Chapter 2: A Power Beyond SSJ2!
Hello and welcome back to The Saiyan of Legend(Redux) and it's time for us to go beyond the limited power of a Super Saiyan 2, it's time to once more shatter our ceiling of potential and unlock a brand new transformation. Now we shall ascend further up the Super Saiyan transformation pyramid and achieve our last new state until the Battle of Gods Arc, it's time to unlock the devastating power of Super Saiyan 3! Yes, I know SSJ3 is normally referred to the as the black sheep of the Super Saiyan transformation family but I intend in making it something important, you'll just have to wait and see what importance SSJ3 will have upon the story once we reach those points. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Beerus' Planet
*It had been five years since Y,N's epic battle against the god of destruction, Beerus. That singular fight had taken more out of Y,N than all fights beforehand and potentially all fights afterwards. In fact the fights Y,N had once he had finished recovering from that beating reduced into his opponent's speed or agility against his pure power and strength. This was all due to the fact that Y,N got a gigantic Zenkai Boost for managing to survive against the terrifying Lord Beerus, and even managed to throw his kill move right back at him before falling into unconsciousness, which technically meant he had lost the battle, but he wasn't mad by any means as he had made several minor dents upon Beerus' form and even earned the privilege of continuing to train under Whis. That fight also resulted in Beerus growing a small amount of respect for the Saiyan warrior, as all other battles against mortal beings had ended swiftly, all Beerus had to do was throw one, maybe two moves maximum and then it would all be over. But, this singular Saiyan proved that theory wrong or at least bucked the trend by proving to be a formidable opponent who managed to take 20% of Beerus' power before falling into unconsciousness. Those closing moments had impressed Beerus more than anything in his past billions of years of life, and that increased respect had internally convinced the destroyer god to allow Y,N to remain on the planet and spare his life. Additionally Beerus wanted to fight the Super Saiyan God and was completely convinced that Y,N was the God in question, or at leasy would become said Super Saiyan God soon enough. Yet, since that day Beerus had returned to his slumber, promising to wake up in 10 years time, and since that faithful day Y,N had returned to training under Whis.*
Y,N: *sweats as he preforms another round of 5,000 one-thumb push-ups while wearing the weight suit* I'm.....I'm so glad I've got strong enough where the weight suit doesn't just send me crashing into the ground! *frowns as he remembers the first time doing this routine* I didn't even.....make it to 200 before falling flat on my face!
Whis: *chuckles as he watches from the sidelines* Well not everyone is perfect on their first day Y,N, Lord Beerus should know that very well.
Y,N: *curiosity takes the better of him and he can't help but ask* What happened on Beerus' first day of the job?
Whis: *smirks mysteriously* Well it isn't my place to say. I would recommend you ask Lord Beerus about his first day as a god of destruction once he wakes up from his nap. Additionally you need to focus upon your training Y,N, there's no time to let your mind slip into other thoughts.
Y,N: *thinks* I bet all he did was sleep....
Whis: *rolls his eyes as he sees Y,N slipping into his own headspace* Are you even listening to what I'm saying Y,N?
Y,N: *shakes his head and nearly topples over just as he hit the 4,500 mark* Yeah, I heard you Whis. *chuckles nervously* I was just in my own head again.
Whis: *sighs* One of these days, you being unaware of your surroundings will get you killed.
Y,N: That *huff* won't happen for a long time Whis! *huff* After all, it doesn't happen *huff* regularly!
Whis: Regardless Y,N, I've seen that same exact trait happen to you in several of our practices and spars. This isn't something new and while it may not be frequent, it has occurred during several intervals while you've been training here.
Y,N: *with sweat pouring down his face he hits the 5,000 mark and backflips onto his feet, nearly falling over due to the weight suit* I would imagine there's worse weaknesses than not being aware of your surroundings! Like loss of a limb or not being able to see or hear your opponent!
Whis: *waves his staff and the weight suit comes off with ease* Those are true Y,N, yet a weakness is a weakness. And therefore your enemy will do whatever it takes to exploit it. All it would take is one bad move and you'll end up on the losing side of a battle!
Y,N: *smirks as his Saiyan tail unfurls from his his body and swishes freely* Then let's hope that never happens! I've learned so much from you Whis, and to a much lesser extent learned from Beerus as well! With the skills, values, and lessons you've taught me there's no chance anyone will be able to land a blow on me!
Whis: *shakes his head with a neutral expression on his face* There's that Saiyan pride and cockiness again. While you may be more powerful than any other Saiyan in history, minus the Super Saiyan God, you shouldn't think of yourself beyond everyone else. After all, that sort of superiority complex or even heightened cockiness could lead to a clever or wilier opponent knowing exactly what it takes to beat you by simply listening to your words and watching your movements!
Y,N: *frowns* That sounds like a lot of "ifs" Whis.
Whis: *smiles mysteriously* Life itself is simply a giant collection of "ifs".
Y,N: *sighs* Just tell me what the next training session is Whis. Don't get me wrong I enjoy our conversations, but this is getting too bizarre for my tastes.
