The Battle for the Universe

Everyone was headed towards the battlefield with Bruce inside the Hulk-buster armor.

Natasha - How we looking Bruce?

Bruce - Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it.

He was excited of the feeling inside the armor but he fell with Okoye giving a weirded out look. Goku tried not to laugh but was failing really badly.

They made it to the field and they saw the other forces even the Jabari Tribe with their leader M'Baku.

T'Challa and M'Baku shook hands as Goku, Steve, Natasha and T'Challa walked towards Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian.

Nat - Where's your other friend?

Proxima - You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone.

Steve - That's not gonna happen.

T'Challa - You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will nothing but dust and blood.

Proxima - We have blood to spare.

She raised her sword and inside those ships were many monster like animals. They rushed towards the barrier and they tried to get through but slowly they were killing themselves.

However more were able to get through as T'Challa had the Border tribe shoot at them with Sam, Rhodey, Frank and Bucky helping with the shooting. However the Outriders soon decided to circle around the barrier.

Bruce - Cap if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us there's nothing between them and Vision.

Steve - We better keep them in front of us.

Okoye - How do we do that?

T'Challa - We open the barrier. On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen.

Dome Control - Requesting confirmation, my king. You said open the barrier?

T'Challa - On my signal.

M'Baku - This will be the end of Wakanda.

Okoye - Then it will be the most noblest ending in history.

Cap got his Wakandan Shields ready as T'Challa walked forwards and shouted.


Everyone rushed forward and the barrier opened with Goku, Steve, T'Challa, Pietro, Logan and Cage running much faster and starting the battle.

Goku punched many Outriders away as he ducked under one and kicked one of them away from Steve and threw his power pole towards T'Challa who used it to take down many more and threw it to Goku who placed it back on his back as he jumped back and blasted several Outriders killing them in an instant.

T'Challa - How much longer Shuri?

Shuri - I barely begun brother.

Goku - You might wanna pick up the pace.

Goku kicked another away as Logan ran towards him and Goku used this to his advantage as he grabbed Logan's arm and circled him around and threw him to several Outriders as he slashed through all of them.

(Back on Nidavellir)

Thor - Allfathers, give me strength.

Eitri - You understand, boy? You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you.

Thor - Only if I die.

Eitri - Yes. That's what killing you means.

Thor held the two latches as the star started to burn his skin but he was able to take it enough as the stars heat was able to heat up the metal enough for Eitri to make the Axe. However Thor let go of the mechanisms however Broly rushed in and saved him before he could crash.

Rocket - Thor. Say something. Come on.

Broly - Thor, you okay?

Eitri removed the mold as the axe was almost done but it didn't have a handle.

Broly - Hurry! I think he's dying!

Eitri - He needs the axe! Where's the handle?! Tree, Help me find the handle!

However Groot decided to grab the axe and force it together as Groot cut off his arm. Completing "Stormbreaker"

The axe slowly lifted from the ground, sparking with electricity. Thor's hand opened and the axe went to his hand.

(Back on Earth)

The Outriders were starting to overwhelm the heroes as Goku got attacked from every corner causing him to be doggy piled with him trying his best to push them away.

Bruce - There's too many of them!

Inside the lab, Wanda worried for Goku as she wanted to help but she agreed to stay.

Wanda - Goku. Please.

However Goku's eyes turned yellow for a moment as his rage increased and he released a massive yell with his power skyrocketing

Goku - Get the hell off of me!

Suddenly a Bifrost was summoned as Stormbreaker was thrown and killed many Outriders and even helped the heroes that were trapped as out from the Bifrost was Thor, Rocket, Groot and Broly.

Goku's pile of Outriders were disintegrated as his body was covered in fur and his hair grew. Primal Super Saiyan was back.

Bruce - Aha! You guys are so screwed now!

Thor - Bring me Thanos!

They ran towards the Outriders as Thor, Broly and Goku jumped up and attacked the ground taking down many Outriders.

The battle continued as Goku and Broly noticed each other.

Goku - So you're a Saiyan too?

Broly - (grunts) I'm Broly.

