Avengers vs Ultron
Goku was grabbing his power pole and tying a bag of Senzu Beans on his waist. He then saw the 4 star ball he had after he revived Krillin three years ago.
Goku - I can't wait to see you guys again.
Wanda - Goku?
Goku - Huh? Oh hi.
Wanda - I've been wondering why did you help us?
Goku - The real question is "Why wouldn't I help you guys?" I knew from the get go that both you and Pietro were good. I wanted to bring you guys to the right path. I understand your pain. I lost many and seen many things in my past but I make that my motivation to protect the innocent so that won't happen to them. I wanted to ask if you can ever do me a favor?
Wanda - Yes anything.
Goku - I'll tell you in time. Right now. Let's go to war.
Wanda smiled as she hugged him which shocked Goku but he smiled and hugged back as his heart was beating even faster than before. However Wanda heard it making her blush but she was giggling inside finding it cute how she was changing the way he was feeling, something she never felt before.
Pietro - You know if you two want to get a room then can it wait after today.
Both looked at Pietro then back at each other as they quickly separated with big blushes on their face. Goku quickly sped to the Quinjet as Pietro didn't say anything as he gave Wanda a sly smile basically telling her everything as he ran to the Quinjet.
Wanda - I hate him sometimes.
The Avengers headed to Sokovia and everyone split into groups evacuating the city the best they could before Ultron could start to fight. Tony went to Ultron in the church as he started to reveal the core.
Ultron - This is how you end Tony this is peace in my time.
Soon Ultron bots started to climb from under the ground as they attacked the city and civilian with the Avengers fighting back.
Wanda created a barrier protecting the people as Goku used his Power Pole to take out many of the bots even using it as a fan as he pushed the blast from the bots back towards them.
Wanda - Get off the bridge. Run!
Vision then came in and burned out Ultron from the Internet. But soon Ultron turned on the Vibranium device and Sokovia started to rise. Goku noticed the city started to rise from the ground as he grabbed as many people and helped them to the ground even saving some that almost fell in from the hole.
Ultron - Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure.
Goku punched away a bot breaking it as Clint shot an arrow taking down a bot but the other behind continued the monologue.
Ultron - Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world...will be metal.
Soon Natasha and Hulk came to the battlefield as Goku saw a group of people almost getting crushed as he quickly grabbed the building and save the people enough time to escape. He returned to Wanda and Clint fighting back against the bots.
Tony - Cap you got incoming.
Steve - Incoming already came in. (Sigh) Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job. Tear this things apart. If you get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off.
Clint and Goku were taking down many bots but Wanda was feeling pressured she was afraid and not fighting.
Goku quickly picked up Wanda and hid inside a building to catch his breath and to make sure she was safe.
Goku - Are you okay?
Wanda - Oh my goodness this is our fault.
Goku - Hey stop blaming yourself. It doesn't matter if you "did" started this. Right now the city is flying and we're fighting possibly a thousands robots but I'm going out there because it my responsibility.
Wanda - I'm just not as strong as you. How? How do you do it without feeling scared?
Goku grabbed her hand as he looked at her straight in her eyes as she saw the seriousness in his eyes.
Goku - I'm always afraid. Everything that's happen has scared me but I turned that fear into power. Plus you don't have to be like me. Being scared is normal but you let it hold you back. If your up for it then you fight and to protect. Stay here your good I'll have Pietro find you but when you step out that door, you will be an Avenger.
Wanda slowly nodded her head as Goku smiled and went back to the fight blasting and breaking many bots. Clint and Goku soon started doing tag team attacks taking down 5 or 7 at time.
Wanda soon came out from the doors and blasted many bots destroying many of them as they covered Goku as he was powering up a Kamehameha.
Clint - Now!
Goku - HAA!!!
The blast consumed several bots Goku even moved it to side to take out other bots away from civilians.
Clint - Alright were clear.
Steve - We are not clear! We are very not clear!
Clint - Alright coming to you.
Goku and Pietro raced to the scene as they carried Clint and Wanda with Tony figuring out how to blow up the city but Steve wouldn't leave without the civilians being safe.
However someone came right on time.
Fury - Glad you like the view Romanoff it's about to get better.
Fury - Nice right? Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do.
Steve - Fury, you son of bitch.
Fury - Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Goku laughed as him and Pietro helped many civilians on the boats with everyone else helping out as well. However Goku noticed Thor was having a bit of trouble against Ultron. Rhodey and Tony soon took out the bots threatening the carrier.
Ultron - You think your saving anyone? I turn that key and drop this rock a little earlier that's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that.
Thor - I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast...I am running out of things to say. Are you ready?
Ultron turned around to get attacked by both Goku and Vision. As both grabbed Mjolnir and pushed Ultron off of Thor.
Vision - It's terribly well-balanced.
Thor - Well if there's too much weight you lose power on the swing so.