Whis: *laughs* Oh-ho! Sorry Y,N, sometimes I can get a tad bit existential and philosophical for my own good sometimes. After all, I do have the time to think about such things due to how frequent Lord Beerus takes his naps. *coughs, regaining his calm and mysterious composure* Anyway, I have the perfect location and enemies in mind for you to test your power and techniques against.
Y,N: *raises his eyebrow* What's this location Whis? Some place or planet I've been to before?
Whis: That would only give away the allure of surprise Y,N, therefore I can't tell you. Instead I'll show you where you'll be training for the remainder of the day!
*As Whis says this he taps the ground three times with his staff, with said ground shifting colors between blue, purple, and then white. As Whis tapped his staff against the ground on the three time, everything seemed to slow down to a crawl as the slight breeze became non-existent, the birds that were chirping had gone deadly silent, and the water in the lakeside area was no longer moving or swirling from the massive fish that swam there. Before Y,N could question Whis on what the hell was happening, a purple and black portal appeared before the two. Whis then turned back to face Y,N with a neutral smirk on his face, as only he knew what laid beyond this portal and what sort of area it would take them too, while Y,N was left completely confused and even a little worried at the ominous purple and black hole that the angel attendant to Beerus had spawned.*
Y,N: *looks at Whis with a confused face* Um, Whis. What the hell is this?
Whis: It's an interdimensional portal Y,N. One that specifically leads to a different plane of existence known as Null Space.
Y,N: Ok, that reveals some of my questions. However, now I have even more like what the hell is Null Space?
Whis: *rolls his eyes* It's best if I just show you instead of answering all of your questions.
*Whis then walks into the portal, with the fabric of it lightly stretching and compressing itself as the angel had walked into it, almost like the portal had the same texture of stepping into a pool of water. This helped relieved Y,N's tensions slightly, and with newfound vigor mixed alongside his Saiyan courage he walked into the portal behind his mentor and as his entire vision went black the portal closed behind the two. The travel to Null Space was almost instantaneous as one second Y,N felt like he was having his atoms pulled apart piece by piece, and in the next second he landed onto the black floor of Null Space. The entire terrain felt bizarre, as it felt both solid yet liquid at the same time and the entire realm was comprised of random elements mixed together as Y,N could spot snow mountains, decaying wastelands, cave entrances, thick forests, jagged stone trails, lakes filled with some kind of blackish purple viscous liquid, floating islands, and shadowy valleys and passes. Yet, what had taken Y,N back the most was the air he breathed in, it felt thick and heavy, almost like he was trying to breath while underwater.*
Y,N POV, Location: Null Space
Whis: Welcome to Null Space Y,N. A realm between realms and the location where you'll be training today. Hardly any God of Destruction trains here anymore, meaning you should have the entire realm to yourself.
Y,N: *frowns* I can sense how deadly and horrifying this place is, especially when the air is thick enough that it feels like I'm trying to breath while being slowly drowned. That and none of the Ki signatures I'm feeling are friendly by any means, all of them feel extremely hostile and aggressive, like the moment they see me they'll rush at me!
Whis: *chuckles* That's what makes Null Space extremely deadly. The longest I recommend for anyone to stay in this is a year, anything more and you would risk the side effect of becoming completely insane. As the air you breath in here will whittle down your mental faculties before they drive you completely mad. Not to mention the nightmarish residents here will have no qualms about ripping any intruding guests into pieces.
Y,N: *gulps* That's less incredible. *coughs, regaining his confident edge* Let me guess, you've brought me here as this is the perfect place for training?
Whis: More or less, yes. Additionally it's a perfect location to test both your maneuvers due to no one being around except the hostile residents and your survival skills, the latter of which is extremely important if you find yourself trapped on a unforgiving planet.
Y,N: *cracks his knuckles in preparation* Well this sounds like it's going to be a blast.
Whis: *smirks* Have fun then and please try not to die while you're here, Lord Beerus would hate it if the potential Super Saiyan God died without him getting a fight.
Y,N: *chuckles* Don't worry Whis, with all of the skills you've taught me and the physical training I've done beforehand, I'll be able to survive one day in this dangerous dimension.
Whis: Let's hope that confidence of yours doesn't falter when encountering any of the residents. Additionally, don't worry about staying here for longer than a singular day, as by day's end I'll be at this same spot awaiting your arrival. Just make sure you're on time, otherwise I'll have to leave and you'll be stuck here for another day.
Y,N: *walks a few feet away from the portal* Don't worry Whis I'll be on time. All I have to do is survive a singular day within this foreign realm. I should be fine, regardless of how aggressive or nightmarish the entities living here are. *grins* In fact I'll show them true might by defeating all of them with the power of Super Saiyan 2!
Whis: All I have to say is, good luck.
