Hello and welcome to the newest redux, I hope you're all ready to unleash the Dragon and scream for around 2-3 minutes before transforming Super Saiyan, as it's time for The Saiyan of Legend(Redux) to be released into the world of the interwebs! Every since publishing the original story, I've gotten better at understanding and learning about Dragon Ball lore by leaps and bounds, and since then I've looked back at the original with disdain and borderline disgust, as re-reading it has only shown how much I didn't understand the franchise back then. And in order to rectify that mistake, I've decided instead of painstaking edit the original story chapter by chapter, I'll instead start over again with a fresh coat of paint and a better understand of the DB lore. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Bio Chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N "L,N"
Appearance/Base Form(The crystal necklace around Y,N's neck amplifies his Ki significantly while in his base form. Said Ki amplification only applies to his base form.)
Familial Connections(of note): King Vegeta(Birth Father), Vegeta(Birth Brother, Beerus(Father Figure), and Whis(Uncle Figure/"Radical" Uncle)
Trained by: Beerus, Whis, Pybara(briefly), and King Kai(briefly)
Age: 29
Hair Color: Midnight Black
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: (Base): 6ft, 4 inches, (Super Saiyan): Varies/Depends on which Transformation
Weight: (Base): 220 Pounds, (Super Saiyan): Varies/Depends on which Transformation
Personality: (Base): Determined, Brave, Funny, Ambitious, Humble, Compassionate, Sympathetic, Merciful(unless extremely pissed off or facing someone who deserves death), Charismatic, Focused, Calm(unless pissed off or when fighting/sparring), Observant, Dedicated, Heroic, Aggressive(when fighting/sparring), Great Listener, and Unpredictable
Personality: (Saiyan forms): Y,N's personality changes depending on which transformation he enters such as Y,N becoming more aggressive, stubborn, and one-minded while in Super Saiyan 3 or Super Saiyan 4 forms. Meanwhile he becomes calm, tranquil, and borderline emotionless while in Ultra Instinct. Once again this truly depends on the transformation and not every single transformation changes Y,N's personality, it's only the aforementioned three that mainly change his personality into something completely different from his base.
Known Techniques
Energy Blade
Final Shine Attack
Hakai(Currently training under Beerus in order to fully master the technique)
Kamehameha(Locked until his training with Goku in Null Space)
Instant Transmission(Learned from Pybara during his brief trip to Yardrat)
Kaio-Ken(Learned from King Kai during his brief training on the Kai's planet)
Spirit Bomb(Learned from King Kai during his brief training on the Kai's planet)
Shadow Blaster(A beam of red Ki energy. It has the same destructive properties as the Kamehameha or the Galick Gun, however unlock the others Y,N can either release it immediately for a beam of destruction that acts similarly to the two aforementioned beams, charge it for longer to release an even bigger and more area encompassing beam, or finally form it into an orb blast that grows bigger and bigger until it explodes when said orb of energy hits an opponent ala Vegeta's Big Bang Attack or Z Broly's Omega Blaster.)
Pyro/Cyro Barrage(A series of red or/and blue Ki blasts that can either burn or freeze the opponent, causing severe damage regardless if it's ice, fire, or both Ki blasts coming out at once. The only difference between them is that the fire blasts obviously burn the opponent while the ice blasts restrain them.)
Rage Blitz(A series of quick lightning fast blows to an opponent's pressure points leaving the opponent unconscious before they can even hit the ground. Additionally the attack be followed by one or more Ki blasts to send the opponent flying.)
Lightning Strike(Y,N can either shoot highly concentrated stream of lightning based Ki energy from his fingertips towards his foes or he can shoot a ball of lightning based Ki energy into the sky which caused several lightning bolts to shoot down from above which target the opponent.)
Ki Spear(Y,N can construct a spear of Ki energy which can be used the same as a physical spear. This weapon can either be used offensively in hand-to-hand combat or thrown long distances to attack enemies. In either scenario Y,N can remotely trigger when to implode the Ki Spear, which causes a sizeable explosion to engulf the vicinity.)
