'll completely take him off balance!
*Y,N thought of what the perfect strategy could be for taking down someone as evasive as Whis, his mind racked with all of the possible combos or techniques he could link together in order to get the best result possible. Yet, during all of this Whis decided to take the offensive against Y,N and now the Saiyan was being put onto the backfoot as effectiveness at dodging wasn't as great, which meant some of the angel's blows landed directly on target. The angel's strike were graceful and clearly effective against someone much slower than him in the dodging department such as Y,N as one stray punch in particular had met its target in the center of Y,N's stomach, causing the Saiyan to shoot out some saliva and a small gagging noise escaped his lips. Floating backwards in order to gain some distance between himself and Whis, Y,N clutched at his stomach as Whis' blow had certainly left a mark, yet he couldn't get a moment's rest as the angel was continuing his assault, which caused Y,N to scowl as he quickly placed his index and middle finger on his temple before he once more silently "whoosed" away from a further beatdown by Whis, with one of Y,N's eyes still shut in pain. However, this time Whis was more alert to his surroundings and he searched the area for Y,N, yet whenever the angel had gotten a quick lock onto him, the Saiyan quickly Instant Transmissioned to another spot around the battlefield, and before long even Whis was having trouble keeping up with him as the arena was solely being filled with the sound of Y,N teleporting from one location to another, with Whis even having trouble keeping up with Y,N's rapidly appearing and then disappearing form.*
Whis: Such a bizarre yet useful technique! Quite the unique strategy you're employing Y,N!
Y,N: *yells* If you like that technique, then try this one on for size uncle! Cyro/Pyro Barrage!
*Whis barely had any time to look around as blasts of fire and ice based Ki were rushing right towards him, with Y,N shooting them from a nearby cliffside. Y,N grinned as he had managed to misdirect and confuse Whis with his multiple Instant Transmission's which in turn gave him enough time to charge up a fully-powered barrage of his patented elemental Ki based technique. With one of Y,N's hands blazing a fiery red and the other a chilly blue, the Saiyan continued launching as many of these elemental blasts as possible towards the angel as while he knew Whis could theoretically dodge all of them without breaking a sweat, Y,N knew it would only take one blast to completely throw the angel off of his game. Meanwhile on Whis' end, the angel chuckled at how resourceful and determined Y,N was at landing a single hit on him, yet Whis wouldn't make achieving that one hit an easy endeavor as he was effortlessly dodging all of Y,N's elemental based blasts. Sure these elemental blasts were harder to dodge thanks to their individual speed and velocity differences, but none had managed to successfully strike Whis. The angel then smirked himself as he cleaved a fire blast in half with the tip of his staff, yet what he didn't expect was to have his entire vision filled with blinding flames as slicing the blast in half only released the inner inferno stuffed inside of it. Y,N smiled brightly as this was exactly the moment he needed and while Whis was blinded from the fire blast, Y,N purposefully shot out several ice based blasts in order to ensnare the angel within an ice cocoon. While Whis was recovering his vision, the ice blasts slowly homed in towards him, yet right before any of the orbs could ensnare the angel within their cold confines, he was striking them down with his staff.*
Whis: *smiles* Once more that was a brilliant idea blinding me. However, you fail to realize Y,N that Autonomous Ultra Instinct works with all senses and not strictly eyesight.
Y,N: *yells* What?! The power of Autonomous Ultra Instinct is awesome, yet so cheap, yet so awesome at the same time!
Whis: *chuckles* I wouldn't complain about the power of Autonomous Ultra Instinct when you yourself want to learn the technique.
Y,N: *thinks, with his face twisting into an enraged scowl* Damn, he's got me there! Looks like I'm forced to get up close and personal with him in order to land the decisive blow!