*Whis walks through the black and purple portal, with it getting smaller and smaller until it fades away completely. Y,N, now stuck inside of Null Space for the day darts his eyes around as he hears several low cackles and the sound of howling emanating throughout the entire realm, almost like everywhere he looked someone or something was always cackling as they stepped further behind him and would drag the former Saiyan prince into the darkness. Yet, Y,N shook all of these thoughts to one side as he jumped down from the platform that once contained the portal and landed onto a floating island that was looked to be safe, at least safe from all of the nightmarish residents of this realm that Whis had spoken about. Y,N then turned back around for a swift second to see if anything had followed him from his original platform, and he almost assumed he would turn around to see thousands of beading eyes staring at him, but that wasn't the case. As he looked around the void of black with some distant white dots thrown in, all he saw was floating islands, with their own unique biomes, all being supported together by bridges that looked like they would snap at any given moment. Y,N then turned back to this island as he realized this was in fact the safest island due to it being nothing but straight, unblocked terrain with a house in the middle that had the name "Beerus" written upon it when Y,N decided to investigate the mysterious abandoned house.*
Y,N: *lets out a sigh of relief* This looks to be the safezone, or at least used to be the safezone that Beerus called home during his travels here. *thinks* No idea if it's still "safe" anymore due to this place being abandoned for who knows how long!
*Instead of doing the usual mental training by visualizing his opponent and fighting the opponent of his desires there, Y,N decided to be brave and risk journeying to one of the several islands, as Beerus safezone conveniently was in the exact middle of the realm, and all of those rickety bridges saw from earlier all connected to this central island, which was both good and bad. Good as Y,N could easily travel back and forth between each island, but bad as it allowed all the monsters from those unique biomes the opporunity to take him in his sleep, as besides his own wits and powers Y,N had zero defenses to speak of. Breathing in and out, Y,N decided to test his luck in the rocky outcrops island, which was the one filled to the brim with jagged stones and sharp mountains, the perfect place for a powerful beast to be sleeping or hunting. Instead of walking over the bridge that could potentially snap and send him cascading down into an infinite void of black, Y,N decided to fly over to the island and silently he descended towards an outer rim of the floating landmass in order to not attract any attention to himself immediately.*
Y,N: *smirks* Now it's time to find some of the residents and "convince" them to spar with me. It shouldn't be that hard to find someone willing to fight!
*With a battle-ready attitude set within his mind Y,N left the outer rim of the island and headed inward to see what residents this specific island contained. During his trek through jagged stones and tight passageways Y,N mind was abuzz with who or what could potentially be calling this island home and how powerful they were compared to him, and due to his two Super Saiyan transformations at this possession Y,N felt no danger in attacking any of the residents head-on nor would he be scared if he was ambushed. Y,N's own confidence was boundless right now as while all of the Ki signatures he got were hostile, none of them had any high levels of power compared to his own. Yet, deciding to check the Ki around him again, Y,N was taken aback as in the center of this island was a huge blob of Ki energy, and with this Y,N smirked as he found his sparring partner, whoever or whatever it may be.*
Y,N: *grimaces at how tight the corridors were getting, with some of them even requiring to sidestep through* Whoever is in the center of this island better be worth it! As they sure did pick an annoying place to live!
*While the passageways were become more into crevices, Y,N couldn't help but be amazed by the crystalline structures that were embedded into these walkways, brightly shimmering lights of blue, pink, purple, and red glowed beautifully and guided the former prince throughout the maze of rocky passageways. Without these guiding lights showing him were to go, Y,N could have potentially been lost within the rocky maze. Yet, the beauty of those crystalline shards and structures didn't help lower his annoyance at having to press his chest and back against the rocky walls just to be able to progress further into the island's core. And while he could fly to bypass all of this annoying busywork, he couldn't as that would alert all of the residents on this island to his location and Y,N had zero clue if any of those residents had the ability of flight, which could put him even more at a disadvantage. Meaning, even if Y,N didn't like it, he had to take the slow route to avoid alerting all residents.*
Y,N: *growls in annoyance* Truly this massive Ki signature better be worth all the time and effort I'm putting into getting there!
*Just before the passageways get to small to even walk through, the rocky passageway finally gave into a giant circular room Said room was filled with holes aligned against the walls and with sheer rockwalls facing every single direction except on the other side of the room where the exit towards the center of the island was laid bare. As Y,N smirked at see how easy this was, suddenly a couple of rocks fell from the heavens above and he had to sidestep the incoming rocks, lest they crash into his skull and kill him. Y,N quickly sidestepped the surprise attack and looked around wildly as clearly someone or something didn't like the former prince intruding upon their land. From there the sound of giant pincers snapping together became louder and louder, with Y,N looking all around the makeshift arena as the noise seemed to reverberate around the smooth walls and seemingly call from all of the opened holes that were built into the walls. All of this worked together to build a sense of dread within Y,N and a bead of sweat dropped down his face and onto the floor below, yet even with the tension reaching a boiling point Y,N looked on with a smirk as he got into a fighting position, with every noise setting his defenses even higher than before.*
?????: *pincers snapping aggressively*
Y,N: *breathes in and out* I'm ready for whatever comes skulking out of the shadows.
????: *scuttles down from the sheer cliff-face and its beady eyes stare daggers into Y,N before it snaps its pincers aggressively once more*
Y,N: *gulps* That's ten thousand piles of nope for me....*frowns* Yet I have to fight this horrible beast in order to get past it.
