Goku meets the Illuminati


Goku was sweating as he looked around and saw that he was in the woods.

Goku - Man....today's been really hot. I hope Wanda is happy with the firewood tonight.

He picked up all the wood and walked home. He smiled as he opened his door.

Goku - Honey...I'm home.

Wanda walked out from the room as she smiled while rubbing her big belly.

Goku - How is he?

Wanda - He's been pretty calm. I see today was good.

Goku smiled as he kissed Wanda as both sat down and Wanda cuddled Goku.

Wanda - I can't believe we're gonna be parents.

Goku - I know. Right now I just wanna stay like this forever.

Both looked at each other as Goku rubbed her belly and felt his son's energy. He rested his eyes.

However he woke up to see himself inside a glass cell.

Goku - (groans) wha...where...where the hell?

He stood up and touched the glass as he looked around and he saw many scientists. Some were checking his vitals.

Goku - Hey...hey where am I?

Most of them ignored him as he got frustrated and powered up to Super Saiyan. Instantly punching the glass causing it all to break.

All of the scientists ran away as Goku jumped to the ground and he saw many robots coming at him.

Goku - Are these Ultron?

Ultron Bot - Surrender or be destroyed.

Many bots ganged up on Goku as he just punched their heads away.

Goku - Where the hell am I?

??? - Your in Illuminati headquarters.

He instantly went for a punch as he turned around but his fist was caught, quickly he went for another attack but he saw the figure counter his attack with a smile.

Goku's eyes widen as he backed away and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was himself.

Goku - Who...who are you?

??? - All will be explained. For now, it would be better if you remain calm and follow me.

Goku didn't trust this person however he wanted to know where he was.

Eventually he walked in and he entered an empty room with six chairs.

Goku - Ok. What the hell is going on?

Before he could get an answer, a shield was about to hit but Goku quickly caught it.

He looked at the shield and he slightly lit up as he looked up and saw Captain Carter.

Goku - Peggy.

She smiled and nodded as Goku moved his arm and threw the shield to the wall as it bounced back towards her.

Goku - What happened?

Peggy - Sorry to say this Goku. But I'm not the Peggy you know. I may look like her but I'm not her.

Goku's small smile went away as more people walked in and sat down.

??? - Son Goku from Earth 2190. Meet the Illuminati.

He looked up and slightly was surprised of the many heroes there.

??? - Meet Captain Carter, Captain Marvel, Black Bolt, Baron Mordo, Reed Richards, Charles Xavier and....

A figure flew in from the ceiling as he landed and looked at Goku but this man shocked Goku the most.

Goku - Tony?

He wore a silver suit that covered his body but not his face as Goku even noticed three infinity stones on him.

Tony - Hey kid.

??? - Tony Stark.

Goku - And you are?

Kakarot - I am Kakarot. A former member of the X-Men, now a Supreme Kai. Now then let's begin this meeting.

Goku was given a chair as he sat down but he stayed on guard for anything.

Xavier - Son Goku. You are what many would call a different Earth. Earth 838 to be exact.

Reed - Goku. We wanted to thank you for fighting for the Multiverse, but also because we were worried for the Multiverse.

Kakarot - During your fight with Broly I felt both of your powers across the Multiverse. That's power that no many beings should have but also to the point where if the both of you kept fighting...you could have broken the dimensional barrier.

Peggy - What we are requesting of you Goku. Please don't use that transformation again without pure control. Power like that is dangerous even for many higher beings than us.

Goku realized that they we're talking about Primal God. He remembered the fight with Broly as he even knew that if that fight kept going both of them could have destroyed the entire solar system.

Goku - I wish I could control it but for the past 3 years, I've haven't been able to fully transform into it at will.

Kakarot - What exactly caused this transformation?

Goku - The first time was when I failed against Thanos then it was against Broly. Both were caused by extreme anger and sadness.

Kakarot - I see.

Kakarot looked at Charles and Charles knew what he was gonna ask so he allowed him to do whatever he wanted to do.

Kakarot - Goku. I want to test your power. Come, I know a place where we can fight. What do you say?

