New Allies
Quiet was the sound of the Quinjet as everyone tried to calm themselves after the hit they took.
Maria - How's the team?
Tony - We took a hit. We'll shake it off.
After a few hours Goku was still out but in his dream he felt that power again all the rage and sorrow inside just exploded. He couldn't control it but he also wondered why he thought of Wanda a lot.
Goku - Yes she's strong and pretty but that's not it.....right?
They made it to the Safehouse as Clint opened the door and called out for his wife.
Clint - Honey? I'm home.
A pregnant woman walked out as everyone else except 2 people were surprised.
Clint - Hi. Company, sorry I didn't call ahead.
Tony - This is an agent of some kind.
Clint - Gentlemen. This is Laura.
Laura - I know all your names.
The sound of running came from the room as two kids came in and Clint prepared as he hugged the kids which made the other Avengers again more confused and shocked.
Tony - These are..smaller agents.
Clint - Oh my (kiss) goodness.
Lila - Did you bring Auntie Nat?
Natasha - Why don't you hug her and find out?
Lila and Nat hugged as Goku still stood there but decided to speak up.
Goku - Wow no love for your cousin? Man I'm hurt.
Both ran towards him as they hugged him a little too hard. His face was turning purple.
Goku - Okay guys a little too hard. (Gasp) I missed you guys.
Steve - Sorry for barging on you.
Tony - Yeah we would have called ahead but we had no idea you existed.
Clint - Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. Kept it off of S.H.I.E.L.D's files I like to keep it that way.
Thor stepped on the Lego house as he just slowly moved it to the side and Goku then saw Natasha go to Laura asking about "Little Natasha" but.....
Goku - (whispers) mom um how can I say this? She's a...Nathaniel?
Laura nodded as she laughed with Natasha going to the belly and calling the baby a traitor.
Thor then decided to leave the home as both Goku and Steve went to him.
Goku - Thor.
Thor - I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here.
He flew away as both Goku and Steve stayed outside.
Goku - What did you see?
Steve - A different life.
Goku - You care to talk? Because right now seeing a happy family isn't really the best theme right now.
Steve chuckled and started to explain the dream and Goku knew why he dreamt that.
Goku - He really did miss out on a different life
Both of them just sat there watching the nature around them. Soon Tony came out as all three decided to just chop some wood.
Tony - Thor didn't say where he was going for answer?
Steve - Sometimes my teammates don't tell me thing. I hoped Thor be the exception.
Tony - Yeah, give him time. We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him.
Steve - Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Pulled us apart like cotton candy.
Tony - Seems you walked away all right.
Steve - Is that a problem?
Tony - I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned.
Steve - Let's just say you haven't seen it yet.
Tony - Yeah but I've seen Goku's.
Steve - What do you mean?
Tony - During the fight with Banner, Goku transformed his hair wasn't red it was golden but I could feel and see the fury in his eyes.
Steve was shocked and saw Goku punching down a tree as he picked it up and took it to the other side of the house with a smile.
Tony - You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart.
Steve - Well I guess you'd know. Whether you'd tell us is a bit of a question.
Tony - Banner and I were doing research.
Steve - That would affect the team.
Tony - That would end the team! Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the why we fight so we get to end the fight, so we get to go home!
Steve ripped a log in half glaring at Tony as Goku noticed the anger increase from Steve.
Steve - Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts innocent people die. Every time.
Laura called Tony asking him if he could fix the tractor as he left and Goku went to Steve as he sat down.
Goku - You alright?
Steve nodded as both spoke about the fight with Banner and the golden power up.
Goku - I don't think I can do it again anytime soon but that's another goal for me.
Steve - It's good to have goals.
Goku both just sat there as Goku rested his head on Steve's shoulder with him just hugging him. In reality both had a great relationship like an uncle or father figure. They inspire each other.
Fury soon came in and everyone was in the kitchen speaking about their next move and how to defeat Ultron.
Tony - Is he still going after launch codes?
Fury - Yes he is but he's not making any headway. The codes are constantly being changed.
Natasha - We have an ally?
Fury - Ultron has an enemy that's not the same thing. Still I'd pay folding money to know who it is.
Natasha - Well this is good times boss. But when you arrived I was hoping you have something more.
Fury - I do I have you. Back then I had eyes and ears everywhere and you kids had all the tech you could dream off. Here we are nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard.
Natasha - Steve doesn't like that kinda talk.
Steve - You know what Romanoff.
Goku smiled but he then saw the drawing of a butterfly, he figured out what Ultron was doing.
Steve - Ultron wants to be better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies.
Goku - No...Ultron is building a body one stronger than all of us. But how?
Banner - Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho.
(Goku is smart since he has Tony as a teacher and he watches a lot of Detective movies) (He's BatSaiyan)
Everyone got their gear ready as they headed to Seoul, Korea.
Steve - Two minutes. Stay close.
Both Goku and Steve went to the Helen's lab and they saw the entire staff dead but not Helen.
Steve - Dr Cho!
He grabbed a towel and started adding pressure on the wound.
Helen - He's uploading himself in the body.
Steve - Where?
Helen - The real power is inside the cradle the gem it's power it's uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark.
Goku - First I have to find it.
He grabbed a Senzu as he gave it to her so she could eat it.
Steve - You guys copy that?
Clint - We did. There it's a truck from the lab. Right above you Cap. It's on the loop by the bridge. I got one in the cab and three with the cradle. I can take out the driver.
Goku - No. If the truck crashes the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron.