Giant Spider: *hisses aggressively before scuttling over to Y,N with its pincers dripping blood*
Y,N: You're not going to consume me bug!
*The Giant Spider hisses as it shows its fangs which reflect beautifully due to some crystals being jammed into cave holes or were naturally apart of the rockwalls. The giant spider then scuttles over to Y,N at a pace the former prince didn't expect for it to be moving at, especially considering its gigantic frame! The bug then got onto its four hindlegs and hissed at Y,N as it struck its fangs towards Y,N's form, yet with a grin Y,N easily dodged the attack and avoided getting himself injected with whatever toxin the bug had inside of itself. Y,N sidestepped or backflipped the spider's fang attack several more times, causing it to hiss in rage as its usual form of attack was failing due to the smaller size of its opponent. Meaning the spider had to change up its form of attack, lest it get defeated by such a small and seemingly feeble being.*
Y,N: You have all that speed and size in your corner, yet you still can't hit me! How pathetic!
*The gigantic spider sensing this was an insult, hisses angrily at Y,N before once more scuttling over to Y,N, hopeful that this new source of food was an idiot like the others that dared to venture into its domain, but due to Y,N's quick reflexes the oversized bug crashed into a wall and let out a hiss of pain as some of the rockwall collapsed on top of it. Yet, as quickly as it was submerged underneath the rocks with its eight large legs it broke free of the rocky tomb, which sent the rocks flying sky-high, and then the spider narrowed its beady eyes at Y,N, with its pincers snapping aggressively several times. The tension seemed to grow thicker and Y,N's breathing became ragged as once more the bug charged for an attack.*
Y,N: Ha! Using the same stupid trick again!
*With a confident grin Y,N launched several Ki blasts at the monster and as he was expecting this creature to be too dumb or animalistic to avoid the attacks, he was shocked as the spider jumped over the Ki blasts and landed perfectly onto one of the walls. As Y,N stared up at the beast it once more hissed angrily before it then began to growl as it spat spiderwebs right out of its mouth which caused Y,N's eyes to widen as he once more was played onto the defensively as he ran away from the spiderwebs as he knew how tough those could become. As more spiderwebs rained from above, Y,N gritted his teeth and stared up at this attacker, with said giant spider continually spraying down more spiderwebs in order to trap Y,N and consume his inside like a meaty cocktail. Y,N frowned at such a beast placing him into a corner and with his Saiyan cockiness kicking into full again, he let out a giant roar as he began to collect Ki energy for his Shadow Blaster, so he could blow the spider off the wall and into kingdom come.*
Y,N: *yells* Hey spider! Eat this!
*As Y,N yells out he blasts his red and black beam towards the spider and just as it was about to impact against the beast and surely kill it, the spider jumped away from the attack. This spider surely had surprising agility on its side as it was jumping around the arena, like only a creature much smaller than it could actively preform! This caused Y,N to let out his own growl as while this wasn't hard nor was the spider excessively challenging, the way this spider was running rings around him truly pissed him off! This rage caused Y,N to fire several more shadow blasters at the spider, which each time it dodging by jumping to another piece of rockwall before shooting off several more spiderwebs, which only resulted in more damage to the makeshift arena they were fighting in. Y,N growled in rage as he stopped using his signature attack to avoid wasting all of his Ki, and instead returned back to lobbing Ki blasts at the cowardice spider, and these attack while taking a lot less longer to charge than his iconic beam, these Ki blasts also failed to impede the spider, let alone actually hit it. This only caused more fuel to be added to Y,N's fire as he couldn't fly up there lest the spider ensnare him with a web or lunge at him, meaning he was stuck to throwing Ki blasts that kept damaging the wall and not the gigantic spider who moved like an average sized spider would!*
Y,N: *yells* Stop running like a coward and actually fight! All that size and you're only using it to run around!
Giant Spider: *hisses angrily at being called a "coward" and lunges down from the rockwalls towards Y,N with its stinger pointed outwards to pierce him*
Y,N: *smirks* All to easy. Honestly, I wonder how you became so dominant in this ecosystem when you got the brain of a pebble!
*Y,N sidestepped the oncoming spider and watched as it stuck its stinger into the wall, and Y,N could only laugh as its painful wail reverberated throughout the chasms and rocky corridors of this island. The spider struggled as it tried to get its stinger out of the rocky wall, only for it to fail repeatedly as due to the lunge the stinger was rammed and therefore lodged into the hole. The spider couldn't even shoot any more spiderwebs to block Y,N's upcoming form and all the while the former prince took great pleasure in watching this annoying foe struggle and plea for mercy, as its pincers snapped in panic. Soon Y,N walked over to the spider's side and spoke right next to its head, with the giant spider's pincers snapping rapidly, almost like the bug was desperately trying to bite Y,N with its fangs, but couldn't preform that attack due to the way its head was positioned.*
Y,N: *chuckles* Normally, I would grant an opponent a swift and painless death due to the excellent match we shared with one another. Or even outright show them mercy if we've both elevated ourselves to a higher level of power. *narrows his eyes* Yet, with you.....with you, I plan on leaving you here until you're able to free yourself from this prison you've given yourself.