Tony - Thor I got a plan!
Thor - We're out of time. They're coming for the core!
Tony - Avengers time to work for a living.
Everyone headed to the church with Goku ripping off his top half as he got ready for the next wave.
Natasha - What's the drill?
Goku - "This" is the drill. If Ultron gets his hands on it we lose.
Thor - Is that the best you can do?!
Ultron raised his hand as at least hundreds of bots came running in as Goku and Steve look at Thor with the same impression.
Goku/Steve - You had to ask.
Ultron - This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted all of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?
Tony - Like the old man said. "Together"
Hulk roared as the bots came in from every direction with the Avengers taking out every single bot.
Goku went to his red form again as he took out even more even doing a few combinations attacks with Wanda, Pietro and Thor. Soon Vision, Thor and Tony were pushing Ultron back even causing for his Vibranium body to start melting. But they stopped as Ultron started to limp and beginning to talk.....again.
Ultron - You know...with the benefit of hindsight.
Hulk punched him away as the other bots started to flee the city even some tried to stay and get to the core.
Rhodey tried to take care of all of them but Vision came in confusing him.
Steve - We gotta move out even I can tell the airs getting thin. You guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you.
Clint - What about the core?
Wanda - I'll protect it. It's my job.
Goku nodded as he left with Steve finding the people. Ultron however grabbed the Quinjet as he shot many of the Avengers even interrupting Natasha and Hulk.
Clint went back to the market to rescue a bot but Ultron was headed back.
Thor - This the last of them?!
Steve - Yeah. Everyone else is on the carrier.
Tony - You know this works, we maybe don't walk away.
Thor - Maybe not.
Clint picked up the boy as Ultron came in shooting the sentry gun pushing Thor, and Steve to the ground but Clint was ready for the bullets as Pietro and Goku saw and rushed to the scene. Clint waited for the bullets but it never came. Goku on the other hand was shocked because he saw Pietro standing there with bullet marks across his body. He failed.
Pietro - You didn't see that coming?
Pietro fell to the ground lifeless as Goku closed his eyes in frustration.
Wanda let out a giant release of power from her sadness. She saw Ultron crash on a train as Goku went to her and both went to Ultron but Goku decided Wanda should finish him off.
Ultron - Wanda. If you stay here, you'll die.
Wanda - I just did. Do you know how it felt?
She used her power to pull out the core as Goku could feel the sadness in her mind and heart.
Wanda - It felt like that.
Goku just sat there feeling nothing but guilt in himself for not being able to save him.
Goku - I'm sorry Pietro. I'm so sorry.
However he was interrupted when he felt the city falling automatically as Goku flew to the train remains and carried Wanda out of there.
Tony - Now!
Thor and Tony combined attack destroyed the city as Goku and Wanda watched the remains fall to the ocean. However Wanda just began to cry on Goku arms, he didn't stop her. Some small tears were let out from him.
Vision destroyed the last bot as everyone helped the civilians that were on the carrier find new homes.
(3 months later)
The Avengers moved to a new compound Upstate, New York as Natasha saw the video of the new member of the Barton family.
Nathaniel Pietro Barton.
Natasha - Fat.
However 4 Avengers were having a serious discussion in the History of "Serious Discussions"
Steve - The rules have changed.
Tony - We're dealing with something new.
Steve - Oh, the Vision is artificial intelligence.
Tony - A machine.
Steve - So it doesn't count.
Goku - Not really it's not like a person lifting the hammer.
Steve - Right, different rules for us
Tony - Nice guy. Artificial.
Steve - Thank you.
Thor - He can wield the hammer. He can keep the Mind Stone. It's safe with the Vision. And these days safe is in short supply.
Goku - ...But if you put the hammer on in elevator...
Tony - It would still go up.
Steve - Elevator's not worthy.
Thor - I'm gonna miss these little talks of ours.
Tony - Not if you don't leave.
Thor - I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the six Infinity Stones to appear in the last couple years. It's no coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us.
Goku - You think you figure out what's coming.
Thor - I do. Except for this one. There's nothing to be explained.
Tony just rolled his eyes. As Goku walked up to Thor.
Goku - Your gonna come by next month right.
Thor - I wouldn't miss it. I'll see you Young Warrior.
He nodded as he summoned the Bifrost and Goku smiled and left inside the compound waited for Steve.
Wanda soon came out as she smiled at Goku as he just smirked and shook his head. He couldn't deny it. He liked her.
Steve - Do you wanna keep staring at the wall, or do you wanna go to work? I mean it's a pretty interesting wall.
Goku - The left corner side is my favorite.
Natasha - I thought you and Wanda were done gazing into each other's eyes.
Goku - Mom!
Steve patted his back as Goku blushed but he brushed it off as they opened the door and saw the new members of the Avengers.
Falcon, War Machine, Vision, Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff.
Steve - Avengers......
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