*Shooting towards the blinded angel, Y,N roared in anger as he charged up another barrage of fire and ice based blasts within his hands, clearly intent on finishing this battle with Whis before it dragged on for any longer than it needed to be, as Y,N clearly understood he would run of stamina before Whis would, which meant he needed to land the decisive blow before his Ki dropped. While Whis had gotten into a defensive pose with his vision continuing to swim, Y,N cocked his fist back as he got closer and closer to his opponent before he launched his fist into the form of Whis with all of his might, with his eyes burning with determination and his teeth being grit. The angel was successfully dodging all of the fire and ice blasts Y,N sent towards him, yet due to the sheer noise and intensity of the blasts, Whis couldn't sense Y,N's rapidly upcoming presence, and right when he did feel the massive power it was too late as a loud explosion rang throughout the battlefield as Y,N's fire Ki blast had impacted against Whis' body. Y,N had successfully overloaded Whis' senses as due to the angel being blind that limited his other senses to pick up the slack, meaning all Y,N had to do was launch his elemental blasts to distract and confuse Whis in the auditory department, which allowed him to get the fiery advantage over him. Flames and smoke emerged from the impact, with the only sound being heard afterwards was Y,N coughing as the smoke poured throughout the area, with the flames dissipated seconds after they emerged from the blast.*
Y,N: *coughs* This battle.....Is over!!
*All remained quiet for a few seconds besides the crackling of Y,N's lightning as smoke had enveloped both combatants due to Y,N's flaming fist making contact with Whis' body, yet when the smoke cleared Y,N couldn't believe his eyes as the angel stood before him with a happy smirk evident on his face with his arm barely showing any damage besides the faintest of burn marks. Y,N could hear Whis talking, probably stating how impressive yet futile this tactic was, however Y,N didn't wish to listen as once more he was being denied victory due to Whis' better dodging techniques. Y,N wouldn't take these cheap evasive tactics for much longer and a smirk grew upon his face as while the angel was addressing him, Y,N noticing the ice blast still formed within his hand and decided to use this clear advantage in order to turn the tides of the battle, as clearly he wouldn't be able to win if Whis kept dodging every single attack he threw at him. With a victorious shout and Saiyan blood pumping through his veins, Y,N punched the distracted Whis right in the side of the stomach, yet before he successfully finished the punching maneuver a blinding white light quickly flashed through Y,N's vision, before it was revealed to be Whis' hand countering Y,N's. For a few seconds everything had gone deathly silent and both combatants locked eyes with one another, sharing a thousand words with one another without even needing to say anything. Before either could even utter a singular word the cold embrace of ice began spreading throughout Whis' entire body and Y,N smirked as the effects of the ice blast quickly ensnared Whis' body within an icy cocoon. Which now meant that this left Y,N enough time to prepare the finale to their sparring match.*
Y,N: *grins as he had finally managed to land a blow on Whis* It's been fun uncle, but now it's time to end our little sparring match!
*Y,N laughed with clear victory in his tone as he charged up his signature Shadow Blaster towards the frozen Whis, finally he had been able to land a blow upon his uncle figure and now it was time to assure his well fought victory! The beam in Y,N's cupped hands was growing larger and larger with every passing second, the Saiyan had to make sure this beam would end their battle as nothing less would suffice, especially if the beam only released the ensnared angel from his cold embrace and didn't actually secure Y,N victory. The entire battlefield was beginning to bleed in with tints of red as Y,N's blast was growing larger than it ever had before, because Y,N had to make sure this would be the decisive conclusion to their battle, anything less than full power would simply release Whis from his icy cocoon and the battle would continue like nothing even happened. By the time Y,N had finished charging up his Shadow Blaster, the entire battlefield was completely tinted red with the beam shimmering with red and black Ki, with the power held within this beam causing Y,N's hands to slightly shake from how much power they were going to release at once. With a mighty roar Y,N unleashed the bright red and black beam from his cupped hands towards Whis, and once the beam had been unleashed several massive shockwaves had overtaken the entire arena with grass and rocks flying, water splashing wildly, and even some tress being uprooted. In the back of Y,N's mind he was slightly worried that all of these loud noises would wake up Beerus, but right now he didn't give a damn as he had to keep concentrating on the beam and its rapidly approaching target. With sweat pouring down Y,N's face like a waterfall, he couldn't help but smile as the beam clashed against the icy cocoon Whis had been trapped in and in seconds the beam had completely enveloped the icy cocoon and the angel trapped within it, all the while Y,N continued pushing the last remnants of the beam's energy out of his cupped hands in order to make sure Whis would declare surrender. Once the last contents of the beam's energy had receded, Y,N began panting heavily as his arms drooped to his sides, yet a weak smirk was still etched onto his face, as the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of his lightning.*
Y,N: *breathes heavily with sweat pouring down his face* I......*huff* I.....did it! *thinks* It may have taken most of my power, but I managed to do it! *before Y,N could get any further with his celebrations, he felt a light tap on his shoulder and when he turned his head to see who it was, his jaw dropped as there stood Whis with zero damage on his angelic form* How could this be?!