Giant Spider: *snaps its fangs together, with its eyes blinking rapidly, nothing it could would release it's stuck stinger from the rocky prison he ensnared it into*
Y,N: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Trying to bite the only person who can now free you, as any other predator that finds you will happily tear you apart piece by piece. You really are a pathetic piece of trash! A piece of cowardice trash that doesn't deserve to live! *coughs* Yet, that's besides the point.
Giant Spider: *struggles to escape, as even it knows that if it stays here it'll be doomed*
Y,N: *pets the side of the spider's head, and a look of disgust dawns over his face as the texture if sticky and caked over in blood and mud* That's why I do plan on sparing you. However, for showing cowardice to actively battle me and wasting my time, I plan on making your stay here extra painful! *he materializes the yellow Ki blade and a grin befalls his face* Let's just hope no other sadistic predator's find your helpless form and consume you!
*In two swift moments, the spider cries out in pain as all eight of its legs were cut off, leaving it completely defenseless if any other predator's came along and found it. Y,N took some pity in this poor creature as it was only going off its animalistic instincts and nothing more, but when it challenged him to a fight and then spent a majority of it running away like a coward, it deserved the death it was getting. It was after all the death of a coward, a slow and agonizing pain that wouldn't cease for days, maybe even weeks before the body would eventually give out and the sweet embrace of death would consume the poor beast. Yet, a beast was still a beast. And a coward, was a coward. Therefore this cowardice beast had to be given a slow and agonizing death, otherwise it wouldn't learn nor reflect upon this experience. And with a smirk evident upon his face, Y,N leaves the now defenseless spider to its fate as it exits the arena and continues to make his way towards the center of the island, where his true challenge was waiting.*
Y,N: *scoffs* Now we'll see how long it takes for another hungry creature to find this poor spider and consume it.
*With the threat of the spider now behind him Y,N continues wandering down the rocky corridors with the glowing crystals leading his wat to the center and as Y,N got closer to the center of the island, he could hear the gigantic beast ahead snoring loudly with said snore shaking the entire area where Y,N was standing, several of them nearly causing Y,N to fall flat on his ass. After a few more minutes of finding his way throughout the maze, with Y,N nearly cutting his body open several times due to the jagged rocks that were prominently throughout the area, he finally found for what he was looking for and laid his eyes upon the beast he was going to defeat. Said beast was 30ft tall and had two heads, both slobbering with drool and their equal loud snores was causing the entire island to shake and quake. Y,N had to take a moment to collect himself as while he had dealt with faster, smarter, stronger, or more ruthless opponents during Whis' training, he had never faced opponents that were taller than himself, at least not an opponent that was nearly triple his size!*
Y,N: *mumbles* The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Now it's time to find out if their size matches their fighting capabilities.
*Y,N steps forward and decides to take the first initiative within this fight and in order to start it off with a bang, he charges his Shadow Blaster and with a shout releases face-first into the right head of the beast he was going to do battle with. The beast immediately howls in pain and snaps both sets of eyes open, before looking down at the tiny creature that hurt it so, and it snarled as it realized a small fry had decided to play with the big boys. It smiled sadistically as he would show this small fry his place by consuming him alive, that would show this insolent tiny fool that he shouldn't mess around with the big boys. It got to its feet and grabbed the giant club that was its weapon and it turned around to see the stranger was gone, and now he was replaced by what looked like an actual small fry as it had golden hair and has electricity glowing around its form. Snorting, the beast decided he would know kill this intruder now instead of the one who threw the devastating and painful attack while they slept. Perhaps that original intruder would still be around once he dealt with this golden-haired one.*
Ogre: *growls while brandishing his club over his shoulder*
Y,N: *cockily smirks and raises his finger in "come at me" position, enraging the gigantic beast*
*The ogre growls in rage with saliva bellowing from its massive maw it calls a mouth and some of it lands onto the ground in large blobs, causing Y,N to cringe in disgust at this massive creative with a giant belly that might as well be considered an ocean slowly lurch towards him. This caused Y,N to smirk as already his path to victory was being forged as while this opponent might be taller than him, he was completely slower and therefore all he had to do was hit the beast with some heavy attacks and make sure the lumbering giant was off his feet at all times. But, now was the time to put his theory into practice.*
Y,N: Alright! This'll be a piece of cake! Prepare for your demise hideous beast!
*Before Y,N even had the chance to attack the beast head-on, the Ogre let out a its own low-pitched chuckle before stomping the ground several times, all of which caused Y,N to fall flat on his ass due to those stomps causing severe earthquakes throughout the entire island, but it was especially gruesome in the epicenter. The Ogre, seeing his opponent was now disorientated, launched into the air and hoped to squash him like a bug, yet due to his giant frame Y,N had amble time to shake off the wooziness and dodge the Ogre's simplistic attack due to well-timed backflip away from the Ogre's attack. Y,N smirking, now seeing his opporunity during the middle of his backflip shot several Ki blasts into the right head of the Ogre, which already had some bruises and scorch marks from tanking that Shadow Blaster point-blank, but now the right head was extremely enraged as the golden fry was further ruining his features.*
Orge: *snarls at Y,N before clobbers his massive club down at Y,N's location*
Y,N: *mockingly yawns* Is this really the best you have to offer? *Y,N easily dodges the attack with Instant Transmission and teleports onto the shoulder blade of the right head, before in one swift motion summons his Ki blade and stabs in into the right head's neck causing it to scream out in pain.*
Ogre: *screams out in pain, while trying to desperately shake off Y,N's form from its body*
Y,N: Want me to leave huh? Well all you had to do was ask!