Goku - I don't trust you. But maybe this could change that....I accept your offer.

Everyone grabbed onto Kakarot as he took everyone to a new planet. It was very beautiful.

Goku - Where are we?

Kakarot - My planet. The Supreme Kai's world.

Kakarot backed away as he stretched his arms with Goku cracking his knuckles.

Goku - Tell me how you got to Earth.

Kakarot - My pod landed in the backyard of Professor Xavier's home. He took me in and raised me as his son. I still had small memories of my parents but he trained me and even taught me how I could use my abilities better as throughout the years.. I met more of the students he would take in. Eventually the team known as the "X Men" were created as I even met my wife there.

He raised his left hand and showed a ring as Goku smiled, happy knowing at least his counterparts were able to live a good life.

Kakarot - After a few more years I learned from a few great martial artists and even started training among them.

Goku - Well then show me what you learned.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both powered up and instantly rushed forward as Goku kicked Kakarot back. Kakarot got his balance and flew towards Goku with a strong right hook. Both clashed as their fist would either land or be maneuvered away.

Kakarot dodged one knee as he landed a strong uppercut and even elbowed Goku's stomach.

Kakarot - Are you just gonna keep holding back?

Goku smiled as he did a breakdance maneuver and he stood up.

Goku - Fine.

A yellow aura covered his body as he screamed and his hair turned golden with his eyes turning green.

Goku - Now then...let's continue.

He rushed forward and both again clashed as Kakarot kicked Goku's legs causing him to lose his balance and tried to deliver a punch but Goku used his legs to lock his arm as he threw him to the ground. He shot a blast as he placed two fingers on his forehead.

Kakarot landed on the ground as he slapped the blast away but quickly was slammed to the ground. Goku grabbed his foot and threw him towards a mountain but Kakarot vanished and got behind him.

Kakarot - It's over.

His fist was getting closer to his neck, about to strike his vital point.

But the attack was blocked from a shield.

Kakarot's slightly widen as he saw that Goku had created a shield made from energy and it resembled a lot of Captain America's shield.

Goku smirked as he smacked Kakarot hand away and delivered many blows and even delivered a devastating knee strike right on his face.

Kakarot crashed onto the mountains as he saw that his mouth was bleeding. He smiled as he saw Goku in his stance and rushing right to him.

Goku - What's wrong is this too much for you? You won't transform as well?

Kakarot - I don't think I need to yet.

Kakarot started to fight back as he started to land even more blows to Goku's face.

Eventually both would separate as they started to catch their breath and Goku aura faded as he took a stance and was still amazed.

Goku - Amazing. Even without the amount of martial arts training he's had, he's still able to adapt to my techniques.

Kakarot - I'm still surprised on how strong you've gotten. But this battle is clear.

Goku could feel Kakarot's energy increase as his hands wouldn't stop trembling. Goku finally after three years, he's finally felt excitement again.

He powered up as his aura started to expand and he let out a roar as his hair spiked up and his aura turned yellow with electricity covering his body.

Kakarot - Now you'll face a Super Saiyan 2.

Goku - The form that Raditz and Vegeta have. It's power is incredible.

Kakarot - Come on then. I'm getting impatient.

Goku rushed in and went for a punch but Kakarot just took all the blows as he smiled and headbutted Goku away.

Goku - Damn...I didn't think the next level would be this strong. But maybe this will work.

Quickly recovering Goku rushed forward as he went for a punch with Kakarot confident of the attack but he didn't expect for the punch to actually hurt.

Kakarot gasped for air as he saw and was confused on how Goku's attack actually did so much damage.

Kakarot - What the...

Quickly one punch after another and another but all attacks had a common. They hurt like hell.

For a moment he could see a small flare of red fire. Kakarot decided to finally fight back as he powered up with his hair growing longer for a split moment he dodged an attack but he saw it. Goku had red hair and his power was divine.

Goku - That form...it's similar to Raditz.

Kakarot - That power...it's godly energy.

Goku - Glad you noticed.

