「So That's What Black Does?~」

「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
❨Saki Fake Shyness❩
"Didn't you two learn your lesson?
*A Young Man with interesting hair color & style, who's name is Ezumachi-Kun, wore a annoyed expression as he had to stop his painting of the very colorful School, and look at two certain someone that stood in his way*

"❨Well, I just want school to be a peaceful place...❩"
*One of the Two was a Young 'Shy?' Girl with brown hair, silver eyes, had a green uniform and had a mask on her face, this was Saki Sukinasaki and somewhat felt out of place being here*

"「I'm the Student Council President, I can't stand by and watch the School be defaced」"
*The Other One of the Two was a Young 'Smiling' Man with black hair, black uniform and 'Innocent' blue eyes, this was Kumagawa Misogi, and he was here with a purpose*

"「Ezumachi-Kun, technically, you are a reinstated student, so I'm willing to negotiate」"
*When the one known as Kumagawa said this, the Color Guy raised an eyebrow while the Masked Girl looked confused*

*For some reason, Saki was starting to worry*

"「Yes, I won't ask the drama that occurred between you and Jakago-San, it's irrelevant, after the chromatic terrorism you've engaged in for your own recreation, this isn't Art」"
*Kumagawa ignore Sukinasaki confused face and just continues to talk with the Painter*

"「This is a prank~...」"
*The Artists frown in slight anger after hearing the word Kumagawa used on what he was doing*

"「So, Ezumachi-Kun...」"
*Kumagawa suddenly wore a slight 'Evil Grin', which made everyone look at him and wonder what he was thinking now*

"「If you grant me the right to choose the color of Panties across the World, as the Student Council President, I'll allow you to paint the School as you please!~」"
*Said 'Evil Grin' was instantly replaced with something more innocent, as Kumagawa shamelessly and dramatically reveals his inner desires*

"❨That's Despicable! You're Contradicting Yourself!❩"
*Before Saki could complain and point out how Misogi was such a Paradox, the Color Guy decided he has heard enough and quickly used the color '[Grey]', which made the clothes on the Minus turn into said color and started to crumble away, which surprised the Two*

'❨He changed his Uniform to a [Brittle Gray], so it would shatter, that means he's going to use [Blue] on your bare skin again!❩'
*Saki suddenly got very worried and looked back at the Painter, who grabbed a tube of '[Blue]' paint*

"I'll paint your body '[Blue]' until you die, '[Color Of Beauty]'!"
*Even though Ezumachi-Kun used his power and even yelled out his power's name, nothing happened, which startled the Artist*

"「[Blue]? Unfortunately, you've run out of that color~...」"
*Kumagawa suddenly threw a large [Screw] at the Color Guy, which stabbed into his shoulder and made him stumble backwards*

*Ezumachi-Kun realized fully that his power did not work, but he couldn't understand why*

"Why? Why Aren't You Turning '[Blue]'?!"
*Ezumachi-Kun was getting frustrated and was planning on using his powers again, thinking he just messed up somehow, though before he could*

"「Look up at the Sky, Ezumachi-Kun~」"
*After Kumagawa said this, the Painter couldn't help but listen, though, when he did look up, instead of seeing a familiar Bright 'BLUE' Sky, he instead saw all 'RED', which made him gasps and almost fall in extreme shock*

*Ezumachi-Kun was very confused and panicking on what was happening, since he knew he wasn't responsible for this*

"「It was the only way~」"
*The voice of Kumagawa snapped the Artist out his thoughts*

"「Blue no longer exists, so the sky had to turn red~」"
*The Rainbow Dude looked back at Kumagawa and saw that he was wearing his clothes again, as if nothing has ever happened*

"Blue no longer exists, do you mean that..."
*Ezumachi-Kun eyes went wide in horrific realization*

"❨Kumagawa-Kun, did you undo the existence of the color 'Blue'?❩"
*Saki could barely believe on what she was hearing, which made the Good Loser smile widely in insanity*

"「Yes, '[All Fiction]'~...」"
*Kumagawa spread his arms and looks at what he has done with such overexaggerated drama in his movements*

"「I removed the color 'Blue' from this world, no more 'Blue Skies' or 'Blue Seas', no one will ever feel 'Blue' again~...」"
*Kumagawa chuckles as he watch the body of the Colorful Guy starting to shake*

"W-Wait, you removed the color 'Blue' from the entire world just to protect yourself, Do You Realize How Evil That Is?!"
*Ezumachi-Kun could not comprehend on how someone could do this*