Both Cap and Goku jumped on the truck. As Goku hanged on the back doors with Cap on the top.
Ultron - Leave me alone!
He blasted the door as Goku crashed on the side of the truck but was still hanging on. He soon blasted again blowing the door to the ground.
Goku - Well he's definitely pissed. Let's keep him that way.
Clint - You both are no match for him.
Goku/Natasha - Bitch who's side are you on?!
Goku and Steve got to the roof of the truck as Ultron came out and blasted them but Goku kicked it to the sky.
Ultron - You know what's in that cradle? The power to make real change and that terrifies you.
Steve - I wouldn't call it comfort.
Steve threw his shield as it deflected with Goku catching it and pushing back as he kicked Ultron and flipped away dodging an attack.
Goku then grabbed Ultron delivering a German Suplex making him crash on the truck almost breaking it apart. But Ultron quickly grabbed him and threw him to the side as Goku crashed on a car.
Goku - Damn.
Goku made sure the person was okay as he flew back and continued the fight with Natasha coming with a motorbike. Ultron pulls a piece from the street making her hit the brakes and take a different route to the truck.
Goku quickly got behind Ultron as he blasted him towards Steve and Steve knocked Ultron back onto a pillar but before he could counter strike Goku came from behind as he pushed Ultron and himself on a train with Steve joining in the attack.
Natasha - I'm going in. Boys can you keep him occupied?
Steve - What do you think we've been doing?
Goku punched Ultron in the chest and grabbed his head as he slammed him on the ground. Steve tried to keep him busy as Goku quickly moved the people on the train on one side.
Goku - Damn we have to be more careful now. Mom please hurry.
Ultron soon got his other selves to push the truck high on the sky with Natasha still on the truck. He started to counter against Goku and Steve but soon Pietro came in and pushed him off with Wanda blocking his path.
Ultron - Please don't do this.
Wanda - What choice do we have.
Ultron soon blasted behind him and left flying as Goku was about to chase him down but he saw the train moving much faster. He quickly turned to his red state and grabbed on the train as Wanda soon helped stopping the train with Pietro moving the people away from the train.
Soon Goku had the train completely stopped. As everyone inside got out and he saw both Wanda and Pietro taking a small breather.
Pietro - I'm fine I just need to take a minute.
Steve - I'm very tempted not to give you one.
Wanda - The cradle? Did you get it?
Goku - It's with Stark he'll handle it.
Wanda - No he won't.
Steve - You don't know what your talking about Starks not crazy.
Goku - If you think about it she's right. He did started this. What if he's....
Steve - Trying to fix it by doing the same thing.
They quickly went back to the compound and they saw Banner and Tony working on the cradle by putting in Jarvis inside.
Steve - I'm gonna say this once.
Tony - How about none-ce?
Goku - Shut it down!
Tony - Not gonna happen.
Goku - You don't know what your doing?
Banner - And you do? She's not in your head?
Goku - Banner understand that is something beyond your understanding all of ours we need to stop it.
Tony - There is nothing worse than what's coming! We need this!
Wanda - You don't know what's in there!
Pietro got tired of the arguing as he just super sped around the room removing the cables and powering down the cradle.
Pietro - No no. Go on. You were saying?
A gunshot was shot from the glass under Pietro's feet as he fell in and Clint stepped on his legs.
Clint - What you didn't see that coming?
Tony - I'm rerouting the upload.
Goku quickly grabbed Steve's shield, and threw the shield damaging the routers and computer but Tony got one of his arm gauntlets and blasted Goku and Steve to the ground. As everyone was fighting Thor came in and powered up the cradle as the power overloaded and out came the creature.
Everyone was silent but Goku could sense the amazing power coming from the "Vision". The Vision rushed to Thor and he tried to attack but Thor threw him away. Vision quickly stopped himself and got his senses in order as everyone gathered.
Vision - I'm sorry. That was...odd. Thank you.
Steve - Thor you helped create this.
Thor - I had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at it's center is that.
He pointed at the gem as Goku slowly could feel the insane and possibly infinite power but he wasn't sure.
Banner - The gem?
Thor - It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.
Steve - Then why would you bring...
Thor - Because Stark is right.
Banner - Oh it's definitely the end times.
Thor - The Avengers can't defeat Ultron.
Vision - Not alone.
Goku - Why does Vision sound like Jarvis?
Tony - We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix, to create something new.
Steve - I think I've had my fill of new.
Vision - You think I'm a child of Ultron.
Steve - Your not?
Vision - I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am... I am.
Wanda - I looked in your head and saw annihilation.
Vision - Look again.
Thor - Their powers, the horrors in our heads. Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone. And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side.
Steve - Is it?
Goku - Can you guys show some respect. It's not a "it" look I believe Thor and I know my opinion was different but I can sense that Vision is on the side of life not ours or Ultrons.
Vision - Ultron however is not. He's in pain and that pain will roll over the Earth. I don't want to kill Ultron but he has to be destroyed if you want the planet safe. Every trace of him on net, every copy of himself.
Steve - What's he waiting for?
Vision - You.
Goku - Where?
Clint - Sokovia. He's got Nat there too.
Banner was about to threaten Vision but failed when Vision asked what he was gonna do? Vision didn't know if he was truly a monster but he knew right now it was time for a fight.
Vision - Maybe I am a monster. I wouldn't know if I were one. But we have to go.
He had Mjolnir in his hand as everyone was shocked to see it happen again. But Goku just smiled.
Steve - Three minutes get what you need.
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