Tony - Professor. Have you been able to see in his mind?

Xavier - Yes. He's holding onto so much guilt and anger. He lost everything.

He proceeded to show the rest of the members his loss against Thanos, his love for Wanda but especially seeing the woman he loved turn to dust along with their child.

Reed - My god.

Everyone could see Goku raging as he cut the head of Thanos off and even transforming into Primal God.

Peggy looked at Goku with so much sorrow and a bit of pity but she knew that he wouldn't want that. She even hoped that he could come to peace with his life again.

Goku - I think it's better if the both of us go further.

Kakarot - Yeah your right.

He ripped off his shirt as he powered up even further but Goku didn't back down as he powered up as well and both had transformed into their next forms.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kakarot had gone Super Saiyan 3 and Goku had gone Super Saiyan God.

Goku - This is exciting.

Kakarot - Yeah. Now let's us make this battle a true spectacle.

Both took their stance as they just stood there with a smile. Everyone else started to get worried as they backed away a bit but they wanted to see this fight to the end.

Kakarot eyes glowed as he shot an energy beam from his eyes as Goku slapped it away quickly taking the fight to the sky

Kakarot tried to land a blow as Goku blocked his arm but instantly he created an energy blade with Goku creating the same shield as he blocked his blade and even threw the shield right to his face.

The shield landed a strong hit as Goku used this chance as he kicked Kakarot's face causing his head to start to bleed. However Kakarot maneuvered his body into a 360 roundhouse kick and even grabbed his head as he punched his face twice and threw him to the ground.

Goku landed as he flipped away when Kakarot tried to kick him but Kakarot blasted his direction as his right arm formed another blade as he kept blasting at Goku.

Goku - He's fast.

His eyes widen when he saw Kakarot right in front of him ready with his blade to attack but quickly thinking, he used Instant Transmission to escape from the impact.

Kakarot was caught off guard as he looked behind him and saw Goku appearing behind him.

Goku - You got sloppy.

Without hesitation Goku tried the same 360 kick however Kakarot smiled as he quickly placed two fingers on his head and he as well used Instant Transmission. Getting the advantage as he blasted Goku down to the ground.

Goku slowly started to get up as he held his chest but he did admire Kakarot's strength and strategy.

Goku - Why am I not surprised that he knows Instant Transmission as well.

Kakarot landed as Goku caught his breath.

Kakarot - I think it's proof that you're quite outmatched.

Goku - You might be right...but I'm not giving up!

The fire inside Goku kept expanding as he powered up more but he powered down as he went back to his base.

Kakarot - What the?

Goku's body grew a bit in muscle with his hair getting longer, his eyes turning yellow and his top part of his gi was destroyed as red fur covered his upper body and his tail was exposed.

Goku once again became a Primal Super Saiyan.

Kakarot - I'm impressed. You skipped the second and third level, going straight to the fourth.

Goku instantly was confused.

Goku - Fourth?

Kakarot - Yeah. Super Saiyan 4.

Goku - That's a pretty lazy name.

Kakarot turned to base as he looked confused.

Kakarot - What do you mean? It's the four levels of Super Saiyan then the god form.

Goku - I call this Primal Super Saiyan.

Kakarot - .....

Goku - ......

Tony - Sorry Kakarot but Primal Super Saiyan is way better than 4 it's more unique.

Kakarot - Fuck you Tony.

Reed - I'm sorry. But yeah that's much cooler than the other.

Goku - Right. Me and my wife came with up with the name.

Kakarot - You know what. Just go to your full power.

Goku - Fine.

Goku remembered the memories of his guilty and he kept seeing Wanda while Kakarot's clothes also got destroyed but he transformed into his version of Primal. But something was changing, his aura was becoming a bit like a pinkish red aura.

Both let out a strong roar and Goku's eyes turned red with his fur turning gold and Kakarot's body didn't change only the color of his hair was a little more red.

Goku - I...I did it. This form won't last for a long fight but it should be enough to end this. Maybe 4 minutes or less so I need to end this now.

Kakarot - Your gonna face Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker.

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