*Kumagawa tilted his head innocently*

"「It's Not My Fault~」"
*A large smirk appears on the face of Kumagawa*

"「And I'm not stopping with 'Blue' either」"
*Once Kumagawa said this, everything suddenly had a green color to it*

"「Meaning that 'Red' never existed, either~...」"
*Kumagawa was taking sadistic joy in watching the Rainbow Dude freaking out about all that he was doing*

"R-Red is gone! What Color Will Mean 'Stop' Now?!"
*Ezumachi-Kun wanted to stop and fix all this, but without the color, which was now gone, there was nothing he could do but watch in despair*

"「Now this is 'Art', Ezumachi-Kun, so how did you plan to use '[Red]' as a weapon?」"
*Kumagawa rubs his chin and started to wonder*

"「I'm dying with curiosity~...」"
*Kumagawa smile's was filled with nothing but mocking and such despicableness*

*Ezumachi-Kun grabbed his hair and started pulling it out with extreme uncontrollable emotions*

"Stop Taking Color Away From The World! DON'T REMOVE COLOR'S EXISTENCE FROM THE WORLD!!!"
*Ezumachi-Kun begs and yells at the Crawling Chaos to stop on what he was doing*

"「Come on, Ezumachi-Kun, wait a second, I never planned to go that far, I was only going to remove the '12 Basic Colors'~」"
*Kumagawa suddenly stabbed a [Screw] into the ground*

"「But if you expect me to go all the way, I must comply~」"
*Kumagawa place a foot on the spinning weapon and leans forward with a sinister grin on his face*

*Ezumachi-Kun tries to beg even more to stop all this, but the Kafka did not listen*

"「[All Fiction]~...」"
*When Kumagawa slammed the [Screw] deeper into the ground, all of the color that ever existed, all of it, it just 'Disappeared', which left everything in a state of 'Black' & 'White', like the symbol of 'Yin & Yang', or the fur of a Panda, the Masked Girl look around in shock, while the Painter fell on his knees in complete defeat*

"「No color exist anymore, and since color no longer exists, your skill in controlling colors doesn't exist either」"
*Kumagawa was the only one who didn't look bothered, was even taking a moment to look around and at himself, seeing what has really changed due to his meddling*

"「But don't worry, while no color may remain, the colors of the 'World's Panties' are forever 'Eternal'~」"
*This statement of Kumagawa made the 'Shy' Friend blush and cover between her legs in extreme embarrassment, which made the Misogi laugh*

"H-How dare you, how can you do such a thing..."
*The voice of Ezumachi-Kun made the Two look back at him, who quickly stood back up and had his blade out*

*Ezumachi-Kun yells out in extreme anger as he begins to rush and charge towards the Minus, with the full intent of wanting to kill him without any kind of mercy or forgiveness*

"There never was any meaning..."
*As soon as the blades went in the eye of Kumagawa, a who bunch of [Screws] came out the ground and pierced/lifted the body of the Artist, which raised him high in the air and splatter black color blood on everyone*

"Color changes nothing..."
*Kumagawa suddenly spoke in a tone that made Sukinasaki step back in fear*

"The World is meaningless, Humans are born with no purpose, Live for no reason, and Die for nothing, because this World is pointless and our lives are aimless..."
*Kumagawa spoke nothing but the truth and how he sees everything, which was enough to make even the Masked Girl question everything she once knew, though, as for the Color Guy, he just lets out a small smirk*

"Heh... '[Color Of Beauty]'..."
*Ezumachi-Kun, before dying fully, used his power one last time, which confused the Good Loser at first, but then nearly tripped and fall after he felt the ground suddenly shift*

*After Saki Sukinasaki yells those words in such a terrified tone, Kumagawa Misogi looked down and saw that Ezumachi-Kun used the 'Black' color of his blood to make him and his Shy Friend sink and slowly disappear into the puddle of 'Blackness', though while the Masked Girl just continue to freak out and try to escape, the Minus couldn't help but tap his lips and realized something*

"「Oops, forgot to erase 'Black'~」"
To those that haven't watch or read Medaka Box, I will not include Ajimu or Medaka, only Kumagawa & Saki, that's it.
(At the moment, they're just Friends, but maybe I'll add in some Romance, we'll see)

/Where To Send The Ruled & Rulers\
I'm thinking of sending them in the world of Heros & Villains, aka My Hero Academia, just to see what will happen and how they'll react~
(And yes, this will replace the other Kumagawa X MHA, only because I wanna focus on only one of them, though unless you have a better idea on where I should send them, then maybe, but until then, sorry)

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