Whis: *chuckles* Oh-ho-ho tell me Y,N, what did you manage to achieve? *smiles* I must say that was a spectacular blast and it nearly had me! Quite the intense show you provided, I'm just glad Lord Beerus wasn't woken up by it!
Y,N: *yells as his Ki flares up* That's it uncle Whis! *thinks as his transformation into his 3rd Super Saiyan form begins* Look like I have no other option! Especially when he's shrugging off all of my attacks like they were nothing!
*Y,N roars as his golden Ki flares up even further with his entire physical appearance changing before Whis' very eyes, which forced the angel to place a dome around himself and Y,N in order to make sure Lord Beerus wouldn't be awoken by the intense battle happening between his angel attendant and his star, abet only, pupil. Y,N's yelling as his hair grew longer while maintaining the spikiness only reverberated within the dome Whis had constructed, causing the angel to lightly cringe as his eardrums were being assaulted by the extreme echo of Y,N's voice bouncing all around the structure. Yet, as Whis watched on he noticed that the entire dome was beginning to shake, the grass was being uprooted, and the lake was beginning to boil and bubble, all of which was transpiring due to the huge swell of Ki manifestoing within a singular entity. Whis could only watch on with even more rapt attention as Y,N's entire form was once more enveloped within his golden Ki, with the angelic attendant only being able to make out the long spiky golden hair that was flowing down to Y,N's kneecaps and the aggressive yet strategic look swirling around within his bright teal eyes. After a few mores seconds of transforming, the area in which Y,N and Whis are fighting at returns to normal and with a massive shockwave of Ki energy, which even sends the angel flying back a few feet, the golden cocoon of energy surrounding Y,N subsides and reveals the Saiyan prince stands there in his Super Saiyan 3 state, with the long spiky hair and lack of eyebrows being the telltale sign.*
Y,N: *speaks in a calm and reserved tone, but with a clear aggressive undertone* Huh. I didn't think I would be pushed into transforming into Super Saiyan 3, yet then again I'm facing the single strongest entity in the entire universe. *stares at Whis* Now uncle, I believe it's time we finish this lesson.
Whis: *hums in delight* Now this is going to be quite the explosive finale.
Y,N: Let's get underway.
*Merely raising his hand and outstretching it, Y,N smirks lightly before firing five individual Shatter Beam's towards Whis' direction, but with his own coy smirk the angel dodges all of five beam's with graceful ease, even though one came close to chopping off a few strands of his toothpaste esque hair. Yet, in response to Whis once more using his far superior evasive abilities Y,N raises his other hand and outstretches it, before he then shoots ten individual Shatter Beams towards the angel's direction. With a look of pure determination Y,N fires several ten-round bursts of his Shatter Beam, with the angel attendant bobbing and weaving through the beams with relative ease. Sure, due to the higher amount of beams being fired, and the sheer velocity and swift reload time between each round of blast's, Whis feels some get closer and closer to taking a few strands of hair off his head or scorching a tiny part of his angelic grab. Yet, the angel doesn't let the sheer ferocity of Y,N's offense worry him as he continues to dodge all of Y,N's Shatter Beam's, much to the Saiyan's expected but still real annoyance. Frowning at the angel's actions, Y,N floats further towards the angel while continually firing burst round after burst round of his tiny yellow finger beams, with Whis in kind evading through the individual beams even though said beams were becoming faster and faster due to Y,N slowly closing the gap between himself and his uncle figure. Every time Y,N fired off a ten-round blast towards the angel, he was taking a step closer towards his target and Whis was either ignorant or playful towards this fact as he didn't try to strike at Y,N nor did he try moving farther away from him, in fact it seemed like both Y,N and Whis had individual strategies running through their minds.*
Y,N: *grits his teeth as he gets closer to Whis* Does he.....Does he know what I'm planning!? No! That's impossible! He's clearly just playing mind games! I can't give up when I'm this close to victory!