Goku - I'm Goku...but call me (grunts) Kakarot.

Broly - Thor talked about you. But you are a mutant?

Goku - Hahaha. No it's just a transformation. From the looks of it, it's pretty similar to yours.

Broly - We'll talk more later. Let's take care of these monsters.

They nodded as they got back to back and Outriders were rushing towards their direction. Both rushed forward and took down many of them as they did a combo attack.

Midnight looked slightly worried as she sent Cull Obsidian to fight but someone spoke behind her.

Vegeta - Leave the Saiyans to us.

Goku and Broly looked up and they felt the amazing power coming from Vegeta.

Vegeta smiled as he transformed into a Super Saiyan with Raditz behind him also transforming.

Vegeta rushed towards Goku with Raditz fighting Broly.

Vegeta - It seems your strong in your own right. Raditz did tell me you looked like your father. Kakarot

Goku didn't care as he kept fighting and he kicked Vegeta away but in a flash, a massive yellow aura covered Vegeta.

Vegeta had transformed into his Primal Super Saiyan form. Both continued the battle but Goku was being pushed back easily.

Vegeta - Remember low class. Your elite will always be better than you.

Vegeta slammed Goku to the ground and rushed forward, delivering a devastating kick to his stomach causing Goku to cough out blood.

Raditz saw the fight as he started to get irritated and he kept the fight with Broly but the battle was going nowhere. Broly grabbed Raditz but before he could deliver a blow, more Outriders ganged up on him.

Goku was kneed in the stomach and was punch away but Goku was able to recover and he noticed something.

Something from underground was starting to show up in battle as giant sets of spiked wheels were released into the battlefield.

He rushed towards the wheels to stop them but he was kicked away.

Vegeta - You're fighting me clown!

Goku - No!

Goku instantly powered up again as he knew that if he wanted to save his friends then he would have to do anything.

Goku - Body. Please don't give out on me.

Goku's aura expanded as his muscles grew in size and he yelled out a word with all of his power increasing for a moment.

Goku - Kaioken!

He punched Vegeta away and shot a giant blast of energy that made him crash to the ground. Instantly Goku saw the wheels were headed towards Natasha and Okoye.

Goku used the Kaioken again and rushed towards them however Wanda also arrived as both used their new technique. "God Bind"

Both used the wheels and took out many Outriders as they looked behind them and smiled at Natasha and Okoye.

Goku - Hey honey. How's your day?

Wanda - Eventful.

Both chuckled as Goku kissed her and they heard that Vision was in trouble.

Steve - Somebody get to Vision!

Bruce - I'm on it.

Wanda/Goku - We're on our way.

Both were instantly attacked from Vegeta and Midnight. However this just caused a massive rage in Goku seeing Wanda getting attacked while she was carrying their child.

Goku - Bastard!

Goku grabbed Vegeta from the neck and slammed him to the ground.

Broly looked over to the fight as he joined and blasted at Vegeta with both blasting Vegeta towards the barrier but he was able to escape. He rushed back in but before he could deliver a blow to Goku, his transformation was over and he returned to his base.

Goku - You recently just got that form. So you don't know how to fully control it. Take this as a warning. Next time you hurt my wife and child...

Vegeta could see the rage and seriousness in his eyes as for anyone who could see him. This was not Goku. This was Kakarot.

Kakarot - ...I'll kill you without a second thought.

Both left Vegeta on the ground, defeated. Raditz who was able to hear and see what happened was amazed and scared of his little brother.

Midnight - He'll die alone. As well you.

Goku - Wrong. She's never alone.

She turned around only to be grabbed by the head and having her neck snapped.

Wanda was shocked but both rushed towards Vision with Broly grabbing Groot and Rocket with him. Once they arrived they saw Steve taking a few breaths with Vision laying down on the ground.

Wanda - Hey are you okay?

Vision nodded as Goku took a breath of relief but he powered down and instantly he groaned in pain as the Kaioken was taking it's affects. He sat down and started taking breaths

Everyone regrouped together as Logan threw a piece of an Obsidian arm away and Castle reloaded his last gun.

