A New Power
Everyone was in their suits and in different positions and Steve ran towards the Helicopter but before he could reach to it, a magnetic EMP got stuck to it, and disabling the chopper.
Steve looked up and saw Tony and Rhodey fly to him.
Tony - Wow it's so weird when you meet people at the airport. Don't you find that weird?
Rhodey - Definitely weird.
Steve - Hear me out Tony. The Doctor, the psychiatrist. He's behind all of this.
T'Challa would jump in to the scene and land next to Steve.
T'Challa - Captain.
Steve - Your highness.
Tony - Anyway Ross gave 36 hours to bring you in, that was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?
Steve - Your after the wrong guy.
Tony - Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.
Steve - And there are five more Super Soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first Tony I can't.
Natasha - Steve. You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?
Tony - ....Alright I run out of patience. Underoos!
A web attached to Steve's shield and webbed his hands as the mysterious person landed with the shield in his right arm.
Spider-Man - Hey everyone.
Suddenly music started playing as Spider-Man put the shield in his head like it was a fedora and Billie Jean played in the background.
Tom - This is my jam!
Everyone laughed as Goku started moonwalking with everyone laughing.
Chris/Downey - Hee Hee!
(LOL Back to the actual story)
Tony - Nice job kid.
Spider-Man - Thanks. I mean I could have stuck the landing a little better it's just the new suit. Wait it's nothing Mr. Stark it's perfect thank you.
Tony - Yeah we don't really need to start a conversation.
Spider-Man - Okay. Ca-Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.
Steve - You've been busy.
Tony - And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even wanna leave. A safe place! I'm trying to keep!...I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.
Steve - You did that when you signed.
Tony - All right we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us now because it's us...or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite.
Steve stayed silent with Tony hoping that he would accept and surrender.
Sam - We found it. Their Quinjet's in hangar five, north runway.
Steve raised his arms as Clint shot off the web and Scott backflipped kicked Spider-Man off of the shield and gave it back to Steve.
Tony - Oh great. All right there's two in the parking deck, one of them is Maximoff. I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey you wanna take Cap?
Rhodey - Got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes.
T'Challa - Barnes is mine.
Steve threw his shield at Rhodey and Spider-Man went to the terminal as Steve pushed away T'Challa.
T'Challa - Move Captain. I won't ask a second time.
Both of them continued to battle as Spider-Man went towards Sam and Bucky and Tony rushed towards Wanda and Clint.
Tony - Wanda I think you hurt Vision's feelings.
Wanda - You locked me in my room.
Tony - First off that's an expression. Second I did it to protect you. Hey Clint.
Clint - Hey man.
Tony - It seems retirement doesn't suit you. Got tired of shooting golf?
Clint - Well I played it 18, shot 18...just can't seem to miss.
He shot a few arrows to Tony as he blew them up easily.
Tony - Well first time for everything.
Clint - Made you look.
Goku came in and with the help of Wanda both threw cars at Tony's direction trying to avoid a direct fight and just keep him distracted enough so they could leave. Tony would end up messing up and got caught under at least 6 cars.
Clint - Not bad combo you guys. Both of you been doing some secret partner training?
Goku - We took precautions that we would fight some of them sooner or later. So we did a few safety attacks to neutralize them.
Goku would leave them as he went to help Steve fight T'Challa and Rhodey. He and Scott would arrive at the same time.
Scott - Hey Cap.
He threw a toy truck and told him to throw it at a circular object. Steve would throw it and the toy increased in size of an actual truck and blowing up on impact taking down Rhodey to the ground.
Scott - Oh man I thought that was a water truck. Uh sorry.
All of them ran towards the Quinjet's direction and Goku stopped them as Vision arrived to the battlefield.
Vision - Captain Rogers. I know that you believe what your doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.
Everyone grouped up together and they were in a stand off. Goku didn't wanted this to happen, he finally had a family but now look at them.
Sam - What do we do Cap?
Steve - We fight.
Both grouped walked towards each other and they started to run and at full speed both teams were having a show down as Vision and Goku took to the skies and started their battle.
Goku dodged Vision's blows with ease but he knew he was holding back.
Goku - If your gonna fight then don't hold back.
Goku instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan and punched Vision away and return to his base only for Vision to come back and Goku quickly powered back up and continued to fight Vision.