*Y,N prepares several more Ki blasts, yet before he could launch them at the right head again, the shaking works and he falls off the beast and just as he was about to recover from falling off, he was hit midair by the Ogre's club and Y,N gets sent flying with some blood and saliva shooting out of his mouth. Y,N was sent flying into the rockwall like a baseball and before he impacted against the rock, he felt like he was flying faster than Beerus whenever a meal was finished! Being pulled out of his thoughts Y,N Crashed into a rockwall and even managed to indent the wall itself, therefore making a cave upon impact. Y,N, while laying in the rubble silently curses to himself for allowing that lumbering idiot to get one move off on him! All the while he can hear that hideous beast laughing to itself, probably imaging that the enemy had been vanquished after one attack from its primitive weapon. Standing up and walking out of the cave he made with his body, with his right leg limping Y,N sees the Ogre staring at him with a cocky grin on both of its face, clearly it expected that he would go down from one attack....but it was wrong!*
Y,N: *yells* You think I'll go down from one measly attack! Thing again beast!
Ogre: *stops laughing and looks at Y,N charging up another Shadow Blaster and a snarl of enragement washes over its face before letting out a mighty battle roar as it charges at the strange intruder*
Y,N: *chuckles as he sees the Ogre charging at him* I always knew Ogres were idiotic beasts who lacked all semblance of strategy, but this certainly takes the cake!
*Y,N with his own roar lets out an enhanced Shadow Blaster due to the increased time he was able to charge it for and the beam of black and red energy soars through the sky before impacting right upon one of the Ogre's heads. The entire surrounding area is impacted by a massive shockwave as the beam connected head-on with one of the Ogre's heads, which caused the beast to fall flat on his back, which resulted in another massive earthquake erupting throughout the island, before finally being followed by the Ogre's roar of pain. The entire arena also got blinded by a bright light by Y,N's Shadow Blaster and as the beams begins to weaken, before cutting off completely due to the Ogre being floored, Y,N's lets out a sigh of relief as once more he had vanquished another foe! Floating out of the cave with the blue electricity of Super Saiyan 2 basking his form, he looks over the defeated body of the Ogre and notices how the right head had been blown off completely and was probably sent flying into the infinite dark void from earlier, yet the other head still rested upon the body, with plenty of cuts scattered throughout the Ogre's frontside.*
Y,N: *nods his head* It's been fun Ogre, you were idiotic and your strategy was horrible, but you still got one good hit on me and more importantly you didn't run like a coward like that damned spider! *points his palm down towards the rest of the Ogre* Now it's time to grind you into powder!
*Before Y,N could get off the blast of vaporizing Ki energy, the left head of the Ogre shoots its eyes open and lets out a mighty roar, which sends Y,N flying backwards from the sheer ferocity of the shout. During this time, the Ogre looks forlornly at the loss of its other head and it narrows its eyes in rage at Y,N, who had just flown back in from being launched a few feet away from the Ogre. Now with renewed vigor and a sense of revenge embedded deep within the Ogre's brain, he threw the giant club at Y,N, who dodged the flimsy attack with ease. At first Y,N thought this was another simplistic maneuver by the Ogre, who was doing everything in its power to preserve its pitiful life, yet Y,N widened his eyes at the sight in front of him. The Ogre was now brandishing dual swinging maces with clear tear marks sprawling down its putrid face, the sight was both sad and disgusting at the same time, seeing how such a horrifying beast blubber and whine like a child who scrapped their knee. Gritting his teeth in rage and disgust at the sight of this gigantic lumbering creature whining like a pestilent child, Y,N shot out several Ki blasts to end this awkward moment immediately, as while he did feel a tingle of pain for ending the other head's life, he rationalized this as a fight for survival. Which meant if he didn't kill this beast before him, the beast would happily do the same. Additionally there was no telling how many villainous sins this singular Ogre had committed during its life, which meant killing it here and now was justifiable.*
Y,N: *frowns* Looks like I didn't get the job done. *shrugs playfully* I guess I'll have to try a little harder on the repeat!
*The Ki blasts that Y,N sent out to impede the Ogre failed completely as killing the right head had awoken something within the left and suddenly he was swinging around those maces rapidly, almost like he had been skilled at using that particular weapon for his entire life. The Ogre expertly swung his dual maces and completely shattered Y,N's Ki Blasts with ease and he charged towards the former prince with rage evident in its eyes. Y,N could only once more shrug at this action and decided to pick up the pace of things as he shot out his patented Shatter Beam at his foe, which while not designed to finish a fight, would catch the opponent off-guard and would most certainly aggravate them due to how much the Shatter Beam stung but didn't actively hurt that much, which would therefore make his opponents moves sloppy and motivated by rage. As Y,N shot out two Shatter Beam's one after the other, the Ogre only snarled in rage as he twirled and swung his dual maces like a pro and completely sliced the first Shatter Beam in half, yet while he was busy dealing with the 1st one, the 2nd nailed him right in the chest causing him to roar in pain as his entire body felt like it got stung.*
Y,N: *chuckles* If I knew this would awaken your fighting spirit I would have obliterated one of your heads much sooner! Oh well, better enjoy this sparring match while I still got a partner!
