Queens/Avengers Return
Goku was walking through the streets of Queens with some many women looking at him. He then saw a kid with glasses running from a group of kids as Goku flew high and followed the kids as he saw the kid with glasses get chased into a alley as they were getting ready to beat the boy up.
Goku - Hey!
Goku landed in front of the kid as the others got scared and ran away. Goku turned around and smiled at the kid as he looked at him.
Goku - You okay?
??? - Yes..thank you.
Goku - What's your name?
Peter - Peter Parker.
Goku - I'm Son Goku Romanoff but just call me Goku......so why were they chasing you?
Peter - It's just I'm the nerdy kid and everyone likes to pick on me.
Goku looked at him and felt bad for him since he seemed it was regular.
Goku - How about I walk you home Peter.
Peter - Thanks. Say are you related to Natasha Romanoff, The Black Widow?
Goku - Yeah she's my mom. You got a good head Parker.
Both talked back to his apartment and Goku gave Peter his number just in case if there was any problem he could call.
Peter - Thanks Goku I'm glad you showed up today you mind if I get a picture with you also with my aunt.
Goku - Sure.
They made it to the apartment and Goku met Peter's Aunt May.
May - Goku thank you for protecting Peter. Is there any way I can repay you?
Goku - No you don't have to. I'm just glad he's safe.
After giving him dinner Goku thanked them and flew away as he kept his small patrol as he started getting a few radio reports of a fight in bar with a guy who is throwing everyone out of the windows.
Goku flew quickly to the area as he saw the bar below and he could see at least 3 guys unconscious from the impact as Goku descended down and saw a guy sitting in a bar with one guy about to hit him but was punched and knocked out instantly.
Goku - Hey. Buddy sorry but I'ma have to ask you to leave the area I don't want to end this with violence so let's go nice and reasonable.
??? - Go Fuck yourself.
He drank another shot as he turned around and looked at me from his side and turned back to the bar. Goku went to his side as he fully saw his face and both were now staring at each other.
Goku - Okay lets start over names Goku and yours?
??? - Kid leave before I get angry and you won't like that.......and my name is Logan.
Goku - Okay Logan how about you tell me why you hurt these guys?
Logan - If that will make you leave me alone then fine. They pissed me off and I don't like guns.
Goku - Oh. Okay....but you didn't have to throw them out of the window.
Logan - Piss off.
Goku then grabbed his shot and this got the attention of Logan as he stood up getting right in his face as both now were staring at each other.
No one moved as Goku heard a "Snikt" he saw that he had what looked like metal claws.
Goku - That's new.
Logan and Goku started fighting as Goku was dodging most of the claws and attacking from under or behind even using his martial arts but Logan would figure it out and punch his face which hurt Goku as Logan and Goku did a few equal blows.
Goku stopped Logan hand but grabbing under and throwing him over his shoulders.
Logan - (exhales) Not bad Bub.
Goku blocked 2 left swings and dodged a claw as Goku delivered an elbow to his face and kick to his gut while doing a backflip kick to Logan and slamming his head down on the ground.
Logan was motionless and Goku let out a huge sigh happy the fight was done and holding his jaw.
Goku - Jeez this guys punches feel like metal.
Out of instinct Goku turned around quick to see Logan with his claws ready to strike from behind but was stopped.
Goku - (breathes) why are we doing this?
Logan - I don't...know. You started it.
Goku - You took out your claws! Look let's just call it even and I'll pay for your drinks cool.
Logan - Fine.....
Goku paid for the drinks as Logan apologized for the punches and Goku told him it was no problem and so Goku gave Logan his number just in case he ever needed help or the other way around. For interest.
Goku flew back to his apartment and laid down on his bed as he got a text and it was from Natasha.
Mom; Hey Honey how's Queens
Goku; Not bad met a few new guys. Their fun.
Mom; I'm glad your safe. Also Tony is gonna want us at Avengers Tower some day he just didn't tell us what day.
Goku; Weird but Okay. Thanks mom love u.
Mom; love U too 🍯
It has been 9 months since Goku went to Queens and has become good friends with Peter and met up with Logan to do some training and probably to just hang out or get him out of bars when he gets a drunk call.
Logan - Yuor no Go..agh Ku I'm glad your....(burp) my friend. I-I-I jjjjust want you to know.......I love u buddy.
Goku - Logan your drunk.
Goku turns the corner and sees a car stop right next to them as the window went down and it was Natasha with shorter hair.
Goku - Hey mom. What are you doing here?
Natasha - I ask the same.
Goku - Oh Logan meet my mom. Mom meet Logan.
Natasha - Take him to his home and we'll be gone.
Goku - Where to?
Natasha - Stark.
Goku nodded as he got Logan back at his apartment and left him a sandwich so he could eat and left a note.
"Thanks for the past 9 months I'mma miss you man. Take care and call if you ever need help not drunk or money help." Goku.
Goku went to Stark tower and Tony told them that they needed to go after Hydra and they started getting the others back but Goku told everyone to follow him before they left.
Goku - Now after our sparring match almost 2 years ago. I wanted to show everyone my progress.