Pietro took a breath as Wanda made sure he was okay and did her best to heal him and the rest of the others.

However Vision grunted in pain and this got the attention of everyone. Goku, Broly and Wanda felt a massive and terrifying energy.

Vision - He's here.

Steve - Everyone, on my position. We have incoming.

Natasha - What the hell?

A portal soon opened and out walked out Thanos.

Goku stood up still willing to fight even injured. Broly did the same even if he no longer could transform.

Bruce - Cap. That's him.

Steve - Eyes up. Stay sharp.

Everyone ran towards Thanos. With Bruce, Steve, T'Challa and Sam failing first. However Vision knew there was only one way.

Vision - Wanda. It's time.

Wanda - No.

Goku - .....

Vision - They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone.

Wanda - Don't.

Goku - it.

Wanda - Goku?

Goku - We're out of time. It's the only way to save the universe.

Wanda - I can't.

Goku - I shouldn't be you but you have to do it. Please destroy the stone.

Wanda's tears dropped as Goku looked away but he cried as well.

He ran towards Thanos with Broly by his side. Wanda started to destroy the stone as Goku rushed first as he ducked under Thanos' leg and kicked him back and Broly tackled Thanos but only to be slammed onto the ground and kicked away.

Everyone else tried to stop him but nothing was working as Thanos threw Goku back but he was caught by Raditz.

Raditz - Hello brother. Let's go save the universe.

Steve tried to stop Thanos as he held back Thanos' arm with all of his might but Thanos just knocked him out with a punch.

Goku rushed in again with Raditz helping him as both kicked Thanos back with Goku running towards Wanda as both used their power to destroy the stone but it hurt their heart as Vision spoke one last time.

Vision - I love you.

Thanos blasted Raditz away but once he did, Vision had fallen with a massive shockwave that blew both Wanda and Goku away.

Thanos looked shocked of the will the duo had. Willing to sacrifice their friend for the sake of the universe.

Thanos - I understand my children. Better than anyone.

Wanda - You could never.

Goku didn't speak as he just stayed silent but he was furious that it came to Vision's death.

Thanos - Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. no time at all.

He activated the Time Stone from his gauntlet and reverse the explosion as out was a reformed Vision. Wanda and Goku tried to stop Thanos but they were blasted away with the Power Stone.

Thanos grabbed Vision from his head and removed the stone from his head. Throwing his body to the side as it laid there. Lifeless.

Thanos placed the stone on his gauntlet as the power coursed through his body but Thor attacked as he threw his axe and landed a direct hit on his chest. Thor landed on the ground with Thanos holding Stormbreaker and down on one knee.

Thor - I told'd die for that.

He pushed the axe further inside his body but Thanos was able to speak a few more words.

Thanos - You should...You should have gone for the head.

He raised his left arm and snapped as the power slightly burned his body and the gauntlet.

Thor - What did you do? What did you do?!

Steve - ....where'd he go? Thor. Where'd he go?

However Bucky called towards him but he instantly was turned to dust as Steve and Thor were shocked of the sudden death.

Soon almost everyone was dusted but Goku and Wanda looked at each other.

Wanda - G-Goku.

Goku - No. Wanda.

Both ran towards each other but Goku felt nothing as he saw Wanda turn to dust. Goku didn't wanted to believe it as he tried to sense her energy but he felt so many disappear. However Wanda was gone.

Broly and Rocket saw Groot slowly turn to dust.

Groot - I Am Groot.

Rocket - No, no, no. Groot. No.

Goku got to his knees as tears swelled up in his eyes. Broly looked horrified and in disbelief. 

Goku - Wanda...not my babies...

Broly felt the same rage as a massive shockwave was taking over the area. Both released a yell of power as Goku transformed again. However something was different.

Broly had transformed into a Super Saiyan again and Goku was changing. His black hair and red fur were turning gold and his eyes turning red. Both of them had transformed because of their sadness.

However that power was gone as it came as both fell to their knees and cried. Just wanting their family.

Goku looked at the sky and tears dropped from his eyes.

Goku - Wanda!!!....not my babies.

They lost.

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