*Y,N slowly inches himself closer and closer towards the still dodging Whis, yet with the reduced gap between the two combatants becoming smaller every time Y,N takes another step towards the angel, Whis' dodging becomes more erratic as the Shatter Beam's speed and the fact ten of them were being shot out at once was making Whis lightly sweat from the intense workout he was receiving, yet the angel attendant was nowhere near finished. The entire battlefield was filled with the sounds of intense yelling and beams being shot as Y,N was getting frustrated at even with his close distance, Whis was still dodging all of his beams with relative ease and the sounds of the beams themselves were echoing around the dome Whis had constructed, which while it kept Lord Beerus asleep it only made every move he or Y,N did ten times louder. Yet, after another round of Shatter Beam's Y,N grinned as he was finally close enough to Whis in order to activate his plan, and with another round of Shatter Beam's protecting his path, Y,N launched himself towards the angel with a fire-based Ki blast burning brightly in his hand. This was Y,N's plan all along as the Shatter Beam's were the perfect distraction as they costed very little of his Ki and they could be shot out in rapid succession, that meant Y,N could get close to Whis while maintaining fire at all times. Under the protection of his ten Shatter Beam's, Y,N cocked his fist back in order to give his uncle figure the most amount of damage possible, and while Whis was busy dodging all ten of the Shatter Beam's, he failed to notice Y,N's rapidly approaching form due to his attention solely being confused by the fast and annoying yellow beam's.*
Y,N: *yells as his fist was cocked back and his hand was burning with the fire Ki blast in his hand* It's...*his eyes shine with fiery determination*..Over!!!
*Time itself seemed to slow down as the fist inched closer and closer towards Whis' face, yet while Y,N had a facial expression filled with aggression and confidence while his eyes twinkled with determination and intelligence, Whis simply smiled at Y,N's plan. After all, Y,N tried to pull off this exact strategy earlier during their fight, but this time it was a lot more refined and actively kept Whis on his toes. This caused the angel to genuinely smile at his student since the Saiyan had learned the failures of his first time using this exact battle plan and reworked it into something better. Sure, it still wouldn't work against himself due to his vastly superior evasive capabilities, but another other opponent wouldn't be able to withstand the mighty brute power of Y,N alongside his tactical mindset. Yet, during all of this Whis had failed to realize Y,N was actually further along than the angel had originally anticipated thanks to his Shatter Beam's and due to these inner thoughts running through the angel's mind, Whis felt a light sting connect with his cheek and he stared in shock as he felt the burning sensation of Y,N's fire-based Ki blast make contact with his cheek. At that very moment time seemed to return to normal and Whis was launched into the ground below from the explosion that impacted against his cheek and rang into his ears. meanwhile Y,N stood floating above in the sky, alone with a shocked look evident on his face. The Saiyan looked around wildly as he wonders what had happened since usually he would be the one on the losing end of the duel, yet here he was overlooking Whis, who stood on the ground below with an astonished yet happy expression on his face. Even though the impact barely did anything due to the massive power gap in-between the two fighters, the fact Y,N managed to land a singular blow on Whis at all was a achievement all of its own.*
Y,N: *stares at his own fist with wonder in his own eyes before he stares back down at Whis, with some tears falling down his cheeks, which mixed alongside the sweat pouring down his face* Did I.....Did I!
*Before Y,N could even further elaborate this point of clear success, he soon felt himself grow dizzy and his own vision began to swim in and out before everything went black. Whis had caught Y,N's unconscious body before it could even fall towards the ground and he shook his head at Y,N's unconscious body, as he had transformed out of Super Saiyan 3 back into his base form with a loud soundwave accompanying this reversion. While Y,N was caught in his own mind, Whis had simply teleported behind Y,N and knocked him out with a swift chop to the back of the neck. Sure, a disappointing end Whis had thought to himself, but Y,N couldn't keep going forever and soon enough Lord Beerus would be getting hungry, meaning the angel didn't have all day to spar with his student. With a wave of his staff the entire dome feel and like releasing noise all at once, a gigantic soundwave flooded the entire planet with noise and Whis scrunched his eyes close as surely Lord Beerus would hear that and he certainly wouldn't like that. Whis then looked at the unconscious body of Y,N and with another wave of his staff, the Saiyan was being held by a telekinetic force.*
Whis: That was quite the excellent display of power and tactical prowess Y,N! Sorry for cutting the battle short but Lord Beerus would certainly have woken up and been hungry while we were still battling, meaning I had to cut this battle short. *smirks* Yet, even though you can't hear me right now, you certainly have both the power and the tactical brain to match! Which means you're more than ready for your travel to Earth!