Ogre: *flares its nostrils in rage before once more taking the offensive, while constantly swinging around its maces*
Y,N: Huh, it looks like the beast is learning some more tricks while this fight progresses! *thinks* He knows I'll fire more beams and projectiles its way so it's now constantly swinging around its weapon to slice or break all incoming projectiles which means. *grins mentally while physically crackling his knuckles* It's time to get up close and personal with big, tall, and ugly!
*Y,N rushes towards the Ogre, who's momentarily confused at the prospect of this projectile user suddenly switching to physically brawling, but accepts this newfound challenge anyway with a victorious smile on its face as no one brawled better than him! As the combatants charged at one another, both yelling or screaming as they neared towards their inevitable clash, the Ogre due to his taller stature was able to strike first by swinging both of its maces right towards Y,N's face, who easily dodged the first one, and to show how much of a badass he was, Y,N caught the 2nd one with his hand by the spike before growing a smirk on his face. Y,N pushing himself, managed to start swinging around the mace, with the Ogre still intact and all Y,N could do was laugh as the Ogre was been spun around and around, like he was a complete lightweight. With an ever-growing green face taking over his grey one. Yet, to avoid such disgusting projectiles being launched his way, Y,N stopped swinging around the massive Ogre by his mace, and with a swift slash of his Ki blade he severed the connection between the spiked mace and the chain that connected it, which now left the Ogre with a singular weapon of attack.*
Y,N: *laughs* This battle was over before it even started beast, with my superior training I'm well beyond anything you can accomplish.
Ogre: *growls, while launching its remaining mace towards Y,N, who once more caught it with ease*
Y,N: *dodges the spiked mace* Was that meant for me? Or is your aim simply that terrible?
Ogre: *while Y,N was distracted looking at the downed weapon of the Ogre, it launched itself towards Y,N and once it felt the prince in his hands he grew a giant vicious smile upon his face and laughed to itself, as it squeeze's down upon the golden fry and watches in awe and confusion as the golden fry man reverts back to the original intruder who shot that red and black beam at his other head, this causes the Ogre to become extremely angry as it realized that this man and the golden fry man were one and the same! It then grew a sinister sneer as it no longer wanted to kill the intruder, but instead he would eat the golden fry man, like a literal fry!*
Y,N: *yells out in pain as he feels the giant grubby hands of the Ogre encircle him before crushing down upon his bones* I should have really *shouts in pain* seen this one coming!
*As Y,N is brought up towards the gapping maw of the Ogre, he can smell the stinky and repulsive breath of the monster that was about to consume him raw. The breath of the Ogre alone made his skin crawl and he nearly wanted to throw up at the overwhelming smell of what he could only assume was raw meat and garlic, with both melding together to create a truly repulsive smell. As he was slowly being brought towards the mouth of the Ogre who had a happy look on its face as it was about to chow down upon its head's murderer, Y,N's mind flashed back to what Whis had stated earlier back on Beerus' Planet. "One of these days, you being unaware of your surroundings will get you killed." That sentence kept ringing through his mind now that he was being brought into the horrifying maw that was the Ogre's mouth, as he even saw the stained yellow teeth it had and the smell of its breath was only becoming more hideous the closer he was brought towards it.*
Y,N: *attempts to break free* Is this really it for me? Being eaten alive by a giant Ogre after failing to take appropriate stock of my surroundings?
*As Y,N closes his eyes, instead of accepting defeat he dives deeper into himself once more, he needed to drag more of his boundless power out, he needed to in order to survive, it was now or never! Y,N could see something! Y,N could feel the presence of another mighty upgrade lying within his being, a form beyond Super Saiyan 2, a form that would help him end a fight he should have ended almost immediately! He heard the sinister laughing of something enter his mind, be it Frieza, Beerus, or the Ogre about to consume him raw but none of that mattered as he felt the budding power rising within himself and he could taste the insane power increase, before he heard a loud gulp. Before he could tap into this lying power, everything suddenly felt slimy and grotesque. Shooting his eyes open, he nearly screamed as he found himself floating upon a disintegrating piece of meat and seeing nothing but noxious green acid, he realized during his initial few phases of trying to bring out this newfound power he had been swallowed by the ravenous Ogre. And with his body still hurting and his ribs nearly broken from the Ogre's iron grip, his only way out of this was bringing out the new transformation.*
Y,N: *gags* This is what the inside of Beerus' stomach looks like!? I never thought nor needed to see the insides of someone stomach in my life! *looks down at the rising stomach acid* And I'm certainly not dying to stomach acid of all things!
