My Power is...Overflowing
Goku stood there as he looked at his hands and was surprised at what he saw and felt.
Goku - This power is feels so powerful.
Tony - We...this is new.
Wanda - Goku how are you feeling?
Goku - Strong.
He landed to the ground and saw his reflection on a mirror. Amazed of his power and new look but something inside him was bothering him.
Wanda - Do you have full control?
Goku - Well...
Goku - This body and it's amazing powers it's the evolution of a Saiyan and it's probably the only thing to buy some time.
Goku flew up to the sky to be met with Tony and Rhodey ready to fight, easily he sent a Kiai strike towards Rhodey pushing him to the ground.
Tony - So kid you were hiding this from us?
Goku - Not's the first time I used this form. But enough talking.
Tony - Kid please I only want what's best for y-.....
Goku kicked him away as he flew towards Tony and sent multiple Kiai strikes, each landing hard blows on the suit.
Goku - Sorry but you were talking for too long and maybe it's the form but I don't listen to reason once I'm in this state. You see...I just lose control.
Goku pointed at his head with a smirk and Tony gave Goku what he wanted and flew towards him and both continued the battle.
However we will leave Earth for a moment and see beyond on in the stars.
A ship was passing by through the galaxy. Inside the ship was a man with green and red skin betting against a raccoon?
??? - Rocket any fours?
Rocket - Nah got any sevens?
??? - Go fish.
Rocket - Man why the hell are we even doing this stupid game?
A man that seemed human walking in the area of the ship confused of the screaming.
Quill - Why are you screaming?
Rocket - Because me and Drax are playing this stupid game you taught us.
Quill - I told you about the game and it's only boring if your not getting anything. What are you betting?
Rocket - A bag of zarg-nuts and two really old blasters from the Frieza Force.
Quill - Are you kidding me those are ancient.
Drax - Exactly why we're betting on them. Whoever wins get to go to Knowhere and exchange them.
Quill - The best you can get for those blasters is at least.....oh I'm playing now.
Rocket - How much?
Quill - 60,000 units.
All of them quickly sat on the table and started playing the game.
Gamora - Well boys your game is gonna have to wait because we have a distress signal.
They groaned but went to their stations as they saw it was an old signal that one of the Frieza Forces would use.
Rocket - Well even if we take those parts their probably aren't worth much.
Quill - You never know.
Rocket - What is this planet called again?
Gamora - Planet Vampa. I heard from stories that this world is so dangerous that giant creatures live in it and no one could survive.
Quill - Well let's see if we find someone.
Their ship landed in a non habitated area and the Guardians walked out. But suddenly they heard a voice screaming towards them.
??? - Don't Go!!!
They saw a man running towards them all of them got defensive.
??? - Are you all with the Frieza Force?!
The man tripped and everyone then saw that this man had a tail.
Rocket - No way.
Quill - A tail.
Drax - That's a Saiyan.
Gamora on the other hand place her sword near the Saiyan and started to ask questions.
Gamora - Who are you? Why are you on this planet?
Paragus - My name is Paragus and I've been trapped in this planet for over 20 years.
Gamora - Are you alone?
Paragus - No there's one more.
Before he could continue a giant spider monster got on top of the Guardian's ship.
Gamora - We have company!
The spider was ready to attack but before it could Paragus screamed.
Paragus - BROLY!
Far away a man was eating a leg and he quickly let go of the leg and flew to the direction of Paragus. In an instant kicked the spider away.
The Guardians were shocked to see the power displayed but also that another Saiyan was there as well.
Paragus - Yes very good son. This is my son Broly.
Drax - Such power...we should take them with us.
Rocket - Having a Saiyan man we can take care of business much faster and we can get paid a lot more. Say do you have a ship?
Paragus - Yes but it was broken down many years ago.
Rocket put on an aero-rig and flew towards the ship and came back with small pieces of the generator and smiled.
Rocket - I can finally make that laser blaster. You know what let's take these guys in. We do have two extra seats.
Quill and Gamora looked at each other and decided to let them join. Broly and Paragus boarded and the Guardians left the planet with two new guests.
Rocket started eating a few zarg-nuts and Broly just stared at them, getting the attention of Rocket
Rocket - So what was your name again?