*As Whis took his Saiyan student back to his room, he smirked as Y,N had certainly given it his all today and the angel couldn't ask for anything more. Y,N had used all of his attacks and brilliant strategies to confuse, perplex, and astonish Whis and the angel couldn't be happier at his student. Even though Whis had to admit, he wasn't anywhere near his all and in fact if the angel had intended to take that fight any modicum of seriously, Y,N would have been nothing but a heavily deformed and beaten-up figure on the flooring of Lord Beerus' planet. Yet, the angel let such thoughts go as this wasn't a serious battle, or well for Whis it wasn't a serious battle, it was merely a test to gauge Y,N's own power, abilities, and tactical mind within the realm of combat, and if Whis was an actual teacher he would have given the Saiyan an A for everything he had done and achieved in today's battle. Sure, Y,N had flaws he needed to address in the future, yet most of these supposed "flaws" were all Saiyan's suffered from and therefore was simply apart of Y,N's very DNA. Minutes later, Whis set a weary, bruised, and sweating Y,N on his bed before the angelic attendant then left the room without saying a word to Y,N's unconscious body.*
Beerus: *yawns as he walks down the hallway* Looks like I missed all of the fireworks, shame. *frowns and narrows his eyes* I certainly would have loved to know what had managed to wake me up!
Whis: *nods* You certainly missed quite the intense battle my lord, even you would be impressed by how far Y,N has managed to come! His power is well beyond any other Saiyan at the time of Planet Vegeta's destruction!
Beerus: Is that so? I would hardly say that's a hard accomplishment, Whis.
Whis: That might be the case my lord. However, Y,N is without a doubt the strongest Saiyan out of the handful that managed to survive the planet's fiery destruction. *a bead of sweat drops down his face* Well....except one that is, but he's a special case.
Beerus: *yawns* You're boring me Whis. I would rather eat then listen to you ramble on about Saiyan's.
Whis: *sighs* If you wish my lord. Let's get your meal prepared shall we?
Beerus: *licks his lips* Nothing better than eating some food after a well deserved nap! *before the god of destruction and his angel attendant could walk any further, something caught Beerus' attention* Oh Whis.
Whis: *turns his head* Yes, my lord?
Beerus: *points his clawed finger at the slight burn indent on Whis' cheek* What is that?
Whis: *touches his cheek and his face flushed with embarrassment* Oh nothing, my lord. It was merely something I had acquired during my spar against Y,N.
Beerus: *thinks* Hmph. Seems like this Saiyan brat is more powerful than I gave him credit for. Even if he wasn't going all out or even going serious at all, landing a blow on Whis is quite the impressive feat. *darts his eyes over to Y,N's cracked door* That Saiyan is going to do great things, *balls his hand into a fist* I just hope he's the Super Saiyan God I keep dreaming about.
Whis: *yells down the hallway* Are you coming, my lord? I would hate for your food to grow cold!
Beerus: *shakes his head rapidly, clearing himself of those thoughts for the time being* Coming Whis! *runs down the hallway* You better not let my food grow cold! Otherwise I will be taking my rage out on the nearest planet!
*The screen fades to black as Beerus runs down the hallway towards the dining area, because if there was one thing Beerus hated above all else, it was cold food. Meanwhile the unconscious form of Y,N continued to rest within his room, yet now a small smile could be seen upon his face as within Y,N's mind plenty of thoughts and ideas rushed through like speeding beams. Perhaps his brother had managed to come across Earth....and hopefully didn't destroy it, but instead decided to call the planet home. Or perhaps his brother was indeed alive but simply living on another planet in another sector of the galaxy, or had found himself within a different galaxy all together! The possibilities of where his older brother could be were endless, and besides his brother he wished some more of his race survived alongside the siblings. Yet, what Y,N hoped above all was that this Earth had strong fighters, as he wouldn't want himself to become rusty during this stay there. But soon enough Y,N seeped back into unconsciousness and he would have to wait for his official travel to be underway before any of these questions could be answered.*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed the chapter as the fight choreography took longer than expected as I wished to make Whis' battle different than Beerus' and I hope I succeed as after all, Beerus and Whis are two very different types of fighters. Beerus is more about dominating the opponent with devastating offense and offering very little breathing room, while Whis seems more like the type to evade all oncoming attacks and then wait for a weakness or window of opporunity to launch his own devastating counterattack. Additionally stay tuned for this week as I intend to update a selection of stories and I hope you're all hyped for the stories that were selected. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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