*As Y,N hears the bellowing laugh of the Gore emanating throughout his insides and he notices the slowly rising tides of acid threatening to entire vaporize the piece of meat he was standing upon, Y,N once more closed his eyes and dove into his boundless power once more, he needed this new transformation or power-up or whatever it was to come out more than every right now! He breathed in and out calmly, and as he dove further within himself to bring out this new state, everything else in the world didn't matter as all he could hear was his calm breathing and nothing else, no insane laughter, no rising stomach acids, nothing, just his breathing. Once more, he managed to find the budding power increase he desperately needed to escape this situation. With a giant roar of power, Y,N's golden aura had returned to his body, and as the roar continued Y,N soon felt his hair was trickling longer and longer down his backside and the facial hair on his face such as his eyebrows felt like they were trickling off his body altogether. He felt all the power bubbling up inside of him and the aggressive attitude of Super Saiyan 1 alongside the electric feeling of Super Saiyan 2 blended together to gift Y,N this newfound transformation. All of his worries began to slip away as finally he opened his eyes once more and a look of determination and victory emerged from the once desperate pools. The look of teal returned to Y,N's eyes once more and his training had once again paid off in spades, as when he needed it most, he was able to unlock a brand new and even more powerful transformation.*
Y,N: *yells as the electricity shoots off from his body* This feels.....This feels awesome! I feel like I can take on the entire universe right now and win! *grins as he prepared a goodbye present for his would-be consumer* I hate to end the party so soon beast, but here's a little going away present from me to you! Lightning Strike! *Y,N leaves behind the light blue orb within the Ogre's belly and shoots up his windpipe, Y,N closes his eyes as he didn't want to see or know what disgusting horrors where shoved down this Ogre's throat but he did feel bloody splatter onto him, so he didn't know or want to know if he rammed into the side of the Ogre's throat, he was eating something bloody at the time, or something else entirely. Regardless Y,N didn't want to know nor bring this memory backup as he shot straight out of the Ogre's mouth, and as Y,N returned to the world of not being eaten by a giant Ogre, he felt some teeth break loose and land onto the rocky floor below with a giant cloud of dust filling the arena from there fall.*
Ogre: *whines as his two front teeth were chipped off*
Y,N: *smirks* Miss me?
Ogre: *snarls in rage as he charges the newly transformed Super Saiyan 3*
Y,N: *waves his finger in front of the Ogre* Ah-ah beast. With the newly unlocked power of Super Saiyan 3 at my possession I won't make the same mistake twice! I may have only been in your stomach for 3 minutes but I'm never going back there again! *Y,N launches forward and dodges the sloppy strike the Ogre tried to hit him with and instead Y,N nails the Ogre with a solid attack right to its jaw, with Y,N smirking as he heard a giant crunching sound ring throughout the arena, before smiling even further as he saw the Ogre clutching at its now broken and dislocated jaw.* Don't worry beast, I'll make your suffering end. *With his command, the lightning orb within the Ogre's belly begins to shoot out several lightning bolts at time, with it finally ending after 9 lightning bolts impact against the horrible beast's innards.* I would say it's been a pleasure beast, but we both know that's a lie. Have a fun time in hell!
Ogre: *whimpers before seconds later his entire body gets blown inside out, leaving a bloody mess where the Ogre used to be including organs, some remains of his skeleton, and even the intact skull. Some of the blood even landed on Y,N and splattered his dark blue Gi with splotches of blood red.*
Y,N: *thinks before grinning as he floats down to the Ogre's skull and more specifically his sharpened yellow teeth* You don't mind if I take one do you? *looks at the skull* Yeah, I thought not. *Y,N breaks one of the teeth straight off the skull with a singular powerful punch before flying off back to the safezone.* Let that be a lesson to all of the residents here, never trifle with the power of a Saiyan. *Y,N arrives back at the safezone while wiping his brow, or lack thereof, of the sweat glistening upon it. As he takes a loadoff, he wonders what exactly this new transformation can do and how long it can be active for and he shrugs* I got nothing else to do while waiting for Whis, as I'm certainly not exploring any more islands today!
*The screen fades to black as for the rest of his duration spent there, Y,N did nothing but practice and find out what this newfound form of his could do. With a newfound transformation at his fingertips, Y,N once more takes a step into becoming the Saiyan of Legend that the prophecy predicted he would become. Now all he had to do was wait for Whis to return and then training could resume as per usual, yet with another added layer of difficulty due to unlocking a brand new form! How will Whis and Beerus react to this newfound form of Y,N's? Will Super Saiyan 3 actually play a big role of importance within this story? How will the Dragon Team, and most certainly Vegeta, react to Y,N arriving on Earth in only 5 years time? All these questions and more will be answered in the next chapter of the Saiyan of Legend(Redux)!*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are hyped for Chapter 3 which revolves around Y,N finally going to Earth after two decades of training from both Beerus and Whis, but not before leaving with a powerful blade gifted to him by his father figure. Additionally that chapter or the next will contain Y,N's battle against his brother Vegeta, who just so happens to be the carbon copy of their father, the same proud and arrogant Saiyan whose ego truly knows no bounds. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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