Thor - I'm glad you got stronger
Steve - Well he isn't the only one. We all got stronger thanks to Goku now how about we you show us your power.
Goku nodded as he stood a few feet away and closed his eyes and let out a red fiery aura, his body started to get more slimmer and his hair turned red as his eyes opened and the color changed from black to red.
Natasha - Why do you look much better in red than me.
Goku - I don't know but it looks good.
Banner - Amazing Goku you mind if I take a little bit of blood so I could study?
Goku - Uh....I guess.
Banner took out a needle and this made Goku shriek like a cat.
Goku quickly runs behinds Cap and hisses at the needle.
Goku - Get that thing away from me. I will bite you Banner and you don't want that.
Banner backed up and everyone figured out a way to scare Goku as it was the beginning of a Prank Wars.
The Avengers with now Goku go out to Sokovia as they found out from the old S.H.I.E.L.D files.
Natasha went to Goku and gave him a kiss on the head as she told him she's sorry she wasn't there for his birthday. Goku just hugged her and told her it's fine.
Soldier - We are being attacked!
Strucker - Who gave the order to attack?
Soldier - Sir it's the Avengers.
Out in the battle Steve came in with a motorcycle as Goku attacked many soldiers with his power pole. With Natasha and Clint taking care of a few soldiers on the ground and Stark was getting close to the base as he got hit with the force field.
Stark - Shit!
Steve - Language! Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.
Jarvis - The Central Building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's base is more advanced than any other Hydra base we've taken.
Thor - Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it.....at long last.
Natasha jumped and elbowed one as she grabbed two more soldiers and knocked them out as she shot one behind her.
Natasha - At long last is lasting a little long boys.
Clint - Yeah I think we lost the element of surprise.
Stark - Wait is no one gonna deal with the fact Cap just said "Language"?
Steve - I know....(flips and throws motorcycle) just slipped out.
Goku took out more soldiers as Tony sent the Iron Legion to protect the civilians. Goku grew furious of the attack in the city.
Goku - Damn Bastard.
Clint got hit by one of the tanks and Natasha went up to him and Hulk destroyed the tank.
Steve - Stark we really need to get inside.
Stark - I'm closing in.
Stark took out the shield as Goku dodged the enhanced as he saw who it was.
Thor - The enhanced?
Steve - He's a blur. Of all the new players I haven't seen anything like this. In fact still haven't.
Goku - Oh wow he's got speed it's not like I don't have that. (Sticks tongue out)
Steve and Thor laughed as they used their combined attack to take out a line of soldiers and a tank.
Thor - Find the scepter.
Stark - For gosh sake watch your language.
Steve - That's not going away any time soon.
Goku - Stark dibs on the scepter.
Stark - What no?!
Natasha - Stark you know the rule!
Stark - Fine kid.
Goku flew towards the main base as he crashed through the window and caught all the bullets from the soldiers as he threw the bullets to their legs.
Goku - Nice talk?
Soldier - No it wasn't.
Goku noticed the scientist deleting the files as he stopped him and he sent the files to Stark.
Goku - Jarvis give me a run down of the room.
Jarvis - The wall on your left. I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current.
Stark - Hey kid.
Goku - Dude you promised.
Stark - I know but you know me.
Goku - Whatever open the secret door.
Stark - Yay.
Steve took out a soldier as he found Strucker.
Steve - Baron Strucker Hydra's number one thug.
Strucker - technically I'm a thug for S.H.I.E.L.D.
Steve - Well technically your unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter.
Strucker - Don't worry I know when I'm beat. I hope you mention of my progress I hope.
Steve - I'll put it under Illegal human experimentation. How many are there?
Out of nowhere another enhanced attacked Steve as she escaped.
Steve - We have another enhanced. female. do not engage.
Steve - Guys I got Strucker.
Goku - Yeah we got something bigger.
Both Tony and Goku walked inside the secret room and were shocked of the work Strucker had and they saw the scepter.
Stark - Thor I got eyes on the prize.
But one of the enhanced Wanda used her powers on both as she saw the fear of Stark first and she knew what to do but her attitude changed when she saw Goku's vision.
Goku saw a man that looked like him and a women with long slightly slimy hair and both wore armor and the man was holding a space pod. As he set it down and saw the young boy who was crying inside which was a young Goku.
Bardock - I'm going to sent him to a planet called Earth and the good thing it's not a very valuable world so I'm hoping it doesn't show on the Frieza forces radar Gine.
Gine - If your father is wrong then we'll come get you okay sweetheart.
Bardock - Listen son you do whatever it takes to survive got it.
Gine - We'll see you really soon.
Bardock put his hand on the pod as Goku put his hand too. Goku couldn't stop himself reach for both of them but he just couldn't get closer he felt himself get further as he saw himself get sent away.
She cried as her and Bardock saw their son leave the planet. But it then changed as he saw a weird alien smile as he raised his finger and an energy nova was created but the vision ended with Goku coming back to reality slightly breathing hard and confused on what he saw.
Wanda just stood there in shock and slightly bit of sadness for Goku as that was his past. Her brother Pietro arrived and she stopped him and they let them take the scepter. Goku wrapped his arm with Ki as he grabbed the scepter and it began a new chapter in his life.
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