Shatter Beam(A small, drill like beam that's perfect for attacking opponents with a quick blast of energy before they even have the time to notice. This beam is leagues faster than the Shadow Blaster but lacks the expansive damage and attack potency of the former blaster, meaning this is better for annoying and/or confusing opponents during a battle. Additionally, due to its quick nature and hardly taking up any of Y,N's Ki this attack is perfect for sniper positions, misdirecting the opponent, or landing a quick hit in while retreating.)
Devastation Blast(An attack similar to Kefla's Ray Blast, beams of red Ki blast out from Y,N's body and fly out in different directions to strike enemies. This move can fill up an entire arena and Y,N can either make the beams shoot out in random directions or target opponents. The specific opponent targeting blasts are more lithe and smaller, making them faster and more unavoidable, meanwhile the more wild random beams are larger yet slower. This is by far Y,N's most powerful attack and therefore he only uses it in desperate situations as it takes a considerable amount of Ki to preform this move.)
Ki Cutter(Given to Y,N by Beerus and Whis)
Super Saiyan 1-3(Fully Mastered)
Super Saiyan God(Locked until Battle of Gods)
Super Saiyan Emerald(Y,N's version of Super Saiyan Blue/SSGSS. Locked until Res of F)
Super Saiyan 4(Locked until the Xenoverse Arc)
Ultra Instinct(Currently Mastering under the tutelage of Whis and will be unlocked/fully mastered during the final battle against Jiren in the Tournament of Power.)
Super Saiyan Galactic((Currently Locked, will be unlocked sometime during the Tournament of Power. While this transformation is not as powerful as Ultra Instinct, it is essentially the Super Saiyan Blue Evolution equivalent. It's a completely separate and unique transformation and not a "power-up" to an already existing transformation such as SSBE or SSB + Kaio-Ken times 20. If I had to put it somewhere it would be in-between Super Saiyan Emerald/SSE +Kaio-Ken and Ultra Instinct, sort of a stepping stone towards Ultra Instinct. This is Y,N's most powerful form that requires him not having to clear his mind and allow his body to move offensively and defensively freely on its own.)
Godly Divinity(Currently Locked until the Multiversal Extinction Arc. Y,N will be trained under the likes of Zeno-Sama, Future Zeno, and the Grand Priest themselves to fully master the overwhelming and overflowing power this transformation grants.)
Powers & Abilities
Master at Hand-to-Hand Combat
Master at Martial Arts
Abundant Ki
Resistance to Soul Manipulation(Y,N's soul is no-longer tethered to the mortal plane in a physical sense, due to training and meditating alongside Beerus and Whis, Y,N's soul is beyond mortal comprehension and can't be damaged or manipulated by soul manipulators such as Babidi. Therefore the only way to fully put Y,N down is with enough physical damage or attacking him mentally with hallucinations and mental attacks.)
Immortality Type 1(Meaning Y,N can't die from old age, toxins, poisons, or diseases. However he can still die with enough physical force/damage.)
Zenkai Boosts/Saiyan Power(This power allows a Saiyan to recover from harm in relatively short periods of time. During which, the Saiyan will imprint on the injuries and/or experiences and instantly learning from it. As it does, their minds and body adapt to the said struggles, allowing their instinctual methods and natural resistance to noticeably improve, which also increases their physical might as they recover, thereby lessening the chances of the problem happening again. The more severe the damage they recover from, the more significant the improvements will be, effectively making prolonged battles more favorable to them. Zenkai Boosts seems to increase noticeably after each use. Additionally when accessing God Ki can greatly enhance the usage of the Zenkai Boost. It allows one to heal at accelerated rate of mere seconds and likewise prove a noticeably more potent increase in power and efficiency. Even mere moments of pain or struggle will cause a quick and noticeable boost. When fully transformed into a divine form, the Saiyan is shown able to survive most otherwise-fatal injuries and likewise able to regenerate from the damage.)
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you are massively hyped for this redux and later today I'll publish hopefully both the Harem and Prologue chapters for this story alongside working upon the highly anticipated and heavily demanded Yang's Lemon chapter for Warped Reality. I hope you're all excited for this story to be given better treatment and due to my now extensive knowledge of Dragon Ball, I'll present to all of you guys and girls in the Broski Army a better overall experience of Dragon Ball. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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