Broly - I'm Broly.
Rocket moved the zarg-nuts and Broly just followed them as he gave them a few and Broly smelled them and took a bite of one. Instantly loving them and eating all of them quickly. Rocket smiled seeing Broly kinda like a innocent child.
Rocket - Well he likes to eat. How about we go and get some new clothes and a place for these guys to take a shower.
They went to Xandar as they were close and luckily, they allowed to use the showers and gave Broly and Paragus armor as for Broly it looked way more advance.
Quill - Damn Broly looking nice. Say also what's with the pelt?
Broly - This was Bah's ear. We were good friends but not...not anymore.
Gamora - May I ask you Paragus. What happened to Broly's tail?
Paragus - When he was younger Broly would lose control so I made the decision to remove his tail. Luckily even if he did lose control now I can control his power with this remote that would release a bolt of electricity to his body nothing serious but enough to bring him back to his sanity.
Gamora looked at little disgusted but she had Quill remove it and Paragus was shocked.
Gamora - Luckily for you we have someone who can help him control his power. Mantis can rearrange the emotions of someone.
Broly smiled as he was scared but had hope of his new friends. Groot went up to him and both became friends.
Groot - I am Groot.
Broly - Hello nice to meet you too. My name is Broly.
Groot - I am Groot.
Broly looked at his game and Groot gave it to him as he started to play it and Groot smiled seeing Broly try to understand the game he had.
Paragus - Maybe he can control himself.
He pulled out an old scouter and checked Broly's power and saw that it reached 200,000 before exploding.
(Back on Earth)
Goku pushed Tony back as he grabbed his arm and slammed him down. Tony quickly got back up and blasted Goku but Goku just slapped it away. Tony couldn't believe how much Goku changed.
Vision blasted Goku from behind but it did minor damage. Getting his attention
Goku smirked as he rushed towards Vision and delivered an assault to Vision pushing him away.
Goku - Please just stay down Vision.
Goku turned to his left and saw that Peter, Tony and Rhodey took down Scott. Peter luckily was alright after getting slapped away from Giant Man.
Goku went to check on his friends.
Goku - Clint you good man?
Clint - Yeah. Don't worry about us now just go and stop them.
Goku nodded as he looked to his left and saw Vision, Rhodey and Tony flying towards the Quinjet.
Goku quickly flew towards them and stood between them.
Goku - Please don't make me do this.
Tony - Kid move!
Goku placed his hands forward and started to power up his signature move.
Goku - Ka. Me.
Rhodey - We have no choice.
Goku - Ha.....Me.
All of them blasted Goku with everything they had and Goku let out a small tear. He regretted this stupid fight for something so small because the government didn't know what they were doing.
Goku - I'm sorry. HA!
Goku launched the blast and all four Avengers were in a beam struggle as all of them were barely able to counter Goku.
Goku was using everything he had but something was wrong. He pushed the blast back almost hitting them as all of them barely dodged and the blast exploded. Goku on the other hand started to breath hard and his transformation was gone as he fell to the ground in his base form. Wanda ran to his side as Vision flew down towards them
Vision - I'm sorry.
Goku - I know.
Wanda - So am I.
Vision - It's as I said. Catastrophe.
Steve and Bucky were able to escape with the Quinjet but Rhodey, Tony were on their tail. Sam started to distract Rhodey.
Rhodey - Vision I got a bandit on my six.
Vision didn't respond but Rhodey spoke again getting his attention.
Rhodey - Vision you copy. Target is a thruster turn him into a glider.
Vision shot a blast towards Sam but Sam saw the blast coming and dodged it causing the blast to hit Rhodey's arc reactor and disabling the suit. Goku quickly ran towards Rhodey as he powered up to his Super Saiyan form getting a boost of speed.
Goku - Come on!
In that moment Goku went into Primal one last time rushing towards the falling Rhodey but failed by a small inch with Rhodey crashing on the ground badly. Goku fell to the ground exhausted and powered down again feeling guilty for not saving his friend as he fell into unconsciousness. Tony read Rhodey's vitals glad that he was alive but he blasted Sam in anger.
Why did all this have to happen?
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