Wanda would assist many others from getting too hurt or killed as she threw away T'Challa and Natasha easily.
Wanda - You were pulling your punches.
Goku - Jeez babe you went hard.
Wanda - I know. Sorry.
Goku continued the battle as he pushed Vision away with a Kamehameha wave. However Tony came in and punched Goku to the ground and even with the attack being a cheap shot it hurt Goku so much that he was bleeding.
Goku - How?
Tony - Kid...you think that I would let you train and not study you. Unlike Banner I took the chance and got your blood. Now trust me when I say...you should surrender.
Goku powered up even further and tried to attack but Tony just barely dodged and blasted him away.
Goku rushed towards Tony and delivered many attacks with half of them landing and the others being dodged or blocked. Rhodey used a sonic cannon hurting Goku and even stopping him from killing Tony.
Vision - He's loosing his mind. We may need to restrain him.
Before they could do anything Clint and Wanda arrived and helped him up and back to his senses.
Goku - Sorry I didn't know what came over me.
All of them ran to Cap's and Bucky's direction but Rhodey was chasing Steve shooting a missile making him loose balance and dropping his shield but Bucky came in and threw the shield to Rhodey hitting him directly. Quickly Goku pulled out his power pole and hit the shield like it was a ball, again hitting Rhodey again in the face but making him fall to the ground as Sam flew by grabbing the shield and throwing it back to Steve.
Steve - Thanks.
Bucky - I gotta get myself one of those.
Goku flew to another direction and he saw the Spider-Man about to attack Wanda as he grabbed him and pushed him away from her as both had a stare down.
Spider-Man - This...this is kinda awkward.
Goku - You tell me Peter.
Peter - H-How?!
Goku - Dude I can sense energy. I'm proud you got power but I'm telling you...your in the wrong here.
Peter - I have to stop you.
T'Challa - Friend?
Goku turned to his left and saw T'Challa getting ready for battle as Goku took his stance and he went for T'Challa first and both were even but Peter webbed Goku's body back and it gave T'Challa a chance to land hard blows to his upper body area.
Goku quickly dodged and landed an uppercut and quickly turning into Super Saiyan for a second as he jumped landing a high kick and hard kick T'Challa's face.
Peter tried to web Goku's hands but Goku just pulled them and Peter was taken down by a hard clothesline.
Goku - I'm sorry.
He ran to the other's direction with regret in his mind.
Bucky - We need to go. That guy is probably in Siberia by now.
Steve - We need to draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision you get to the jet.
Sam - No both of you get to the jet. The rest of us aren't getting out of here!
Clint - As much as I hate to say it. If we wanna win this then some of us might have to lose it.
Goku - This isn't the real fight Steve. But luckily I have the right plan. However it will take some time so I need someone to create a diversion, something big.
Scott - I got something kinda big but I can't hold it very long.
Goku - Perfect just try to distract them as long as you can. I believe in you Scott.
Scott was kinda happy that Goku was telling him that. He jumped on Rhodey and used his trump card and increased his size as he was now "Giant Man"
Goku/Peter - Holy shit!
Steve - I guess that's the diversion.
Goku quickly took this chance and flew high to the sky as he looked at Wanda as she nodded and inside his mind, she removed the barrier and Goku started to power up even higher than he has before. The bright light coming from him blinded everyone but Tony believed it was Super Saiyan God.
Tony - Damn I wasn't hoping to use this. Goku I didn't just study you but I also studied your power and I have the perfect counter for it.
He called one of his suits and he quickly changed from his current suit to a white and black armor.
Tony - Welcome back Star Shooter 2.0.
Goku body started to get even more buff as his hair didn't change color but it was growing and his eyes went blood red and he released a roar as he was transforming into something new.
Wanda - Please Goku your close get some control.
Sam - Wanda what is this?
Goku released another roar as the power pushed everyone away and created an explosion as the smoke covered the area where Goku was.
Natasha - Goku no!
The smoke started to disappear but everyone was shocked with what they saw. A new figure who looked like Goku but he had longer hair, his body was covered with a reddish pink fur even his tail was the same color. He had yellow eyes everyone was amazed they couldn't tell how strong he was but the pressure in the air told them otherwise.
Wanda - We call this Primal Super Saiyan.
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